Chinese Tea Culture and Etiquette CourseIntroductionChinese Tea Culture and EtiquetteCourse Code:Pre-course: NoneFollow-up courses: noneBilingual: NoCredits :2.0 Total hours :32Theoretical Hours :32 Experimental Hours :0 Mechanical Hours :0 Practical Hours :0Opening Unit: Department of Marketing, Jiangnan University Business SchoolApplicable major: business administrationCourse IntroductionThrough the study of tea culture in Chinese food culture, this course understands the basic connotation of Chinese tea culture, the history of tea culture, tea commodities and characteristics, tea health care and health major tea art types, Chinese tea ceremony, tea apparatus aesthetics and basic knowledge of tea management, master the characteristics of tea commodities, choose tea utensils, and make a cup of tea. Through the course study, enhance tea culture and tea etiquette cultivation in the social field, enhance national self-confidence and cultural pride, enhance business communication skills. Learning Chinese tea culture and mastering tea art skills not only improve life interest, but also the necessary social skills to enter the workplace.Curriculum resources教材:胡付照.中华茶文化与礼仪M,北京:中国财富出版社,2018.11. (1-12非外文原版教材) 参考书目:1 .胡付照.习茶概要M,北京:中国财富出版社,2013.9. (1-12非外文原版教材)2 .胡付照.紫砂茗壶文化价值研究M,北京:中国物资出版社,2009.3 .胡付照.读壶小品M,北京:中国财富出版社,2012.4 .谢付亮,朱亮.茶翅高飞一中国茶叶品牌快速崛起之道M,福州:福建人民出版社,20115 .张星海.茶店经营与网店营销,杭州:浙江工商大学出版社,20116 .杨江帆.茶叶经营管理学M,北京:中国农业出版社,20147 .罗军.中国茶密码M,北京:三联书店出版,2016.4.8 .金刚石.茶事微论M,北京:旅游教育出版社,2014.89 .关剑平.茶与中国文化M,北京:人民出版社,200110 .乔木森.茶席设计IM,上海:上海文化出版社,200511 .丁以寿中华茶道M,安徽教育出版社,200712 .(美)亚伦费希尔.喝茶是修行M,南京:江苏文艺出版社,2013.(外文翻译教材)阅读材料:无撰写人:审核人: