CSI: Vegas《犯罪现场调查:维加斯(2021)》第二季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
我并未衰落j I'm not fading )你无法毁掉我的灵魂J You can't break my soul. j我喜欢我的工作ROBY: I love my job.我真的很喜欢I love it但你做的时间够长But you do it long enough,只要陷入其中you know, you go under that.足够多次yellow tape enough times,对于最重要的那些问题you find a bunch of bad answers你就会获得很多糟糕的答案to the big questions.人会因为什么而死What do people die for?毒品性复仇一美元Drugs, sex, revenge, a dollar.你懂吗You know?过了一段时间之后我就会自问And after a while, I ask myself.什么值得人为之去死.what is worth dying for?你理解吗You know?我愿意为了真♥相♥而死吗Would I die for the truth?我愿意为了素昧平生的人Would I die to find justice争取正义而去死吗for someone I didn't even know?我愿意拼上自己的性命Would I put my life on the line让这个世界变得更安全一点吗to make this world a safer place?为了爰呢血蛋白它们可以在degrees Fahrenheit. Blood proteins- they can hold忍♥受315度对吧但大部分工业粘合剂up to 600 degrees, right? But most industrial adhesives只要超过310度分子就会开始分解experience molecular breakdown just north of 590 degrees.有这么小小的操作空间You get this great little window you can operate in.博很聪明他在全球财富前五百的Beau's a clever one. He ran R and D化学品公♥司♥负责过研发部门for a few of different Fortune 500 chemical companies.怎么你对钱过敏吗What, are you allergic to money?怎么来干这个了 疫情What happened? The pandemic happened.在封控之后我就我不想After the lockdown, I just.didn't want to go back回实验室把那些黏糊糊的东西弄得更黏to some lab making sticky stuff stickier or或者把光滑的东西smooth things.变得不那么黏对我想Less sticky? Yeah. I think这现在应该不黏了I made this less sticky.这可太棒了Now, this is beautiful.你把这些都弄下来或许我们可以You get all these up, we might be looking获得一个没有被破坏的犯罪现场at an intact crime scene.一个现场弄出了PARK: Two entire racks of DNA samples两架子DNA样本吗from one scene?这才是一部分克里斯From part of one scene, Chris他们还没弄完一半呢They're not even halfway done out there.这个新来的是不是有点过分热心了Think this new guy might be a tad overzealous?博是非常过分热心Beau's extremely overzealous但麦克斯要我们对每一个角落都进行检验But Max wants every square inch charted凶手很好心没用漂白剂他只是Killer was nice enough to spare the bleach, he just把犯罪现场盖上了covered his mess. Well,没有什么地方比性♥爱♥地窖no better place to find a big mess of DNA有更多DNA样本了than a sex dungeon.应该是吧Ed assume.你们找到她被杀的地方了吗You find the spot where she was killed?还没有博会跟着Not yet. Beau's gonna血迹直到源头follow the blood trail to the source.我听说I heard a rumor凯瑟琳维乐斯回来了that Catherine Willows is back.她可能会作为顾问来工作She might be coming on as a consultant.是的哇哦Yeah. Whoa.这可太酷了That's wild.迈克尔乔丹放弃棒球回到公牛队的时候Were you surprised when Michael Jordan stopped playing baseball你很惊讶吗没有and came back to the Bulls? No.但那时候我才两岁But then again, I was two years old.我想知道I wonder她有没有和莎拉还有格里森聊过if she talked to, uh, Sara and Grissom.先了解一下新人Got the scoop on the new folks.他们正在北极圈的一艘船上They're on a boat above the Arctic Circle so, yeah,所以她确实可能给他们she probably dialed 'em up拨了卫星电♥话♥问你的事情克里斯on a sat phone, asked all about you, Chris.你的新女朋友她觉得你幽默吗This new girlfriend of yours- does she think you're funny?