大学英语翻译基础 讲稿.pdf
大学英语翻译基础课程介绍大学英语翻译基础课程介绍新的大学英语教学大纲对学生的英汉互译能力提出了具体而明确的要求。在基础阶段,要求学生“能借助词典将难度略低于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意,译速为每小时 300 英语单词。能借助词典将内容熟悉的汉语文字材料译成英语,译文达意,无重大语言错误,译速为每小时 250 汉字。”在高级阶段,要求学生“能借助词典将难度略低于课文的英语短文译成汉语,理解正确,译文达意,译速为每小时350 个英语单词。能借助词典将内容熟悉的汉语文字翻译成英语,译文达意,无重大语言错误,译速为每小时300汉字。”按照此要求,在大学英语教学中开设翻译课是非常有必要的。通过翻译理论和技巧的学习,学生可以进一步掌握两种语言各自特有的思维方式和遣词造句的规律,反复运用所学过的外语语法、词汇、习惯用法和修辞知识,巩固和提高所学过的外语知识,提高综合文化素质。一、教学目的和要求一、教学目的和要求旨在对具有较好通用英语基础,且希望进一步提高英语水平及提高跨文化交际能力的学生进行较为专业化的训练,以适应全球化日益深入,跨文化交际日益增强和培养复合型人才的需要。要求学生在翻译题材熟悉,难度适中的英汉语语篇时,做到在内容上忠实于原文,表达上通顺流畅。二、教学内容及方式二、教学内容及方式主要内容包括:翻译的标准,英汉两种语言在词汇、句法、篇章组织方面的对比分析,词、句和段落处理的微技能,篇章翻译技巧、不同文体的特点及翻译对策。还适当介绍考研英语翻译方面的对策。主要通过微技能及篇章翻译技巧介绍、课堂练习与讨论、译本比较与佳作欣赏、课后翻译实践(作业)、习作讲评、翻译理论的穿插介绍等环节来组织教学活动,以实例来谈理论,实践为主,强调学生的课堂参与。采取多媒体方式进行课堂教学。三、考试要求三、考试要求本课程考试为闭卷考试,成绩评估将综合考虑学生课堂参与和表现(20%)、平时作业(20%)及期末考试(60%)。记分采用百分制。111第一章第一章英汉语言对比英汉语言对比吕叔湘先生在中国人学英语一书中指出:“一种事物的特点,要跟别的事物比较才显出来。”“我相信,对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识英语和汉语的差别,在每一个具体问题词形、词义、语法范畴、句子结构,都尽可能用汉语的情况来跟英语作比较,让他通过这种比较得到更深刻地领会。”一、一、A specific study of two languages A specific study of two languages1.英语有冠词,汉语没有。1)英语有冠词,汉语没有冠词;因此,英译汉时往往可将冠词省略。A teacher should have patience in his work.当教员的应当有耐心。(省略不定冠词 A)The horse is a useful animal.马是有益的动物。(省略定完词 The)It is out of the question to fly to the moon in the past.在过去,飞往月球是绝对办不到的事情。(省略定完词 The)2)英译汉时,省略原文中的冠词是一般情况。但在某些场合,冠词却不能省略,可以翻译为一个,每一,这个,那个等。例如:He left without saying a word.他一句话不说就走了。Egbert said he was getting a dollar a mile.埃格伯特说,他(开车)每天一英里就赚一块钱。This is the book you wanted.这就是你要的那本书。2.英语总是把重要的东西放在前面,讲究开门见山,先谈看法后具体说明,由近到远,由里及表,执果索因,汉语相反。222No spitting on the street.禁止在大街上吐痰。3.英语有丰富的抽象词汇,一词多义现象普遍,动词的名词化倾向十分的严重。She is such a delight.Ask the men to come here at 11:00 for a briefing.Bush was a Yale man.4.英语大量的使用了被动结构,表现了客观性和逻辑的特性。I was born in New York.我出生在纽约。You have to be operated on.你得做手术。5.英语中倒装结构使用普遍Not until he took off his glasses did we realize who he was.Should it rain tomorrow,the match should be put off.6.英语大量的使用了无灵主语(即非人称主语):“itis”和“there be”.而汉语中更常用“我们,我”来表达,这突出了英语注重形式的特点。“The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendousexcitement on board when a chest was raised from the bottom”“他们用结实的网把海床搜索了一遍。当一只箱子从海底被打捞上来时,甲板上人们激动不已”。(新概念第三册第 32 课)7.英语句子结构严谨,汉语则相对松散。I got really hot in my pants,so I took them off.But they must have shrunk fromthe sweat,or my legs裤子穿着太热,我就把它脱了。但不知是因为出汗后裤子缩水了,还是因为我的腿热胀了,怎么也穿不回去了!(老友记)让警察逮着是小事,你要是在我手里有个三长两短,我可是死罪。333If I am caught by the police,it is no big deal.But if you die on me,I llbe dead.(冯小刚没完没了)二、二、VocabularyVocabularyTwo famous sayings about words:No brick,no construction;no word,no composition.无砖不成房,无词不成章。Words do not have meanings;people have meanings for words.词本无义,义随人生1.1.词汇的共同趋势词汇的共同趋势:语言不是静止不变的。词的意义也是如此。语言不是静止不变的。词的意义也是如此。1)以 bird 一词为例它本来意思是“鸟”,也可以指家禽。后来在口语中又常用来指“人”、“姑娘”等。近来,随着科技事业的发展,bird 的意义又进一步扩大,可指飞机、火箭、直升飞机、航天飞机、卫星等任何飞行器。2)sailsail:起航,张帆起航之意。自潜艇出现以后,sail 这个词又增添了“潜艇指挥塔”的含义。近年来吸毒成风,sail这个词又可作吸毒后“变得飘飘然”的意思。