新目标英语八年级上册Unit11Unit11 Could you please clean your room 导学案.pdf
精品教案设计资料新目标英语八年级上册 Unit11Unit11 Could you please cleanyour room 导学案?Unit11 Could you please clean yourustom?_ 2)room?銆銆銆銆銆銆 Section A 1a-3amakes all things easy.?Translate the following phrases.1)_ 3)鎴戞兂瑕佹垚涓轰竴鍚嶇敾瀹禵_4)_ 5)缁欐垜鐨勭埗姣嶄拱鎵澶埧瀛恄_ 6)鍛父鍏笘鐣宊_7)_ 8)鎴戣繕娌瀹歘_ 9)缁勫缓瓒崇悆闃焈_ 10)澶氶敾鐐间负浜嗕繚鎸佽韩浣撳仴搴穇_ 11藉湴浜祦_?2?3?1?1 锛夎瘝姹囷細(棰勪範妫娴?銆ould_12)?1?浼氱敤瀹冩潵琛2 銆佸掑瀮鍦?3 銆佹暣鐞嗗簥閾?銆4 銆佹壂鍦?5 銆佸幓寮浼?6銆佸湪澶栭潰鍛嗗緱寰堟櫄 銆7銆佹惌杞?8銆佹搷浣滃畠 銆9銆佸幓鐪嬬數褰?10銆佸彔琛湇 2銆銆1銆?-Could you pleasesweep the floor?銆銆-Yes,sure.銆銆2 銆?-Could I use the car?銆銆-No,you can 鈥檛.I have to go out.3銆1 銆丆 ould you(please)鈥?琛璇锋眰瀵规柟鍋氭煇浜嬶紝鎰忔濇槸鈥?鈥?鍏惰偗瀹氬洖绛斿彲鐢es,sure/Certainly./Of course.Sorry,I can鈥檛./Sorry,I鈥檓 afraid not.I have to 鈥瓑锛岃繖绉嶅彞鍨嬬殑鍚畾缁撴瀯鏄please 鍚庡姞_.濡傦細 Could you please not stand here?銆2 銆丆精品教案设计资料ould I/We 鈥?琛璇锋眰寰楀埌瀵规柟鐨刜_,鎰忔濇槸鈥滄垜/鎴?鈥?炵瓟閮介伩鍏嶇敤 could 锛岃偗瀹氬洖绛斿父鐢es,you can 鈥?鍚畾鍥炵瓟甯哥敤 Sorry/No,you can鈥檛.4 杩愮敤锛?()1)-Could you please pass me the spoon?-_.A.Yes,I can.B.Sure,here you are C.No,I can鈥檛 D.No,I don 鈥檛have one 銆銆()2)鈥旵 ould I use your dictionary?銆銆-_.A.Yes,you could B.Yes,I can C.Sorry,I鈥檓 using it D.No,youcouldn 鈥檛 銆鍥涖佸睍绀轰氦娴?銆1?銆2銆佸惉鍔涚粌涔?b.3.1c 缁撶粍缁冧範 A:Could you please sweep the floor?銆銆B:Yes,sure.銆4 銆佸惉鍔涚粌涔?a&2b.(?銆5銆?c灏忕粍缁冧範-Could I go to the movies?-Yes,you can./No,you can鈥檛.Ihave to do my homework.銆锛堜竴锛夈佷緷?銆 1.Could you please _(open)the door,Nick?2.Can you _(get)to the station early?3.Mary鈥檚mother often cleans the _(live)room in the morning.4.It 鈥檚 too late.I haveto _(go)to work by taxi.5.My sister often does the _(dish)after meals.锛堜簩锛夈佸畬鎴愬彞瀛?1銆丆ould you please fold your clothes?(鏀逛负绁堜娇鍙?-锛宲 lease.2 銆丼 un Ning sweeps the floor every day.锛堟敼涓哄惁瀹氬彞锛?Sun Ning _ _ the floor every day.3 銆丆 ould I go outnow?the museum tomorrow.visit the museum?_,_ _ 4 銆乑 hao lei is going to visit_ _ Zhao lei _ _?鎴戠殑鏀惰幏锛?_Unit 11 Could you please clean your room?銆銆銆銆銆銆 Section A精品教案设计资料3a-Activity4 鍑哄搧浜猴細寰愰潤绾?鐜嬮洩姊?銆瀹牳浜猴細銆銆銆銆鏃堕棿锛?omplacency is the enemy of study.瀛範鐨勬晫?涓銆?澶嶄範妫娴嬶紙姹夎瘧鑻憋級 1 銆佹礂2 銆佸掑瀮鍦?3 銆佹暣鐞嗗簥閾?4 銆佹壂鍦?5 銆佸彔琛湇 6 銆佸幓鐪嬬數褰?7 銆佸幓寮浼?8 銆佸湪澶栭潰鍛嗗緢鏅?9 銆佹惌杞?10 銆佹搷浣滃畠 11 銆佹垜鑳界敤浣犵殑鐢佃剳鍚楋紵 12鐨勬埧闂村悧锛?21ake,do,like,鐨勭敤娉曘?3 銆佷細鐔熺粌琛?竴锛夎瘝姹囷細 1_ 3 銆佹垜鍚屾剰_ 4銆佸彔琛湇_ 6 銆佹搷浣滃畠_锛堜_ 2 銆佸枩娆礂琛湇_ 5A 锛欼 like cleaning the bike because I can be outside.B:I don 鈥檛 like doing thedishes because it 鈥檚 boring.(涓?hate 涓巐 ike 渚嬪彞锛?Lily hatesmice.2 Jim hated exercising when he was young.3 I hate to do the laundry now.hate 鐢綔鍔瘝涓巐 ike 鎰忎箟鐩稿弽锛屾剰涓篲_锛?瘝锛屼唬璇?,_锛屼互鍙婂姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡绛夈?夎瘧鑻憋級 1 銆佹杞?鍥涖佸睍绀轰氦娴?1銆?2?3?a.3b.4 銆丏 o the activity 4.鏍规嵁姹?锛?锛塇 er father oftentakes out _(鍨冨溇)when he goes out.(2)The girl often help her mother_(?at the weekends.(3)Many _锛堟姌鍙狅級 the letter in)(5)I learned?2half and put it into her pocket.(4)They were late for the _(to _(韪冻鐞?at the age of four.(6)Could I use your dictionary,Lucy?Sorry,_(鎴戠殑)is at home.(7)My little sister ofter does the精品教案设计资料_(dish)after meals.(8)Mary 鈥檚 mother often cleans the _(live)room in the morning(9)It 鈥檚 too late.I have to _(go)to work by taxi.(10)Can you _(get)to the station early?Unit11 Could you please clean your room?銆銆銆銆銆銆 Section B 1a-2cwears the hardest rock away.婊存按绌跨煶銆?following phrases.1)_ 2)ater dropping day by day?Translate the_ 3)鎴戜笉鍚屾剰_4)鎴戜笉鑳藉湪澶栭潰鍛嗗緱寰堜箙_ 5)浣犳妸绐楁埛鍏充笂濂藉悧锛焈_ _ 6?1invite sb to do sth/to sp.2緱璁稿彲銆? 1锛夎瘝姹囷細(棰勪範妫娴?銆4 銆銆1 銆乥 orrow 鍜宭 end浜屻?borrow,invite borrow sth from sb銆1 銆佷拱涓浜涘皬鍚?2 銆佸幓鍟嗗満 3侀個璇锋垜鐨勬湅鍙嬪弬鍔犺仛浼?2鐨勭敤娉?borrow 鍊熷叆 lend 鍊熷嚭 eg:I borrowed some books from tom lastnight.Tom lent some books to me last night.Can I _ your pen?=Can you _me your pen?銆2 銆乲 eephaveuse sth.For+涓娈垫椂闂?Can I keep yourbike for a day?3銆乮 nvite 鐨勭敤娉曪細 invite 閭璇?invite sb to do sth 閭璇锋煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨 His aunt invites his family to have dinner every Sunday.invitesb to sp.閭璇锋煇浜哄埌鏌愬湴 His aunt invites his family to her house everySunday.3)杩愮敤銆?鐢orrow 銆乴 end keephaveuse sth.For+涓娈垫椂闂淬乮 nvite sb to do sth 銆?invite sb to sp.