2023 年广西专升本考试考试真题卷(5)本卷共分为 2 大题 50 小题,作答时间为 180 分钟,总分 100分,60 分及格。一、单项选择题(共 25 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意)1.Neither Tom nor I _ able to answer the question.Aam Bare Care to be Dis 2.The road is wet,it _ rained last night.Awould have Bshould have Ccould have Dmust have 3.It is because she is too inexperienced _ she does not know how to deal with the situation.Aso Bthat Cso that Dwhich 4.I was surprised that she was late,_ since she usually arrived early.Aspecially Bespecially Cextraordinarily Dparticularly 5.Peter will _ as managing director when Bill retired.Atake off Btake over Ctake up Dtake on 6.He had no sooner arrived _ he was asked to leave again.Athen Bas Cthan Dwhen 7.Young _ he is,he knows what is the right.Athat Bas Calthough Dhowever 8.The two books are the same _ this one has an answer key at the back.Aexcept Bexcept that Cexcept for Dbesides 9._ in this way,the situation doesnt seem so disappointing.ATo look at BLooking at CLooked at DLook at 10.The president(whom)the bank belongs,promised(to keep)all the board members(informed)of(how)the negotiations were going on.Awhom Bto keep Cinformed Dhow 11.(Such)crimes(may be)(too)complex(that)months or years go by before anyone discovers them.ASuch Bmay be Ctoo Dthat 12.She ought(to)(stopping)work;She(has a headache)because she has been reading(too)long.Ato Bstopping Chas a headache Dtoo 13.I regret(to spend)(so)much money(on)a car(that)I hardly drive in everyday life.Ato spend Bso Con Dthat 14.The growth(of)part-time and flexible working patterns(allow)more women(to)(take)advantage of employment opportunities.Aof Ballow Cto Dtake 15.(That)the sun(but)not the earth(is)the center of our planetary system(was)a difficult concept to grasp in the Middle Ages.AThat Bbut Cis Dwas 16.The new instrument is(far)superior(than)the old(one)we bought three years(ago).Afar Bthan Cone Dago 17.(Though)some people have suggested that women(would return to)housework(in order to)leave more jobs for men,but the idea has been rejected(by)both women and men in public polls.AThough Bwould return to Cin order to Dby 18.The extent(of)the harmful effect was of locoweeds(on)animals(depends)on the soil(that)the plants grow.Aof Bon Cdepends Dthat 19.(After)a(three-hour)heated discussion,all the members in the jury(reached to)the conclusion that the man(was guilty of)murder.AAfter Bthree-hour Creached to Dwas guilty of 20.依次填入下列横线处的词语,正确的一组是_ 阴山以南的沃野_是游牧民族的苑囿,_是他们进入中原地区的跳板。_占领了这个沃野,他们_可以强渡黄河,进入汾河或黄河河谷。A不仅 也 不但 而且 B不仅 也 只要 就 C如果 就 不仅 也 D如果 就 只要 就 21.下列词语中有错别字的一组是_ A四围 四维空间 随和 随声附合 B题跋 提拔干部 体例 体力运动 C天皇 天荒地老 学力 学历达标 D言词 言辞犀利 衣襟 衣锦还乡 22.明代戏曲家汤显祖的代表作之一是_ A 牡丹亭 B 三国演义 C 水浒 D 窦娥冤 23.农民暴动(又译农民战争)是德国艺术家柯勒惠支的_作品。_ A铜版画 B油画 C水粉画 D水彩画 24.蜀道难是我国唐代诗人_的名篇。_ A杜甫 B李白 C白居易 D高适 25.陶渊明是_时文人。_ A北周 B东晋 C南朝梁国 D北朝齐国 二、多项选择题(共 25 题,每题 2 分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意)1.学生的特点主要有哪些 2.上好一节课的基本标准是什么 3.联系实际,论述“教育影响的一致性和连贯性”德育原则。4.遗忘是识记过的内容不能再认与回忆。信息加工观点认为,遗忘是信息提取不出来。5.随意后注意是指有预定目的,还需要意志努力的注意。6.简述技能的特点。7.分析意志行动的心理过程。8.简述能力与知识技能的关系。9.联系实际论述如何进行概念掌握。 who lived in northeastern Asia found their homeland growing colder.(passage1)19.These people slowly traveled east and south,searching for areas where hunting was good.(passage1)20.他向我保证不再迟到。21.新年音乐会很成功。22.Many child psychologists(心理学家)think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about.(passage2)23.玛丽和我有着相同的爱好。24.The scientists also found that the resistance of Bt cotton to bollworm decreased significantly over time.(passage3)25.The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent.(passage2)