口口语语发发音音课课件件国国际际音音标标标准化管理处编码BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N发音器官发音器官1 1、发音器官示意图发音器官示意图国际音标知识详解国际音标知识详解1.1.什么是音节?什么是音节?音节是说话时最小的语音片段,通常由 1 个元音加上 1 个或几个辅音构成。例如:mi:,pen,mps,speidz 这些单词都只包含 1 个音节。单独的一个元音也能成为1 个音节,比如单词:。单音节词在单独念的时候一定要重读。2.2.什么是重读?什么是重读?在双音节词和多音节词中,有一个音节要重读,即此音节读的特别重而强,其余音节相对的读的轻而弱,这种现象叫做单词重音,单词重音用重音符“”表示。例如:let,pi:pl,peip。3.3.元音的定义元音的定义发音时声带振动,呼出的气流通过口腔时不受阻碍。4.辅音的定义辅音的定义不论声带振动与否,发音时呼出的气流通过口腔或鼻腔时受到一定的阻碍。5.5.清辅音的定义清辅音的定义发音时声带不振动的辅音。6.浊辅音的定义浊辅音的定义发音时声带振动的辅音。7.7.4848 个国际音标展示个国际音标展示前元音前元音i:i e 中元音中元音单元单元后元音后元音音音长元音长元音 a:u:u a:i:u:短元音短元音 i e u双元音双元音ai ei i i e u au u爆破爆破p b t d k 音音辅辅摩擦摩擦音音音音f v e s z r h破擦破擦t d tr dr ts dz音音清辅清辅p音音tkfsttrts浊辅浊辅b音音dvzddredz鼻音鼻音m n ing sing舌边舌边l音音半元半元w j音音音标发音讲解音标发音讲解(以下请点击蓝色字体,打开音频给学生展示以下请点击蓝色字体,打开音频给学生展示)InterestsInterests1i:1i:与与ee2.p b t d2.p b t d3.m n3.m n4.ei4.ei 元音元音5.5.辅音辅音s zs z6.l6.l7.i7.i 双元音双元音aiai8.k g 8.k g e e9.t?d?9.t?d?10.a:10.a:11.u11.u辅音辅音f vf v12.w j12.w jWineWine13.r h o13.r h ohidehide14.u u:14.u u:15.15.辅音辅音 16.16.Gone thankGone thank17.17.双元音双元音auau18.18.双元音双元音ii19.tr dr19.tr dr20.i e20.i etherethere21.u21.uDemondsDemondsWhen the days are coldAnd the cards all fold And the saints we seeAre all made of gold When your dreams all failAnd the ones we hail Are the worst of allAnd the bloods run stale I want to hide the truth I want to shelter youBut with the beast inside Theres nowhere we can hideNo matter what we breed We still are made of greedThis is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeWhen you feel my heat Look into my eyesIts where my demons hide Its where my demons hideDont get too close Its dark insideIts where my demons hideIts where my demons hideWhen the curtains call Is the last of all When the lights fade out All the sinners crawl So they dug your graveAnd the masquerade Will come calling outAt the mess you made Dont want to let you downBut I am hell bound Though this is all for youDont want to hide the truth No matter what we breedWe still are made of greed This is my kingdom comeThis is my kingdom comeThey say its what you make I say its up to fate Its woven in my soul I needto let you go Your eyes,they shine so bright I want to save their light Icant escape this now Unless you show me how