2022九华山英文导游词_九华山英语导游词 九华山英文导游词由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“九华山英语导游词”。 篇1:九华山中英文导游词互译(导游考试必用) 九华山导游词 各位游客大家好,我是安徽旅行社的导游王萍,欢迎大家来到有着莲花佛国之称的九华山旅游。我身边是司机李师傅。大家在九华山遇到我,我肯定会让大家玩的快乐,游得尽兴。最终预祝大家旅途开心。 下面呢,我先向大家介绍一下九华山,它位于安徽省池州市,景色秀丽,古刹林立,与四川的峨眉山,山西五台山,浙江普陀山并称为中国四大佛教名山。我们的九华山之前并不叫九华山,在唐朝的时候叫九子山,因为九华山山峰秀丽,高出云层的山有九座所以叫做九子山。天宝年间,诗仙李白曾两次到此,先后写下“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”“天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉”等千古佳句,九华山因此而得名并始终沿用至今。 来到这佛教圣地,当然要感受一下佛的神气,那么今日我们就从这寺院最多的九华街景区起先,我将逐一的为大家介绍。 选在映入大家眼帘的是一座石门坊。横额上还刻着“九华圣境”四个大字,这可是康熙皇帝御书呢!过了石门坊,下面大家看到的就是迎仙桥了,这座桥建于乾隆年间,是一座单孔石拱桥。大家随我一起踏上这座古桥,我们一起步入仙境吧 大家看,过了桥正面就是祗园寺的大殿。祗园寺是国家重点寺院,规模是九华山四大丛林里最大的了。也是唯一的一座丛林寺院。它的山门偏离了大殿中轴线,大家知道这是为什么吗?因为啊,歪置山门是颇有讲究的,一来呢是为了辟邪,二来是门向朝着开山祖寺化城寺。在寺庙的前院墙上有一条石刻“泰山石敢当”5个大字非常醒目,大家来猜猜看这是做什么用的啊?呵呵,既然大家猜不出来那我就公布谜底啦,这个呢是我们祗园寺独有的,是用来辟邪镇妖的。 好,我们就走进这座古寺。过了山门就是天王殿,殿中心前面供的是笑口常开,袒胸露乳的弥勒佛。他的背后是韦驮菩萨。天王殿的左右分别是四大护国天王。好的,各位挚友,请跟随小王,我们接着往里走。 出了祗园寺,我们就来到化城寺,化城寺位于化城盆地中心而得名,是九华山的开山祖寺。各位向我手指的地方看,在我们不远的池前广场中有一座石条垒成的塔基,那就是娘娘塔。据说金地藏的母亲得知金地藏卓锡九华之后,不远万里跋涉寻儿回来。由于一路风霜雨露,眼睛快要失明白,金地藏就用广场边上一口井里的泉水给母亲洗眼。最终感动了上天,治好了母亲的眼睛。金地藏更专心服侍母亲,并向她细说姻缘,最终被感悟,留山助儿护佛。后人在广场上建此塔纪念她。 好了,今日的的巡游就即将接近尾声了,感谢大家这一路上的合作与支持,途中照看不周的地方还请大家包涵。九华山水看不够,佛需看缘在重游,期盼和大家再次相逢。最终祝大家一路顺风。 below, i first highlight the jiuhua mountain, which is located in chizhou city, anhui province, has beautiful scenery, ancient temple stands, and emei mountain in sichuan province, wutai mountain in shanxi province, and putuo mountain in zhejiang province known as chinas four famous buddhist mountains.before our jiuhua mountain is not called jiuhua mountain, nine children at the time of the tang dynasty mountain, jiuhua mountain is beautiful, up from cloud nine so called mountain.tianbao, when li bais first to this, he wrote wonderful two gas, open jiuhua mountain milky way hung green, hibiscus show chujiu eternal beauty, jiuhua, hence the name, and has been used ever since. selected in the us into the eye is a crocut square.banners also engraved jiuhua sacred four characters, this is the imperial emperor! shimen square, you see below is the penny bridge, this bridge was built in qianlong, stone arch bridge is a single hole.you along with me on the old bridge, we entered the wonderland bar well, we went into the old temple.after the gate is kings hall, central is available in front of the hall laugh often, and bare chest exposed breast of maitreya.behind him is the skanda buddha.left and right respectively of the temple are four state-protecting the planet.well, dear friends, please click the little king, where we continue to go. along this lane turn right to go to, we got the symbol of jiuhua mountain-the flesh palace. the flesh palace boasts a haunting, beautiful environment, numerous visitors, incense and strong, every tibetan law, there is a sea. well, today paid a visit to be drawing to a close, thank you very much cooperation and support in this way, also drew covers for poor care en route.jiuhua mountain water is not enough margin you want to re-visit, anticipation and we meet again.finally i wish you bon voyage.