某中学备战二三高考英语寒假必刷卷七第一卷(选择题)(总分95分)第一部分 听力(每小题1.5分,共30分)第一节(共5小题;每小IS 1.5分,满分75分)诂所下面5段对话,选出最佳送项。L What arc the speakers probably talking about?A. Food.B. Animals.C. CkMhes.2. What is the wciHhcr probably like today?A. Sunny.B. Windy.C. Rainy.3. What was stolen?A. A car.B. A necklace.C. A painting.4. Where k the computer?A. In the box.B. On the desk.C. On the table.5. Whai i iIk man going to do?A. Attend a confcrciKC.B. Start a lesson.C. Read the magazines.第二节(共15小题:何小虺15分,满分22.S分)清听卜面5段对话或独白,选出圾住选项.请所笫6段材料,网答第6、7曲,6. What docs the man need to do if he uses the bus?A. Walk down Oak Road.B. Walk through a park.C. Wail in from of the hotel.7. How will the man go to town probab!/?A. By taxi.B. By bgC. On foo<.请历第7段材料,回答第8. 9 sL8. Whai docs the ntan think of studying in a group?A. It cncounigcs him to Mudy B. h helps make more friends.C. 1( needs more time.9. What will the woman share if she joins ihc group?A. Some paM exam papers. B. Some learning styles.C. Some Itxlure notes.清听第8段材料,回答第10至12S).10. Whal job will the man prohahly gel if he gets (he job?A. A cleaner.B. A cook.C. A waiter.How much can tlie man earn 3 day if he gels the j(ib?A. £40.B. £35.C. £30.11. Whai will the hotel offer to tbc man?C. A shirt.A. A jacket.B. A waisicom.诂听第9段材料,回答第13至16超。12. What kind of music docs ihc man prefer probably?A. Scoltish folk music. B. Russian choral music. C. Indum ckissiail music.13. When will the man come back?A. On (he 效.B. On ihe 12,h.C. On the 16*.15. What will take place on Sunday afternoon?A. A calk.B. A concert.16. What am we know about the exhibition?C. A efug.A. It ooms £ 14.50.B. h's on a morning.请听第10段材料.问答第17至20照,C. It's Iwld on a bus.When is the Discussion Session?A. From 9:00 am(o 10: 30 am.B. From 10: 30am io I: 30 pm.C. From 1:00pm (o 3:00 pm.17. Where can students ask teacher for help during the midday-to-3: 00 time period?A. In ihe Quiet Reading area. B. In【be Central Sealing area.C. In (he Audio section.18. Why was the activity from 3: 00 pm to 6:00 pm canceled?A. Because of the lime.B. Because of ihe nouc.C. Because of the teacher.19. Whiit docs the ispciikcr say about the Language Exchange?A. h is a tcachcr-lcd event.B. It lasts for three hours.C. Ie is for local students.第二部分阅读理解(每小题2.5分,共50分) 第一节 阅读下列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项.AGood Book: for TeensLucas Maxwell is a librmun in a high school in tbe UK. lies conMantly recommending b<K>ks for (eenx. Here he ptckx ihe unex teens in his love most Geek GirlHolly SmukThis is a series where it docsn" matter how many copws I buy, the shelf is alwa)% empty. It*$ (he skxy of super*smart Harrici Manners, who ain't quite seem to fil in. Then she's spoiled by a modding agency and things scan to (urn around, until ihey don'L Rtulin SilenceAlice OsenianThe older Mudents love this. We video Uilked wilh Alice Iasi yvar and she had an instant eonnecion with ihe siudenu. Radio Silence is a story about Frances. Frances is convinced she knows whai she warns out of life. Everything changes when she nKets the creator of her favorite podcast(搭客).The CrrMWVtfrKv* anw Alexanderk's about twin bnxhrs Josh 3nd Jordan wlx> are the stars of their high school baskeiball team. Competition is high between them, and their father, a former ballplayer hinvM?lf. is tough but caring. I love putting this book into tbc hands of students who tell me they hale reading because it changes their minds every lime.EL DeufoCec« BtllEL Dcafb is an account of Bells childhood and living with her deafness. When Bell was a young girl she became deaf because of a discaM:. Bell needs to wear the Phonic Ear. a powerful hearing aid. When she discovers (hat the dcvicc(设备)allows her to hear the teacher ikm just in the classroom but all over the school, she becomes superhero EL Dcafb. listening in on grownups for all!20. Who docs T refer to in the text?A. Holly Smale. B. Harriet Manners.C. Lucas Maxwell. D. Kwame Alexander.22. What plot might we find in The Crrnypvvr?A. A conflict bclwccn twin brothers.C. A girt becoming crazy about podcasts.23.5rhich book tells the author s own story?A. Geek Girl. B. Radio silence.B. A student making fun of her teacher.D. A smart Mudent's fight with a modeling agency.C. The Crossover. D. EL Dcafo.Nylc DiMarco has some thoughts atxxK inspirational viral Internet conioit specifically, videos showing kids u ho arc deaf hearing for the first time. "The biggest problem is thai i( tends(o highly praise those simple solutions and it s a view of just o few seconds of a disabled person's life.* DiMarco, a star model who is deaf, said.Children with access to great measures that restore hearing, he noted, arc "otkn from very wealthy himilks who arc very tortuniitc (o have (he money to be able to purchiisc (he technology needed und the training and spare the hours needed for it " But that's ncx (he rr<ilily for many children who arc deaf, let alone Americans of all agex who arc harxl of hciiring.Mon? than 70 million deaf people worldwide um: sign Ijmgvagc、DiMarco pointed out, *but only 2 percent of them have access lo education in sign language." DiMarco, who grew up in an entirely deaf tamily and attended a school tor the daif. praiseb the benefits of learning and speaking sign language. *We had direct access to communiaition, to langiugc and to love.