旅游文本翻译资料及作业1. 请大家阅读1-6页的几个中英文旅游文本,并总结中英文旅游文本各自的写作特点,下周课堂上会提问。2. 请大家本周完成翻译练习1(红色字体部分)3. 另外,请未完成新闻反思写作的同学尽快上交.English passages:1.The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-towest line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incursions by various warlike peoples or forces. Several walls were being built as early as the 7th century BC;3 these, later joined together and made bigger, stronger, and unified are now collectively referred to as the Great Wall。4 Especially famous is the wall built between 220206 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang。 Little of that wall remains。 Since then, the Great Wall has on and off been rebuilt, maintained, and enhanced; the majority of the existing wall was reconstructed during the Ming Dynasty.Other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade and the control of immigration and emigration. Furthermore, the defensive characteristics of the Great Wall were enhanced by the construction of watch towers, troop barracks, garrison stations, signaling capabilities through the means of smoke or fire, and the fact that the path of the Great Wall also served as a transportation corridor.The Great Wall stretches from Shanhaiguan in the east, to Lop Lake in the west, along an arc that roughly delineates the southern edge of Inner Mongolia。 A comprehensive archaeological survey, using advanced technologies, has concluded that the Ming walls measure 8,850 km (5,500 mi)。5 This is made up of 6,259 km (3,889 mi) sections of actual wall, 359 km (223 mi) of trenches and 2,232 km (1,387 mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers。5 Another archaeological survey found that the entire wall with all of its branches measure out to be 21,196 km (13,171 mi)。6 - The Great Wall of China, Wikipedia2. Yellowstone, however, is much more than hot ground and gushing steam。 Located astride the Continental Divide, most of the park occupies a high plateau surrounded by mountains and drained by several rivers。 Park boundaries enclose craggy peaks, alpine lakes, deep canyons, and vast forests。 In 1872, Yellowstone became the world's first national park, the result of great foresight on the part of many people about our eventual need for the solace and beauty of wild places.In early years, what made Yellowstone stand out was the extravaganza of geysers and hot springs。 The wild landscape and the bison, elk, and bears were nice but, after all, America was still a pioneer country filled with scenic beauty and animals。-Yellowstone National Park, National GeographicYellowstone National Park is the flagship of the National Park Service and a favorite to millions of visitors each year。 