高考英语单词重点突破训练四 试题.pdf
创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日20212021 年高考英语单词重点打破训练四年高考英语单词重点打破训练四创创 作人:作人:荧多莘荧多莘日日 期:期:二二 OO 二二二二 年年 1 1 月月 1717 日日三十一、单词拼写:1.Thetoyistheboys_(喜欢).1_2.Sheisawomanofhigh_(地位).2_3.Thiskindofmachinewasinventedinthe_(十 九)century.3_4.Heisnot_(漂亮)butisverypleasant-looking.4_5.Pleaseputsome_(柴 火)onthefire,oritwillgoout.5_6.Heistob_forhehasdoneagreatfault.6_7.Theg_boyatesomanycakesthathefell创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日ill.7_8.The c_ of the factory are smoking heavily,polluting theair.8_9.Hecouldntswim,andhewasnearlyd_inthewater.9_10.Thefilmr_himofhisbitterchildhood.10_apoorm_Ivegot!Ialwaysforgeteverything.2._3.In the accident 15 passengers were s_ injured,including threechildren.3._4.Though the doctor doesnt a_ my father to smoke,he can alwaysfind some excuse for his smoking.4._5.China is doing her best to catch up with d_ countries Such asAmerica and Japan.5._6.Hardworkleadstosuccessandf_liesinlaziness.6._创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日7.I dont want to attend his birthday party,because I havent got hisi_.7._8.Itsn_forustomasteraforeignlanguage.8._9.Toherd_shefoundhedidntpasstheexam.9._10.Assoonashisheadtouchedthepillow,hefella_.10_三十三、单词拼写:1.Septemberisthen_monthofayear.1._2.Wherewewillgoswimmingd_ontheweather.2._3.Theboatissailinga_thewind,soitismovingveryslowly.3._4.Hetriedtoe_thereasonwhyhewas创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日late.4._5.Goinga_meansgoingtoworkorliveinaforeigncountry5._6.Recently our factory succeeded in_(采用)a new method to deal withindustrial wastes.6._7.Theundergroundtrainscarrymorep_thanthebusesdo.7._8.BobandJohnareinthesameschoolbutind_grades.8._9.Itsas_forayoungmanlikeyounottostudyhard.9._10.He said he p_ drawing to painting.三十四、单词拼写:1.The_(特征)Ilikebestinhimishishonesty.1._2.He _(容 许)that the roof should be repaired within twodays.2._创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日3._(彩 排)theplaybeforeyouperformitonthestage3._4.Youcant_(可能地)runamileintwominutes.4._5.Thegoldringiskeptina_(机 密 的)hidingplace.5._6.I think I must make an a_ to her for not going to herparty.6._7Thisroadisabout1,000metersinl_.7._8.People who live with_(残疾)should have equal access to publicfacilities.8._9.The teachers were busy _(分析)how to improve the students spokenEnglish.9._10.We were married on 20 May 1986,so every year we have a party onour_(周年纪念).10._创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日三十五、单词拼写:1Itsbad_(礼貌)totalkwithyourmouthful.1._2.Hebecame_(有经历)atlearningEnglish.2._3.Dontbe_(泄气),tryagain.3._4.The water in the wet clothes is being turned intov_(水蒸气)and theyget drier and drier.4._5.As the storm became nearer,black clouds were _(聚集)over the sky.5._6.Somethingiswrongwithmybike.Illhaveitr_.6._7.Hewroteoneofhisgreat_(著 作),“TheCivilWar inFrance.7._8.Theboyisinterestedin_(生物),isnthe?8._9.Dontdrawac_beforeyouthinkit创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日over.9._10.The police _(控告)him of stealing.Keys:1.nanners2.experienced3.discouraged4.vapour5.gathering6.repaired7 works.8.biology9.conclusion 10.accused三十六、单词拼写:1.Hemadeafewmistakesing_(语 法)inhiscomposition.1_2.The_(灿 烂 的)jewelsareglowingintheshopwindow.2_3.Usually children are _(好 奇 的)about everything they see andmeet.3_4.Janewasluckythatshewasjust_(细 