嗨佩妮要是你现在在做私人事情ROBY: Hey, Penny. I can always come back我可以之后再来if this is a private moment.不是的这只是跟着琳恩在ins上的Oh, no. I just fell down a rabbit hole粉丝查到的东西looking at Lynn's follows on Instagram.我在调查她的手♥机♥I was looking through her phone.确实找到了 一些很有意思的嫌犯I did find some interesting suspects.你知道她过世当天接待的客户是谁了吗You find out who she was entertaining the day she died?不这我不知道No, that I don't know.琳恩的记录不太详细Lynn wasn't much of a bookkeeper.但是她死的前一天她和一个懦夫But the day before she died she did talk一个话唠一个丁克还有一个烂人聊过to a wuss, a yapper, a dink and a pud.琳恩的联♥系♥人里可没什么亲热的话Not a lot of terms of endearment in Lynn's contacts.毕竟这些人也不是追求真♥善♥美♥The milk of human kindness was not what these guys were after. 你知道吗关于BDSMYou know, about BDSM.我有点羞于承认Hmm? I'm a little embarrassed to admit,但我对此真的是毫不感兴趣but it's never appealed to me.我就喜欢你们这一代人I love your generation.这就是让你感觉尴尬的吗So this is what embarrasses you?有时候一些人Sometimes people, like,在坚持表现得强势上花了很大精力spend a lot of energy holding it all together, 所以他们需要别人来控制自己So they need someone else to take control.不我是说理论上我理解No, I mean, I get it in theory.但或许等我当了老板可能就会喜欢这种东西了吧I don't know, maybe when I'm a boss, Til be into it.行我也不是说所有老板都喜欢这个Okay. Not that all bosses are into it.我是说一行了不用再继续了I mean.Okay, we're gonna leave it right there.但我向你保证这里面大部分人But I guarantee you most of these guys现在肯定都很伤心are heartsick right now.她的工作有些人确实是需要的I mean, the work she did- some people needed it that way. 有一个人毁了其他所有人-给他们都打一遍电♥话♥One of them ruined it for the rest of them. Call them all.我们需要DNAWe're gonna need DNA还有指纹来排除嫌疑and elimination prints on all of them.拒绝提供的就是头号♥嫌犯Whoever refuses goes to the top of my list.我要抓到这家伙I want this guy.玩得开心吗什么Having fun? What?哦是啊Oh, yeah.对我只是想弄清楚大家都在哪里留下了痕迹Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out who went where and.任何在她的血迹附近留下DNA的人Any of her guests that left a trace of themselves 都值得多调查一下near her blood trail is worth an extra look.是啊看来你要忙起来了Yeah, looks like you're gonna be busy.是啊很多重叠的证据Yeah, lot of overlapping evidence.我们找到了皮肤油血迹还有不同客人的We found skin oils, blood, some semen from精♥液♥various clients.博还在努力把所有的镜子弄下来And Beau's still prying all the mirrors down, 所以我想着我就先从被拖出来的家具so I figured I'd start with the furniture开始查起that got dragged out into the hall.根据地毯上的印痕I can tell where some of it went有部分可以推测出来原来放在哪里from the indentations in the carpet.要新学的东西太多了It's just so much to keep track of.很多东西更新迭代了解释方法也是Lots pf iterations, explanations.你有没有Hey, have you ever考虑过分子地图thought about molecular mapmaking?我听说过这技术还挺新的I mean, I've heard of it It's pretty new.我认识几个在这一领域I.I know a couple people who are做尖端研究的人但你getting up to speed, but do you.不我不是这方面专家我No, I'm not trained in MMM, L.只是会看论文试图跟上时代read journals, try to stay current.我还会给年轻女孩讲课I also mentor these young women, 西拉斯维加斯大学的学生students at West Las Vegas University.她们都对司法鉴定They all are interested in careers 这一行很感兴趣jn forensic science. 所以你才回来的吗Is that what brought you back? 