国际金融学1 (英)课程教学大纲一、课程基本信息课程名称:国际金融学(双语)课程代码:FIN908学分:4周学时:总学时:51二、任课教师、助教、教室等情况(四)教 室:格致楼J101(五)上课时间:周一下午1:003:35(六)纪 律:1、无特殊情况,不允许无故缺课;2、每次作业须在规定时间内提交。三、参考教材1. International Economics Theory and Policy, 7th Edition, by Paul R. Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld2. International Finance,4由 Edition, by Keith Pilbeam四、课程思政建设习近平总书记在党的十九大报告中深刻指出:“文化是一个国家、一个民族 的灵魂。文化兴国运兴,文化强民族强。在新时期高等教育中,高校专业课学 习是培养当代大学生专业素养以及“四个自信优秀品质的重要桥梁。国际金融不 仅仅是一门专业课,一门与时俱进、开放的课程,更是实际生活中国与国经济发 展、经济摩擦的一个重要表现。随着中国迅速开展,国家开放程度提高,各类贸 易往来、贸易摩擦、境内外投资事件不断涌现,通过该课程,学生可以从理论上 了解生活中各类事件的真相,同时也为学生树立中国稳定开展的自信。国际纷 争不断加剧,本课程给予学生一个全新的观察视角,在“空中看世界,更加深刻 地了解世界的变化以及未来开展的道路,提高学生对于实际问题的理解,提升专 业素养,最终使理论融入实际,加强学生操作能力,为祖国未来开展助力。本课 程坚持中国特色社会主义文化开展道路,结合中国实际与市场理论,激发学生思 考与应对能力、创新能力,切实增强当代大学生的“四个自信,为国家两个一 百年的奋斗目标在国际金融领域助力。五、课程内容概要(一)课程目标1 .理解国民收入账户与国际收支表基本知识点;2 .掌握国际收支分析方法(乘数理论、弹性分析法、吸收分析法);3 .理解外汇市场、掌握汇率决定理论;4 .理解开放经济条件下的内外均衡问题;5 .理解国际货币体系与金融危机理论。(二)教学内容序号题目知识点学时(课堂教 授)1绪论(一)课程学习方法介绍6(二)国际金融导论2国民收入账户 国际收支表(一)国民收入账户核算21(二)国际收支表基本知识点(三)国际收支表分析(四)乘数理论(五)弹性分析法(六)吸收分析法3外汇市场(-)外汇市场概述6(二)汇率决定理论4开放经济条件 下的内外均衡 问题(-)斯旺模型12(二)IS-LM-BP模型(三)干预政策搭配5国际货币体系 与金融危机简 述(一)国际货币体系6(二)现代金融危机理论简述课时总计:51学时51 (课程教授)(三)课程要求1 .提前预习课程内容;2 .平时课后作业:按时规定的时间交与助教进行批改,隔一周上课时间助教 与授课教师进行评讲。(四)教学安排(以2018年秋季学期为例)Week 1 A Guide to the Learning Method of International FinanceCurriculum FeaturesCurriculum SystemLearning Difficulties and FocusesPreparation Required for Learning International FinanceLearning Objectives and RequirementsEvaluation MethodWeek2 IntroductionComparison between Microeconomics and MacroeconomicsSubject Orientation of International Finance and Characteristics of Open-Economy MacroeconomicsCase Study: Macroscopic Thinking ModeFour Major Aspects of Macroeconomic Analysis: Unemployment, Saving, Trade Imbalances, Money and the Price LevelTwo Essential Tools to Learn International Finance: National Income Accounting and Balance of Payments AccountingWeek3 National Income AccountingSeveral Important Concepts of Macroeconomics: GNP, NP, Nl, GDPNational Income Accounting for an Open EconomyThe National Income Identity: National Income, Consumption, Investment, Government Purchases and Net ExportsCase Study: a Potato-producing Island Nation and the Allocation IssueWeek4 Basic Knowledge about Balance of Payments AccountsThe Current Account and Foreign IndebtednessSaving and the Current AccountPrivate and Government SavingCase Study: Would Government Deficit Reduction Increase the Current Account Surplus?Further Reading: Would Trump's Trade Policy Boost the US Economy?Week5 Basic Knowledge about Balance of Payments AccountsWhat is the Balance of Payments?Recording of Transactions in the Balance of Payments (IMF Balance of Payments Manual)Accounting Principles of Balance of PaymentsExercise: Import and Export, Foreign Direct Investment, Foreign Indirect Investment, etc.Week6 Analyzing Balance of Payments