新视野英语教程(第三版)读写教程2 教案(思政版)B2U1 Symbols of Culture.docx
散案课程名称新视野英语教程读写教程2课 时班 级专 业教 师系 部教研室教 材新视野英语教程 读写教程2Unit 1 Symbols of CultureTeaching FocusText AText BThemeThe First McDonald's RestaurantDisney Mirrors American CultureVocabularysymbol, danger, destroy, public, damage, location, afford, claim, amount, deny, local, national, register, board, momentmirror, rare, admit, defeat, purchase, capital, rush, oppose, detail, murder, basic, positive, value, criticalPhrases and Expressionsin danger of; agree with; can afford to do; have nothing to do;stop. from; even somake a trip; anything but; at work; be opposed to; in detail; sort of; long beforeGrammar1) How to use the structure z/there is (no) room for.” and the expression "even so" ( "Focusing on Sentence Structure71 )2) How to make sure that the subject and verb agree ( "Basic WritingSkills")WritingUnderstanding and writing invitation letters ( "'Practical Writing")Teaching Plan单元主题Symbols of Culture课安8教育 教学 目标 俘生)To get familiar with the cultural information about McDonald's and Disney.To find some typical Chinese fast food restaurants and learn about the Chinese culture related to them.To be familiar with the context meaning and the use of those vocabulary of the two texts listed in the above table.To be familiar with the collocation of those phrases and expressions listed in the above table.To be able to make sentences with in danger of, can ajford to do, make sense, even so, etc.To be able to rewrite sentences after models, using the structure "there is (no) room for.” or the expression “even so.”To get familiar with some other rules of subject-verb agreement besides those listed in Unit 8, Book One.To be able to understand and write invitation letters.教学设计学容 教内Section AText A: The First McDonald's RestaurantSection BText B: Disney Mirrors American CultureSection CPractical Writing: Understanding and Writing Invitational Letters教学活动 安排建议Leading In and Exploring the Topic Ask Ss to work in pairs and finish the exercise in Exploring the Topic. Ask a couple of pairs to summarize their answers to the class. Divide the class into some groups and ask each group to redesign the two questions of Exploring the Topic, changing the foods and restaurant name into Chinese ones.Section A Reading Through Show a picture of an English MacDonald's menu in the teaching PPT and ask some Ss to read some of their favorite items and give the class their Chinese equivalents. Ask Ss to go through Text A quickly and answer the following two questions:1) What's the text about?2) What are the only two kinds of food sold in the first McDonald 5s restaurant?3) What's the problem the first McDonald's restaurant facing now?4) What are the two opinions about how to deal with the first McDonald's restaurant? Ask Ss to read the text carefully paragraph by paragraph and discuss anything they are not sure about. Highlight some difficult sentences and elicit explanations from students and give helps where necessary. Divide the class into two groups and ask them to have a debate on the topic: Should the First MacDonald's Restaurant Be Torn Down?Basic Writing Skills Prepare a PPT with sentences of the exercise on Pl 1 of SB. Ask some students to tell their answers to the class and explain why. Sum up the rules of subject-verb agreement learned in this Unit and review those learned in Unit 8 of Book One.Section B Reading More Ask Ss to choose one of their favorite Disney films and search the information online before class. Divide the class into groups and ask Ss to share their favorite films in their groups. Choose some groups to share in the class. Guide Ss to go through the text and find the answer of the question: Why did some people oppose Disney films and their by- products?Section C Practical Writing Guide the Ss to finish the three exercises on P18-19 of SB according to the samples given. Ask the Ss to write their own invitation cards of their birthday parties and exchange with one another.课后学习设计作业。 Finish all the exercises in Unit One. Read the passage in Reading Out on Page 6 and recite it. Check online and in reference books about Chinese fast food restaurants before class. Write your own birthday invitation cards and give them to your friends.课后 总结 与 反思Moral Reflections思政元素Exploringthe TopicSection AText A: TheFirstMcDonald'sRestaurantSection B通过对教材思政附录中京剧、水墨画、中医、汉字等中国文化符 号的英文介绍引入单元内容,帮助学生对文化及文化符号有直观 认识,树立文化自信。结合课文内容,补充视频”听说在麦当劳集齐这25款美食就可以 召唤神龙”,引导学生了解,麦当劳成为流行文化符号的原因。 组织学生就“这些年你吃过的麦当劳中式风味”展开分享和讨论, 从更深层次理解和感悟中西饮食文化的融合。补充视频“老字号走出去:北京稻香村”,引导学生了解以稻香 村为代表的中华老字号如何坚守初心,与时俱进,展现中华优秀 传统文化的时代生命力,并引导学生体悟老字号所蕴含的文化内 涵,感受传统文化的生机与活力。.结合课文内容,补充视频“外国人为什么会评选花木兰为最棒迪TextB:士尼公主? ”,并引导学生理解流传千载的木兰传奇中所体现出Disney Mirrors American Culture的中华民族中可贵的品质与美德。补充视频“哪吒之魔童降世”片段,引导学生了解国产漫画流行 正是因为其所蕴含的鲜明文化内核。国产漫画通过对中国古代神 话故事的现代阐释和改编创造了符合现代审美的全新文化IP,向 世界讲述古老浪漫的中国故事。Additional Activity补充中国古代典籍中对“同”与“不同”等相关论述的中英对照 表达,加深学生对“和而不同”等概念的理解,引导其在拥有文 化自信心和民族自豪感的同时,进一步树立更加包容的文化观和 世界观。Harmony but not uniformity; every beauty is beautiful.和而不同,美美与共。A man of virtue pursues harmony but does not seek uniformity; a petty man seeks uniformity but does not pursue harmony. (The Analects) 君子和而不同,小人同而不和。论语子路All living things are nourished without injuring one another; all roads run parallel without interfering with one another.万物并育而不相害,道并行而不相悖。礼记中庸