心理学专业英语心理学专业英语第1页,本讲稿共17页Main contents1.Theories of Emotion2.The External Expression of Emotion facial expressions body language touching 第2页,本讲稿共17页1 1、EmotionsEmotionsContemporary psychologists define emotion as a complex pattern of bodily and mental changes that includes physiological arousal,feelings,cognitive processes,and specific behavioral reactions made in response to a situation perceived as personally significant.当代心理学家将情当代心理学家将情绪界定界定为一种躯体和精神一种躯体和精神上的复上的复杂的的变化模式,包括生理化模式,包括生理唤醒、感醒、感觉、认知知过程以及行程以及行为反反应,这些是些是对个人知个人知觉到到的独特的独特处境的反境的反应。第3页,本讲稿共17页唤醒感觉思想行动回想愉快的场景第4页,本讲稿共17页Paragraph 1Question:What is emotion?Most of time,it refers to positive or negtive feelings that are produced in particular situations.第5页,本讲稿共17页 The James-Lange TheoryThe Cannon-Bard Theory The Papez CircuitTheories of Emotion Cognitive appraisal theories第6页,本讲稿共17页Theories of EmotionThe James-Lange Theory(躯体反(躯体反应的的詹姆斯詹姆斯兰格理格理论)Question:What did James-Lange theory proposed?The theory proposes that the experience of emotion results from the perception of ones own physiological changes.情情绪就是就是对身体身体变化的知化的知觉。第7页,本讲稿共17页The Cannon-Bard Theory坎农坎农巴德的中枢神经过程理论巴德的中枢神经过程理论Descrive the Cannon-Bard theory.This theory states that an emotion stimulus produces two concurrent reactions,arousal and experience of emotion.When a person faces an emotion-arousal event,nerve impulses first pass through the thalamus.Half goes to the cerebral cortex,where it produces the subjective experience of fear or anger or happiness;the other half goes to the hypothalamus,which commands the body physiological changes.第8页,本讲稿共17页The Papez CircuitEmotion is a function not of specific brain“centers”but of circuitry.The structures of Papezs“circuit”constitute much of what is now called the limbic system.大大脑边缘皮皮层、海海马、丘丘脑和和下下丘丘脑等等结构构在在情情绪体体验和情和情绪表表现中具有重要作用。中具有重要作用。边缘系系统中中,从从海海马经穹穹窿窿、乳乳头体体、丘丘脑前前核核和和扣扣带回回,再再回回到到海海马的的环路路(帕帕帕帕兹环路路),对情情绪产生有重要作用。生有重要作用。第9页,本讲稿共17页Cognitive appraisal theories of emotion The experience of emotion is the joint effect of physiological arousal and cognitive appraisal.You appraise your physiological arousal in an effort to discover what you are feeling,what emotional label best fits,and what your reaction means in the particular setting in which it is being experienced.情情绪的体的体验是一种生理是一种生理唤醒和醒和认知知评价相价相结合的状合的状态。你。你对你你的生理的生理唤醒醒进行行评价,来努力决定你的感价,来努力决定你的感觉是什么,哪个情是什么,哪个情绪标签最最为合适,以及你的反合适,以及你的反应意味着哪些特定的体意味着哪些特定的体验。第10页,本讲稿共17页第11页,本讲稿共17页The external expression of emotionFacial expressions as clues to others emotions.Question:What are the basic emotions?Anger,fear,sadness,disgust,happiness,surprise and contempt.第12页,本讲稿共17页第13页,本讲稿共17页How does culture constrain emotional expression?Emotional expression in individualistic and collectivist cultures.第14页,本讲稿共17页Body languageBody language Frequent body movement-especially ones in which a particular part of the body does something to another part,such as touching,scratching,or rubbing,suggest emotional arousal.第15页,本讲稿共17页What does Aronoffs reasearch found?The dangerous,threatening characters would show more diagonal or angular postures,while the warm,sympathetic characters would show more rounded postures.第16页,本讲稿共17页TouchingWhat can touch suggest?Touching can suggest affection,sexual interest,dominance,caring,or even aggression.第17页,本讲稿共17页