篇2:九华山英文导游词 mount.jiuhua its my honor to be of your service.if you have any special interest, please let me know, and i highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation. ok, now we are heading for mt.jiuhua, which is known as one of the four buddhist mountains in china.its about 30 minutes bus ride.on the way you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and id like to give you a brief introduction about mt.jiuhua. mt.jiuhua was originally known as jiuzi (nine-peak) mount.li bai, a famous chinese poet over 1300 years ago wrote of the mountain: ”sailing on the yangtze river, watching mt.jiuhua from after, green water falls from the sky, nine lotuses appear in the air.” this exprees the poets great admiration for mt.jiuhua.from then on, the mountain was renamed as mt.jiuhua. mt.jiuhua covers more than 100 square kilometers in area, which has been known to have 99 peaks, and the main peak of the shiwang peak is 1342m above sea level.mt.jiuhua is full of waterfalls, streams, exotic-looking boulders, ancient caves, old pines and exuberant bamboo.with the richly variegated landscape, the ancient temples are tucked away amid the dense woods and the air reverberates with the tolling of the bells at dawn and dusk.mt.jiuhua is usually known as the no.1 mountain of the southeast. ok, i have said too much about the mt.jiuhua, and i expect you have got a general idea about it.seeing is beliving.im sure you will learn a lot about chinese culture and buddhism after the visit, and you will also be impreed deeply by the wonderful scenery.lets get off the bus and bring your camera.ill show you around the scenic areas. look! so many monks, why? yes, thats it! because mt.jiuhua is a buddhist mountain.especially on july 30th of chinese lunar is the birthday of earch buddha, and a great buddhist ceremony is held on this day.around that day every year, the mountain is the site of a temple fair. you see it lies a round plaza.look at the center! what do you see? yeah! it is a crescent shaped lotus pond named “crescent moon pond” you can go towards it, what do you see? it is believed that monk jin qiaojue used to free captive fish.ok, now i say some brief introduction about it and then you can go around it.well gather here after one hour, ok? the temple consists of four parts: the lobby, the grand hall, the back hall and the scripture tower.the ground slopes up with each part and the whole layout is natural.the doors, windows, brackets, beams, columns, steps and the 1 cornerstone are carved with exquisite designs.in the hall are preserved horizontal boards inscribed by emperor in ancient time. ok! is everyone here? 1, 2, 3 ok, now, lets go to see the phoenix pine, in minyuan scenic area.phoenix pine is over 1400 years old, and is one of the four decorative trees in anhui province. 2 篇3:九华山景点介绍英文导游词 篇4:九华山英文导游词 九华山英文导游词 (also called mount jiuhua, literally nine glorious mountains) mount jiuhua is one of the four sacred mountains of chinese buddhism.it is located in qingyang county in anhui province and is famous for its rich landscape and ancient temples. history of jiuhua mountain jiuhu mountain, known as a buddhist wonderland and famous for its large number of temples and beautiful scenery, has been a resplendent pearl of chinese cultural heritage. jiuhua mountain was formed in the late cenozoic era, and buddhism began in the northern and southern dynasties (420-589) at the mountain.according to historical records, a monk named fuhu built fuhu convent in 503; monk tanhao practised buddhism here in 713; during 713-755, jin qiaojue, a korean aristocrat, came to jiuhua mountain and lived in a stone cave at dongya peak.his hard practice