2022-2023学年河南省濮阳市 高一上学期期中达标测评卷英语试题(B卷) Word版含答案.docx
2022.2023学年高一上学期期中达标测评卷英语(B卷)考试时间:120分钟满分? 150分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做睡时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后.你将有两分钟的时间将试卷 上的答窠转涂到答题P匕。第一节(共5小题,每题1.5分,满分75分)听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从即中所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10杪钟的时 间来回答有关小时和阅读下一小即,每段对话仅读一遇。1 .Why does Cindy know much about animals?A. She works on a farm.B. She really likes animals.C. She once lived on the farm.2 .What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The modern lifestyle.B. A painting.C. A trip to the countryside.3 .Wha( does Mary probably do?A. She is a journalist.B. She is a firefighter.C. She is an aninuil trainer.4,Who is Mike?A. The woman's husband.B. The woman's father.C. The woman's son.5 .What is the relationship between (he speakeis?A. Teacher and student.B. Assistant and shopper.C. Customer and repairman.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独臼,每 段对话或独白后有几个小题,从也中所绐的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段时话或独白前,你将有时间同读各个小 题,每小题5秒伸:听完后,各小虺将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独 白读两遍.听下面一段对话加I答下列各个小题.6 .Who docs the woman want to buy a sofa for?A.Her sister. B.Her friend. C. Herself.7 . Where arc the speakers?A.In a grocery store. B.In a bedding shop. C.In a supennarket.听下面一段对话,回答下列各个小题.8 . What docs the woman have to do?A.Write two essays.B.Prepare a research paper.C.Study for an English test.9 .How docs the woman feel about her classes?A.Exciied.B.Scressed.C.Bored.10 . What is The Grapes of Wrath?A.A short story.B.A movie.C.A sad book.听卜面一段对话.回答卜列各个小题,.What has made working al home possible?A.Living for from workplaces.W: Let me tell you what might happen. A British company, ft>r example, in London, might employ clerks in Belfast, or a Paris company could have their managers in Spain. They just use a telephone to call around for the employee.答案:】4,C; I5.B; 16.C; I7.A解析:M: Good afternoon. Penny. What,s the problem?W: Well. I don't feel very well, doctor. After three days of the toothache and sore throat. I'm troubled by a terrible earache now.M: I can give you a new medicine called Nopain, which is very useful. You can gel it at any medicine shops.W: Nopain?M: Yes. N-O-P-A-l-N. And you have to take (he medicine after braikfast and supper.You don't need to lake il after lunch. And remember lo take it always after meals. That's very important.W: And how long do I have to lake it?M: You have to finish this bottle, so that's five days. Come back and see me then.W: Next Monday? The first of Sepiember?M: No, not Monday, Tuesday. That's the second of September.W: What (iine can I see you. doccor?M: You have to make an appointment with the nurse at the reception outside.W: Thank you very much.