2.Comparison of meaning of words2.Comparison of meaning of words 1)Equivalents microwave supermarket right-wing out-party 在野党 keyboard bathroom cold war action research444 chain reactions open secret2)partial equivalents intellectualCultureGrandfatherGrandmotherSisterMarriage 娶,嫁Gun 枪、炮Morning 早晨、上午 3)No equivalents主要是英语中一些新词,包括专用名词、术语以及一些反映英美社会特殊风气及事物的词。A.English words without Chinese equivalents engine motor humor dollar saint juryB.Chinese words without English equivalents党员,干部,公社,鬼子4.Polysemant:4.Polysemant:英语比汉语有更多的一词多意的词英语比汉语有更多的一词多意的词An example:Different meanings of the word“story”:1).A young man came to Scottis with a story.一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。2).Her story is one of the saddest.她的遭遇最惨。3).Hell be happy if that story holds up.如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。4).Its quite another story now.现在情形完全不同了。5).The war is becoming the most important story of this generation.这场战争已成为这一代人的最重大事件。senator highway555v1.0 可编辑可修改6).The official refused to confirm the story.那个官员拒绝证实这个消息。7).Some reporters who were not included in the session broke the story.有些那次会议没有到场的记者把内情揭露出来。5.5.词语搭配对比(词语搭配对比(Collocation of wordsCollocation of words)An example of the word“soft”:A.英汉语言基本相同的搭配Soft pillow,soft cushion,Soft wood,soft light,soft voice,soft breezeSoft musicSoft answer委婉的回答Soft drink不含酒精的饮料Soft heart易感动的心Soft words和蔼的话Soft money纸币B.“soft”used technically1)(导弹设施等)无坚固掩护工事的,可攻破的:A soft aboveground launching site无坚固掩体的地面发射基地The record has been considered soft ever since it was set last May.自从五月份创造了这个纪录以来,人们一直认为它是很容易被打破的。666)(宇宙飞船的着陆)飞行速度在公里小时左右的软着陆。The landing must be supersoft,made at a velocity of 18 miles or so an hour.这次着陆一定是超级的软着陆,即着陆时的飞行速度在每小时 18 英里(约公里)左右。3)(麻醉毒品)毒性较轻的,软性的:Marijuana is usually regarded as a soft drug.大麻通常被看作是软性(毒性较轻的)麻醉毒品。)(情报等)非百分之百可靠的:At this stage there is only soft intelligence about the enemy s intention.We should not shoothim from the hip.在目前,关于敌人的意图还只有不太充分的情报,我们不能鲁莽行事。C.比喻结构 As+adj+as+n 的异同as busy as a bee,as firm/hard as a rockas white as snow,as cold as iceas strong as a horse/an ox,as bright as daylightas blind as a bat/mole,as silly as a goose/as assas swift as an antelope,as stubborn as a muleas clear as crystal,as cunning as a foxas easy as ABC/pie,as brave as a lionas light as feather/air,as tough as leatheras good as gold,as soft as silk/butter/downas timid as a rabbit,as slippery as an ee三、三、A comparative study of sentencesA comparative study of sentences从句法表现形式上来说,汉语和英语的表现方式也不同。汉语重意合(parataxis),而英语重形合(hypotaxis)。汉语句子的主语和谓语只要求在语义上一致,不必在形式上呼应。英语的主谓语则严格要求在数、人称、动词的时态上一致。汉语一个句子可以有好几777个短句组成,它们之间只有在意义上的联系,无需形式上的连接;英语的句子则往往要求用关系代词或关系副词将句子成分连成一个意义和形式完美结合的整体。就篇章组织而言,汉语是主题突出语言(topic-prominent)语言,英语是主语突出(subject-prominent)语言。汉语在表达思想时往往突出主题而不在意主语;英语的主语却是一句之主,对句子结构甚至词语选择起统帅作用。至于标点符号,中国古代书籍一般没有标点符号。到了汉代才有“句读”符号。所谓“句读”,即文辞语意已尽处为“句”,语意未尽而须停顿处则为“读”。19 世纪末,随着大量外国书籍被译成中文,在西文中使用的标点符号也被吸收过来。1897 年王炳耀根据中国原有断句方法,吸收西文的标点,首次拟定了 10 种标点符号。1990 年 3 月国家语言文字工作委员会和新闻出版总署公布了重新修订的 标点符号用法,共有标点符号 16 种。正是由于这个历史原因,汉语和英语的标点符号有许多共同之处。汉语和英语都有相同的逗号(comma)、问号()、叹号(!)、冒号(:)、分号(;)、引号(“”)、括号()、破折号()、连接号()。