moved the local people, and they contributed money to build a temple for him.in 781 the local official zhang yan presented a memorial to the emperor for the horizontal inscribed board huacheng.upon jin qiaojues nirvana, it was said that the mountain roared, birds and monkeys cried, and the earth gave out fire and light.his body kept lively three years later, so he was respected as the earth buddha, wrapped with earth and has been preserved to present.roushen pagoda was built to revere him, and thus the history of buddhism at jiuhua mountain can be divided into five periods: founded in the middle of tang dynasty ; decayed from the late tang dynasty to the five dynasties; slowly developed in the song and yuan dynasties; and greatly developed in the ming and qing dynasties.in the ming dynasty, the emperors granted money to rebuild huacheng temple for three times and two emperors bestowed inscriptions.the number of temples and nunneries was over a hundred, and many monks and nuns came.it was listed as one of the four famous buddhist mountains, besides wutai mountain, emei mountain, and putuo mountain.篇5:九华山风景区导游词 九华山风景区导游词 九华山位于长江下游南岸,安徽省的西南部,古名陵阳山,唐朝以前以“此山奇秀,高出云表,峰峦异状,其数有九”故名“九子山”。唐天宝年间,诗人李白曾三上九华,先后写出了“妙有分二气,灵山开九华”、“天河挂绿水,秀出九芙蓉。”等名句,在诗中他把九子山的九大主峰,比作九朵盛开的莲花。因古汉语中“花”通“华”,于是在天宝十三年,九子山更名为九华山,山名始终沿用至今。 九华山不仅以奇峰峭石、飞瀑流泉、清幽秀丽的自然美景而著名,更是以“地藏菩萨道场”而著称于世,素有“东南第一山”“莲华佛国”等美誉。目前九华山现存寺院99座,其中9座寺院为全国重点寺院,下面就让我们走进九华山的开山主寺化城寺吧!据佛经中记载:一次释加牟尼与小徒下乡布道,走了很远,小徒饥渴交加,坐在地上不起来了,这时佛祖手指前方说:前有一城,速去化斋,徒弟立马就来了精神。其实所谓化城就是佛祖点化而来的。 在这里,我想提示大家一下,就是大家在走进寺庙的时候肯定要一脚跨过门槛,寺庙的门槛是佛祖的肩膀,大家肯定不要踩上去,这是对佛主的敬重哦,好,现在就让我们一起走进去看看吧。 化城寺是九华山历史最悠久的晋代古寺,寺的建筑依山布局,反映了超群的建筑设计艺术。寺前高悬赵朴初题写的“九华山历史文物馆”横匾,遒劲秀美。寺内有一口高一丈有余,重约2000斤的古钟,铸造精致,声音嘹亮,用槌撞击,凝重清扬的钟声,在山谷回荡,往往使人有超凡脱俗之感。“化城晚钟”遂成为“九华十景”之一。 现在请大家顺着我手指的方向看,对,那就是闻名的“百岁宫”,一座建在悬崖上的殿堂。其匾额上书有“钦赐百岁宫,护国万年寺”十个金字。现在就让我们乘坐百岁宫的地面缆车走近百岁宫吧!据说,在明朝万历年间,有个叫无暇的和尚,26岁来到九华山,在东崖峰摩天岭禅居,他戒律精严,刻苦清修,耗用28年,刺舌血拌和金粉抄写大方广佛华严经,历时20年,抄完经书81卷。天启三年秋,无暇知道自己时日不多,召来众生告辞后安详而逝,终年110岁。众徒们遵照他的嘱托,将他的肉身装入缸中。三年之后,他的徒弟慧广常常见到缸中出现霞光,于是开缸,发觉无暇颜面如生,身体完好,于是装金供奉。明崇祯皇帝知道后封他为“应身菩萨”。大家请看,那头戴僧帽,身披红色袈裟,端坐莲台之上的就是无暇和尚的装金肉身。古人云:“不到百岁宫等于一场空,到了百岁宫万事好胜利”这次大家都来到了百岁宫以后确定会事事顺当的。 接下来让我们去九华山的天台看看,去天台要经过凤凰松景区。凤凰松位于九华山中闵园,是九华山的一大景观。大家请看,松高 7.68米,胸径1米,造型奇妙,恰似凤凰展翅,故名凤凰松。主干扁平翘首,犹如凤冠,两股枝干一高一低,状似凤尾,根部四周绿草 如茵,松尾下有很大的园石,人称“凤凰蛋”。这棵凤凰古松,史载见于南北朝,距今已有1400年的历史,如今仍旧枝挺、叶茂、青翠。凤凰松以其雄姿和传奇故事成为古今众多诗人、画家、摄影家的赞美诗和美丽画幅中的主角,被誉为“天下第一松“。 下面就让我们到肉身宝殿看看吧,请大家看一下扁额上的的字:月身宝殿!为什么叫月身宝殿呢?因为在以前月和肉是通假字,所以现在许多形容人身体部位器官的字都会有一个月字旁。 肉身宝殿的建筑特别有特色,“殿中有塔,塔中有缸,缸中有肉身”,这肉身即是地藏王金乔觉的肉身,唐元贞十年,金乔觉在九华山苦修了75年,于唐贞元十年农历7月30圆寂,寿止99岁,佛弟子依照浮屠之法将金乔觉盖缸三年,三年后开缸发觉各种迹象与佛经上所说的地藏菩萨极为吻合,众僧认为金乔觉就是地藏菩萨的转世,因金乔觉俗家姓金,佛教徒们便尊他为“金地藏”,其肉身在九华山 神光岭上的肉身宝殿里供奉,遂尊为地藏王菩萨。走进肉身殿,可以看到门楣上悬挂着地藏大愿:众生渡尽,方证菩堤;地狱未空,誓不成佛。所以地藏菩萨又被称为大愿菩萨。信任有大愿菩萨的庇佑,各位今后也肯定能好运常伴。 九华山英文导游词 九华山英文导游词九华山是中国佛教四大名山之一,首批国家重点风景名胜区。它为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、九华山、天目山白际山系)之一。位于安徽省池州市东南境,西北隔长. 九华山英文导游词 导语:九华山是中国佛教四大名山之一,首批国家重点风景名胜区,它为皖南斜列的三大山系(黄山、九华山、天目山白际山系)之一,是小编整理九华山英文导游词的资料,欢迎阅读参考。. 九华山英文互译导游词 九华山自古就是我国闻名的旅游胜地,与五台、峨眉、普陀合称中国佛教四大名山,有“莲花佛国”的美誉,下面是小编收集整理的九华山英文互译导游词,希望对您有所帮助!中文:各位游客,大. 池州九华山英文导游词 九华山,古称陵阳山、九子山,为“中国佛教四大名山”之一,位于安徽省池州市青阳县境内,素有“东南第一山”之称,下面是关于池州九华山英文导游词的内容,欢迎阅读!Dear visitors, eve. 九华山导游词 九华山导游词、安徽九华山导游词、九华山风景区导游词致欢迎词:孔老夫子说:“有朋自远方来,不亦说乎” 首先我代表安徽旅行社热情欢迎大家的到来,很荣幸能为各位嘉宾服务,我就是. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第15页 共15页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页第 15 页 共 15 页