微)hurtintheaccident.4_5.Shewasa_(模范)workerinthefactory.5_6.Wood is becoming _(紧缺)in the country and a new materialmust befound to replace it.6_创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日7.Shewaswellknownasan_(出色)dancer7_8._(成百万)of other stars are even bigger and brighter than thesun.8_9.Goaheadwithyour_(音乐会).9._10 However,his _(知识)of French remained very weak.Keys:1.grammar2.splendid3.curious4.slightly5.model6.scarce7.excellent8.millions9.concert 10.knowledge三十七、单词拼写:1.Thedoctorstreatmentgavethepatientsome_(减 轻 痛苦).1._2.When youre busy,its important to give yourself time to_(放松)2._3.Every time you go to the _(超),you go away with your purchasespackedinplasticbags.3._创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日_4.Waterwasfoundata_(深度)of25feet.4._5.“Am I to carry it _(楼上).“Please dont,just leave ithere.5._6.Theboyisalwayslateforschool,soheisf_punished.6._7.Them_teamwasmadeupoffourdoctorsandfivenurses.7._8.Shewasnotaware,however,ofthe_(环境).8._9.This story will be t_ from English into Chinese.6.frequently三十八、单词拼写:1._礼貌and consideration for others is like investing pennies andgetting dollars back.1._2._(远古的)Chinese was a place where states were often at war with创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日each other before Q in Dynasty.2._2.Thesunprovidesalotof_(能量).3_4.Morethan29passengerswere_(受 伤)intheaccident.4_5._(自 由)fromworryisoneofthesecretsoflongtime.5_6.“Whathashappened?sheasked_(焦急地).6_7.The World Service _(播放)program in English and 35 other languagesall over the world.7._8.Footballisa_(受欢送的)gameinEuropeancountries.8._9.Ill leave for Shanghai tomorrow.Please take care of my house during my_不在.9._10.The police got control of the situation and many _(罪犯)caughtfinally.10._Keys:1.Politeness2.Ancient3.energy4.injured5.Freedom创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日6.anxiously7.broadcasts8.popular/welcome9.absence 10.criminals三十九、单词拼写:1.Hehurriedawayinthe_(相反).1._2.Itiswellknownthatacowhasfour_(胃).2._3.At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin thatit almost impossible to_(呼吸).3._4.Howoftenisourschoolnewspaper_(HY)?4._5.We want to have the _(筹集)money sent to the flooded areas as soon aspossible.5._6.The old _(寺庙)were well protected which dated from the QingDynasty.6._7.In my _(看法),one must study hard so that one can succeed inmastering a foreign language.7._创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日8.Seconds count in_(紧急情况)and knowing what to do can mean thedifferencebetweenlifeanddeath.Keys:1.opposite2 stomachs3.breathe4.published5.collected6 temples7.opinion8.emergency9.choose10.normal四十、单词拼写:1.One of the main themes of the summit was“_(可持续性)development.1_2.Doyouknowwhenthefirstcomputerswas_(创造).2_3.Shehasmadegreat_(进 步)inherstudiesthisterm.3_4.Wellhaveabigcelebrationthiscoming_(十月).4_5.The three biggest killers in the world are contaminated drinking water,poor_(卫生设施)and air pollution.5._6.Yoursuggestionisofgreat_(实用)创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日value.6_7.Thedateofhisarrivalisstill_(未定).7_8.Weshouldjudgeapersonnotonlyby_(外貌).8_9.China Daily has plenty of _(广告),which help to cut the costs of makingthe newspaper.9_10.Thehillsinthe_(远处)aregreen.10_Keys:1.sustainable 2.invented3.progress4.October5.sanitation6.practical7.uncertain/undecided 8.appearance 9.advertisements10.distance创 作人:荧多莘日 期:二 O 二二 年 1 月 17 日