但是句号,英语是一点(.),汉语是一小圆(。);省略号,汉语是六点(),英语是三点()。汉语有顿号(、)、间隔号()、书名号()、着重号()、专名号(_),英语没有这些符号。英语有撇号()、斜线号(/),汉语则没有这些符号。港台及海外华人所用的汉语标点符号与中国大陆略有不同,不要混淆。总之,在英汉互译中,要经常进行两种语言的对比,只有通过对比才能熟练掌握两种语言的转换,从而不断提高翻译的质量。I.Sentence structureI.Sentence structure1.Passive voice sentences:1).Frequency:passive voice is often used in English,esp.in scientific article,while2).Structure:in English,a definite passive structure is used,while in Chinesethe followingwords are used to express Passive:888II.The Chinese words for Passive:II.The Chinese words for Passive:被,为所,受,由,加以,予以,得到,是的III.The implied differences between the English passive and the Chinese passive:III.The implied differences between the English passive and the Chinese passive:In Chinese,the passive voice usually implies sth unpleasant,while in Englishtheres not such kind of feeling in it.Examples for the translation of passive voice sentences:The lost child was found three days later.失踪的孩子三天后找到了。These photos werent taken on the Great Wall.这些照片不是在长城拍摄的。The children are carefully taken care of.孩子们受到了精心的照顾。Pronunciation has been paid attention by the students.语音已为学生们所重视。The plan will be examined by a special committee.这个计划由一个特别委员会加以审查。At last the farmers crops were saved.农民的庄稼终于得救了。He will be hanged as a spy early tomorrow morning.明天清晨他将作为一名间谍被绞死。The famous building has been destroyed by the big fire.大火把这幢大楼毁掉了。IV.The Inverted StructureIV.The Inverted StructureThe inverted structure is common in English language while it is seldom foundin Chinese.The following are the common categories of the inverted structure inEnglish.1.Here,there,now,out1.Here,there,now,out 等引导等引导此类为完全倒装(fully inverted,full inversion)特点一:副词或副词短语放在句首:here,there,now,then,out,up,in999特点二:动词多为不及物:be,come,go,exist,live,follow,stand,lieExamples:Here is the very passport that you have lost.There stands a great monument on the top of that mountain.Up went the rocket into the space in an instant.Then came the day we had been looking forward to.2.(not)only2.(not)only 修饰状语放在句首修饰状语放在句首从第二类开始是部分倒装(partially inverted;partial inversion)ExamplesOnly in this way can you master the skill of making a living.Only when one is ill does he realize the value of health.Only by reading extensively can you widen your insight.Not only did he complain about the food,he also refused to pay for it.Notice:如果被强调部分是主语,不倒装Only girls can use it.3.3.表示否定的意义的副词和副词短语位于句首表示否定的意义的副词和副词短语位于句首Little,seldom,hardly,scarcely,never,nowhere,in no case,under no conditions,under no circumstances,not in the least,in no way,by no means,on no accountexamplesNever in my life have I heard of such a strange thing!Under no circumstances should we yield to difficulty.In no case will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.On no account are visitors allowed to feed the animal.that 结构中,that 结构中,soso 放在句首放在句首So fast did he walk that none of us was his equal.101010So absurd did he look that everyone stared at him.So much does he worry about his financial position that he cant sleep at night.5.5.