答案:I8.B; I9.A;2O.B解析:As the car industry develops, traffic accidents have become as familiar as the common cold. Yet their causes and control remain a serious problem that is difficult io solve. Experts have long recognized that this disct>uraging problem has many causes. At the very least, it is a problem (hat involves three factors: the driver, the vehicle and the nxadway. If all the drivers exercised good judgment at all times, there would be few accidents. Improved design has helped to make highways much safer. But the number of accidents continues to rise because of human failure and an enormous increase in the number of automobiles on the road. Attention is now turning increasingly to the third cause of (he accidents: the car itself. People want to know how cars can be built better to protect the drivers. So there are also some new driverless cars on the road. Are they really safe?第二部分阅读理解第一节A.答窠:1-3CDC斛折:I.推理判断即,根据Dray ton Manor Theme Park. Staffordshire标题卜.的笫 一句"The new Tamarin Trail lakes adventurers through beautiful gardens, allowing kids and aduks to come face-io-face with a troop of monkeys."(新的 Tamarin 小径 带着探险家穿过美丽的花园,让孩子们和大人与一群版子面对面)可知, Drayton Manor Theme Park适合带孙子的史玄斯夫妇去度过周末。故选C 2.数 字计算四,Drayion Manor Theme Park. Staffordshire 标题下的奴后.行“Adulis:£l5;children:£l(Xunder2free)."(成人:15 英镑;儿款;10 英镑(2 岁 以下免费),可知对夫妇带蓿他们两岁的儿子在Dn1y】Manor公园至少 需要付款15+I5-30英镑.故选D, 3.推理判断SS.根据第一个公园/后行 KAdults: £28; children:«24(under3 free)."(成人:28 英镑;儿童:24 英镑(3 岁以下免费);第二个公园最后一行“£3I perpemon(under3 free).”(每人 31英镑(3岁以下免费);第三个公园最后一行“£29perperson(under3 fee).”(每人29英镑(3岁以下费用):第四个公园最后一行“Adults: £l5;children: £l(Xundcr 2 flvc).”(成人:15英镑:儿近:10英榜2岁以下免 费),可知这些公园的共同点是:特定年龄的核子可以免费进入公园.故选B.答案:l.D;2.D;3.C;4.A 解析:I.由 1 段 4 句 The Chinese population census takes place every 10 years.可知 中国的人口普查每10年一次.据此推断上一次人口普查大概在2010年左右.A 项。nly太绝对了.除了工作人员上门调电,还有一些网络及大数据等新的调查方 法:C项是符合I段末句的正确信息.但是太直接了.本题问的infer.要选间接些的 信息:B项也段1句.人口普荏绝不轻松.即便这次兼用了一些新的调查方法.那也 不公是easy.2 .根据4段后两句,可知人口普查可以帮助了解移民情况,A项区段2句.儿童数 量大的地区会获得(比以前)更多的学校擀扶基金,但没说最多.比较级H报高级.是 常见干扰选项:B项/4段3句“研究人员可以用人口普查姑果来再(进一步)调查研 究不同城市的人口趋势”,不是说反过来用人口趋势再去调查人口普有结果.属于 “前后颠倒”的错误模型:C项弘段4句.人口普杳帮助弄清多少外国人居住在中国. 以使政府制定政策时作参考,没说所有外国人都驱逐出境.合法手续移民的不可 能这样做,即便是非法滞留的外国人也不是直接盟逐那么简通的密情。3 .看蓿和原文某句膜句极其像的选项往往是岛考粕心打造的陷阱,如A项就容易 误选,would be used,也包括了正常使用,个人数据若被政府正常使用则没什么可 担心的.不同于5段2句意思“因为他们担心这些私人数据会被用来恸什么”,实 际是担心的私泄露,有可能会被别有用心之人盗取作非法用途,和C才匹配;B项 也卦段末句,担心个人信息在公众中池潴,并不是担心被政府知道;D项是解淡降 私泄露而采用的新举措,也不是该问曲的原因,.文章:出处想,根拉;第一段的 Knock . knock. Starting from Nov. 1,2020 , people will be knocking on doors across (he country to collect personal information. But don't panic. This is for the seventh national population census.(咚.咚.从 2020 年 11 月I日开始.全国各地的人们将挨家挨户收集个人信息。但不要恐慌,这是第七 次全国人口普资)结合主要介绍了中国笫七次全国人口普资的情况。可推知.文京 可能选自"社会”版面.A. Society.社会:B. Psychology心理学:C. Science.科学:D.Entertainment.娱乐.故选 A.C.答案:l.A: 2.D; 3.C;4.D解折:1.推理判断虺.根据文章第二段Professor Stephen Knowles tested the effect of deadline length on task completion for their research. (Stephen Knowles 教 授在他们的研究中测试了裁止日期长度对任务完成的影响。)可推知.Stephen Knowles教授做这项研究是为了研究设定截止日期对拖延这一行为的影响。故 选Ac2.推理判断题,根据文尊第三段中的a long deadline appeared io give people permit沁n to procraslinaie. and then fbrgei (设定很长的被止日期似乎允许人们拖 比然后忘记)可知.设定很长的截止日期最有可能导致拖延。