Tulsa King《塔尔萨之王(2022)》第一季第九集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
前情提要你打算告诉我出了什么事吗So you gonna tell me what's going on?你从纽约回来You coming back from New York,手上都是淤青your hands all bruised.酒吧也被人扫射一通Your bar shot up.很明显是出事了I mean, obviously something went down.我不是射击的料-百炼才能成钢Oh, I suck at this. - Ah, practice makes perfect.我们为啥要炼来着Why are we practicing again?有人在追杀我们吗Are there people after us?德怀特叔咱们俩Uncle Dwight, you and me,得重归于好我去拜访你we gotta make amends. I'm coming to visit.你知道上哪儿找我You know where to find me.那个王八蛋Fuck that piece of shit.在我们看来德怀特曼菲雷迪So, Dwight Manfredi, as far as we know,并未改过自新he ain't just passing through.我们还看到他跟其他的女人There's also some other woman he's been在一起但没有-也就是说seen with, but we haven't- - Okay, so basically联调局什么把柄都没查到对吧what you're saying is the FBI has nothing, right?我们得把重心放在沃特里普h他涉案金额巨大We should be focused on Waltrip. He's got, like, serious money. 他通过全球金融市场敛财He's flushing profits through the global financial market 我们今早突袭了沃特里普We raided Waltrip this morning.明白Understood.听着还有件事So, listen, there's something else.齐齐来了Chickie's here.什么-古蒂昨晚打来电♥话♥What? - Goodie called late last night.他们已经动身了他齐齐还有文斯They were already on their way. Him, Chickie, and Vince.你想回避一阵子吗You wanna lay low for a while?就因为这个才不要'Cause of that? Fuck no.跟你说实话吧阿曼德场面最后I wanna be honest with you, Armand, this could get会很难看-你知道什么才叫难看吗fuckin' ugly. - You know what's really ugly?无法♥iE♥视镜中的自己Not being able to look yourself in the mirror.98年初在你离开几个月后Early '98, a few months after you went away,齐齐联♥系♥ 了我Chickie reached out.说想跟我谈谈Said he wanted to talk.就在超级碗附近It was right around the Super Bowl.见面那天上午The morning of the meeting,在斯普莫尼花♥园♥附近的老俱乐部the old club, near Spumoni Gardens.我揣着枪心想他妈的I strapped up, I said "fuck it."这个混♥蛋♥再也别想恐吓我广I wasn't gonna let this prick intimidate me anymore.所以我到了那里So I get there.停好车park the car.我他妈的连车门都跨不出去And I couldn't fuckin' get out. 怎公了 -我僵住了心理无能 What happened? -1 froze. Psychologically. 我那颗心哟德怀特I mean, my fuckin' heart, Dwight, I thought 我以为会从嗓子里蹦出来 it was gonna explode out of my chest. 害怕没有错阿曼德 There's nothing wrong with being scared, Armand. 讲真这是人的本能 I'm serious, it's a natural instinct.要么战要么逃-对我选择了逃It's fight or flight. - Yeah, and I chose flight.我终于开始开车Eventually I started driving.上了 95号♥公路上的韦拉诺大桥往西开去 Hit the Verrazzano Bridge, 1-95,1 just headed west- 我都不知道自己要去哪儿I didn't even know where the fuck I was going. 24小时后Twenty-four hours later, after, like, 在两加仑咖啡的驱使下我来到了塔尔萨 two gallons of coffee, I ended up in Tulsa. 看来你混得挺不错 Looks like you did okay. 我遇到了我老婆 Eh, I met my wife. 找了一圈工作驱车往北一小时 Banged around. Eventually got hired 终于有家牧场主录用了我 by this rancher an hour north. 然后开始跟马打交道 Started working with horses. 我最他妈讨厌马I hate fuckin1 horses.真的No joke.它们最不可信You cannot trust anything 一边跑一边拉屎that can run and shit at the same time.这倒是All right. That's true.