ideological and theoretical qualities and practical working ability, and strive to build a contingent of league cadres with positive work style and high quality. Hold a regular meeting of the party secretary every fortnightly, arrange the work of the regiment, feedback the student information. Focus on training junior high school, junior high school secretary of the regiment branch to enable them to raise A firm political conviction, diligent and diligent learning spirit and practical and innovative work style.广东省潮州市2017届高三数学第二次模拟考试试题 文(扫描版)潮州市2017年高考第二次模拟考试数学(文科)数学(文科)参考答案一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共60分)题号123456789101112答案BDAADBADBCAD二、填空题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分)13. 14 4 15 16. 部分题目解析:1.检验可知都满足集合,所以,故选B3. 依题意可得数列是公差为2的等差数列, 计算可得0,故选A4分别用A、 B 、C表示齐王的上、中、下等马,用a、b、c表示田忌的上、中、下等马,现从双方的马匹中随机选一匹进行一场比赛有Aa、Ab、Ac、Ba、Bb、Bc、Ca、Cb、Cc共9场比赛,其中田忌马获胜的有Ba、Ca、Cb共3场比赛,所以田忌马获胜的概率为故选A5因为恒为正数,故选D6.,故选B7.依题意可得,故选APABDC9不等式组表示的区域是以点,为顶点的三角形,故该区域的面积为24。10该几何体的直观图如图所示: 故体积为,故选C11双曲线的渐近线与抛物线的准线围成一个等边三角形可得,从而可得,故选A12因为,所以为偶函数,因为,当时恒成立,所以在上是增函数,由所以可得,所以,所以即所以,故选D13. 由图中条件求得,则,再代入点可得,故14因为构成一个等差数列,所以,故圆锥曲线为椭圆,从而,故焦距为415依题意,因为点是的中点,所以,所以,故16. 因为,所以数列为等比数列所以, 又,则.三、解答题:第题为必做题,每题满分各为分,第题为选做题,只能选做一题,满分分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤17.(1)解:由 及正弦定理有 1分3分 4分 5分 6分(2)由可得 7分由余弦定理得:,即, 8分, 11分面积的最大值为 12分18解:(1)由题意知频率分布表可知:,所以, =0.3 3分补全频率分布直方图,如图所示 5分(2)第2,4,5组总人数为故第2组应抽人数为,记为1,2第4组应抽人数为,记为a,b,c第5组应抽人数为,记为m 分从这6名市民中随机抽取两名的所有的基本事件有:(m ,a),(m, b),(m ,c),(m,1),(m ,2),(a,b),(a,c),(a,1),(a,2),(b,c),(b,1),(b,2),(c,1),(c,2),(1,2), 10分共有15个,符合条件的有9个;故概率为=0.6 12分19解: (1)证明取AD的中点M,连接EM,CM,则EMPA.因为EM平面PAB,PA平面PAB,所以EM平面PAB. 2分在RtACD中,CAD60°,CMAM,所以ACM60°.而BAC60°,所以MCAB.因为MC平面PAB,AB平面PAB,所以MC平面PAB. 4分又因为EMMCM,所以平面EMC平面PAB.因为EC平面EMC,所以EC平面PAB. 6分(2)由已知条件有AC2AB2,AD2AC4,CD2.因为PA平面ABCD,所以VPACDSACD×PA××2×2×2. 9分因为E是PD的中点,所以三棱锥PACE的体积VVPACD. 12分20解:(1)过焦点且垂直于长轴的直线被椭圆截得的线段长为 = ,离心率为,=, 2分解得a=,c=1,b=1椭圆的方程为 4分(2)当直线MN斜率不存在时,直线PQ斜率为0,此时 5分当直线MN斜率存在时,直线MN:y=k(x-1),联立得,则 7分由可设直线PQ : ,联立椭圆消去y得, 9分,令则 11分综上, 12分21. 解:(1)的定义域为, 1分当时,递增 2分当时, 3分综上:当时,的单调增区间为,单调减区间为当时,的单调增区间为 4分(2)由是函数的两个零点有,相减得 6分 8分所以要证明,只需证明即证明,即证明 10分令,则则,在上递减,在上递增,所以成立,即 12分 22解:(1)点R的极坐标转化成直角坐标为:R(2,2) 2分由消参数得 4分(2)设P()根据题意,得到Q(2,sin),则:|PQ|=,|QR|=2sin, 6分所以矩形PQRS的周长为:2(|PQ|+|QR|)= 8分由知当时, 9分所以矩形的最小周长为4,点P() 10分23.解:(1) 2分 4分 5分综上所述,不等式的解集为: 6分(2)由()知, 7分 8分 9分实数的取值范围为 10分Strengthen the team connection, strengthen the knowledge education among the students (especially the first grade students), and promote the formation of good school spirit with the influence of the league members. All League branches should start with recommending outstanding students as the development objects of the League, take amateur league schools as the basis, conscientiously do a good job in the work of pre-league education, league membership education, League members' vanguard exemplary consciousness education, excellent league members' education, etc. Under the premise of ensuring the quality, the development quantity of league members will increase steadily, and the ranks of league members in middle schools will be strengthened constantly. It is planned to develop a group of new league members in April and mid-October.2. Carry out the regular meeting system of the League branch, and strengthen the ideological accomplishment and the training work in the field of business. League cadres are the backbone of the work of the League, and their quality directly affects the quality of the work. Therefore, they plan to use their extracurricular activities on Wednesday to open special training and other forms of study activities. To help the regiment cadres improve their ideological quality and professional skills, improve their11