20182018 英语专四真题及参考答案英语专四真题及参考答案20182018 英语专业四级考试真题及参考答案英语专业四级考试真题及参考答案PARTPARTIIIIIILANGUAGE USAGELANGUAGE USAGEThereThere areare twentytwenty sentencessentences inin thisthis section.section.BeneathBeneath eacheach sentencesentence therethere areare fourfour optionsoptionsmarked A,B,C and D.marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that bestChoose the one that bestcompletescompletes thethe sentencesentence oror answersanswers thethe question.question.Mark hour answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.Mark hour answers on ANSWER SHEET TWO.11.11.TheThe BentBent PyramidPyramid outsideoutside CairoCairo _ancientancientEgyptEgypt s sfirstfirstattemptattempttotobuildbuilda asmooth-sided pyramid.smooth-sided pyramid.A.has been believed to have beenA.has been believed to have beenB.was believed to beB.was believed to beC.is believed to have beenC.is believed to have beenD.is believed to beD.is believed to be12.12.U.S.U.S.NewsNews _ rankingsrankings ofof collegescollegessincesince 1983.1983.TheyThey areare a a veryvery popularpopular resourceresource forforstudents looking to apply to university campus.students looking to apply to university campus.A.maintainsA.maintainsB.is maintainingB.is maintainingC.maintainedC.maintainedD.has been maintainingD.has been maintaining13.13.HeHe waswas luredlured intointo a a crimecrime hehe wouldwould notnot_have committed._have committed.A.actuallyA.actuallyB.accidentallyB.accidentallyC.otherwiseC.otherwiseD.seldomD.seldom14.14.SheShe waswas onceonce a a youngyoung countrycountry wifewife withwithchickenschickensininthethebackyardbackyardandanda aviewviewofof_mountainsmountainsbehindbehindthetheappleappleorchard.orchard.A.blue hazy VirginiaA.blue hazy VirginiaB.hazy blue VirginiaB.hazy blue VirginiaC.Virginia hazy blueC.Virginia hazy blueD.Virginia blue hazyD.Virginia blue hazy15.I long to alleviate _,but I cannot.15.I long to alleviate _,but I cannot.A.the evilA.the evilB.evilB.evilC.evilsC.evilsD.an evilD.an evil16.16.Indeed,Indeed,it it is is arguablearguable thatthat bodybody shatteringshattering is isthe very point of football,as killing and maimingthe very point of football,as killing and maiming_._.A.warA.warB.are warB.are warC.of warC.of warD.are of warD.are of war17.17.AtAt _,_,photographyphotography is is a a chemicalchemicalprocess,during which a light-sensitive material isprocess,during which a light-sensitive material isaltered when exposed to light.altered when exposed to light.A.its most basicA.its most basicB.its basicB.its basicC.the most basicC.the most basicD.the basicD.the basic18.She hired a lawyer to investigate,only to learn18.She hired a lawyer to investigate,only to learnthat Gabriel had removed her name from the deed.that Gabriel had removed her name from the deed.The infinitive verb phraseThe infinitive verb phrase“only to learnonly to learn”is used is used_._.A.to express an intended purposeA.to express an intended purposeB.to indicate a high degree of possibilityB.to indicate a high degree of possibilityC.to reveal an undesirable consequenceC.to reveal an undesirable consequenceD.to dramatize a stated factD.to dramatize a stated fact19.Which of the following italicized words DOES19.Which of the following italicized words DOESNOT carry the metaphorical meaning?NOT carry the metaphorical meaning?A.I wonder whatA.I wonder what s s behindbehind this change of plan.this change of plan.B.B.JimJim turnedturned toto speakspeak toto thethe personperson standingstandingbehindbehind him.him.C.This work should have been finished yesterday.C.This work should have been finished yesterday.I I m getting terriblym getting terribly behindbehind.D.D.I I suppose Isuppose I mm luckylucky becausebecause mymy parentsparents werewerebehindbehind me all the way.me all the way.20.20.MyMy mothermother waswas determineddetermined toto helphelp thosethose ininneed and sheneed and she would have beenwould have been immensely proud ofimmensely proud ofwhatwhat hashas beenbeen achievedachieved thesethese lastlast 2020 years.years.TheTheitalicized part in the sentence expresses _.italicized part in the sentence expresses _.A.a hypothesisA.a hypothesisB.a suggestionB.a suggestionC.a contradictionC.a contradictionD.a surpriseD.a surprise21.When the police officers who took part in the21.When the police officers who took part in theKingKing beatingbeating werewere firstfirst broughtbrought toto _,_,theirtheir lawyerslawyers usedused thethe videotapevideotape asas evidenceevidenceagainst the prosecution.against the prosecution.A.justiceA.justiceB.testimonyB.testimonyC.trialC.trialD.verdictD.verdict22._,the most controversial candidate in22._,the most controversial candidate inthethe electionelection campaign,campaign,hehe hashas beenbeen stronglystronglycriticized for his crude comments about women.criticized for his crude comments about women.A.QuestionablyA.QuestionablyB.ArguablyB.ArguablyC.ContentiouslyC.ContentiouslyD.DebatablyD.Debatably23.23.PricesPriceshavehaverecentlyrecentlyrisenrisenininorderordertoto_ the increased cost of raw materials._ the increased cost of raw materials.A.cutA.cutB.buoyB.buoyC.offerC.offerD.offsetD.offset24.The celebrity says in court papers she24.The celebrity says in court papers she“has nohas no_ of giving any authorization to anyone_ of giving any authorization to anyoneto proceed with a divorce.to proceed with a divorce.”A.recommendationA.recommendationB.recordingB.recordingC.recollectionC.recollectionD.recognitionD.recognition25.What actually _ a good angle25.What actually _ a good angle orora a goodgood selfieselfie overalloverall is is rootedrooted inin whatwhat weweconsider beautiful.consider beautiful.A.consistsA.consistsB.constitutesB.constitutesC.composesC.composesD.constructsD.constructs26.The school is going the _ mile to create26.The school is going the _ mile to createthe next generation of sporting stars thanks to itsthe next generation of sporting stars thanks to itsunique development program.unique development program.A.finalA.finalB.furtherB.furtherC.supplementaryC.supplementaryD.extraD.extra27.27.TheThe teachersteachersunionunion _ a a lawsuitlawsuitagainstagainstthethedistrictdistrictcallingcallingforforrepairingrepairing“deplorabledeplorable”school conditions.school conditions.A.firedA.firedB.filedB.filedC.finedC.finedD.filledD.filled28.28.LastLast MarchMarch the _the _ ofof a a 1919ththcenturycenturycargocargoshipshipwaswasfoundfoundbybyananunderwaterunderwaterarchaeological team.archaeological team.A.debrisA.debrisB.ruinsB.ruinsC.remainsC.remainsD.wreckD.wreck29.29.SheShe s swornwornhishisdesignsdesignsonon_occasions from red carpets to movie premieres.occasions from red carpets to movie premieres.A.countlessA.countlessB.countableB.countableC.numericalC.numericalD.numeralD.numeral30.30.A Aleadingleading_intelligenceintelligenceandandoperationsoperations companycompany hashas releasedreleased itsits analysisanalysis ofofworldwide reported incidents of piracy and crimeworldwide reported incidents of piracy and crimeagainst mariners.against mariners.A.oceangoingA.oceangoingB.oceanicB.oceanicC.marineC.marineD.maritimeD.maritimePARTPARTIVIVCLOZECLOZEDecide which of the words given in the boxDecide which of the words given in the boxbelow would best complete the passage if insertedbelow would best complete the passage if insertedinin thethe correspondingcorresponding blank.blank.TheThe wordswords cancan bebeused ONCE ONLY.Mark the letter for each wordused ONCE ONLY.Mark the letter for each wordon ANSWER SHEET.on ANSWER SHEET.A.A.accompaniesaccompaniesB.B.automaticallyautomaticallyC.C.couplecoupleD.goesD.goesE.indebtednessE.indebtednessF.F.kindkindG.G.mannermannerH.H.mercifullymercifullyI.oneI.oneJ.obeyJ.obeyK.K.renownedrenownedL.L.subscribesubscribeM.M.unknownunknownN.virtueN.virtueO.widespreadO.widespreadA Few years ago,a university professor tried a little experiment.He sentA Few years ago,a university professor tried a little experiment.He sentChristmasChristmas cardscards toto a a samplesample ofof perfectperfect strangers.strangers.AlthoughAlthough hehe expectedexpected somesomereaction,reaction,thethe responseresponse hehe receivedreceived waswas amazingamazingholidayholiday cardscards addressedaddressed toto himhimcame pouring back from the people who had never met nor heard of him.The greatcame pouring back from the people who had never met nor heard of him.The greatmajoritymajority ofof thosethose whowho returnedreturned a a cardcard nevernever inquiredinquired intointo thethe identityidentity ofof thetheunknown professor.They received his holiday greeting card,and they automaticallyunknown professor.They received his holiday greeting card,and they automaticallysent one in return.This study shows the action of one of the most powerful of thesent one in return.This study shows the action of one of the most powerful of theweapons of influence around usweapons of influence around us the rule for reciprocation.The rule says that wethe rule for reciprocation.The rule says that weshould try to repay,in kind,what another person has provided us.If a woman doesshould try to repay,in kind,what another person has provided us.If a woman doesus a favor,we should do her one in return;if a man sends us a birthday present,weus a favor,we should do her one in return;if a man sends us a birthday present,weshouldshould rememberremember hishis birthdaybirthday withwith a a giftgift ofof ourour own;own;if if a a couplecouple invitesinvites usus toto a aparty,we should be sure to invite them to one of ours.By virtue of the reciprocityparty,we should be sure to invite them to one of ours.By virtue of the reciprocityrule,then,we are obligated to the future repayment of favors,gifts,invitations,andrule,then,we are obligated to the future repayment of favors,gifts,invitations,andthethe like.like.SoSo typicaltypical is is it it forfor indebtednessindebtedness toto accompanyaccompany thethe receiptreceipt ofof suchsuch thingsthingsthat a term like“much obliged”has