2021届牛津译林版高二下学期期末英语试题七选五专练(一)For much of history, reading was a fairly noisy activity. On clay tablets written in ancient Iraq and Syria some 4,000 years ago, the commonly used words for “to read” literally(照字面地) meant “to cry out” or “to listen”.36. _ The majority of us bottle the words in our heads as if sitting in a quiet library. Reading out loud is largely reserved for bedtime stories and performances.But a growing body of research suggests that we may be missing out by reading only with the voices inside our minds. 37. _ It helps improve our memories, understand complex texts and strengthen emotional bonds between people. And far from being a rare or outdated activity, it is still surprisingly common in modern life. Many of us intuitively (直觉地) use it as a convenient tool for making sense of the written word, and are just not aware of it.Colin MacLeod, a psychologist at the University of Waterloo in Canada, has researched the impact of reading aloud on memory. 38. _ However, it works for older people, too. “Its beneficial throughout the age range,” he says.In one study, a group of children were presented with a list of words and asked to read some silently, and others aloud. Afterwards, they correctly recognized 87% of the words theyd read aloud, but only 70% of the silent ones.In another study, adults aged 67 to 88 were given the same task. They should read words either silently or aloud. 39. _ They were able to recall 27% of the words they had read aloud, but only 10% of those theyd read silently.Many of us are intuitively aware of the benefits of reading aloud and use the technique more than we might realize. Some said they read out funny emails or messages to entertain others. Others read aloud prayers and blessings for spiritual reasons. Writers and translators read drafts to themselves to hear the rhythm and flow. People also read aloud to make sense of recipes, contracts and densely written texts. 40. _A. Today, silent reading is the norm.B. It is worth making a bit more time for reading out loud.C. Reading silently has distinct advantages, especially speed.D. Then they were to write down all those they could remember.E. The ancient art of reading aloud has a number of benefits for adults.F. For many, reading aloud brought joy, comfort and a sense of belonging.G. The memory-boosting effect of reading aloud is especially strong in children. (二)When the body temperature reaches 104 degrees Fahrenheit(40), a person may be suffering from a serious condition called heat stroke. 36 Besides, one may suffer from heat stroke when he participates in extreme physical activity in a warm environment.There are some symptoms of heat stroke. The person usually has a high body temperature, usually at or above 40. If the stroke is the result of high climate temperatures, the skin will usually be dry and hot. If it is the result of physical exercise, the skin may feel moist, almost clammy(湿粘的).37If heat stroke is not treated, a person may go into shock(休克).38 As a result, the blood pressure drops, the nails and lips may turn blue, and the skin becomes clammy. If left untreated, shock may cause organ failure or even death.There are several ways to treat heat stroke.39One example of treatment includes placing the person in cool water to lower his body temperature. Another cooling technique involves misting cool water over the body and then fanning it off. The evaporation(蒸发) of the water works to cool the persons body temperature and treat the heat stroke.40 For example, wear lightweight clothes that fit loosely on the body. Also, take breaks in a cool area if exercising in warm temperatures. In addition, if the temperatures become increasingly hot, it is best to avoid extreme physical activity.A. Heat stroke can result in a number of problems.B. When that happens, the blood does not flow properly.C. Heat stroke can be prevented by following a few easy tips.D. Untreated heat stroke can quickly damage your brain and heart.E. In most cases, a doctor should be consulted if a person is suspected of having heat stroke.F. In addition, the person may have rapid breathing, or have a higher heart rate.G. It usually occurs when one spends large amounts of time in a hot environment.(三)Most people update their electronic products these days on a regular basis, not because they aren't made well and need replacing, but because technology is so advanced that a newer model often appears on the market a year later and consumers like to have the latest if they can afford it! This means that there's a mass of still working, but outdated, electronic items that can't simply be thrown in the bin due to the harm they can cause to the environment once they start to break down. 36 Some people will simply throw away their old products without a thought, while others will either give it away to a friend or make some money by selling it through an Internet shopping site, such as eBay and the like. 37 Then they'll feel guilt-free that it won't wind up in a landfill and cause harm to the surroundings. 38 Apart from protecting the environment, there are other reasons behind recycling and one of them is data security. Disposing of electronic devices is the best way to protect customers from unofficial access to private data information. 39 It's a complete waste to just throw away outdated electronic items when there 're so many metals that can be reused. Those in the recycle computers and electronics business are onto a good thing as disposing of e-waste becomes a must and a socially-conscious world decides to clean up their act. 40 After all, it can create jobs and make the earth a safer and healthier place for our children to enjoy.A. More environmentally-aware people will find an electronic recycling unit to take it off their hands.B. Reducing electronic waste causes a reduction of poisonous elements in the atmosphere.C. Also the amount of resources available in the materials thrown away is enormous.D. They may suddenly find themselves with hundreds of old cell phones, etc.E. It also offers economic and environmental opportunities for the future.F. So they may end up sitting forgotten in a drawer and taking up space.G. They have positive attitudes towards reusing and recycling.(四)In everyday life,we are often faced with important decisions such as whether to apply for a new job or start a new course. _36_ The more we can test our limits and abilities, the more we will learn about ourselves. New challenges are opportunities for us._37_ Rather than seeing the opportunity, often, we focus on what it will be like to fail.As a result,taking on a new challenge can be frightening. In these cases,we may avoid the challenge altogether and carry on down the same path we were on.We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfort zone. _38_ By avoiding challenges,we dont have the opportunities to learn about ourselves.We feel trapped.We are troubled by discomfort,anxiety,and the sense that things are not quite right.There are times when we might want to avoid a challenge for good,realistic reasons.Perhaps,deep down ,we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might learn about ourselves.But instead of acknowledging that,we tell ourselves that now is not a good time,or that this isnt the right opportunity. _39_To lead an authentic life,we need to take on new challenges that give us more opportunities to be ourselves.It is not that authentic people dont feel the same fear;rather,they are simply more willing to face their fear. _40_ The question is not how to lead a life in which we never feel the fear of failure,but rather,how we can moved forward despite our fear.A. In reality,it is our fear talking.B. The fear of failure can be too much to bearC. However,we dont always see it that way.D. People think we can stay in our comfort zone and keep learning.E. Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing as a person.F. But the truth is that staying in our comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable.G. They are open to new experiences,cherishing the challenges of learning about themselves.(五)What's the purpose of building patience abilities? In a word, happiness. Better relationships, more success. But indeed it takes efforts to build them successfully. 36. Thus, when thebig ones come, we will have developed the patience we need for hard times.Understand the addictive nature of anger and impatience. We, human beings, are still constructed with our old reptilian (爬行动物似的)brain that protects our physical and emotional survival. On the emotional survival side, we want our way to get ahead, to achieve, to "look good." Let's just face it. 37 So the first step in growing patience is to get in touch with the addictive quality of the opposite of patienceanger, impatience, blaming and shaming. We all have them. And we can grow beyond them.Upgrade our attitude towards discomfort and pain. Pain has its purposes and pushes us to find solutionswe try to change the other person, situation or thing that we think is causing our discomfort. But the problem is that it is not the outside thing that's the source of our pain, but how our mind is set. 38 .Pay attention when the impatience or pain starts. Most of us don't really realize it when we are feeling even the smallestbut very present-painful feelings. 39 But to really care for ourselves, get curious about what's actually happening in the moment inside you. Focusing on what's actually happening, you can notice the worry of not wanting what's happening, the resistance.40 When you find yourself impatient, or angry with yourself, you can remind yourself that you are growing, and that, “Sure, this is understandable; this is what happens to me when I'm bothered," You can say to yourself, "It's true. I don't like this; this is uncomfortable, but I can tolerate it.”A. Practice positive self-talk.B. So the solution to pain is an inside job.C. Patience abilities benefit you in many ways.D. Learn to forgive yourself for being impatient in hard times.E. We ignore the fact that we're in pain and focus completely on fixing the problem.F. The urge to protect ourselves and what we consider valuable is absolutely habit-forming.G. Effective ways are recommended to train ourselves to work with little pains and annoyances.(六)How you talk to yourself about events, experiences and people plays a large role in shaping how you interpret events. When you find yourself interpreting something in a negative way or only focusing on the bad aspect of the situation, look for ways to tal Instead, it simply means refocusing so that you give fair and equal importance to good events.When you find yourself worrying about things, look for an uplifting activity to pull yourself out of this negative mindset (心态 In this case, try to turn your attention elsewhere and engage in an activity that brings you joy. Listening to cheerful music, going for a walk, and reading a good book are all ways to get your mind off negative thoughts. Therefore, it is important to give extra attention to good things that happen. Where negative things might be quickly transferred and stored in your long-term memory, you need to make more efforts to get the same effect from happy moments. 39._Replay the moment several times in your memory and focus on the wonderful feelings the memory inspires.The negativity bias (偏见) can have a powerful impact on your behavior, but being aware of it means you can take steps to adopt a more positive outlook on life. One of the best ways to fight negative bias is taking a more mindful approach involving being aware of your own tendency toward negativity and consciously elevating (使情绪高昂) happier thoughts to the forefront of awareness. 40._Taking steps to avoid this bias can play a role in boosting your mental well-being.A. It refers to seeing things in a new light.B. It takes more for positive things to be remembered.C. You probably dont realize how often you say negative things.D. Thinking repeatedly about the negative can result in a serious loss. E. So when something great happens, take a moment to really focus on it.F. This doesnt mean ignoring potential dangers or wearing rose-colored glasses.G. For example, you may find yourself mentally reviewing an unpleasant event or outcome.(七)Do you ever have months where you struggle to keep your money under control?_36_. One of these reasons could be that we aren't aware of our true spending habits. Here are some tips on how you can avoid overspending and keep your money in check._37_When you head out to the mall, take only the amount of cash you anticipate you'll need and leave credit cards at home. By doing this, you avoid the temptation(诱惑)of using the card for a spur(冲动) of the moment purchase, which is often the fastest way to find yourself in debt.Start using a budget_38_ If you aren't sure about how much you take home each month and how much your expenses add up to, you'll continuously fall into the trap of buying all the things you think you can afford only to get a rude awakening at the end of the month when your bank account isn't looking too great.Track your spending.Those small things you buy on a regular basis can really add up by the end of the month. The best way to keep control of your money is to track everything you're spending it on. _39_40_Lets not allow ourselves to fall into the trap of overspending on unnecessary things in the new year.A. Make a list of what to buy.B. Were going through enough stress as it is.C. Switch to cash only.D. Here are some other reasons why you cant set aside saving.E. By following this simple step, youll also learn to respect your money more.F. There are many reasons why we overspend.G. Not having a spending plan is one of the main reasons why people cant seem to stop spending money.(八)Whats the purpose of building patience abilities? In a word, happiness. Better relationships, more success. But indeed it takes efforts to build them successfully. _16_. Thus, when the big ones come, we will have developed the patience we need for hard times.Understand the addictive nature of anger and impatience. We, human beings, are still constructed with our old reptilian (爬行动物似的) brain that protects our physical and emotional survival. On the emotional survival side, we want our way to get ahead, to achieve, to “look good.” Lets just face it. _17_ So the first step in growing patience is to get in touch with the addictive quality of the opposite of patienceanger, impatience, blaming and shaming. We all have them. And we can grow beyond them.Upgrade our