The park is a major destination for all members of the family. By driving the grand loop road, visitors can view the park from the comfort of their vehicle and also take a rest at one of the many roadside picnic areas。 For the active visitor, the park has thousands of miles of trails from dayhikes to backcountry explorations. The main attractions are all located on the grand loop road and here are some of the top reasons to visit the park. This site has a lot of the information you need for your trip and you may also consider our dvd ”The Wonders of Yellowstone" to help you plan your visit。 * Worlds First National Park 2,219,789 acres (Larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined) Wildlife 7 species of ungulates (bison, moose, elk, pronghorn), 2 species of bear and 67 other mammals, 322 species of birds, 16 species of fish and of course the gray wolf.* Plants There are over 1,100 species of native plants, more than 200 species of exotic plants and over 400 species of thermopholes。 Geology The park is home to one of the worlds largest calderas with over 10,000 thermal features and more than 300 geysers。 It has one of the world's largest petrifiied forests. It has over 290 waterfalls with the 308' Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River as its showpiece。 Yellowstone Lake is the largest (132 sq. mi.) high altitude (7,732) lake in north america。 9 visitor centers 12 campgrounds (over 2,000 campsites) -Yellowstone National Park,homepage3. Cape Breton Highlands National Park stretches across the northern part of Nova Scotias Cape Breton Island, embracing the best the island has to offer。 Franked on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Gulf of St。 Lawrence, this magnificent preserve of highland plateau offers steep headlands, rich bogs, and windblown barrens, crystalline lakes and swiftrunning streams sandy beaches, Acadian forests , and deep canyons。 Made some of the oldest visible rock on the planet, this rugged land was shaped by uplift, erosion, and glaciers, beginning between one billion and 345 million years ago。 Cape Breton Highlands National Park, National GeographicChinese passages:1。 八达岭长城位于北京市延庆县军都山关沟古道北口。是明长城中保存最好、也最具代表性的地段。联合国“世界文化遗产”之一。八达岭长城典型地表现了万里长城雄伟险峻的风貌。作为北京的屏障,这里山峦重叠,形势险要。气势极其磅礴的城墙南北盘旋延伸于群峦峻岭之中。依山势向两侧展开的长城雄峙危崖,陡壁悬崖上古人所书的"天险"二字,确切的概括了八达岭位置的军事重要性.八达岭长城驰名中外,誉满全球.是万里长城向游人开放最早的地段。“不到长城非好汉”。迄今,先后有尼克松、里根、撒切尔、戈尔巴乔夫、伊丽莎白等372位外国首脑和众多的世界风云人物登上八达岭观光游览。八达岭长城为居庸关的重要前哨,古称“居庸之险不在关而在八达岭”.明长城的八达岭段是长城建筑最精华段,集巍峨险峻、秀丽苍翠于一体,“玉关天堑"为明代居庸关八景之一.八达岭长城其关城为东窄西宽的梯形,建于明弘治十八年,嘉靖、万历年间曾修葺。关城有东西二门,东门额题“居庸外镇”,刻于嘉靖十八年;西门额题“北门锁钥”,刻于万历十年。八达岭是历史上许多重大事件的见证。第一帝王秦始皇东临碣石后,从八达岭取道大同,再驾返咸阳。肖太后巡幸、元太祖入关、元代皇帝每年两次往返北京和上都之间、明代帝王北伐、李自成攻陷北京、清代天子亲征八达岭都是必经之地。近代史上,慈禧西逃泪洒八达岭、詹天佑在八达岭主持修筑中国自力修建的第一条铁路京张铁路、孙中山先生登临八达岭长城等,留下了许多历史典故和珍贵的历史回忆,是历史名地。八达岭景区除了长城外,还有长城碑林、五郎像、石佛寺石像、戚继光景园、袁崇焕景园、长城碑林景园等景点.2。 