Unit 3 The world of colours and light1.Do you know how an artist draws a painting?2.What painting materials and tools do they use?3.How many types of paintings do you know?Read the article about types of painting in Part A.Try to find out as many types mentioned as possible in the text.地理教学研修心得体会:有效教研、有效研学地理教学研修心得体会:有效教研、有效研学地理教学研修心得地理教学研修心得:有效教研、有效研学有效教研、有效研学有效教研、有效研学有效教研、有效研学研修第二天研修第二天,上午培训学习继续进行上午培训学习继续进行,山西省学教师培训心副主任山西省学教师培训心副主任,山西省教育学会山西省教育学会副会长副会长,太原师范学院教授太原师范学院教授,师资培训处副处长常学勤教授给我们带来有效地理教师资培训处副处长常学勤教授给我们带来有效地理教学与教师应具备的意识。学与教师应具备的意识。报告分两部分报告分两部分,第一部分第一部分,如何理解课堂教学的有效性如何理解课堂教学的有效性?常教授指出常教授指出,有效即为效率、有效即为效率、效果和效益。也就是单位时间内效果和效益。也就是单位时间内,成绩结果有进步成绩结果有进步,投入和产出成正比例。常教授提投入和产出成正比例。常教授提出出,我们的课堂不能简单的关注知识我们的课堂不能简单的关注知识,更要渗透学习方法和思维方式更要渗透学习方法和思维方式,要有大视角和要有大视角和大尺度大尺度,要培养学生的地理学科素养。真正有效的学习要培养学生的地理学科素养。真正有效的学习,是学生能抛弃课本、笔记和是学生能抛弃课本、笔记和琐碎的记忆琐碎的记忆,将学到的知识转化为智慧的学习。将学到的知识转化为智慧的学习。怀特海怀特海(英英)课堂从传授知识、培养能力走向为改变思维而教课堂从传授知识、培养能力走向为改变思维而教(学学)。让我们的教学要成为智慧的教学让我们的教学要成为智慧的教学,让孩子们有快乐的学习体验有成就感的学习感受。让孩子们有快乐的学习体验有成就感的学习感受。第二部分第二部分,有效教学教师应具备的意识。包括课程标准意识、课堂教学目标意识、有效教学教师应具备的意识。包括课程标准意识、课堂教学目标意识、学生意识、教材意识。学生意识、教材意识。一、课程标准的意义与价值一、课程标准的意义与价值1.国家意志的体现国家意志的体现;2.反映国家对某一学段学生所应达到的学业水平的宏观要求反映国家对某一学段学生所应达到的学业水平的宏观要求;3.是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依Types of paintingsAccording to materials,there are the following types of painting:watercolour oil paintingcanvas charcoal drawing Portrait Landscape Still life According to contents:Read the article again and fill in the following chart.Type of paintingDescriptionwatercolouroil paintingcharcoal drawingdone with colours that need to be mixed with waterdone on a canvas with thick colours mixed with oildone with charcoalType of paintingDescriptionportraitlandscapestill lifefor peoplefor viewsfor objectsLi Ming found this picture that shows what painting materials a painter may use.Look at the picture.watercolourspalettepencilsoil paintseaselcanvaspaintbrushesLi Ming has decided to take up painting as a hobby.He found some advice on the Internet about how to paint.Some of the words did not print out properly.Use the words from Parts A and B to complete the passage.When you are learning to paint,you do not need to spend a lot of money.The first thing you should decide is whether you are going to paint in _ or _.Once you have decided,you only need to buy the the basic colours.The person in the art shop will help you.You will need to buy _.watercoloursoilspaintbrushesYou will also need some good _ so that you can draw outlines of your painting.A soft eraser will be useful in case you want to make changes.If you will be using watercolours,you will need _ to paint on.If you are using _,you will need to buy canvas to paint on.pencilspaperoil paintsWhen you are starting out,you do not need an easel as you can put your painting on the table.Also,you can use a plate instead of a palette to mixyour paint on.The next thing you need to decide is what you are going to paint,a _,a landscape or a _.portraitstill life Many colours have different shades,like light blue and dark blue.Often the names of these shades are the same as the objects that are of a similar colour.Match the words in the box with the objects below.chocolate lemon cherry olive green sea green roserosecherrylemonolive greenolive greensea greenchocolate请写出下列英文词汇对应的中文。请写出下列英文词汇对应的中文。1.Chinese painting _2.oil painting _3.watercolour _4.still life_5.landscape _6.self-portrait _7.charcoal drawing_国画国画油画油画水彩画水彩画静物画静物画风景画风景画自画像自画像木炭画木炭画 Get familiar with the words learnt in this lesson.Read some books about colours and drawing.Preview the next period.