为了锻炼自己的技术吗Just, uh, sharpening the skills?本尼阿隆索去福雷蒙特了 我得走了rve-fve got to go.但如果我是你我会联♥系♥朋友Um, but if I were you, Td phone a friend 问问分子地图在床上翻滚确实是挺有意思的 about MMM. Rolling around on a bed is fun, 但不会有更多进展了 but it can only get you so far.格蕾丝Grace.格蕾丝Grace!麦克斯没事吧Max. Everything all right?不算太好I've had better days.你多少年没加过班了How many years since you've worked a double, huh? 怎么了What's wrong?大部分镜子我们都弄下来了We got most of the mirrors down.正有了点发现的时候谢谢Just as we were getting someplace thank you 我们发现了一些惊喜we find a little surprise.他清理了现场吗 He cleaned it up.不是另一次袭击的痕迹ROBY: Nope. Signs of another attack.还有第二个受害者吗There was a second victim?不都是琳恩的血迹No, it's all Lynn's.但她不可能失血这么多I mean, but there*s no way she lost this much blood. 这是什么意思我是说What-what are you saying? I'm saying我们不知道这他妈到底怎么回事that we have no idea what the hell happened.就好像她被杀了两次一样It's like she was murdered twice.小心点这可不是什么好迹象Careful, man. That's bad luck.别担心Don't worry about it.现在已经够糟糕了We got plenty of that already.艾莉Allie来啊Hey, give it to me.克里斯Chris!是你It'sit's you.谢了你看起来也很棒Yeah, thanks. You look good, too.你确定带的东西Sure you, uh, packed够用一整个周末了吗enough for a whole weekend?我以为来接我的是Hey, um, I thought I was being picked up by.弗尔森姆还在现场来吧Folsom's at the scene come on.你可以晚点再登记入住You can check in later.走吧Come on.嗨Hey.嗨小艾Al, hey.你来了You're here. Well,你们说需要我是啊you said you needed me. Yeah.这儿真的很麻烦Got a real mess here.一个受害者双倍的血迹都是琳恩佐布里斯特的One vic. Double the blood. Itrs all from Lynn Zobrist.我们搞不懂到底什么状况And we-we can't tell what's what谢谢你过来Hey, appreciate you coming out把你的分子地图技术借给我们用几天and lending your new MMM skills for a few days.不只是几天Its-its not just a few days.我不回去了I'm not going back.我以为你的训练I thought your training went要到年底呢-那时候才能接受through the end of the year. Well, that's when三♥级♥的测试I can test for level three.我可以在网上搞定I'm just gonna finish up online.洛杉矶L.A. is, um.太远了ifs too far away.哇哦Oh, wow.这就是艾莉吗CHAVEZ: Is this Allie?是的Sure is.你好我是赛琳娜夏威茨嗨Hi, I'm Serena Chavez. Hey.他和我说了很多你的事情This one's told me a lot about you.很高兴见到你Ni-Nice to meet you.看来他也会和我说很多Um.I'm sure 1,11 hear a lot你的事情夏威茨被派来about you, too. PARK: Chavez got, uh, detailed跟我们一起因为她惹了某位队长to work with us because of some captain she pissed off.她讨厌希腊酸奶She, uh, hates Greek yogurt还给了弗尔森姆一个卡祖笛作为生日礼物and she gave Folsom a kazoo for his birthday.真的是个谜It's a big mystery.这才不是什么谜我只是觉得卡祖笛很好玩It's not a mystery. I just think kazoos are fun.我不是想打断你们的地图工作Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt your mini map thing.是分子制图学艾莉Uh, molecular cartography. Allie picked up在联邦调查局训练的时候some new tricks学到的新东西training with the FBI.她能帮助我们确定所有进房♥间的人She'll help us determine where everyone都站在哪里who entered this room在哪里出过血或者分泌过体液stood, bled or secreted.行CHAVEZ: Well,玩得开心have fun.是啊Yeah.赶紧来享受一下Let's have some fun.嗨ROBY: Hey.看看谁变得这么高级了Look who went and got all fancy.很高兴你能回来有什么发现吗It's good to have you back. What do you got?