稻城亚丁沉睡在岁月的冰河,方圆7323平方公里的土地存留着大地最古老的记忆和大自然最真最纯的心灵。它被时光遗忘,千万年来,日升日落,默默地守着自己旷世的美景。稻城的北部是青藏高原最大的古冰遗迹海子山自然保护区,自然景观旷远、原始、混沌。它的中部是开阔的河谷、草原、牧草丰茂,鲜花飘香。它的南部是连绵不断、千姿百态的山峰,深谷幽坚,湍流飞瀑.尤为著名的是驰名藏区的念青贡嘎日松布露峰和它神秘的传说.最重要的是这里拥有最纯的生灵,傲视天穹的神鹰,自由生活的各种野生动物,草场林间婉转歌唱的鸟儿,静静地放牧着自己的牧人。稻城,有你能够想到的一切,也有你想象之外的一切。亚丁风景区,位于甘孜州南部稻城县日瓦乡境内,景区海拔2900米(贡嘎河口)至6032米(仙乃日峰),面积5。6万公顷.景区以仙乃日、降边央、夏纳多吉三座雪峰为核心区,北南向分布.由于特殊的地理环境和自然气候,形成了独特的地貌和自然景观,是我国保存最完整的一处自然生态系统.仙乃日(藏语观世间菩萨)、降边央(藏语文殊菩萨)、夏纳多吉(藏语金刚手)三座雪山相距不远,各自拔地而起,呈三角鼎立,藏传佛教称为“日松贡布",意为三怙主神山。北峰仙乃日海拔6032米,南峰降边央海拔5958米,东峰夏纳多吉海拔5958米,三座雪山峰峰形各异,但都洁白无瑕,一尘不染。山腰茫茫林海,飞泉瀑布于其间,山脚宽谷曲流,镶嵌着明镜般的湖泊。雪峰、冰川、森林、溪流、瀑布、草甸、湖泊有机地组合,野生动物出没于其中,托出了一方静谧的净土。洛绒草场“日松贡布”三座神山环绕,贡嘎河从草场穿梭,林间溪流潺潺,与牧场木屋交相辉映,构成了一幅原始而又迷人的景色,令人们进入返朴归真的境界。这里观“日松贡布"三座神山尽收眼底.卡斯峡谷狭长深邃,谷台海拔3800米,谷底海拔2900米,谷内森林密布,怪石嵯峨,飞泉瀑布,吼声震天。谷中雾霭变幻莫测造型各异的岩峰时现时隐,时如天宫,时如仙女下凡,时如天马行空,腾云驾雾,真可谓一大奇观。区内藏乡村寨建筑和寺庙建筑别具一格,风貌独特.这里人们崇拜自然,把大自然当作生存的根基,与大自然相依为命,和谐相处.他们纯洁相实,和睦共处,一人有难,大家相助,善待客人,这里,也是最后的香格里拉。 -稻城亚丁,旅游网站3黄山,原名黟山,因峰岩青黑,遥望苍黛而名。后因传说轩辕黄帝曾在此炼丹成仙,唐玄宗信奉道教,故于天宝六年(公元747年)六月十七日改为“黄山”.据地质资料分析,黄山在四亿年前元古代震旦是古扬子海,两亿年前中生代三迭纪“印支地壳运动”变为陆地.此后,又历经多次造山运动的磨砺和第四次冰川的洗礼,才逐渐形成今天这样雄奇险幻的景色,被世人誉为“天下第一奇山”。黄山风景区分为:玉屏景区、白云景区、北海景区、松谷景区、云谷景区、温泉景区、梦幻景区。黄山集名山之大成;泰山之雄伟、华山之峻峭、峨嵋之清凉、匡庐之飞瀑、雁荡之巧石、衡山之烟云、黄山无不兼而有之。 资源主要特点:一是景观奇特。景区内有名可数的景点800多处。千米以上的山峰有77座,命名的有36大峰,36小峰。其中莲花峰、天都峰、光明顶三大主峰,海拔均在1800米以上,且各有特点:莲花峰瑰丽,光明顶高旷,天都峰险峻。黄山以变取胜,一年四季景各异,初春:繁花似锦,五彩缤纷,漫山杜鹃,争奇斗艳,十里桃花,姹紫嫣红;盛夏:涌泉池清,峭壁飞瀑,层峦叠翠,绿荫遍地,奇花异草,芳香诱人;金秋:丹枫如火,山花流芳,层林尽染,凝紫飞红,绚丽璀璨;严冬:银装素裹,玉树琼楼,雾松冰挂,晶莹雅洁.黄山可以说无峰不石,无石不松,无松不奇。其二湖,三瀑,十六泉,二十四溪相映争辉。并以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉、冬雪,俗称黄山“五绝"。奇松,“高可寻丈短尺许,寄生以石不以土”。名松一百多棵,其中列入世界遗产名录的有32棵.怪石,有名可数的有一百二十多处,它们巧夺天工,妙趣横生。尤其是与奇松相映成趣,分外瑰奇。“黄山甲天下,松与石最奇”.云海,是黄山的魔术大师,使山静中有动、动中有静,“只信茫茫云是海,不信茫茫海是云”. 温泉,属碳酸盐型,水质可浴可饮,水温长年保持在42左右。“五岳若与黄山并,犹欠灵砂一温泉”。冬雪,是游人公认的一绝. -黄山景区,百度百科Compare:1. 武陵源A。 武陵源风景名胜区,位于湖南省张家界市。总面积264平方公里,由张家界国家森林公园、索溪峪和天子山等几大景区组成。主要景观为石英砂岩峰林地貌,境内共有3103座奇峰,姿态万千,蔚为壮观。加之沟壑纵横,溪涧密布,森林茂密,人迹罕至,森林覆盖率85,植被覆盖率99,中高等植物3000余种,乔木树种700余种,可供观赏园林花卉多达450种。陆生脊椎动物50科116种。区内地下溶洞串珠贯玉,已开发的黄龙洞初探长度达11公里。武陵源以奇峰、怪石、幽谷、秀水、溶洞“五绝"而闻名于世. 武陵源风景名胜区B。 武陵源景色奇丽壮观,位于中国中部湖南省境内,连绵26000多公顷,景区内最独特的景观是3000余座尖细的砂岩柱和砂岩峰,大部分都有200余米高。在峰峦之间,沟壑、峡谷纵横,溪流、池塘和瀑布随处可见,景区内还有40多个石洞和两座天然形成的巨大石桥。除了迷人的自然景观,该地区还因庇护着大量濒临灭绝的动植物物种而引人注目. -联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会评价2丫山花海石林A. 丫山风景区位于安徽省芜湖市南陵县何湾镇内,地处铜陵、 池州、芜湖三市交界处,是安徽省“两山一湖"旅游经济圈的重要景点之一,距县城30公里、芜湖77公里、南京180公里、九华山48公里、黄山130公里,合(肥)-铜(陵)黄(山)、上(海)-重(庆)、申苏浙皖高速公路旁境而过,交通十分便利。景区占地面积25平方公里,因主峰呈“丫"字型而得名,其由花海石林、溶洞瀑布、峡谷天坑、暗河山顶湖四大景区组成。属典型的喀斯特地貌,是华东地区规模最大的喀斯特岩溶地貌景观.区内石林,溶洞,瀑布,峡谷,天坑,暗河,山顶湖景观融为一体,景色秀丽,有象形奇峰60余座:丫字峰,美人峰,蝙蝠峰,狮子峰,峰峰相望;灵石奇景,惟妙惟肖,大神龟,八戒石,蟾蜍观天,犀牛望月,妙趣横生:石林景观,漫山遍野。丫山表面呈蜂窝状,有大小洞口近百处,著名的有燕倪洞、仙子洞、海龙洞、仙人洞等,千奇百怪;而山麓下层为地下暗河,最为奇特的是在一九七六年唐山大地震后,位于丫山之间的南陵湖一夜惊现,堪称奇景一绝;景区内还有一大一小两条峡谷,丁桥大峡谷宽阔、粗旷,谷中为喀斯特湖;九龙峡谷神秘、幽静、浓荫蔽日,谷内有悬崖峭壁,水从神奇的九龙洞涌出,形成落差高达30米的珠帘瀑布,位于西山景区的下宕古村落给誉为“安徽的香格里拉.”