A. No declines.没 有截止日期:B. Short deadlines.期限短;C. Specific deadlines.具体截止日期:D. Long deadlines.长期限.故选 D,3细节理解SS :根据文章作檄第:段 We interpret this as evidence (hat specifying a longer deadline, as opposed (o a short deadline or no deadline at all. removes the urgency to acl(我们将此解解为.设定一个更长的截止日期,而不足个也的截止日 期或报本没有截止日期,会消除采收行动的紧迫性.)可知.人们在拥有很长的截 止日期时会拖延,主要原因是过长的截止日期会导致人们缺乏酸迫学.故选C.4.标题归纳虺.通读全文,再根据文章第一-段They say pn)crastinati()n is the thief of lime - aclu川y deadlines an:.(人们说拖延是时间的小偷一实际上截止日期才 是邪魁/祸苜0 )以及第匚段 specifying a shorter deadline increased the chances of receiving a response compared (o a longer deadline.(与较长的豉止日期相比.指定较 短的截止日期可以地加收到回发的机会c )可推知.本文主要介绍了设定截止日期 的长短会影响人们做事是否拖延。D项"Deadline i ihc Key lo Reducing PrueniMirialion (截止日期一诚少拖短的关键)”符合文意.最适合作为本文标题, 故选DoD,答案:l.A;2.A; 3.B; 4.C解折:1.推理判断题“根据文章第二段"Wilh three outstanding directors- Chen Kaigc,Hark Tsui and Dante Lam- -the 176-minutc-long film follows Chinese People's Volunteers (CPV) who joined (he batte,which turned the (ide of (he War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea (19501953).(这部176分钟的影片由陈凯歌、徐克和 林丹三位杰出的导演执导,讲述了中国人民志愿军(CPV)加入抗美援朝战争(195(K 1953)的故事。)”可推知.中国人民志愿军的加入招转了战局。故选A。2.推珅判断题。根据文章第三段" Wilh the number of cast and crew reaching an unprecedented scale of more than i2.00dhe movie recreates the cruel conflict on the Ko effects companies domestically and abroad, with the script being revised 37 limes. (演员和工作人员达到了史无前例的1.2万人以上.再现了 1950年气温降至50年 来最低水平的严寒冬季.帏半岛发生的残酷冲突,这部电影的制作涉及了国内外 80多家视觉特效公司.剧木修改了 37次。可推知.制作精良和要求严格的可以 用来描述这部电膨的准备。故选A。3细节理解理。根据文章第三段"wiih most comnwnters praising the moving (ale and saying it stimulates (heir national pride, making them warn to show iheir respect for the CPV heroes who sacrificed their lives.(大多数评论者称费这个感人的故事, 说它激发了他们的民族自&岳,让他们想要向那些牺牲了自己生命的CPV英雄 们表示敬意.r可加这部电影提高了网民的民族自a感,故选民4.主行大意题。根据文章第一段"The war epic The Battle at Lake Changjin. one of the most expensive films ever nude in China, shot to the top of the weeklong National being inactive for more than (wo months.(战争史诗片长泮湖是中国有史以来 制作成本最高的电影之、在国庆黄金网期间登顶票房榜,推动沉寂J'两个多月的 国内电影市场复苏,)"和最后一段"Bui compared with the same period in previous years, the shortage of appealing, medium-budget films has reduced the variety of genres, which will not be good for the long-term developnwnt of the Chinese fihn industQ-. Rao added.(但饶毅补充道,与前几年同期相比,由于缺乏有吸引力的中等 成本电影.类型的多样性减少了这对中国电影产业的长期发展不利.)"可知,这篇 报道告诉我们电影市场反怦.但仍面临问题.故选C.第二节答案:CEBFD髀折:1.选c根据上一句可知.越来越多的动物濒临灭绝.根据F一句可知.作者 认为屐好的办法是政府建更多的国家公园。c项(我个人认为我们必须拯救这些 动物,)承接上下句.符合语境.2 .选 E 空后的"this environment"指代 E 项的 animals' nuiural environment.且 Firstly与下文的Inaddil沁n表示顺序关系,都在讲建国家公园的好处.故选E项。3 .选B此处在讲狷人猫杀动物的原因。上一句"They hunl animals to makemoney. ”是其中一个除因.B项(有些猎人甚至纯粹为了运动而猎杀动物。)是另一 个股因.故选B项。4 .选F此处在讲反对者的想法,F项(他们说尽管这些动物可能会面临危险,但是它 们能享受一种自由的生活。)符合语境。且F项中的They say与上下文的“They believe”和"They also poini out”结构相同.构成并列,故选F项。5 .选D根据空后句可知.国家公园可以保护动物免受人类的捕杀.是它们安全 的庇护所,故D顶(这些公园允许动物们生活在一个安全的环境中。)符合语境。第三部分语言知识运用第一节答案:1-5 BCBAB-IODACBA II-I5DCADD解析:I.全文讲的是军训的经历,因此此处应指1我们站在那里一动不动,没有 发出任何声响.make a noise为因定搭配.