* he said.h wax 0<ily a her he penuiadcd his mother (o allow him (o attend public school in the fifth grude lh;il M was deprived of ASLlAnxjncan Sign Lmguage ami began lo feel he was missing oul. The feeling affected his Jielf-wocth, he said, and rvMirtaccd when he joined the ease of "America、Next Top Model?" in 2015. He said. “Il was juM me and a group of ocher mcxielx that I was competing againM in I be hcMise. I tried (o (each them sign, but many of ibem wcrvn'l willing lo leam it.*There even canw a (Xiint when DiMarco thoughi xiboui giving up. Bui part of his 长 io nuke people who are deaf appear in tKe media more often, which didn't happen wlurn he was givivving up. want to take ihc oppottunity to work with *AnKika's Next Top Model' to tvally pave a new road,* said.24. Whai's DiMarco's attitikic towards (Ik videos,?A. Ambiguous. B. Appreciative. C. Uninterested. D. Duapproving.25. According(o Paragraph 2. whai is the reality Rm many deaf children?A. They have wasted a lol of money on their hearing.B. They arc oftercd new technology to help them out.C. They lack good measures to restore their hearing. D. They arc asked to spend time receiving training. 26. Why did DiMarco begin to feel he was mining out in the fifth grade?A. He was often made fiin of at school. B. He nearly couldn't use sign language.C. He couldn't do as well in studies as others.D. He had no opponunity to attend publk? school.27. What docs DiMarco hope to achieve through working with "America's Next Top Model?A. Learning to use sign language well.B. Making models popular among people.C. Drawing more attention to deaf people.D. Winning the title of top model that season.CA favorite dish for purple sea u/rhintW) living off the coast of California is kelp(t 诙), The problem is. those kelp forests are shrinking rapidly and that's hurting (he oceanic ccosyMem. So a gnemp of scientists ran an experiment to see if these sea urchins can themselves become a top menu item.Just ofY (he coast, three diven; get ready to jump in. They're students from Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. The task: Count purple sea urchins. Their professor. Luke Gardner expects they'll find plenty of urchins. And that s not a good thing. *What they do is they just cat everything in sight/' Gardner says. These purple creatures arc eating up Calitomui's kelp forests, which provide tbod and shelter tor numerous sea animals.The problem began around 2014. That's when Gardner says warmer ocean temperatures began aflccting the reproduction of kelp. It's also when a disease kikd off sunflower sea slim ii killer of purple sea urchins. The pvrplc sea urchin population thus grows very fast.The divers don't come up cmp<y-handed. They bring Gardner quite a lot of jxirplc sea urvhins. What's inskfe is Ihc part we cal. Ihc “献海胆黄)一 a type of delicious food in Japanese cuixiiw. w,Thc problem with these guys is that when you open them up. somdimcs there's iwthing in then: And they might be «i bit cumpanxl to markeZi次d urchins.* says Gardner.Then, it is linw for (be lasie (exi. On a lypicd foggy &iy. (he clasx crowds into (he kitchen of the reslauranl Aubergine. Here, chef Justin Cogley .xerves uni Inxn rxmnd (be world. He opens up (he purple sea urchins, taking (he exange imi out and prepares it on a thccl pouto. Honertly. i( s rkh aixl buUery/' Cogley >ays. His conclusion? He will serv« ii.If$ a UMy end to the project. But this could be juM (he beginning. A cmnpany called Urchinonncx has been celling its hunian raixed uivhins m Japan. Now. ii is working (o secure a site in California, h's all in an eftexi io save the stated kelp fbcenu and !>elp (he thousands of animals that depend on ilwm.28. What is the sciolist's experiment about?A. Turning purple 心 urchins into aB. Finding new food for purple sea urchins.C. Discovering the cau© of a poor ccosystcin-D. Studying ihc ecosystem of the coast of California. 