这久多年It's just, all those years, 心惊胆战感觉自己像个懦夫 stewing, feeling like a fuckin' coward.直到在商场看到你And then when I saw you at the mall, 那种感觉又来了 it almost happened again.我想过逃跑I thought of running.但我做不到But I couldn't do it.我不能再这公卜.去Couldn't do it anymore.你问我要不要回避You ask me if I wanna lay low? 我他妈再也不想回避了I ain't ever laying low again.41度你敢想吗106 degrees. You fuckin' believe that?这里跟撒哈拉沙漠似的It's like the Sahara out here.从舟车劳顿中恢复了吗You recover from the flight yet?茶茶海明跟镇静剂一起服用Dramamine and tranquilizer 滋味不太好is not a good combo.瑟曼蒙森巴迪霍利洛基马齐安诺Thurman Munson, Buddy Holly, Rocky Marciano, 瑟曼蒙森知名棒球队员巴迪霍利活跃于50年代的知名作曲家洛基马齐安诺50年代拳击运动员都死于空难all dead in plane crashes.什公鬼What the hell?齐齐Chickie.你&hearts他♥妈♥从哪儿冒出来的 The fuck you come from?他跟我一起的He's here with me.我带来的I brought him.这是干嘛要搞突然袭击What's this? A fuckin' ambush?我要想搞突然袭击你早死了If it was, you'd be dead, 你们这是要突然袭击我吧 and 1 can say the same thing about you guys. 怎么我来还需要你许可我只想过来What? I need permission? Figured I'd come out here, 给你个惊喜吗-好吧 surprise you. - Yeah, well.腆我们多惊喜啊 look how surprised we are. 你是不是有啥大病把脑残玩得这么What is wrong with you? It's like you've taken stupidity 登峰造极喂to a fuckin' art form. - Whoa.你在跟家族老大讲话you're talking to the boss of this family. 是跟你的家族老大讲话I'm talking to the boss of your family. 你就是个挑拨离间的混♥蛋♥You're a provocateur and a pain in the fuckin' ass, 除了找事啥能耐没有 it never made any sense.你把我发配到这You.sent me out here.就是要我死 to basically die. 流放这就像对拿破仑说 Exile, like, hey, Napoleon, 我们为你准备了一个美丽的小岛叫厄尔巴岛 we got this great island for you, it's called Elba,拿破仑曾在1814年被流放到这里,随后又在1815年从这个海岛反♥攻♥法 国本土,一举夺回皇位风景很棒顺便说句你会死在那nice view, by the way- you're gonna die. 可你猜怎么着我们盈利了Guess what? We're earning.你们本就该盈利That's what you're supposed to do.重点是我们一刀两断了The point is, we're fuckin' done.所以你们利落收拾东西So, I want you to pack your shit, 滚上飞机离我的地盘get on the fuckin' plane, and stay the fuck.越远越好out of my town.不过呢你要留下And you, you're staying here.你真的You really.真想继续为这个混♥蛋♥匚作吗 wanna keep working for this asshole?仔细瞅瞅他就一光头强Look at him. Fuckin' Kojak.给你三秒做决定You got three seconds to make up your mind.聪明人你个叛徒Smart. - You fuckin' piece of shit 你就该把你们全崩了You know, 1 should drop all of ya, 就在此时就在此地 right here, right fuckin' now.是应该但你不会的Yeah, you should, but you won't.看到那些人了吗我的手下See those guys? They work for me.还有那俩哥们See those guys?我们自己人They're with us.他们会送你们去机场And they're gonna take your ass to the airport, 我们会永远也不见 and you're never coming back here again.见到你很开心小齐齐It's really nice seeing you, Chick.走吧Come on.咱们团队有新人了We got a new member on the team.古蒂卡兰吉Goodie Carangi.我们俩老交情了We go way back.对了你真名叫啥You know, I never knew your first name.是什么来着-丹尼斯What is it? - Dennis.丹尼斯好吧还是叫你古蒂Dennis.okay, we're sticking with Goodie.我的外号♥大部分人都知道了My nickname, as most of you know,将军is the General.我们要开战了And we're going to war.我们虽然爱好和平I didn't want it to happen, 但有些仗该打还要打 but that's the way it's going down. 所以So.