Practical English Writing实用英语写作实用英语写作Signs and warnings 1Main contentMain contentSigns and warnings2Signs and warnings are often posted in public places to inform people of some information.Since people in public places dont have enough time to read Signs and warnings carefully,so they should be written especially concise,simple and accurate.The writer needs to write as few words as he can to convey the same meaning.3Imperative sentences and phrases are often used.Phrases are preferable to sentences in the terms of saving space.In line with internationally accepted practice,the writer should capitalize the initial letters of each notional word and let alone such functional words as prepositions and articles,etc.For example,Break Glass in Emergency;Beware of Pickpockets.4If something is forbidden,“No”,“Dont”are usually put at the very beginning or“Forbidden”,“Prohibited”are written at the end.The initial letters of each word should be capitalized.For example,Dont Step On,No Parking Here,No Admittance.In certain cases,in order to be eye-catching all the words are capitalized.5Signs and warnings 肃静肃静 禁止吸烟禁止吸烟 不要乱扔杂物不要乱扔杂物 此处严禁停车此处严禁停车6Signs and warnings SILENCE NO SMOKING NO LITTER NO PARKING HERE7Signs and warnings 此处不准倒垃圾此处不准倒垃圾 不要随地吐痰不要随地吐痰 严禁插队严禁插队 非公莫入非公莫入(禁止入内)(禁止入内)8Signs and warnings NO DUMPING HERE NO SPITTING NO QUEUE JUMPING NO ADMITTANCE(EXCEPT ON BUSINESS)9Signs and warnings 无通行证禁止入内无通行证禁止入内 谨防扒手谨防扒手 注意钱包注意钱包 油漆未干油漆未干10Signs and warnings NO ENTRY WITHOUT A PASS BEWARE OF PICKPOCKETS WATCH YOUR WALLET WET PAINT11Signs and warnings 剧场客满剧场客满汽车停车场客满汽车停车场客满 票已售完票已售完 减价销售减价销售 房屋出售房屋出售 12Signs and warnings FULL HOUSE Parking lot full SOLD OUT ON SALE HOUSE FOR SALE 13Signs and warnings 房屋出租房屋出租 不要在墙上乱涂不要在墙上乱涂 禁止招贴禁止招贴 校园内不准说粗话校园内不准说粗话 14Signs and warnings HOUSE FOR RENT NO SCRIBBLING ON THE WALL POST NO BILLS ABUSIVE LANGUAGE PROHIBITED ON CAMPUS 15Signs and warnings 严禁考试作弊严禁考试作弊 紧急出口紧急出口 此处禁止通行此处禁止通行 狗必须系上皮带狗必须系上皮带16Signs and warnings NO CHEATING ON TESTS EMERGENCY EXIT NO EXIT DOGS MUST BE ON LEASHES17Signs and warnings 残疾人专座残疾人专座 老弱病残孕专座老弱病残孕专座 请勿触摸请勿触摸 此处不准小便此处不准小便/倒垃圾倒垃圾18Signs and warnings SEATS RESERVED FOR THE DISABLEDRESERVED FOR THE ELDERLY,INFIRM,SICK,DISABLED AND PREGNANT PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH COMMIT NO NUISANCE19Signs and warnings 绿色专座绿色专座RESERVED FOR THE NEEDY PEOPLE 请绕行,正在维修请绕行,正在维修 Detour.Maintenance in Progress 20Signs and warnings NO SOLICITING IS ALLOWED IN THIS BUILDING PEPAIR IN PROGRESS本大楼不准兜售货物 正在修理之中21Signs and warnings 小心轻放小心轻放 易碎物品易碎物品 小心玻璃小心玻璃 危险物品危险物品22Signs and warnings HANDLE WITH CARE FRAGILE GLASS(WITH CARE)HAZARDOUS GOODS 23Signs and warnings 易爆物品易爆物品 有毒物品有毒物品 易腐蚀品易腐蚀品 放射性物质放射性物质24Signs and warnings EXPLOSIVES POISON CORROSIVES RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCE25Signs and warnings 注意防潮注意防潮/保持干燥保持干燥注意防冷注意防冷 注意防热注意防热 宜冷藏冷藏26Signs and warnings GUARD GAINST DAMP/KEEP DRYPROTECT AGAINST COLD PROTECT AGAINST HEAT STOW IN COOL PLACE27Signs and warnings 易燃压缩气体易燃压缩气体 保持平放保持平放 请勿倒置请勿倒置/直立放置直立放置 请勿挤压请勿挤压28Signs and warnings INFLAMMABLE COMPRESSED GAS KEEP FLAT KEEP UPRIGHT STAND ON END DO NOT CRUSH29Signs and warnings KEEP IN DARK PLACE 置于暗处置于暗处 30Signs and warnings:exercises 当心当心/小心小心 请在线外等候请在线外等候 请勿践踏草地请勿践踏草地 闲人不得进入闲人不得进入 31Signs and warnings CAUTION WAIT OFF THE LINE KEEP OFF THE GRASS NO TREAPASSING 32Exercises:员工通道 请保管好你的物品当心脚下33Exercises:Staff Only Take Care of Your Belongings Mind/Watch Your Feet 34