29. How is Paragraph 3 inainly developed?A. By preM!niing research findings. B. By fk)Uowing lime orderC. By analyzing causes.D. By making comparisons.30. According to Gardner, what's a probkm with purple sea urchins?A. Their uni tastes like bad butter.B. They don't all have uni inside.C. They can't be raised by hunions.D. Their size is bcyoml the market standard.31. What is the best title for the text?A. Save California's Kelp by Eating Purple Sea UchinsB. A Scientist's Cooking Dream Comes True in CaliforniaC. Kelp Forests Suffer Because of Japanese CuisineD. Clean Up the Sea by Restoring Kelp ForestsDLaie 伙力N晚授柄)is u common disease of plants such as tomatoes and pcxatocs. capable of wiping out entire crops on commercial-sized fields. If conditions arc fax)rablc. it can quickly sprcad (o other plants (hncnigh wcl soil and wind.In histor); late blight caused over I million deaths in Ireland. Today it still causes more than 6.7 billion dollars in annual losses worldwide. Small farms and grower; arc ofkn (he hardest hit. many staling losing almost twxvthirds of their yearly production, because usually they don't have money to identify and treat (he disease.But farmcni may have a new weapon now. The technology, designed by researchers at North Carolina State University can recognize sick plants early by employing a piece of (cm p<ipcr that plugs in(o(投入)a reader (>n u smartphone.Plants produce sigmiling chemiculs from (heir leaves "If a plant is diseased, the type and concentration of ihwc chemicals change" said Wei Qing4ian, an engineer al North Girvliiwi Shik Unh-crxily. If (be farmer suspects a kite blight infEiion is underlay, he can remove a Icuif Frum ;i living plant and place it in a Mnall. covered gkiss pr. Afkr the laifs、丫而”/r(挥发性的)chemicals Iwve accumulated for 15 minutes or so. (be cap is removed and the air is pumped frxwn I he yv in(u a reader aU;tched (u the buck of a xmarlphofie. Insnk (he、martphoiw wilder is a piece of paper specially irealcd with dyes (染料)by I he rvwircberx. Upon inkGKling(相 互作用)wilh the plant*s volahk chemicals, (he paper changes color lo nxliaile (he pn>emx or ahxeiKe of Ilie late hlightThe rvearcherx hope lo Ui lor (he technology for mlwr crop diseases wh 沁h coniinue (o appear as clivnaie clvinge 和讨 global trade increase (Iw on agriculiuml systems. "This is an important step in (he iniprovenwnt of global fbod security,'* Wei Qingshan said.32. What are the sta(iM>cs in Paragraph 2 nuinly al)oui?A. The damage caused by late blight.B. The money put into late blight (n;atinent.C. The number of crops in a comincrcial-sizcd ficld.D. The yearly prodoccion of small farms and grower. 33. According to Wei Qingshan. how would a fanner find out if a plant w第 infected?A. By wealing the plant with special d)vs.B. By putting volatile chemicals on the plant.C. By testing the air in the jar with a leaf insidc.D. By examining the land with a smanpboiK reader. 34. What do the rcMrarchcrs expect of their new technology?A. It'll reach farmers soon.B. It'll get rid of late blight.C. It'll be bcncGcial to the cliinatcD. It'll be able to detect more crop diseases.35. Where is the lexi most likely from?A. A news report B. A guidebook C. A lesson plan D. An advcniscmcni.第二节根据短文内容,以短文后选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有两项为多余选项.(共 5小题,每小2.6分,满分12.5分)"Big data'1 lives up to its name: We produce 2.5 quiniilhon bytes (字节)of data every day through the digit eoniKCtioiH(ha( link people, objects, and devices. Every email, text, post, online search and doctors visit contribute I。big cha 36Many believe it is. Stores arc using it to improve our shopping cxpcrknoc. _37_ !n the United States. Macy's department store credits big data with improving iheir customer satisfaction and helping to increase sales by 10 percent.Banks arc also putting quite a loc of money into big data.38One area co beneGt is customerservice, where valuable information collected is supporting speedier decisions on loans (贷款)and credit while providing belter protection againu thcfi and even overspending.Health care is also seeing a marked diflcrciKC. Data collection is helping to reduce preventable deaths, improve quality of life, predict and cure diseases.39Big data searches for patterm to predict howcancers will behave and recently kd to the breakthrough discover)' that a commonly used antidepressatm fitW 郁剂)has the potential to help find a cure for lung cancer.Big data is Mill just getting starred, but it already influences almost every area of our livcs-mauiy aitcmp<s(o make them better. By 2021. there will be 200 billion connected devices. 40 Ifcomputational power und data sekneists can keep pace with such growth, the potcmial for big data to make an even bigger difference is huge.A. It s even used in cancer research.B. But is big data really making a difTcrcncc?C. Why is big data important (o yewr business?D. Over S20 billion were spent on data analysis in 2016.E. Without big data analysis, companies arc blind and deaf.F. And we're predicted to produce 1.7 million byics of data per person, per secondG Dau analysis enables stores (o prcdkt popular products and ensures competitive pricing.第三部分英语知识运用例读I面短文.从短文后各通所绐的四个选项(A. B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最仕 选项,并在答超卡上将该项涂黑.(共15小题:斛小跻I分.满分15分)1 will never forget those two yean* when I struggled 3nd finally passed my driving test.I grew up in a tiny village in the countryside, where, if leaving, you lud to rely on the_ _41thatcame once a day and went as far as the neighboring