鍚勯犱竴鍙瘽銆?1 銆佸皬缁勪氦娴?2 銆佸皬缁勪氦娴?a 鎵娑夊強鐨勯棶棰樸?32a 鍜?b.4?c?A:Could you pleaseclean the floor?B:Yes,I can./Sorry,I can鈥檛.锛夈?1 銆丩 ast month his aunt lent some money精品教案设计资料to him.(鍚屼箟鍙?Last month he _ some money _ his aunt.2 銆両don 鈥檛 like doing the laundry.(鍚屼箟鍙?I _ _ the laundry.锛堜簩锛?1 銆丮 y bike is broken.Could I _(鍊?yours.2 銆丮 y pen pal _(閭璇?me to go sightseeing in her country.3銆乀 he sick boy needs people 鈥檚 _(鍏冲績)4 銆乀 om _(鍠傚吇)hispet cat twice a day.5銆乊 our pen is on the desk.And _(鎴戠殑)is in my bag.6銆乀 hey often have two _(meet)in a week.7 銆両 often help my mother_(鐓湅)the two cats on weekends.幏锛歘_Unit11 Could you please clean your room?銆銆銆銆銆銆 Section B3a-Activity4hatever you do,do with all your might.?涓銆?澶嶄範妫娴?锛堟眽璇戣嫳锛?1.涔颁竴浜涢鏂檁_2 銆佹暣鐞嗕綘鐨勫簥閾篲_ 3 銆佸幓鍟嗗満_ 4 銆佸熶竴浜涢挶_ 5 銆佷娇鐢綘鐨凜 D 鍞辨満_ 6 銆侀個璇锋垜鐨勬湅鍙嬩滑鏉埌鑱氫細涓奯_?1銆佺啛鎮夋湰鑺傚嚭鐜扮殑?鎴戠殑鏀惰ine forget care feed 2銆佸彞瀛愶細 1 锛塗 hanks for doing sth.2)Could you please do 鈥?3)Take him for a walk.4)Don鈥檛 forget to cleanhis bed.3?锛堜竴锛夎瘝姹囷紙棰勪範妫娴嬶級 1銆佺収椤炬垜鐨勭嫍_ 2 銆?_ 3 銆佺粰浠栨按鍠漘_ 4 銆佷笌瀹冧竴璧风帺鑰峗_ 5 銆佽繃寰楁剦蹇玙_ 6 銆佷笅鍛啀瑙乢_ 7 銆_ 8_1 銆乀 hanks for doing sth for璇嶏紝鏁呭悗闈殑鍔瘝鐢昳 ng 褰紡锛岀煭璇璽 ake care of 涓巐 ook精品教案设计资料after 鍚屼箟锛屾剰鎬濇槸_ 2.forget to do sth鑰屾湭鍋氱殑浜?forget doing stheg:Sorry,I forgotto tell you that.瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎴戝繕浜嗗憡璇変綘浜嗐?Sorry,I forgot tellingyou that.瀵逛笉璧凤紝鎴戝繕浜嗗憡璇夎繃浣犱簡銆?1銆丳lease don鈥檛 forget _(close)the window when you leave.2銆乭anksfor _(help)me a lot.3 銆乀 hanks you for your _(help).鍥涖佸睍绀轰氦娴侊細 1?2 銆丩 earn3a.(First read the e-mail message,then complete the chart)3 銆丏 o Activity4.浜锛堜竴锛夎繛璇嶆垚鍙?1 銆乨 rinks wants Tina to buyfruit and_-2 銆乼 ake CD could I theparty player my to_ 3.called you yesterday Iyou weren 鈥檛 in when_ 4.am put going I to thetrash box in the_ 5.Sunmei vacation on funhad going last week _(浜?鍗曢夛細 锛?锛?.A 锛歘_ do you sweep the floor?B:Every day.A.How manyB.How often C.How far()2 銆丠 e 鈥檚 working _ a new computer program.A.in B.on C.to()3 銆丳 lease feed something _ the dog.A.to B.on C.with 鍏?鎴戠殑鏀惰幏锛歘_