虚拟条件句如果省略虚拟条件句如果省略 ififShould green plants disappear some day,there would hardly be any life on the earth.We would have bought this fancy furniture,had we had enough cash on hand.Were the sun to rise from the west,my love for you would unchanged for good.6.6.在几个句型中,如果否定词放在句首在几个句型中,如果否定词放在句首句型是:hardlywhen;No soonerthan,Not until(刚。就。)Hardly had I arrived when I had a new problem to cope with.Scarcely had we started lunch when the doorbell rang.No sooner were she back at home than she realized her mistakes.7.7.状语放在句首时状语放在句首时On the floor were piles of old books and newspapers.(adverbial of place)Gladly would I pay more if I could get better service by doing so.(adverbial ofmanner)Many a time has she given money to beggars.(adverbial of frequency8.8.表示祝愿的句子表示祝愿的句子May you live a long and happy life!Long live the Peoples Republic of China!May you a happy journey做主语时,可全部倒装做主语时,可全部倒装Such was the force of the explosion that all the windows were broken.10.10.正常的语法结构要求的倒装正常的语法结构要求的倒装1111111)general questions2)special questions3.)Tag questions四、四、Difference in English and Chinese Ways of ThinkingDifference in English and Chinese Ways of Thinking英美人抽象思维 Abstraction中国人形象思维 Thinking in terms of images英美人直线思维 Thinking in linear way中国人曲线思维 Thinking in circular wayI.I.思维差异导致语篇的主要差异:思维差异导致语篇的主要差异:1.英语语言常使用大量的涵义概括、指称笼统的抽象名词来表达复杂的理性的概念。而中国人则习惯于使用具体、形象的词语来表达虚的概念。英语语言偏重抽象思维的一个集中表现就是大量使用被动语态.2.英语篇章的组织和发展是“直线型”,直截了当地陈述主题,即把要点先表达出来,然后再把各种修饰语和其它次要内容一一补充进来。所以,句式结构多主句、从句相互交错。而中国人习惯于从侧面说明、阐述外围的环境,最后点出话语的信息中心,即不直接切入主题,先在主题外围“兜圈子”或“旁敲侧击”,最后再进入主题。所以,汉语的表达方式被称为是“曲线型”或“螺旋型”。但汉语的句式以简单句为主。II.II.对比:哪一段是地道的语篇对比:哪一段是地道的语篇Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life:longing forlove,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.渴望爱、寻求知识和对人类苦难的深切同情,这是支配我的生活的 3 种简单而无比强烈的情感。My life is governed by three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong:the longingfor love,the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.1212123 种简单而无比强烈的情感支配着我的生活,它们是对爱的渴望、对知识的寻求和对人类苦难的深切同情。III.III.英汉语中主体和客体的问题英汉语中主体和客体的问题英语严格区分主体和客体,因为英美人注重客观事物对人的作用和影响。英文多用无生命名词作主语,主动和被动语态使用分明。中国人思维中以人为中心,所以常以有生命的名词做主语,并且不太区分主、客体,主、被动语态呈隐含式。Some examples:近年来热情的读者纷纷致函各地方报纸,对北京的城市建设提出了种种建议。In recent years local newspapers have been sprinkled with passionate lettersadvising various suggestions on the urban construction of Beijing.Another exampleIt has long been maintained that it was only during his Harvard graduate years thatEliot developed his interest in primitive cultures.人们长期以来坚持认为,艾略特对原始文化的兴趣是他在哈佛读研究生的岁月里培养起来的。IV.IV.英语重形合,汉语重义合英语重形合,汉语重义合英语注重运用各种有形的联结手段达到语法形式与逻辑形式两个方面的完整,概念指代分明,句子组织严密,层次明确,句法功能呈外显特征。汉语表现形式受意念引导,看上去概念、判断、推理都不严密,句子松散,句法功能呈隐含形式。具体表现是:在英语中,句子的从属关系大多是用连接词if,although,as soon as,as long as,because,when,in order that,whatever,so 及 so that 等词明确地表示出来。在汉语中,通过句子之间的内部逻辑关系可以表达英语中那些连接词所表达的意思。131313Some examples:I cant trust him,because he is not honest.他不老实,我不能信任他。The monks may run away,but the temple cannot run away.跑了和尚,跑不了庙。If you are dead,I will be a monk.你死了,我就做和尚。