become a synonym for“thank you,”not only inthat a term like“much obliged”has become a synonym for“thank you,”not only inthe English language but in others as well.the English language but in others as well.The impressive aspect of the rule for reciprocation and the sense of obligationThe impressive aspect of the rule for reciprocation and the sense of obligationthat goes with it is its pervasiveness in human culture.It is so widespread that afterthat goes with it is its pervasiveness in human culture.It is so widespread that afterintensiveintensive study,study,sociologistssociologists suchsuch asas AlvinAlvin GoldenerGoldener cancan reportreport thatthat therethere is is nonohuman society that does not subscribe to the rule.human society that does not subscribe to the rule.PART VPART VREADING COMPREHENSIONREADING COMPREHENSIONSECTIONSECTIONQUESTIONSQUESTIONSA AMULTIPLEMULTIPLECHOICECHOICEInIn thisthis sectionsection therethere areare threethree passagespassagesfollowedfollowed byby tenten multiplemultiple choicechoice questions.questions.ForForeacheach multiplemultiple choicechoice question,question,therethere areare fourfoursuggestedsuggested answersanswers markedmarked A,A,B,B,C C andand D.D.Choose the one that you think is the best answerChoose the one that you think is the best answerandand markmark youryour answersanswers onon ANSWERANSWER SHEETSHEETTWO.TWO.PASSAGE ONEPASSAGE ONE(1 1)TheThe earliestearliest settlerssettlers camecame toto thethe NorthNorthAmerican continent to establish colonies that wereAmerican continent to establish colonies that werefreefree fromfrom thethe controlscontrols thatthat existedexisted inin EuropeanEuropeansocieties.societies.TheyThey wantedwanted toto escapeescape thethe controlscontrolsplacedplaced onon theirtheir liveslives byby kingskings andand governments,governments,priestspriests andand churches,churches,noblemennoblemen andand aristocrats.aristocrats.The historic decisions made by those first settlersThe historic decisions made by those first settlershave had a profound effect on the shapinghave had a profound effect on the shapingof theof theAmerican character.By limiting the power of theAmerican character.By limiting the power of thegovernmentgovernment andand thethe churcheschurches andand eliminatingeliminating a aformalformal aristocracy,aristocracy,theythey createdcreated a a climateclimate ofoffreedom where the emphasis was on the individual.freedom where the emphasis was on the individual.IndividualIndividual freedomfreedom is probably the mostis probably the most basic ofbasic ofallall thethe AmericanAmerican values.values.ByBy freedom,freedom,AmericansAmericansmeanmean thethe desiredesire andand thethe abilityability ofof allall individualsindividualstoto controlcontrol theirtheir ownown destinydestiny withoutwithout outsideoutsideinterference from the government,a ruling nobleinterference from the government,a ruling nobleclass,class,thethechurch,church,ororanyanyotherotherorganizedorganizedauthority.authority.(2)There is,however,a price to be paid for(2)There is,however,a price to be paid forthisthis individualindividual freedom:freedom:self-reliance.self-reliance.It It meansmeansthat Americans believe they should stand on theirthat Americans believe they should stand on theirownown feet,feet,achievingachieving bothboth financialfinancial andand emotionalemotionalindependenceindependence fromfrom theirtheir parentsparents asas earlyearly asaspossible,usually by age 18 or 21.possible,usually by age 18 or 21.(3)(3)A Asecondsecondimportantimportantreasonreasonwhywhyimmigrantsimmigrants havehave traditionallytraditionally beenbeen drawndrawn toto thetheUnitedUnited StatesStates is is thethe beliefbelief thatthat everyoneeveryone hashas a aequalequal chancechance toto enterenter a a racerace andand succeedsucceed inin thethegame.Because titles of nobility were forbidden ingame.Because titles of nobility were forbidden inthe Constitution,no formal class system developedthe Constitution,no formal class system developedin the U.S.in the U.S.(4)There is,however,a price to be paid for(4)There is,however,a price to be paid forthis equality of opportunity:competition.If muchthis equality of opportunity:competition.If muchof life is seen as race,then a person must run theof life is seen as race,then a person must run theracerace inin orderorder toto succeed;succeed;a a personperson mustmust competecompetewithwith others.others.TheThe pressurespressures ofof competitioncompetition inin thethelifelife ofof anan AmericanAmerican beginbegin inin childhoodchildhood andandcontinue until retirement from work.In fact,anycontinue until retirement from work.In fact,anygroup of people who does not compete successfullygroup of people who does not compete successfullydoes not fit into the mainstream of American lifedoes not fit into the mainstream of American lifeas well as those who do.as well as those who do.(5)(5)A A thirdthird reasonreason whywhy immigrantsimmigrants havehavetraditiona