2022酒店管理作业:采访酒店经理_酒店管理酒店分析作业 酒店管理作业:采访酒店经理由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来便利,猜你可能喜爱“酒店管理酒店分析作业”。 为了明确我们的职业规划,为了以后的就业尽早确定方向,同时也为了与社会接触,了解与专业相关的学问。对此,我采访了一位星级酒店的总经理。希望他的阅历和看法能给我和其它准备跨入酒店管理行业的人带来一些启发。 我:x经理您好,特别感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间接受我的访问。我们都知道一个企业对岗位会划分出许多级别,想到现在还有许多人在为找工作发愁,以您的阅历,应当如何找到一份适合自己的工作呢? 总经理:首先要了解自己,你必需先对自己有全面的相识,肯定得知道自己能做那方面的工作,不适合做哪方面的工作。找工作不能眼高手低,明明自己没有实力做的工作却偏要做,那结果肯定是被拒之门外的。然后了解你所选择的职业和行业。了解职业岗位的工作内容、工作性质和对从业者素养的要求。知己知彼,方能百战百胜。 我:假如是您为贵酒店聘请职工,会有什么标准呢? 总经理:我会先看应聘者是否有责任心和对这份职业的看法。在酒店工作须要具备多种才能,假如在国际酒店那么我们会优先考虑外语好的人。依据岗位看是否注意学历。应聘者要具备肯定的阅历和见机行事实力。 我:您是否看好酒店管理这一行业呢? 总经理:我个人特别看好这一行业。酒店管理行业是全球十大热门行业之一。高级酒店管理人才在全球始终都是很紧缺的。近年来,在国际人才市场上,酒店管理人才出现了供不应求的局面。酒店管理人员在中国十大百万年薪职业中排名第六。酒店管理的课程也简洁易学。不论你原来是学什么专业的,只要你有对解决人际之间的关系有足够的信念,就已经胜利一半了。 我:那么您认为如何才能成为一名合格的酒店管理公司总经理? 总经理:我认为高尚的职业道德及工作作风、专业的管理技能、丰富的管理阅历、敏捷的管理思路以及快速的应变实力是一名合格的酒店管理公司总经理应具备的基本素养。还要以自身酒店效益最大化为主要目标,除考虑酒店效益最大化外,还要考虑酒店的将来发展。 我:您有什么管理上或是经营上的技巧么? 总经理:某公司文化有这样一个信条:“只要善待你的员工,他们就肯定能照看好你的客人。“我很赞同这种说法。这种文化把员工看成是最了解客人需求和看法的人。因此,总经理必需以身作则,履行自己常常强调的"注意细微环节"的承诺,常常和员工接触,了解客人的建议和看法,以便为员工供应更有效的服务支持。酒店强势的企业文化就是通过这样的行动铸成的。 我:您觉得对一个酒店来说,最重要的是什么? 总经理:人力资源被看成是酒店最大的财宝。员工是酒店最重要的资产,因为他们的工作干脆创建价值。 我:假如您遇到客户投诉会怎么处理呢? 总经理:全部投诉,无论真假,都表示理解、接受和劝慰。在听取客人看法时,不要怀有敌视心情或与客人争辩,要保持头脑冷静,事务缘由和经过未查明前,不行随意代表酒店担当责任,切勿轻易向客人做出权力范围外的许诺。对一些无理取闹的客人,在处理中要做到不卑不亢,坚持原则,但看法、语言、举止要有礼貌,并依据状况实行有效措施。 我:听了您的的回答,使我对酒店经理这个职业有了肯定的了解,也让我对以后的就业方向有了一些安排,再次感谢您的协作。最终您能否用一句话说一下对这次谈话的感受呢? 总经理:年轻人,好好工作,潜力无限! In order to define our career planning, in order to determine the future employment direction as soon as poible, at the same time also to and social contact, understanding and profeional related knowledge.To this, I interviewed a star hotel general manager.I hope he views and experiences can give me and other going to into the hotel management industry bring some inspiration. I: x manager hello, thank you very much can you for taking the time to accept my visit.We all know that an enterprise to post will be divided into many levels, think there is a lot of people are in for trouble to find a job, in your experience, how to find a suitable for their own work?General manager: first of all to understand yourself, you must first have comprehensive understanding, must know you can do the job, not suitable for what aspects of the job.Looking for a job can't above, clearly they have no ability to do the job is partial to do, the result must be rejected the.And know your chosen career and industry.Understand profeional post work content, the nature of the work and the requirements of the quality of practitioners.Know the mutant; can kill the mutant. I: if you for your hotel recruiting employees, can have what standard?General manager: I'll see whether the applicant has the sense of responsibility and to the profeional attitude.In the hotel work requires a variety of talents, if in the international hotel so we will be preferred language good person.According to the post to see if attention degree.Applicants must have certain experience and random strain capacity. I: are you a good hotel management this industry? General manager: I personally very bullish on the industry.Hotel management industry is one of the world's ten big popular industry.Senior