初中英语九年级 Unit 10 You’re supposed to shake hands. Section B 2a-2e 教学设计.docx
教学设计课题UnitlO You, re supposed to shake hands. Section B 2a_2e授课教师年级九年级学科英语教材分析本单元学习各国的不同礼仪和be supposed to的用法,本课时主要涉及到法国的餐桌礼仪和 交换生的理解。记录信息是本节课的一个新的阅读理解策略,本课时也是锻炼学生推理判断、 概括总结的阅读材料。学生分析前一节课通过听力和对话练习,了解了中国和其它国家的一些餐桌礼仪,学生对法国的餐桌礼 仪还知之甚少,有了解的欲望和兴趣;学生的推理判断、概括总结的阅读理解能力一直是弱项, 需要不断练习和培养。教学目标1. To learn some vocabulary: except, worry, go out of one, s way, be comfortable doing , gradually get used to by reading the passage;2. To Cultivate the ability to obtain and process information by finishing the reading tasks and using the skills;3. To know about the table manners in France, learn to respect others by watching the video and doing the report.课前:自主学习发布任务 自主学习课前网上发 布任务内容1 .预习朗读课文,并完成2c,2d练习2 .观看视频,记录下法国更多的餐桌礼仪3 .思考:法国和中国餐桌礼仪的相同和不同收集学情 二次备课根据学生任 务完成情况 调整课程内 容1 .关于2c重点短语的练习,学生课前预习任务完成得基本无误,所以把这些 词汇问题穿插在分析课文内容中,由学生直接起来回答。2 . 2d填写法国餐桌礼仪信息,学生有填的不正确的地方,设计为展示答案, 让学生纠错。3 .关于记录法国餐桌礼仪的任务,有部分学生完成得很好,课堂上设计为由 优秀学生代表讲解这些有趣的餐具使用方法。4 .关于思考法国与中国餐桌礼仪的相同与不同之处的任务,属于高阶思维问 题,难度较大,所以课堂设计为小组讨论交流不同的观点,并以小组报告 的形式展示。课堂:交流展示、合作探究、平板应用教师活动学生活动设计意图预设时间Stepl:Show pre-class tasks:1. Read the letter, and finish 2c and 2d2. Watch a video, and write down more about table manners in France.Know about the tasks, and prepare for the new class让学生了解我们课前做的 这些任务是为了本节新课 做准备的。Imin3. Think about the different and the same table manners between China and France.Step2: lead inRiddle: 11 is a kind of person. The persons work is study. But they study in a foreign country.Then suppose: You are an exchange student in a foreign country, what challenges will you have? The teacher introduce an exchange student Lin Yue. And ask Ss to guess which country she studies, and what her challenges are.> Guess the riddle.> Thinkabout:Whatchallengeswillanexchange student have?> Guess: which country does she study?> What are her challenges?本环节为导入环节,我借助 谜语和几个环环相扣的问 题一步一步切入本节课的 话题。谜语激发学生兴趣; 关于留学生可能面临的哪 些挑战的问题,为后面课文 内容的理解做好铺垫。让学 生猜测林悦在哪个国家,实 际上是一个渗透文化的目 的,让学生借助图片了解法 国的一些经典标志。最后激 发学生想知道她在法国的 生活情况的急切心情,可谓 点燃了想要阅读这封信的 欲望。3m inStep 3:Fast reading 1 Listen and choose a title for it, then give reasons for your choice .A. Table manners in France B. Lin Yue, s life in France C. Lin Yu。' s challenges in FranceListen and choose a title for it, then give reasons for your choice .本环节用听录音并为文章 找标题的任务,锻炼学生总 结概括的能力,尤其是必须 为自己的选项说出理由,这 对学生来说是一个高阶思 维的挑战。4m inStep 3:Fast reading 2 Lead Ss to give some adjectives(形容词)for para, 1 &2 to describe her life in France.Present Reading skill 1 : Some key words can help us to understand the passage.Discuss in pairs:Give some adjectives(形容词) for para,1 &2 to describe her life in France.本环节让学生用一些形容 词描述林悦在法国的生活, 旨在让学生关注到文中出 现的关键词,仍然考查学生 概括和总结的能力。3minStep4:Careful reading Ask Ss to read Para. 1, and answer: does she enjoy staying with he host family? How do you know that?Ss read the paragraph and answer the questions.Match the phrase with their meanings:go out of one' s way; be本环节是分段细读,找到细 节信息。提出的问题:How do you know that?引发学 生为自己的判断寻找证据, 锻炼了他们推理和判断的 能力,也属于高阶思维问5minPresent: Reading ski 11 2: Sometimes you should analyse(分析)the informationThen present the vocabularycomfortable speaking; worry题,旨在培养学生的英语学 习的思维品质。词汇匹配是课前任务的一 个展示,旨在让学生达到理 解这些词汇意思。Step5: Careful reading Ask Ss to read Para. 2, and answer:> What' s Lin Yue' s biggest challenge?> How many table manners are mentioned? How do you know that quickly?Present:Reading skill 3: Some linking words can make the passage more logical.Show one student' s pre-class work.Ss read the paragraph and answer the questions.Match the phrase with their meanings:except, gradually get used to doingCorrect the homework本环节虽然是细读,但旨在 通过问题让学生关注到一 些连词的使用方法会是文 章结构更有条理和逻辑性。 通过课前任务的展示,帮助 学生正确理解法国餐桌的4 个礼仪。5minStep 6: Play a game: Lucky Dog.Each group choose one number, and answer the questions in the number, if right, your group will get the points. One of them is lucky dog! (You needn, t answer the questions, but get the points.)Each group choose one number, and answer the questions in the number.学习法国的餐桌礼仪也是 本节课的一个学习目标。本 环节通过一个选号答题的 游戏,活跃课堂氛围,也很 好地达到测试和巩固关于 法国礼仪的学习目标。其中 Lucy dog的选择把本节课 的气氛推向了高潮。5minStep7: Know more about table manners in France.French tableware (餐具)Watch a video and retell more about French table manners.One student explain the French tableware本环节属于法国餐桌礼仪 文化的拓展,旨在让学生了 解课本之外更多的文化。关 于法国餐具的使用展示是 课前作业的展示,给优秀学 生提供更多的展示机会,也 让学生增长了见识。3minStep8:Groupwork:Compare the table manners in France and China. How are they the same or different? Make a list and do a report.Compare the table manners in France and China. Make a list and do a report in groups.本环节是阅读后任务,旨在 引导学生比较中西方文化 的不同,形成国际理解。落 实学科文化意识的核心素 养。8minStep9: Share with youWe are in a colorful world!We are expected to learn different cultures and customs.We are supposed to understand and respect others.Understand:When i n Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗 Learn to respect others.本环节旨在引导学生理解 不同文化,学会尊重别人的 习俗,也学会入乡随俗的道 理。IminStep 10: HomeworkLevel A: Compare the tabic manners in France and China & write a composition about it.Level B: Suppose the granddaughter of the host family, Marie, is coming to China to travel. Please write a letter to give her some suggestions on the table manners in China.Choose one of them and finish it.分层作业的设计主要是让 不同层次的学生有不同的 发挥。旨在巩固和提升课堂 所学的内容。Imi n板书设计G1G4G2G5G3G6Unit 10 You' re supposed to shake hands.Section B 2a-2e rLin Yue' sLi fe i n Fran却Iata o A" J|v,till<ir,4