(红楼梦)Two versions of translation:It had been a fine,golden autumn,a lovely farewell to those who would lose theiryouth,and some of them their lives,before the leaves turned again in a peace timefall.例:翻译的形合和意合那是个天气晴朗、金黄可爱的秋天,对于那些在和平时期的秋天树叶再度转黄之前将要失去青春、有的要失去生命的人们是一个动人的送别。那是个天气晴朗、金黄可爱的秋天,动人的秋色为那些青年们送别。待到站后和平时期,黄叶纷飞的秋天再度来临时,当日的青年已经失去了青春,有的失去了生命。五、五、Cultural DifferenceCultural Difference1.Definition of culture1.Definition of culture文化是一个复杂的综合,包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、习俗及一个人以社会一员的资格所获得的其它一切能力、习惯。Culture:the customs,beliefs,art,music,and all the other products of humanthought made by a particular group of people at a particular timeTwo more phrases of cultureCulture gap:difference in cultureCulture shock:the shock of experiencing a different and unfamiliar culture1414142.2.英汉颜色词语及其内涵意义的对比英汉颜色词语及其内涵意义的对比英汉语中某些颜色的词语,在平时的运用中其客观色彩意义已经淡化,而常用来表示不同的喻义。我们应当注意这类英汉词语的异同之外,还应注意这类颜色词不能直译,所以当我们使用这些词汇时,应特别留意其涵义及翻译,才能达到正确动用之目的。whitewhite1)英语中的“white”其涵义可表示纯洁、美好、善意、合法、公平、幸福、轻轻的、政治上反动等,如:a white lie white coffee white list white room white hope white weddingwhite man white magic days marked with a white stoneAn exception:a white elephant2)汉语中的“白色”其涵义表示清楚、明白、陈述、纯净、无代价的、无效的、政治上反动的等。真相大白白吃白痴表白白丁白眼不分皂白白给3 3、英汉动物词文化联想意义对比分析、英汉动物词文化联想意义对比分析1 1)语义重合:英汉动物词联想意义的共鸣语义重合:英汉动物词联想意义的共鸣You ass!You stupid ass!How could you do a thing like thatPhrase:make an ass of sb.eat like a pigmake a pig of oneselfpigs in cloverbuy a pig in a poke2 2)语义错位:英汉动物词联想意义的表同质异,表异质同语义错位:英汉动物词联想意义的表同质异,表异质同3 3)语义空缺:英汉动物词联想意义的民族性语义空缺:英汉动物词联想意义的民族性back the wrong horse change horsefrom the horses mouth151515Never swap horses while crossing the streamPut the cart before the horsework for a dead horseYou may take a horse to the water,but you cant make him drinkhorse doctor horse laugh第二章第二章翻译的标准翻译的标准翻译的定义翻译的定义(Concept of translation)Translation is the process of rendering written language that was produced inone language(the source language)into another(the target language),or the targetlanguage version that results from this process.161616翻译的种类翻译的种类(Categories of translation)就题材而言,翻译可分为文学翻译(literary translation)和实用翻译(pragmatictranslation)。根据工作方式,翻译包括口译(interpret)、笔译(translation)和全自动机器翻译(machine-aided translation)。翻译的目的翻译的目的一、一、严复的三字标准严复的三字标准“信、达、雅”(Faithfulness,Expressiveness and Elegance)二、二、泰特勒的三条基本原则标准泰特勒的三条基本原则标准18 世纪末,爱丁堡大学历史教授亚历山大F泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler,19471814 年)在论翻译的原则(Essay on the Principles of Translation,1791)一书中系统地提出了进行翻译和评判翻译的三条基本原则:(1)A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the originalwork.(2)The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as thatof the original.(3)A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.三、三、“功能对等”“功能对等”“功能对等”(Functional Equivalence)翻译准则是由美国著名翻译家尤金.奈达(Eugene A.Nida)提出的。四、四、现行的四字标准现行的四字标准如今,大多数的翻译教程都采用“忠实、通顺”(faithfulness;smoothness)的四字标准。1Jane does not work hard because she wants to earn money.2The president stand there,hat in hand,begging congress for their votes.1Pindus Road was a long,wide,straight street that ran parallel with BreadRoad.1717172.She not only laughs a lot but has a