意为“制造噪音”,故选B项,2 .军训是大多数高中让高一学生做的事.故选C项.3 .句意为:我们在封闭的环境中度过了四天,卬end意为“度过”.故选B项.4 .此空需要一个跟difficult并列且含义相近的词来表示军训的辛苦.strict意为. 严格的故选A项.5 .根据我们年轻幽默的教官有一口搞笑的口音”可知,他是“我们”那些日子里真 正的乐趣(pleasure)。故选B项。6 .根据telling true stories about his life可知,此处是说听教官讲他的真实生活。 refer I。意为"提及:参考":dcvSe 2意为“奉献,投入":luml。意为转向:求助 于":lisien 2意为"听"。故送D项,.根据第一段中的The sun was shining brightly over our heads and sweat was pouring off our backs and faces.可知,"我们"在烈日下军训,汗流浜背,故此处 是说军训不止有阳光和汗水,故选A项。7 .此处是说军训给予”我们1的不仅仅是阳光和汗水,offer在此处意为“给予"。故 选C项。8 .根据卜一段中的Miliiary training taught us perseverance and determination.可 知,这次军训后,"我们"的意志比想象的更加坚定了determined意为"意志, 定的"。故选B项,.根据语境可知,此处是说“我们“比预想的更勇敢,expec【意为"预期",故选A %9 .仍是对第句的举例:挨罚的男生立刻抱到操场,开始胞步, rush意为” 冲,赵,故选D项。10 .根拉:下段中的shouted so loud可知,此处是指喊得比其他班班大声,需要用 louder,故选C项,.句意为:在训练的最后一大,可以在我们的脸上石到白伯,故选A项.11 .根拉;Vc shouted so loud可知,这里是指"声音"响彻云河,故选D项,.此处作为结尾句,应表达一种积极美好的含义,故应是太阳正冲若“我们”微 笑.smile at sb意为"冲某人微笑",故选D项.第二节答案:1. has been known2. promotion?. Jo support4. which5. cntirely6. included?. aS. rcflccting9. what 10. but解析:考台动词时态和语态。句意:近年来.中国时尚”一词在全国的时尚爱好 者中流行开来,分析句子可知.提示词是句中谓语动词,根据时间状语In recem years可知.用现在完成时态.主语the tenn "China Chic"与动词know是被动关系. 应用被动语态,又因主语the term "China Chic是单数名词,调语动词用单数形 式。故填 has been known,考件不可数名词。句为:文化自信的促进是其形成的动力。空格前是冠词ihe 和空格后作定语的介词短语可知,应用名词作主语,且promolion为不可数名词.故 域 pronuxion,.考杳动词不定式。句意:一所中国大学正在与一个顶级品牌合作.为该领域的设 计师提供支持,分析句意可知.这里是表目的,用动诃不定式作目的状语.故境t。 support.考查定谙从句,旬速:时尚集团拄俵与东华大学合作推出培训项目,旨在向国外 推广”中国时尚,分析句子可知,空格后是定语从句,修饰先行词a training pegmm,指物,在非限制性定语从句中充当主语,所以用关系代诃which引导.故 填 which.考查剧词.句道:他们参加了 2021年11月在上海举行的第四届中国国际进口 博览会,并特别收集了一个全新的品牌.形容词new前用副词修饰.故填 entirely.考查动词时态.句意:由东华大学的单超然领衔.收藏包括包包、衣附和鞋子. 分析句子可知,提示词是谓语动词.骸述过去事情,用一般过去时.故以included. 考查冠词.句意:在他们的设计中,有一个绿色编织的牛皮袋,反映了中国建筑 的花园元素和桦头结构.名词bag是可数名词单数形武,泛指.形容词green以 辅音音素开头,应用不定冠词a限定.故填a.考查现在分词.句意:在他们的设计中,有一个绿色编织的牛皮袋,反映了中国 建筑的花园元素和探头结构.分析句子可知.提示词作后置定语.是非谓语动词. 与其逻辑主语bag之间是主动关系.所以用现在分词表主动,故境refkaing. 考查表语从句。句意:单说:“我们对冲国时尚'的理解是年轻人喜欢的。"分析 句子可知.空格后是表语从句.从句缺少宾语.指物.所以用连接代词whal引导。故 填 what。考查连词.句意丁'中国时尚1涉及传统图案的运用,它不是一种以一般的潮流.不 是昙花一现.而是一种突出年轻人热点问题的方式,一种枳极的中国文化.固定短 语noj.but”不是 而是 故埴bui。第四部分写作笫一节答案:Dear Peter.Welcome to China! I'm delighted to know you're coming to Jinan. Here is the two- day travel plan I've made.Jinan is known as the Spring City in China, so on the first day we arc visiting Bantu Spring first, which is recognized to be No. One Spring. To the north of Bao(u Spring lies Darning Lake, where we can go boating and enjoy the beautiful view of the lake. The Shandong Art Gallery will be a good choice for the next day. because you can admire Chinese paintings there.I can't wait to see you.Yours.Li Hua解析:本篇书面表达属于应用文.要求考生给即将到中国旅游的英国朋友Peter回信介 绍具体的游览计划.【详解】第一步:审胞体裁:应用文时态:根据提示.时态主要为一俄现在时.一般将来时.结构:总分法总分法指把主题句作为总说.把支持句作为分说,并以这种方式安持所写内容,要求:1 .表示欢迎:2 .具体的游览计划。笫二步:列提纲(重点词组)welcome: be delighted to do; two-day: travel plan: be known as: (he Spring City: be recognized to be; to the north of; lies; boating: beautiful view; The Shandong Art Gallery; choice: admire: Chinese paintings; can't wait to do.