hotel management talents in the world has been very short.In recent years, the international talent market, hotel management talented person appeared in short supply situation.Hotel management personnel in the Chinese top ten millions career sixth annual salary.Hotel management courses are easy to learn.No matter it is you learn what major, as long as you have to solve the relationship between interpersonal has enough confidence to have achieved half of succe. I: so do you think how to become a qualified hotel management company general manager? General manager: I think noble profeional ethics and style of work, profeional management skills, rich management experience, agile management thoughts and the fast strain ability is a qualified hotel management company general manager should have the basic quality.Even with their own hotel benefit maximization as the main target, in addition to consider hotel benefit maximization outside, also want to consider the future development of the hotel. I: what is your management or the management skills? General manager: a company culture has such a creed: "as long as good to your employees, they must be able to take good care of your guests." I quite agree with this statement.The culture of staff was regarded as the most understanding of customer needs and opinions.Therefore, the general manager must set an example, perform their often streed the "details" commitment, often and staff contact, understand the guest's suggestion and opinion, in order to provide more effective service support.The strong enterprise culture is through such action a molten image.I: do you think for a hotel, it is the most important? General manager: human resources to be as it is the largest wealth.The hotel staff is the most important aets, because they work directly creates value. I: if you meet customer complaints will be how to deal with? General manager: all complaints, regardle of the true and false, say understand, accept, and comfort.After hearing the guest comments, don't have enmity with guests or debate, stay calm, event causes and without find out before, not to bear the responsibility on behalf of the hotel, do not easily to the scope of authority to make the promise.For some unreasonable guests, in proceing to do thus, insist the principle, but attitude, language, behavior be polite, and take effective measures according to the circumstances. I: listen to your answer, leads me to the hotel manager this profeion had certain understanding, also let me for future employment direction have some plan, thank you again for your cooperation.Finally you can use a word to say about this conversation's feeling? General manager: young man, a good work, the potential! 采访酒店经理 我国的民营酒店,和其他的民营企业一样,由于家族式管理色调深厚,作为职业的总经理,面临着比国有酒店老总更为“艰难”的管理环境,他们在日常工作中所要付出的精力和努力要多出几倍. 酒店管理作业 我国星级和连锁酒店的发呈现状分析摘要:在欧美发达国家,酒店业是一种发展得相当成熟且特别胜利的服务经营模式。但在我国还仍旧是一个新兴的行业,无论从发展速度还是发展规模来. 酒店管理作业 现代旅游与酒店行业发展趋势一、现代旅游及酒店行业的概况当旅游渐渐变成一种大众的生活方式,当旅游者起先从近途走向远途,从国内走向国外,当饭店从简洁的住宿接待转变成特. 酒店管理实务作业 酒店管理实务作业班级:学号:学生姓名:作业成果:1.客人投诉:手机掉了,后在他遗忘物品中找到,但被其他人领走了。酒店说明由于领手机的人报得出手机号码及型号,所以就给他领走了。. 酒店经理 职业简介酒店总经理负责掌管整个酒店的全部部门和员工,依据酒店全部者或总部董事会的指示工作。酒店总经理向全部部门配发资金、批准预算、拟定客房价格、制定餐食标准、确定. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页