我喜欢这个项目的一点就是Now, what I like about this program is它用激光来制♥作♥犯罪现场的3D地图it uses lasers to make a 3D map of the crime scene把所有DNA证据分成不同层次and separates all DNA evidence into distinct layers.每个嫌犯都有自己的颜色Q Each suspect gets their own color.对于共同点包括皮肤油Commonalities among skin oils,DNA序歹UDNA sequences,细菌特征bacterial signatures.全都可以弄清楚You can keep them all straight.所以这样就能看到人都去过哪儿这可太酷了So you can see who went where. That's.that's really cool.理论上是的但这里看上去还是很多人In theory, but it still looks like a train station, 因为琳恩很受欢迎对吧'cause Lynn was a popular girl, right?在她尸体被拖行的路径上Plenty of Mr. Green on this part这儿有很多绿色先生的痕迹of the path where her body was dragged.紫色先生和蓝色先生也有一定出现频率Mr. Purple and Mr. Blue make appearances along the way, too. 对但没有人能赢过这粉色Yeah, but nobody can really compete with all this pink.这是琳恩Well, that's Lynn herself.也说得通她哪儿都去过Makes sense- she's been everywhere.How about for love?我清楚的是I know this:我愿意为了我的人而拼命rd put my life on the line for my people.做这份工作的人The people who do this job, 我爱他们I love them.他们就是黑暗中的They are a light一束光in the darkness.他们会接起电♥话♥They answer the call.亲爱的我得走了Well, hon, I got to go.他们愿意为此暂停自己的生活ROBY: They put their own lives on hold.抱歉赛琳娜我有工作Sorry, Serena, it's work.他们会赌上一切ROBY: And they risk it all.他们会直面恶魔They face down the demons, 在那些重要的问题上挣扎 wrestle those big questions. 然后第二天还会回来Come back the next day全部重来and do it all over again.但这些你都懂吧But then, you know that. Hmm?凯瑟琳维乐斯因为你是这行里最优秀的几个之一'Cause you're one of the best to ever do it.最优秀的几个之一吗One of the best?我不只是在捧你我是在问你凯瑟琳I'm not just buttering you up. Tm asking you, Catherine. 你为什么想回来犯罪现场调查科你可能得把她去掉才能真正看清楚You kind of have to take her away to see what's what. 其实Actually.我们首先得弄清楚她留下的痕迹we need to make sense of hers first.因为所有琳恩的血迹不全都来自于Because not all of Lynn's blood that we see here导致她死亡的这次袭击came from the attack that killed her.因为太多了I mean, there's too much of it.她确实被捅到了颈静脉She was stabbed in the jugular.对但她身体里还有四升血Yeah, but she had four quarts left in her.表面这一块All this surface area.这种诡异的形状in this weird shape.有些是原来就在那里的Yeah, some of it was already there.使我们的工作更难了It makes our job a lot harder.所以你是认为她摔在了一大滩So you think she fell in the middle血渍上吗-是的of a giant blood stain? ROBY: Yeah, 看看这种差别Look at the variability.血迹颜色的不同The difference in the blood stain color这肯定是因为这血迹I mean, that has to be是在不同时间弄上去的because they were spilled at different times.所以你的地图上还有很多没有标明的地方Makes for a lot of uncharted territory on your map.直到我们弄清楚Until we know袭击在哪里结束where the attack ended,他从哪里开始拖行她where he started dragging her,很难说谁距离行动轨迹最近hard to say who was closest to the action.我知道她的客人对她的服务有心理预期I realize that her visitors expected some rough stuff,但如果地毯but wouldn't you be看上去像屠宰场a bit weirded out by a carpet客人不会被吓跑吗that looks like a slaughterhouse?等等看看这个Oh, wait, look at these.我一直在试图弄清楚I've been trying to figure out这些家具原来都是在哪里的where the furniture used to be. Mm-hmm.