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    Teaching PlanI. Basic InformationTeaching contentUnit 4 Where is my schoolbag? Section B 2a-2cLesson typeReadingTeacher李怡燃StudentsJunior high students, Grade 7Time40 minsTeaching aidsPPT, laser pen, chalk, blackboardAnalysis of the teaching materialThis period is from Section B, Unit 4 of PEP English book of junior high school, Grade ' the house" ,2a-2c is a chain of reading tasks, further consolidating and applying the langi and gradually transitioning from reading to writing , paving the way for 3a-3b writing treAnalysis of studentsStudents in Grade 7 are active and active, and have a great passion for English learning, the key vocabulary and functional sentences of this module in Section A and Section B ( learned the usage of the prepositions on, in, and under. Therefore, students need to read t practice and master the use of the target language.Teaching aimsBy the end of the class, students will be able to:Knowledge objectivesLearn the curriculum words& useful expressions in the context.Ability objectivesUse reading strategies to understand the text and use key information to retell the text.Emotional abilityAppreciate the author's point of view, reason, and develop the quality of thinking.Rethink daily behavior and develop a neat living habit of placing items.Teaching key points and difficultiesTeaching key points: According to the structure of the reading article, the prepositions in used to describe the position of the items in the room.Teaching difficulties: Singular and plural Subject-verb concordTeaching methodsCommunicative Language TeachingTask-based Language TeachingII. Teaching ProcedureSteps &Time(min)Interaction patternsSkillsStudent activitiesTeacher activitiesPurp(Lead-in(3mins)Whole-class workListening speaking1. Greeting2. Listen to the teacher carefully.3. Think and follow the teacher's1. Greeting2. Ask students :T: Are you happy today?S:Yes, and you?T:Fm not happy, because of my little brother. Look,this is hisexcitpassaj Ssvocabconte)guidance.room. What can you see in his room and where are they?S:I can see a . on/in/under the. T:Is his room tidy or untidy? Why?Fast-reading (3mins)Whole-class workReading speaking listeningprediction think carefullyunder the teacher's guidance.Skim:Read the whole passage and then find out main idea of the passage.Predictionstudents what do they know and what they'd like to know in the passage.Skim:Ask students to find out the topic sentence by reading fast.Pred raiseknow Skim studer passa】 summCareful-rea ding (8mins)Whole-class workGroup work Individual workReading&RetellingDetail-reading :Read the passage in detail(l)Circle the things and underline the places.(2) Use the information you get to fill in the blanks.Detailed-reading:students the following questions: Q:Why is Kate tidy and Why is Gina untidy?students to use the key information to retell the passageS'saneede1the pcorrecinfornPost-reading (4mins)Whole-class work Group-workThinkingRead the whole passage again and think about the questionsAsk students to think about the writer's point of view.Q: Who wrote this passage?Does she like Gina's living habits?Why?Guide writin pay at studer Let sti mood furthe good 1Whole-class work Group-work Pair-workDiscussionPut the things in the proper place.Help Gina from being untidy to being tidy.Let students to help Gina to put things in the proper place.Deteci unden and al them cHomeworkyour room after room and make it from untidy to tidy, a photo of your tidy room,and introduce it to us.


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