小学 六年级 英语小学英语六年级下册第三模块第八单元第2课时 G6U8P2教学设计.docx
G6U8P2 Reading Signs 教学设计课时话题:Signs in nature教学内容 :Read a storyRead a sto% "WJack and Jane lived by the forest. Their father often said to them. -Never go into the forest. You may get lost." One day. Jack said to Jane. "Let's go into the forest and have a look."Jack and Jane went into the forest. They saw beautiful flowers and interesting insects. They were happy. After some time, they felt hungry and tired.Jack and Jane followed the stones back home. Their father was very happy to see them.Jane looked around. She could not find her way. She said to Jack, "Jack, we're lost!" "Don't worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home." said Jack.Who said these? Think and write.a Jack b Jane c Jack and Jane's father)1 Let's go into the forest.)2 Never go into the forest.)3 I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home.)4 Jack, we're lost!51教学目标:1.语言知识目标:1)能在文中理解 path, live by, get lost, be lost, some time, drop, on the way 等词汇短语2)能在文中理解情态动词can和may的意义和用法3)能理解建议、命令的句式:Never; Lef s-; We can-2.语言技能目标:1)能通过跳读理解故事大意,理解主人公做的sign是stone2)能通过查读查找理解文中的细节信息 3)能通过五指法,利用关键句及故事梗概复述故事3.情感态度目标:1)能明白“遇事保持冷静,开动脑筋”的道理教学重点:理解情态动词can和may的用法。教学难点:(明确难点所在、因何而难、解难策略)难点原因策略复述故事故事没看较明晰的语言架构,复述难以入手弓 1入 five finger retelling,借助关键句,提供语言支架教学过程:步骤目的师生活动组织教 学 及 复 习1 .复习上节课重点语言知 识。2 .延续本单元话题,引出 分课时主题。1 .延续上一课时情景:In the last period, Mark wrote a diary. He thought that signs could really direct us.2 .弓 1 入故事:When you get lost in the city, you can look for signs on the streets. If you get lost in a forest, what can you do to find the way? Today Mark is going to read a story about getting lost in the forest. The story is The Path of Stones,处理 path新 1.初步感知故事文本,理1.观看动画,回答下列问题:知解文章大意EZ12.进一步感知故事,提取What happened in the story?看完选词填空help of(Jack and Jane) went into the(forest) and got lost. They went home with the(stones).引出stones是故事的special sign2.再次听读,分析结构:文章主要框架按段落找出 beginning, middle, ending.3,深度阅读故事,理解故事细节信息3.分段推进阅读:1) Beginning :回答下列问题Where did they live?What did Jack and Jane' s father say?What did Jack say?处理live by, may,建议、命令句式Middle :段2 :填充思维导图Jack and Jane saw, went, feltinto the forestflowers and insects_ hungry after ome time|处理 some time段3:划出关键句Whaf s their problem?What' s their solution?处理 be lost, drop, on the way, canEnding:听录音填空Jack and Jane followed the(stones) back home.Their(father) was very(happy) to see them.新 1.整体处理文本,形成对故1.再次听读故事,根据five finger retelling找出故事梗概并事的整体理解。事的整体理解。复述先说出人物、环境基本要素完成51页配对练习并排序,归类起因、经过、结果Never go into the forest, (beginning)Lef s go into the forest, (beginning)Jack, we' re lost! (middle)I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home.(middle)2 .培养学生的想象力、创造力、自由表达能力3 .情感升华并对起因、经过、结果进行扩充,进行完整复述2 .发挥想象,自由表达:Can you think of some other ways to find the way home?3 .概括主题What can you learn from this story?引出ustay calm and use your wits",鼓励学生可以有对故事有不同解读小结总结归纳夯实语言本课的重点词语和句型总结回顾作 业 布 置 及 提 交巩固提升1.听读故事2.复述故事3.活动手册相关内容