20222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材阅读素材 646420222022 届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材届高考英语一轮复习话题阅读素材 6464The Story of CornThe Story of CornBeforeBefore 1492,1492,whenwhen ColumbusColumbus discovereddiscovered America,America,nono oneoneliving in Europe knew corn existed.Up to this time,corn grew only inliving in Europe knew corn existed.Up to this time,corn grew only inthethe Americas.Americas.ScientistsScientists believedbelieved corncorn waswas originallyoriginally cultivatedcultivated bybyIndians in the highlands of Mexico thousands of years ago.AmericanIndians in the highlands of Mexico thousands of years ago.AmericanIndiansIndians werewere growinggrowing corncorn inin manymany partsparts ofof NorthNorth AmericaAmerica loglogbeforebeforethethefirstfirstarrivalarrivalofofEuropeanEuropeanexplorersexplorersandandtraders.traders.Christopher Columbus and the explorers that followed him took cornChristopher Columbus and the explorers that followed him took cornbackback toto EuropeEurope andand introducedintroduced it it toto thethe world.world.NativeNative AmericanAmericanIndians taught European colonists to grow many varieties of the cornIndians taught European colonists to grow many varieties of the cornincluding yellow,re,blue,pink,and black kernels.As time went on,including yellow,re,blue,pink,and black kernels.As time went on,thethe newnew settlessettles toto AmericaAmerica beganbegan toto dependdepend onon corncorn asas oneone ofof thethemost important farm crops.American farmers have always wantedmost important farm crops.American farmers have always wantedto grow strong healthy corn plants that yield as much as possible.Into grow strong healthy corn plants that yield as much as possible.Inthe later 1800s scientists worked on the development of hybrid corn.the later 1800s scientists worked on the development of hybrid corn.This research led to better varieties of corn and higher yields.This research led to better varieties of corn and higher yields.DidDid youyou knowknow corncorn is is usedused toto helphelp produceproduce antibiotics,antibiotics,babybabyfoods,foods,condensedcondensed milk,milk,somesome fruitfruit juicesjuices andand eveneven peanutpeanut butter?butter?FromFrom thethe corncorn syrupsyrup inin youryour sodasoda poppop toto thousandsthousands ofof productsproducts-animalanimal feed,feed,humanhuman food,food,drugs,drugs,cosmetics,cosmetics,corncorn sweetenersweetener andandcleansers,just to name a few.Beyond its food and consumer productcleansers,just to name a few.Beyond its food and consumer product第 2 页uses,uses,corncorn is is replacingreplacing petroleumpetroleum inin manymany industrialindustrial applications,applications,fromfrom plasticplastic containerscontainers toto clean-burningclean-burning ethanol.ethanol.BecauseBecause corncornproductsproducts areare a a biodegradablebiodegradable andand renewablerenewable naturalnatural resource,resource,theytheyare better for the environment than their petroleum counterparts.are better for the environment than their petroleum counterparts.CornCorn andand productsproducts mademade fromfrom corncorn improveimprove thethe liveslives ofofAmericans in thousands of little way.If corn and its products werentAmericans in thousands of little way.If corn and its products werentavailable,available,manymany commoncommon productsproducts wouldwould bebe lessless useful,useful,moremoreexpensive,expensive,eveneven unavailable.unavailable.HereHere areare somesome examplesexamples ofof thethe littlelittleannoyances and bigger problems Americans would face without corn:annoyances and bigger problems Americans would face without corn:No freezing pizza.Freezing pizza is a problem,because the moistureNo freezing pizza.Freezing pizza is a problem,because the moisturein the sauce can migratein the sauce can migrateinto the crust,making it so soggy that itsinto the crust,making it so soggy that itsunappealing to eat.Modified corn starch is used to provide a barrierunappealing to eat.Modified corn starch is used to provide a barrierthat prevents water migration and keeps the crust crisp.On a low-fatthat prevents water migration and keeps the crust crisp.On a low-fatdiet?diet?SaySay thankthank youyou forfor corn.corn.ManyMany low-fatlow-fat foodsfoods dependdepend ononcorn-derivedcorn-derived foodfood starchesstarches toto provideprovide qualitiesqualities thatthat usedused toto comecomefromfrom fats.fats.ExamplesExamples includeinclude everythingeverything fromfrom low-fatlow-fat saladsalad dressingdressingtoto bakedbaked goodsgoods andand meatmeat products.products.FrustratingFrustrating wallpapering.wallpapering.If Ifyouve installed wallpaper,you know how important it is to have timeyouve installed wallpaper,you know how important it is to have timeto adjust each strip accurately.Repositioning is possible because theto adjust each strip accurately.Repositioning is possible because thewallpaper paste is made with corn starch modified to slow down itswallpaper paste is made with corn starch modified to slow down itsadhesiveadhesive action.action.BrownBrown lettucelettuce leaves.leaves.ManyMany fruitsfruits andand vegetablesvegetablesstart to turn an unattractive brown once theyre cut and exposed tostart to turn an unattractive brown once theyre cut and exposed to第 3 页第 4 页