这块旧的痕迹And this old stain.被这个盖住了.was covered with this, uh,这个折磨桌torture table thing直到第一次袭击Until the first attack.所以她大概摔在了哪里So she fell somewhere in there. FOLSOM: Her hair她的头发被血浸透了也就是说她被拖的是脚was soaked in blood, meaning she was dragged by her feet.要是我们能知道她躺在哪儿If we knew where she lay.就能单独分离出凶手的路径We could isolate his whole path.你们继续玩你们的漂亮图片You two keep working on your pretty pictures我去查琳恩过去经历过什么And I'm gonna find out when this ugly stuff弄出了这块旧血渍happened in Lynn's past.我给你朋友格里森看这宝贝的时候他差点就笑了When I showed your buddy Grissom this baby, he almost smiled.拉曼光谱发展了不少Raman spectroscopy's come a long way.是啊这部分血迹弄上去的时候Yeah. This thing didn't even exist这东西都还不存在呢-那是什么时候when some of this blood was spilled. When was that?这些样本上的散射光密度表明ROBY: The intensity of the scattered light coming off these samples 是五年前says it was about five years ago.看上去大概Looks like about, uh,琳恩家地板上三分之一的血迹a third of the blood that was stained来自于五年前on Lynnrs floor is that old.拉斯维加斯警方没有任何那时候关于她的记录LVPD had nothing on her back then.从来没有去她家出警过Never been called to her address.可能是个意外Could have been an accident自己造成的伤口Self-inflicted wound,或者另一个暴♥力♥的顾客她可能不想Or another violent guest. She might've been afraid警方发现她的生意to blow the whistle on her business或许她的顾客能告诉我门Maybe her clients could佩妮正在安排对所有在她血迹附近Penny's lining up interviews with all the fellas留下了 DNA的顾客进行询问who left DNA near the blood stains.但有一位女性我们得找她聊聊But there's one woman in particular we*re gonna talk to, 女性顾客不是顾客A female client? Not a client.女性心理学家A female psychiatrist.她在琳恩的通讯录里She was in Lynn's phone.所以你执业中有很多儿童患者吗So, you work with a lot of kids in your practice?她通讯录里给我写的备注是话唠吗She had me in her phone as Yapper?我们确实Guess we did do聊了很多琳恩自从几岁开始a lot talking, sh.Lynn was my patient就一直断断续续地在我这里接受诊疗off and on since she was.天啊十岁吧gosh, ten?既然医患保密协议已经失效Since doctor-patient no longer applies,我希望你能告诉我她死那天I'm hoping you can tell me what you guys talked about你们都说了什么the day she died.她有没有提到过Any被威胁或者害怕threats, fears或者和男人有什么麻烦problems with men.不她只是想重新开始治疗Nah, she just wanted to restart therapy.没有说到为什么We didn't get into why.但琳恩小时候But Lynn had经历过很多虐待experienced a lot of abuse as a child,她也确实在为自己的and she struggled暴♥力♥想法而挣扎with violent ideation你知道她已经不只是想想了吧You know she went past ideas, right?她可是在用皮带抽被绑起来的男人She was whipping dudes with a belt on the reg.我确实担心过I did worryBDSM对她来说不是正确的职业选择that BDSM was the wrong career.会有诱惑Temptations.但她表示过But she did say that那就像是一个放气阀it was like a-a release valve.我来这儿的一个理由One reason I'm here.是想知道五年前发生的一些事We want to know about something that happened five years ago.琳恩在工作中受了伤Lynn was hurt on the job她失血很多She lost a lot of blood.你知道发生了什么吗-不You know what happened there? Oh, no.你们弄错了这些是旧伤疤You're confused. Those-those scars are old.是ECT造成的That's from ECT.电休克疗法Electroconvulsive therapy就跟电击一样吗Like electroshock?我还以为现在不这么干了I didn't think that was done anymore.是的ECT更温和一点It's