AccountsThe Current AccountThe Capital AccountOfficial ReserveThe Statistical DiscrepancyCase Study:1. The Strange Statistical Discrepancy of the Balance of Payments of China2. Thailand Financial Crisis and Balance of PaymentsWeek7 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Multiplier AnalysisAssumptionsDerivationThe Government Expenditure MultiplierThe Foreign Trade or Export MultiplierThe Current Account MultipliersThe Significance and Limitations of the Multiplier Analysis ExercisesWeek8 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Elasticity ApproachAssumptionsDerivationThe Marshall-Lerner ConditionExamplesThe Price Effect and the Volume EffectEmpirical Evidence on Import and Export Demand Elasticities and the J-Curve EffectWeek9 Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Absorption ApproachAssumptionsDerivationThe Effect of Devaluation on National Income: Employment Effect and Terms of Trade EffectThe Effect of Devaluation on Direct Absorption: Real Balance Effect, Income Redistribution Effect, Money Illusion Effect and Expectational EffectsEvaluation on the Absorption ApproachWeeklO Balance of Payments (Theory and Policy): the Elasticity ApproachAssumptionsDerivationElasticity Pessimism and Elasticity OptimismProblems and defects of the Elasticity ApproachEvaluation on the Elasticity ApproachWeekll The Foreign Exchange MarketAn Overview of the Foreign Exchange Market The Spot and Forward Exchange Rates Nominal, Real and Effective Exchange Rates Arbitrage in the Foreign Exchange MarketWeekl2 Theory of Exchange Rate DeterminationThe Law of One PricePurchasing Power ParityEmpirical Evidence on Purchasing Power ParityBalassa-Samuelson ModelUncovered Interest Rate ParityThe Sticky-Price Monetary ModelWeekl3 Internal and External Balance for an Open Economy IInternal and External BalanceExpenditure-Changing and Expenditure-Switching PoliciesThe Swan ModelPolicy Implications for the Swan ModelDefects of the Swan ModelWeekl4 Internal and External Balance for an Open Economy IIDerivation of the IS-LM Model for an Open EconomyDerivation of the IS-LM-BP Model for an Open EconomyFactors Shifting the IS-LM-BP SchedulesWeekl5 Internal and External Balance for an Open Economy IIIPolicy Instruments for Achieving Internal and External Balance Internal and External Balance under Fixed Exchange RatesInternal and External Balance under Float Exchange RatesWeekl6 International Monetary System and Financial CrisisThe Gold StandardThe Gold and Silver StandardThe Bretton Woods SystemThe Post Bretton Woods EraA Brief Introduction to the Modern Financial Crisis TheoryWeekl7 Review and Q&A节假日调课备注说明:经过校历研究发现,第三周为中秋节以及第四周为国庆节,本课程预计采用 两种方式补充教学:其一为将该两周课程安排在第五周进行,原定第五周课程压 缩与第六周课程在第六周同步进行;其二为在国庆后一周选择一天进行补课,在 第五周进行第三、第四周课程的学习,在补课日进行第五周课程内容学习。关于 元旦放假,本课程将在前后两周分别教授一局部内容,以确保课程顺利完成。六、考核方式考试形式考察内容考察方式分值期末考试课程教学内容闭卷考试60平时测试作业、课堂问答课后完成以及课堂表现、考勤40