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2019.12.12Hello,300DaysofPlanFrom作者姓名RANCHOMario马里奥目录01030204Copy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.TexthereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.TexthereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.TexthereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Texthere第一节过渡页/文字Part 01Part 01Part 01Part 01THINKING OF MY BROTHERS ON A MOONLIT NIGHTTHINKING OF MY BROTHERS ON A MOONLIT NIGHTWar drums break peoples journey drear;War drums break peoples journey drear;A swanhonkson autumn frontier.A swanhonkson autumn frontier.Dew turns into frost since tonight;Dew turns into frost since tonight;The moon viewed at home is more bright.The moon viewed at home is more bright.Ive brothersscatteredhere and there;Ive brothersscatteredhere and there;For our life or death none would care.For our life or death none would care.Letters cant reach where I intend;Letters cant reach where I intend;Alas!The wars not come to an end.Alas!The wars not come to an end.Supporting text here.Text hereText hereSupporting text here.Text hereText hereSupporting text here.Text hereText hereSupporting text here.Text hereText here2016201720182019Copy paste fonts.Choose the only Copy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.option to retain text.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText here1.Supporting text here.2.Supporting text here.3.Supporting text here.4.Text hereText here1.Supporting text here.2.Supporting text here.3.Supporting text here.4.Text hereText here1.Supporting text here.2.Supporting text here.3.Supporting text here.4.Text hereText here1.Supporting text here.2.Supporting text here.3.Supporting text here.4.Text hereText here1.Supporting text here.2.Supporting text here.3.Supporting text here.4.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text.Text hereText here第二节过渡页/图文Part 02Part 02Part 02Part 02Supporting text here.Supporting text here.Unified fonts make Unified fonts make reading more fluent.reading more fluent.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.reference line in PPT.Copy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain textCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text02.Text here02.Text hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain textCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text03.Text here03.Text hereCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain textCopy paste fonts.Choose the only option to retain text01.Text here01.Text hereUnified fonts makeUnified fonts makereading more fluent.reading more fluent.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Supporting text here.text here.Supporting text here.text here.Supporting text here.text here.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Unified fonts makeUnified fonts makereading more fluent.reading more fluent.Theme color makes PPT more convenient to change.Adjust the spacing to adapt to Chinese typesetting,use the reference line in PPT.Text here Text here 第三节过渡页/数据Part 03Part 03Part 03Part 03Supporting text hereSupporting text hereTEXT HERETEXT HEREpSupporting text here Supporting text pSupporting text here Supporting text here内容标题01Supporting text hereTEXT HERE02Supporting text hereTEXT HERE03Supporting text hereTEXT HERE04Supporting text hereTEXT HERE内容标题Text hereText hereText hereText hereText hereText here内容标题TEXT HERETEXT HERESupporting text herepSupporting text here Supporting text pSupporting text here Supporting text here内容标题Category 01Supporting text hereCategory 02Supporting text hereCategory 03Supporting text hereCategory 04Supporting text here20182019内容标题THANKYOU!第第一一单单元元 青青春春时时光光 第第二二课课 青青春春的的心心弦弦 第第1课课时时 男男生生女女生生忆一忆 小小时候候自自己己最最喜喜欢的的玩玩具具或或者者游游戏。两两组组照照片片哪哪一一组组更更容容易易区区分分性性别别?12 到到了了青青春春期期,男男生生女女生生在在生生理理方方面面的的差差异异更更加加明明显显。活活动动一一:心心目目中中的的男男生生女女生生活动要求:说出你最欣赏的异性同学的性格、态度、举止、相貌。男生与女生的性别差异有哪些?开朗活泼、各谒可亲、文明、帅气(温柔)开朗活泼、各谒可亲、文明、帅气(温柔)讨论:男男生生与与女女生生的的性性别别差差异异有有哪哪些些?A生生理理差差异异B性性格格特特征征C兴兴趣趣爱爱好好D思思维维方方式式甲甲形形象象思思维维能能力力强强,善善于于分分析析。乙乙逻逻辑辑思思维维能能力力强强,善善于于综综合合。问问:甲甲和和乙乙谁谁更更像像女女生生?思思维维方方式式甲甲豁豁达达大大度度,讲讲义义气气,阳阳刚刚坚坚强强,乙乙性性格格温温顺顺文文雅雅,多多愁愁善善感感。问问:甲甲和和乙乙谁谁更更像像女女性性?性性格格特特征征3.甲甲喜喜欢欢芭芭比比娃娃娃娃等等时时尚尚物物品品,喜喜欢欢逛逛街街。乙乙喜喜欢欢武武器器类类玩玩具具,爱爱玩玩网网络络游游戏戏,喜喜欢欢大大球球类类活活动动,如如:足足球球,篮篮球球等等。兴兴趣趣爱爱好好 性性别别刻刻板板印印象象是是人人们们对对男男性性或或女女性性角角色色特特征征的的固固有有印印象象,是是人人们们对对男男性性或或女女性性在在行行为为、人人格格特特征征等等方方面面予予以以的的期期望望、要要求求和和笼笼统统的的看看法法。