现代交换网及信令Switching and Signaling)SYLLABUS PLAN课程性质专业必修课课程编号xx4I6212课程名称现代交换网及信令Switching and Signaling适用专业通信工程先修课程数据通信与网络总学时64其中理论50学时,实验14学时学分数 4一、课程简介Changes in the structure of the telecommunications industry and market conditions have brought new opportunities and challenges for network operators and public service providers. Switching Networks that have been primarily focused on providing better data communication services are evolving to meet new multimedia communications challenges and competitive pressures. Services based on Frame Relay, asynchronous transfer mode, MPLS and synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH/synchronous optical network (SONET) architectures provide the flexible infrastructure essential for success in this evolving market.Today students wanting to understand the concepts and mechanisms underlying switching network come from a variety of academic and professional backgrounds. To be useful, the course on Switch Networks & Applications must be accessible to students with a little technical backgrounds while still providing substance comprehensive enough to challenge more experienced readers. This course is prepared for students of Communication Engineering.二、课程教学目标Know (he following contents : The principle of Switching, Switched Telephone Network, SONET/SDH, Virtual-Circuit Networks: FR and ATM, MPLS VPN, QOS, RSVP Network Management: SNMP. SIP, H.323. On successful completion of the Course, students should predominate thefollowing contents: FR, ATM. MPLS, SIP. H.323三、课程教学基本要求This course should (each students basics of Switching and Signaling and will also take you through various advance concepts related to Switching and Signaling. After completing this course, students will find themselves at a moderate level of expertise in Switching and Signaling from where they can take themselves to next levels.Key points and Difficult pointsKey points: SwitchingVirtual-Circuit Networks: Frame RelayVirtual-Circuit Networks: ATMMPLS VPNNetwork Management: SNMPDifficult points: Virtual-Circuit Networks: Frame RelayVirtual-Circuit Networks: ATMMPLS VPN四、课程教学模块(或教学内容)与学时分配序号教学模块知识点学时1BandwidthUtilizationMultiplexing (understand)Spreading(understand)42The Principle of SwitchingSender, Receiver, and Carrier(familiarity)Hierarchy (familiarity)63SwitchedTelephoneNetworkAnalog and Digital Data(fainiliarity)Analog and Digital Signals(familiarity) Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals (familiarity)64SONET/SDHGUIDED MEDIA(mastery)UNGUIDED MEDIA(mastery)45Virtual-CircuitNetworks:Frame RelayUsing Telephone for data Transmission (familiarity) Using Cable Networks fbr data Transmission (familiarity)46Virtual-CircuitDLC SERVICES(familiarity)4Networks:ATMDATA-LINK LAYER PROTOCOLS(familiarity)PPP(familiarity)7MPLSOverviewALOHA(familiarity)Carrier Sense Multiple Access (familiarity)Carrier Sense Multiple Access with CollisionDe(ec(ion(familiarily)Carrier Sense Multiple Access with CollisionAvoidance(familiarity)CONTROLLED ACCESS(familiarity)CHANNELIZATION(familiarity)48MPLS VPNIEEE STANDARDS(masteiy)STANDARD ETHERNET(masteiy)FAST ETHERNET(mastcry)CHANGES IN THE STANDARD(mastery)GIGABIT ETHERNET(mastery)49CongestionControl andQuality ofServiceConnecting LANs (familiarity)Backbone Networks (familiarity)Virtual LANs(familiarity)410NetworkManagement:SNMPCellular Telephone(familiarity)Satellite Networks(familiarity)2LaboratoryNumNameTime(Hour)TypeMoreValidatingSynthetica1DesigningResearchNeedSelected1Configuration of Centrex'sCalling Signaling4q2Configuration of SignalingNo.7(ISUP)43Configuration of SignalingNo.l4q4Configuration of RingtoneServices4q五、教学方法与策略LEARNING/TEACHING METHODSFormal LecturesTutorial PresentationsCase StudiesSyndicate GroupsIndependent StudyLaboiatorj' Applications六、学生学习成效考核方式考核环节构成(均为100分制)评分依据占总成绩 的比重AttendanceAttendance record20%Final examFinal exam score70%LaboratoryLaboratory score10%To pass the course students must complete all of the assignments and attend class regularly. For purposes of grading, assignments will be weighted as follows: general classroom participation, 20%; experiment, 10%; final examination, 70%. Assignments that are handed in late will be marked down one third of a grade for each class meeting. After two weeks, the grade for any late submission will automatically he C.七、选用教材Essential Reading.1. Data Communication and Networking. Fourth Edition (Chap 6,8,14,17,18,24,28,29)2. Switched Telephone Network3. MPLS Overview4. MPLS VPN.八、参考资料Supplementary Reading: ATM Fundamentals