丫山之所以称为“花海石林”,是因景区属中国凤丹原产保护地域,当地山民祖祖辈辈种植药用牡丹,开发之后,景区已拥有三个牡丹观赏园,移植栽培名贵牡丹9大类200多个品种,每到春季四、五月,万亩牡丹蔚然成为花海,漫山遍野的牡丹花依山层叠而上,花团锦簇,美不胜收,同时,大面积的石林与大面积的牡丹相结合,形成了花海和石林刚柔并济的世间奇景。特别是每年4月1日至5月10的 “牡丹花会"的举办,吸引着长三角区域及国内外游客纷至沓来。BYashan Mountain with Flower Sea and Stone ForestYashan Mountain is situated in Hewan Town, Naling County, right at the junction of three cities: Tongling, Chizhou and Wuhu。 Being the largest landscape of karst landform in the Delta Region of Yangtze River, it Covers 25 sq。 km and embraces enchanting beauty in stone forest, solution cavities, waterfalls, canyons, natural holes, underground rivers and mountaintop lakes。 Yashan Mountain enjoys a high reputation for its peonies, which blossom in spring and carpet the whole mountain, forming a pleasing contrast with the stone forest. The yearly Peony Festival attracts visitors from home and abroad。翻译练习:1.The Spain Pavilion is designed to be a hand-weaved wicker basket structure supported by the steel framework inside. ”The Basket," as some have dubbed the pavilion, is "dressed” in more than 8,000 wicker panels in brown, beige, and black。 Wicker weaving is a tradition in both Spain and China and the pavilion is like a bridge connecting the two nations。 The panels were handmade by craftsmen in Shandong Province, each one unique in design. The pavilion contains three exhibition halls which will take visitors through the time and space of the development of the cities in Spain with the theme of ”From the City of Our Parents to the City of Our Children." The three displays are created by famous Spanish film makers from three decades.Cultural Events Performance buffs and gourmets will be delighted by the pavilion, where they can enjoy authentic flamenco dancing and taste Spanish delicacies. The Spain Pavilion will be turned into a gastronomic cabaret that offers a feast to visitors every night by serving authentic delicacies and sizzling shows. The Spanish cultural events include soap bubbles, flamenco dancing, Latin and Spanish music。 The daily show will be staged twice, at 6pm and 8pm, in the pavilions amphitheatre。2. Cape Breton Highlands National Park stretches across the northern part of Nova Scotias Cape Breton Island, embracing the best the island has to offer. Flanked on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this magnificent preserve of highland plateau offers steep headlands, rich bogs, and windblown barrens, crystalline lakes and swift-running streams,sandy beaches, Acadian forests , and deep canyons. Made some of the oldest visible rock on the planet, this rugged land was shaped by uplift, erosion, and glaciers, beginning between one billion and 345 million years ago.