第三步:连词成句I'm delighted to know you're coming to Jinan.1. Here is the two-day travel plan I've made.2. Jinan is known as the Spring City in China, so on the first day we arc visiting Baotu Spring first, which is recognized to be No. One Spring.3. To the north of Baotu Spring lies Darning Lake, where we can go boating and enjoy the beautiful view of the lake.4. The Shandong Art Gallery will be a gocxl choice for the next day. because you can admire Chinese paintings there.5. I can't wait to see you.根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问即.第四步:连句成篇(衔接诃).表文章结构顺序:Firstly/First. Secondly. And then. Finally. In the end. At last(供参 考)1 .表并列补充关Additionally, morcoverf供参考).表转折对比关系:lk>wc5 On the contrary, but. Some,while others., soihat(供参考)2 .表因果关系:Because. As. So. Thus. Thurefbrv. As a resull(供参考)连句成文.注.意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡.15写一定要规范清 晰。【点睛】(分句型 I) Jinan is known as the Spring City in China, so on the first day we are visiting Baolu Spring first, which is recognized (o be No. One Spring.(so 弓I 导 结果状语从句以及which引3非限定性定语从句。)高分句型 2| To the north of Baolu Spring lies Darning Lake, where we can go boating and enjoy the beautiful view of the lake.(倒装句以及 where 引导非限定性 定语从句)【岛分句型 3| The Shandong Art Gallery will be a good choice for the next day. because you can admire Chinese paintings there.(because 引导原因状语从句。) 第二节 答案:The angry wife asked him, 'Where is that old thief? This is our sluff," The porter replied. "Madam, please calm down. That poor old man was sick since last month. He wasn't able to cam money co even have a single meal of the day. He was on the way to deliver your sluff, but he. who was hungrj1 and sick, couldn't gather the strength (o go any further in this heat of the noon. He tell down and he handed me S15. His Iasi words were, had (aken an advance for this delivery, you take this and please deliver it to this address.Upon hearing this, the husband had tears in his eyes and turned to his wife. "He was hungry, he was poor, but he was an honest man J the husband said. The wife felt quite ashamed that she was angry with her husband's decision. She had no courage to look a( her husband's eyes. Suddenly it dawned on her that honesty has no class. Respect everyone regardless of their financial and social status. It is always a good deed to give the one who deserves.斛析:本文以新年晚会为线索展开,讲述了一对富有的夫妇为准的盛大的新年 晚会而购物雇佣了老弱贫穷的搬运工为他们搬运货物,结果搬运工没有按时 把货物送到家,妻子很生气,和丈夫一起回头去找认为遇到了骗子,结果发 现老援运工因病未能完成送货任务,已经委托另外的攫运工正在为他们送货的 故事。B.Communicat沁n industrj,.C. More job opponuniiies.12 .What is the advantage of working at home according to the woman?A.Saving more time.B.Having a lot of freedom.C.Taking care of (he family easily.13 .What might happen in the (uture in the woman's opinion?A.British company will move overseas.B.AII companies will employ homeworkers.C.People will work at home for a foreign company.听下面一段劝话,回答下列各个小题。14 .What is Penny ,s current problem?A.Shc has a toothache.B.She has a sore throat.C.Shc has an earache.15 .How often