=Word行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删=主备人:孙素彬集体备课时间:姓姓备课组备课组三年级英语三年级英语名名课课型型三三维维教教学学目目标标重重点点难难点点NewNew课题课题Lesson 21.In the restaurantLesson 21.In the restaurantStudents will be able to aurally understand,orally use,recognize and spellStudents will be able to aurally understand,orally use,recognize and spellthe following vocabulary:sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twentythe following vocabulary:sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twentyKey points:sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twentyKey points:sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twentyDifficult points:the dialoguesDifficult points:the dialogues.教学活动安排教学活动安排GreetingGreetingReview material from previous lesson,stand behind the store counter andReview material from previous lesson,stand behind the store counter and课课堂堂导导入入pointpoint toto thethe picturespictures andand askaskWhatWhat wouldwould youyou likelike?WaitWait forforresponses.Hold up the flash cards for hamburger,hot dog,donut and iceresponses.Hold up the flash cards for hamburger,hot dog,donut and icecream and drill the students on the vocabulary.cream and drill the students on the vocabulary.Play the chant from the previous lesson and listen for enjoyment.Play the chant from the previous lesson and listen for enjoyment.学生学生Devide the class into 3 groups.Devide the class into 3 groups.分组分组活动活动Group 1,2,and 3.Group 1,2,and 3.安排安排源-于-网-络-收-集=Word行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删=教学活动安排教学活动安排New conceptsNew concepts1.How many?1.How many?Go to the board and begin to write the numbers from 1620.AsGo to the board and begin to write the numbers from 1620.Asyouyou writewrite thethe numbernumber,saysay it it.ThenThen countcount fromfrom oneone toto thatthat预见性困难预见性困难number.Repeat until you have introduced all five new numbers.number.Repeat until you have introduced all five new numbers.Play the audiotape for Part 1 and follow along on page 54.Play the audiotape for Part 1 and follow along on page 54.PracticePractice2.Let2.Let s play!s play!Talk about what is happening in each panel.Point out the wordsTalk about what is happening in each panel.Point out the wordstea,water,restaurant.tea,water,restaurant.Play the audiotape.Play the audiotape.s act!s act!缓解缓解ChantChant疲劳疲劳兴奋兴奋Play the gamePlay the game点的点的措施措施巩固巩固练习练习Act out the dialogueAct out the dialogue源-于-网-络-收-集=Word行业资料分享-可编辑版本-双击可删=拓展延伸拓展延伸Count numbers 20 to 50Count numbers 20 to 50盘点收获(即“六有”中的“有尾”盘点收获(即“六有”中的“有尾”)WhatWhat s did you learn?s did you learn?布置作业布置作业1.Copy the new words three times.1.Copy the new words three times.2.listen to the tape.2.listen to the tape.板书设计板书设计Sixteen tablesSixteen tablesseventeen chairsseventeen chairseighteeneighteenhot dogshot dogsnineteen hamburgersnineteen hamburgerstwentytwentydonutsdonutsWhatWhat would you like?Iwould you like?Id like some noodles.Id like some noodles.I d like some chicken and rice,please.d like some chicken and rice,please.教学反思教学反思源-于-网-络-收-集