格蕾丝你真要加入吗Grace, you really wanna be part of this?否则我来这干嘛I'm here, aren't I?是啊你来了Yeah, you are.不久之前我走卜.飞机的那一刻Not too long ago, I got off a plane, 必须承认就像来到了别的星球 and I gotta say, it was like I got off on a different planet. 一切都乱七八糟颠覆了我的认知Everything was sideways, upside-down.我一个人都不认识举目无亲I didn't know one person. Not one. 在我年幼无知时And at my tender young age. 这是件很可怕的事 that's scary. 我承认这很可怕I admit it's scary. 因为对我来说 'Cause, to me, being alone, 一个人生活 living alone, 一个人死亡 and dying alone. 是上帝给人降下的 is like the worst curse 一道最严厉的诅咒God could ever put on anybody. 我一直把人生当成I've always thought of life as like 一条单行道你走上这条路 this one-way street, and you head down it, 一边走周围的景物一边消失 and as you do, it sort of disappears behind you. 所以你只能沿着一个方向走那就是前进 So, you can only go one direction, forward, 在路的前方 and looking way down there, 有座城市 you see a city. 城市在着火一片火海But it's on fire. And it's red hot. 正如我之前所言 And like I said before, 你不能回头 you can't go back 只要你踏上这条路 once you've started this damn journey. 就只能向前走You can only go forward. 所以So.你只有两个选择you got two choices.第一One.你怕了you get scared.选择放弃You give up.然后你会葬身火海And then you burn up.第二个选择And the second one.你说操♥他♥妈♥you say fuck it!拼一把Fuck it!让恐惧去死Fuck fear!然后你就能穿越火海And you barrel through it.等你从那一头爬出来时And when you come out on the other side, 我保证你会变得I guarantee you, you're gonna be stronger 超乎你想象的强大than you ever thought possible.但这一切唯有我们互相支持But none of this shit is ever gonna happen, 互相施护才能实现unless we all cover each other's backs, 我们必须成为and we all.彼此家庭的一部分become part of each other's family.唯有如此We do that.我向你们保证I swear to you,我们才能彻底we're gonna put this fire out把大火扑灭once and for all.好了酒吧畅喝All right. Bar is open.好的好的Ahh, okay, okay.哇哦这里不错啊All right, this is nice, huh?不介意我问问你这房♥子花了多少钱How much you pay for this, if you don't mind me asking?你俩需要喝点什么不Get you guys anything?你这有椅子吗You got a chair?传统的椅子对背部很不友好Uh, traditional chairs are terrible for your back.那我站着-请便I'll stand. - Suit yourself.今早哪阵风把你俩吹来了To what do I owe the pleasure this morning?沃特里普在开曼群岛藏了很多钱Waltrip's got a lot of money stashed in the Cayman Islands.怪不得他的总部那么奢华Well, that would explain his lavish headquarters.账户在一台笔记本上你能黑进去吗The account's on a laptop. Can you hack into it?不好说电脑在哪That depends. where is it?在烟草火♥药&hcarts;管理局手里Well, the ATF has it.我懂了I see.这有什么问题吗-也没有Is that a problem? - Not necessarily.网上90%的恶意恶作剧Human error as opposed to technical proficiency都是人为错误造成的accounts for 90%而不是因为技术有多难of malicious mischief on the internet.说人话English.你被黑是因为你懒People get hacked because they're lazy, 政♥府♥雇员缺乏职业道德 and government employees aren't well-known 也不是什么新鲜事了 for their puritan work ethic.我就当你同意了I'll take that as ayes.我可不敢保证It's a very strong "maybe." 不保证也得保证It's a very strong "yes." 你在说什么你的酒吧要歇业了 What're you saying? You're going out of business? 不不No, no, just.就是关门几天shutting down for a while. 重新装♥修♥Doing some renovations.