关于假期的英语作文七年级上关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期学期-初一上学期英语作文初一上学期英语作文关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期初一上学期英语作文初一上学期英语作文我们英语期待着假期,我们英语期待着假期,假期的生活是在假期的生活是在校园中无法想象的。校园中无法想象的。你知道怎么写一篇假期你知道怎么写一篇假期的英语作文吗的英语作文吗?下面是下面是 X X 给大家整理的关于给大家整理的关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期,供你参考假期的英语作文七年级上学期,供你参考!关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期篇关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期篇 1 1Winter vacation day,sunny,clear,Winter vacation day,sunny,clear,although the wind is not big,but isalthough the wind is not big,but isstillstill cold,cold,butbut thisthis isis thethe bestbest weatherweatherin the winter.In the good weather,goin the winter.In the good weather,gooutout toto playplay isis a a goodgood choice.choice.I I wentwent andandgrandparents Dan maple square.grandparents Dan maple square.I I amam happy,happy,hadhad inadvertentlyinadvertently askedasked1:grandma and grandpa,you are as a1:grandma and grandpa,you are as achild to play what game?Didnt knowchild to play what game?Didnt knowthatthat I,I,arousedaroused theirtheir memories,memories,grandmagrandmathought for a while,told me:the mostthought for a while,told me:the mostlikelike toto playplay asas a a childchild wewe writewrite,wordwordgame.game.IsIs toto looklook forfor a a fewfew stones,stones,eacheachdraw a square on the ground,and thendraw a square on the ground,and thenpickedpicked upup stonesstones toto throwthrow atat a a distance,distance,see who throw far,throwing away thesee who throw far,throwing away thepeople in the square,writing a pen,people in the square,writing a pen,write again after throwing,whowrite again after throwing,whofinished first,character who wins.finished first,character who wins.AndAnd soso mymy grandmagrandma andand grandpagrandpa andand I I triedtriedthe inning,grandpa won the game.the inning,grandpa won the game.Although dont see grandpa is old,butAlthough dont see grandpa is old,butlooking very hale and hearty.We playlooking very hale and hearty.We playthethe gamegame againagain andand again,again,stillstill wantingwantingmore,more,grandmagrandma andand grandpagrandpa asas ifif returnedreturnedto their childhood.to their childhood.关于假期的英语关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期篇作文七年级上学期篇 2 2ReadRead the joythe joy of the holidayof the holidayseason.season.DuringDuring thethe summersummer vacation,vacation,a a goodgood read,read,readread more,more,cancan increaseincrease knowledge,knowledge,thisthisis a good plan.If you do some readingis a good plan.If you do some readingnotes,write a few entry,the harvestnotes,write a few entry,the harvestwillwill bebe bigger.bigger.InIn thethe summersummer vacation,vacation,I carefully review the knowledge inI carefully review the knowledge inelementary school,rolled the doelementary school,rolled the dopainted sculpture,exquisitepainted sculpture,exquisitepainting after one thousand yearspainting after one thousand yearswithout fading,really let me feel thewithout fading,really let me feel theancient working peoples wisdom andancient working peoples wisdom andhardhard work.work.TheThe tourtour thatthat I I learnedlearned a a lotlotof knowledge,is also one of the mostof knowledge,is also one of the mosthappy time I travel.happy time I travel.关于假期的英语关于假期的英语作文七年级上学期篇作文七年级上学期篇 3 3BeforeBefore thethe summersummer vacationvacation homeworkhomeworkwas done about the same,therefore,inwas done about the same,therefore,inthe summer,some time is spent onthe summer,some time is spent onwriting a composition,other time iswriting a composition,other time isusedused toto watchwatch TV,TV,soso lifelife isis orderly,orderly,butbutsome things are always no matter in thesome things are always no matter in thehome,until.home,until.Ding dong,ding dong.Yi?Is whoDing dong,ding dong.Yi?Is whoah,I looked through the cats eye,ah,ah,I looked through the cats eye,ah,cousin grew up and I grew up together,cousin grew up and I grew up together,atat thatthat time,time,wewe areare deardear toto eacheach other?other?Coming!Coming!I I immediatelyimmediately wentwent toto openopen thethedoordoor welcome,welcome,welcome.welcome.NowNow I I couldntcouldntjust use a banner to welcome.Elderjust use a banner to welcome.Eldersister,sister,youyou areare herehere toto play,play,ifif onlyonly totoplay more than a few days.play more than a few days.I see my sister,at ordinary timesI see my sister,at ordinary timesisis a a quietquiet I I rattle,rattle,sistersister besidebeside a a coldcoldsweat straight.Wei,I this time is tosweat straight.Wei,I this time is tolive,to live many days,that,mylive,to live many days,that,myclothes inclothes in thethe sittingsitting roomroom go.go.HearHearthisthis sentence,sentence,I I waswas quiet,quiet,realizedrealized hehetalks too much,ha ha.talks too much,ha ha.SisterSister isis a a veryvery regularregular life,life,inin mymysistersister livelive inin mymy househouse moremore thanthan 1010 days,days,everyevery dayday inin additionaddition toto wakewake upup ofof time,time,other things,such as:sweep the floorother things,such as:sweep the floormop the floor,cooking,watching TV,mop the floor,cooking,watching TV,take a nap and orderly,is affected bytake a nap and orderly,is affected bythethe elderelder sister,sister,I I alsoalso beganbegan toto becomebecomeregular life.regular life.