导师推荐信格式范文导师推荐信格式范文和落款四部分组成。标题信的标题一般由文种名构成,即在第一行正中写上信三个字。 有的信由于写信同收信双方关系较熟则可以不要标题。称呼信要在第二行顶格写上收信方领导的姓名和称呼或只写对方领导 的职务,如 尊敬的局局长:O如果人同收信的人是熟人朋友,则也可以用常见的私人信件一样 的称呼,如英华兄:正文信的正文可以概括为开头、中段和结尾三部分构成。1 .开头信的开头既可以先问候一下对方,略叙思念之情,也可以开门见 山直说其事,这要视你和对方的关系而定。假如你和对方见面较多, 关系也较为密切,就无须太多的客套话了。要在开头介绍自己的身 份,以及自己同被人之间的关系。同时说明写此信的意图。中段中段是信的展开部分,要针对用人单位的情况需要,介绍被人的 一些情况,如学历学位、专业特长、外语水平、业务能力以及其他能力;以使对方能通过引荐信对被引荐人产生好感,从而达到人才的目 的。如果是自荐信,更要写明自己在原来岗位未能发挥或没有机会发 挥的潜能和特长。3 .结尾再次表达自己希望能办成此事的愿望,恳请领导给予被人工作或 晋升机会,并向对方致以感激祝福之情。结尾处也可附上一些被人业 绩的有关材料。4 .落款信的落款要在正文右下方署上者的姓名,以及成文日期的年月 日。有些信还可以注明自己的详细通讯地址,以备以后必要时的联系 之用。信范文尊敬的领导:您好!我是XXXX大学XXXX系的一名学生,即将面临毕业。XXXX大学是我国XXXX人才的重点培养基地,具有悠久的历史和 优良的传统,并且素以治学严谨、育人有方而著称;XXXX大学XXXX系 则是全国XXXX学科基地之一。在这样的学习环境下,无论是在知识能 力,还是在个人素质修养方面,我都受益非浅。四年来,在师友的严 格教益及个人的努力下,我具备了扎实的专业基础知识,系统地掌握 了 XXXX、XXXX等有关理论;熟悉涉外工作常用礼仪;具备较好的英语 听、说、读、写、译等能力;能熟练操作计算机办公软件。同时,我利 用课余时间广泛地涉猎了大量书籍,不但充实了自己,也培养了自己 多方面的技能。更重要的是,严谨的学风和端正的学习态度塑造了我 朴实、稳重、创新的性格特点。此外,我还积极地参加各种社会活动,抓住每一个机会,锻炼自 己。大学四年,我深深地感受到,与优秀学生共事,使我在竞争中获 益;向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长。祖辈们教我勤奋、尽责、善 良、正直;中国人民大学培养了我实事求是、开拓进取的作风。我热 爱贵单位所从事的事业,殷切地期望能够在您的领导下,为这一光荣 的事业添砖加瓦;并且在实践中不断学习、进步。收笔之际,郑重地提一个小小的要求:无论您是否选择我,尊敬的领导,希望您能够接受我诚恳的谢意!祝愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上!签名日期附送:导师推荐信英文范文导师推荐信英文范文更多资讯请继续关注信栏目!导师信英文范文dear sirmadam:as a teaher at xxxx shool, i am riting to provide ou a remendation for missmr. xx so as to help ou assess herhis appliation for aeptane into our program and onsideration for finanial aid.onsidered a promising student ith originalit and sophistiation in herhis thinking, . from analzing user s requirements to designing the hole sstem, from the detailed designing to the final programming, she as ver level-headed and full of innovation ever step of the a. taking full advantage of her abilit and reativit, she firml foused herself on her objetive and gnored all distrations. she suessfull reahed her goal, in the final softare testing, onl a fe bugs ere found in her subsstem. m appreiation of her talelent as thus onfirmed. miss is a ver personable oman, friendl and helpful, and she has alas been a team plaer in her ork.i ould greatl appreiate it if ou ould give her appliation for andida to our ph.d. program favorable onsideration. should ou need an further information in our deliberation, please do not hesitate to ontat me.sinerelxxxx导师信英文范文To hom it ma Conern,I am riting this letter to attest to Paul s skills in language and publi relations. In the four ears I have knon him, I have been onsistentl impressed ith his abilit not onl to negotiate plex ideas in other languages, but also to第4页共6页 relate these things in a personable, onsientious fashion. His manner in these ases is both professional and personal, to qualities hih I find partiularl valuable in a professional setting. He has personal1 helped me in professional negotiation for everthing from train tikets to ontrat information, and I have alas been able to ount on him.I first met Paul in shool, here he as a student at the universit at hih I taught. He as ell-knon to most of the esterners in ton, ho ould all from different universities to ask for his help. Sometimes this help involved translation of professional douments, and sometimes it involved personal help in making phone alls. Man of these esterners ontinue to all him toda, even though the live quite far XX from him, beause the have e to trust him ver muh. From this foundation in publi relations Paul has found positions in various professional apaities and has been highl-valued in eah plae. He is generail the sort of emploee a pan finds most valuable in its dealings ith both foreign and domesti lients. He puts people at their ease ith his language abilit and manner, both of hih muniate to people that the an relax and simpl muniate.I ould highl remend Paul as an emploee. His experiene and manner are rare and ver valuable.Robert MooreMentor第5页共6页导师信英文范文Dear Colleagues:MS. XXX requested a letter of referene from me to support her appliation for graduate studies at our universit. As her researh adviser hen she as a graduate student in m shool of siene Beijing Universit of Chemial Tehnolog, I am pleased to pl ith her request.系专业在职研究生,职称,他她申请的年国 家自然基金面上项目为.申请人年开始攻读学位,学制一-年.目前,,学位论文为,,足以保证对申请项目的研究时间.申请人具有承担该项目的科研能力,,积累了较多经验,发表国内外论文-一篇,在研究方面提出了新的思路和方法,希望贵校能接受这位人才!导师姓名:职称:单位:科室:研究领域:人姓名:第6页共6页