梅奇会陪着我们以防你有任何需要Maisie's gonna stay with us, in case you need anything. 我知道自己老了儿子I know I'm old as shit, son. 但不代表我脑子不中用 But that does not mean that I'm stupid. 扫射酒吧的那群人Them guys shot up your place.你知道是谁吗You know who they were? 卡图萨的飞车党Biker gang out of Catoosa.知道怎么找到他们吗Know where to find 'em?不知道所以只能按兵不动We don't, so we're just sitting tight. 你那个德怀特朋友你信任他吗 Your friend Dwight, do you trust him? 信任I do.这种事有时候凭直觉抓到他了吗-没他不在Did you bring him in? - No, he wasn't there.那他在哪儿So, where is he?我千方百计才说服联调局别插手I finally got the FBI to get off this.你也别再追究了So just move on.你As you-叫救护车Get an ambulance!1997年布鲁克林抱歉很抱歉I'm sorry.I'm sorry.你说什久瑞波你很抱歉吗What's that, Ripple? You're sorry?齐齐够r别这样Chickie, Chickie, enough, come on.别这样个毛线啊"Come on," my balls.这小子正道歉呢The man's apologizing.你有什久好道歉的Aah. - What're you sorry for?为你削尖脑袋动歪心思来整我That you saw an opportunity, and you tried to use it 而道歉吗-我不记得了to fuck me over? - I.I don't remember.我真不记得瑞波I really don't. - Ripple.我真不记得了I really don't fuckin' remember.跛子瑞波如何Ripple the Cripple, huh?准备击球Batter up!操Fuck!各位各位咱赶紧走吧Guys, guys, come on, let's go.Sometimes you just get a feeling. 我觉得他是个好人Seems like a good man. 坦率直接Straight shooter. 我喜欢他I like him.我本以为自己到了这个年纪You know, I hit the point where I was getting 也许交不到什么朋友了a little too old to be making new friends. 然后有一天这家伙就像从黑帮电影 Then one day, this fella, looks like he stepped 中走出来一样走进我的酒吧out of some mob movie, walks into my joint. 我冥冥之中有种感觉Can't say what, exactly, but something told me. 这个人会改变我人生this man was gonna change my life. 欢迎加入我的聚合链抢劫Welcome to the great chain robbery, 区块链币安比特币基地以太坊货币钱包都包括在内 as in Blockchain, Binance, Coinbase, and MetaMask. 就是加密货币那一套对吧 It's like crypto, right? 对完全正确Yeah, that's exactly what it is.沃特里普所有的用户名文件区块链钱包Any ofWaltrip's usernames, files, blockchain wallets, 举果账户都很易受到攻击iTunes, all vulnerable. 苹果账户-脸谱网 iTunes? - Facebook, 照片墙苹果账户 Instagram, iTunes. 这些都是潜在的门户These are all potential portals.设置一个虚拟热点You set up a bogus hot spot, 发送恶意木马软件send in a malware Trojan horse.就有访问权限and unfettered access.你从哪学会这些东西的How did you learn all this shit?我在一家互联网初创公&hcarts;司♥干了五年I spent five years working at an internet startup.款你没收电脑时它是开着的吗Hey, was this thing on when you confiscated it?塔比斯用生物识别技术开机的Tebbits opened it up, with biometrics.他找到了指纹He lifted a fingerprint.沃特里普的档案里有好几个Waltrip had more than a few on file.天啊-怎么了Holy shit. - What?这孙子真有钱This motherfucker really does have money.也许我该说刚才还很有钱Or should I say."did"?怎么回事What the fuck just happened?不知道啊I have no idea.老大你得过来看看Hey, boss? You need to come see this.不不操No! Oh.shit!早日康复!虽然不够报答你的但是德怀特爱你账户余额她收到了吗收到了She get it? - Yep, she get it.东西放下我就走了Just dropped it off.去哪儿-不知道So, where to? - I'm not sure.你还好吗-没事You okay? - Yeah.就是觉得不该把你I'm just feeling like I shouldn't've扯到这摊事里dragged you into all of this.这个话题不是聊过了吗我没事We talked about this already, it's fine.你该听你父亲的话You should've listened to your father and found 找个正经活儿我就想干这一行another job. - This is what I want to do.我现在只想做这个This is what I wanna do right now.要是你有个三长两短可怎么办What if something happens to you?我就算开出租也可能出意外I coulda got killed driving a cab, boss.天有不测风云每天都会死人Wrong place, wrong time, it happen every single day.知道吗在遇见你之前You know, before I met you, 我都不知道一天会有两次三点钟I barely knew 3: 00 happened twice a day.我已经习惯早晨起床上班Used to wake up in the morning, go to work, 下班回家come back home,飞飞叶子然后睡觉smoke some weed, go to sleep.第二天循环往复Next day, do it all over again.我现在的生活自己做主I'm my own man now.有自己的公&hcarts;寓♥自己的选择My own crib. My own choices.对自己的认同感My own identity.不是我妈和我爸强加于我的Not what my momma think, not what my daddy think.不为任何人而活Nobody else.有种生活方式是There's a way to live your life. 选择为自己的信仰而活Stand up for what you believe in.想要什么就去争取Take what you want.照顾周围的朋友And look after your friend.是你教会我的兄弟You showed me that, man.你是个好小子泰森You're a good man, Tyson. 很高兴那天坐上了你的车I'm glad it was you that picked me up that day. 是我喜欢的黑帮调调My gangster!行动Go!今晚就在空中J Coming in the air tonight J 哦上帝J Oh, Lord J我的一生J For all my life J上帝J Oh, Lord J我能感觉到空气的躁动/ I can feel it in the air tonight/ 哦上帝J Oh, Lord J 哦上帝J Oh, Lord J 我能感觉到J Well, I can feel it. ?你伤到哪儿了伤到哪儿了Where are you hit? Where are you hit?胳膊来My arm! - Come on!过来止血Come here! Stop the blood.照顾好他格蕾丝Get him, Grace.我去毙 那狗♥娘♥养♥的 I'm gonna kill that motherfucker.在空中J In the air tonight J这一刻我等待已久j And I've been waiting for this moment J等了一生J For all my life J'你还觉得我不自量力吗Do you still think I overplayed my hand?别逼逼Would ya fuck off?三个月后很好他很喜欢你Very good. He likes you.咱们骑快点-不要快Let's go fast! - Let*s not, huh?跑快点Giddyup!你笑啥呢What're you laughing at?你说你有匹马我以为When you said you owned a horse, I just.会看到那种专业打扮的骑师imagined jockeys in silks.不这匹马是为了娱乐No, this horse is Central Park.不是为了赛马-好吧It's not Belmont Park. - Right, okay.埃默里如何-挺好的他很忙How's Emory? - He's good. Busy.小牛仔们玩得开心吗Well, how's the little cowpokes?玛格丽特Margaret!这是玛格丽特This is Margaret.这是我女儿蒂娜This is my daughter Tina.她从纽约来看我了She's visiting from New York.欢迎玛格丽特是这里的老板Welcome. - Margaret owns the joint.厉否-取决于你问谁了Oh, wow. - Well, depends on who you ask.幸会这俩是我外孙Nice to meet you. - Oh, and those are科迪和瑞恩my grandkids, Cody and Ryan.他们看起来真棒棒极了They look good. - They look fantastic.我去拍几张照片I'm gonna go take some pics.好Okay.你好久没来了I haven't seen ya in a while.你是不是有点想我呢Did you miss me a little bit maybe?好吧当我没问Okay, we'll forget that.我最近在忙着It's.taken me a little time整理各种事情的头绪to put a few things together, you know?整理好了吗-谢天谢地终于好了And are they? - Yeah, thank God, yeah.今晚我们要开业了Oh, tonight is the grand opening,我最近在忙的酒吧重新开张or re-opening, of this nightclub that I'm putting together.有音乐有吃的There's music, there's food.我保证你会玩的开心I guarantee you'll have a great time.我听说From what I hear.你喜欢小赌怡情you like gambling a little bit?我今晚有个慈善活动Uh, I got a charity event tonight.那好吧-我改天再去光临吧All right. - Can I take a r