READING考试形式 题目类型评分标准 高分技巧(问题形式、典型提问、做题技巧、真题演练)第1页/共59页考试形式文章数量:3-5篇字数:700要求:快速阅读+精确理解题目数量:每篇文章12-14题单题分值:1-4分(重要观点题的分值可能是2分。归类题为3或4分)文体:解释说明型;立论型;历史题材型速度要求:100 words/min第2页/共59页题目类型 1.Factual information questions(事实信息题)2.Negative factual information questions(非事实信 息题)3.Inference questions(推理题)4.Rhetorical purpose questions(修辞目的题)5.Vocabulary questions(词汇题)6.Reference questions(指代题)7.Sentence simplification questions(句子简化题)8.Insert text question(句子插入题)9.Prose summary(文章总结题)10.Fill in a table(表格归类题)第3页/共59页评分标准(1)新托福阅读考试共三篇文章,每篇1214道题,如果遇到加试时从考试的五篇文章中随机选取三篇计分.在这三篇文章中所有回答正确的题目数量加起来就是你的“total points”。除文章总结题和表格归类题以外,每道题的分值都是1分。文章总结题的分值是2分;表格归类题是为3或4分。考试所得分数范围:0-30分.第4页/共59页评分标准(2)正确数 得分 正确数 得分 正确数 得分 45 30 33 19 21 8 44 29 32 18 20 8 43 29 31 17 19 7 42 28 30 16 18 7 41 27 29 16 17 6 40 26 28 15 16 6 39 25 27 14 15 5 38 24 26 13 14 5 37 23 25 12 13 4 36 22 24 11 12 4 35 21 23 10 11 3 34 20 22 9 10 3 9 2 6 1 3 0 8 2 5 0 2 0 7 1 4 0 1 0 第5页/共59页做题方法 各类题型特征及解题方法(1)WORD 1各类题型特征及解题方法(2)WORD 2第6页/共59页高分技巧 1 Factual information questions(事实信息题/细节题)问题形式:主要集中于事实、细节、定义或者作者阐述的其他信息。一般只对应文章某一部分或者某个段落的1至2句话。主要涉及因果关系、比较级、类比、概念等针对题目去看选项,与文章矛盾或未提及的删除。第7页/共59页典型提问方式According to the paragraph,which of the following is true of X?According to the paragraph,X occurred because According to the paragraph,X did Y becauseAccording to the paragraph,why did X do Y?The authors description of X mentions which of the following?第8页/共59页做题技巧 定位原文1 问题指明的段落2 问题中的标志词(人名/地名/数字/年代/大写词/斜体词/带引号词/专业术语)3 问题中的关键词(核心名词/名词词组/动词/形容词,但在原文中可能出现形式为同义词,同根词,反义词。)同义替换 定位原文具体句子,将选项与原文对比。第9页/共59页真题演练段2:The nation enters a new era of road development.It is Land speculators who had a personal interest in better communications with the interior.问:According to the passage,why did states need private companies help in road building?A.The states were unable to build roads themselves financially.(同义替换?)B.the states did not have as much equipment as private companies.(同义替换?)unable to finance road construction,and states turned for help to private companies.第10页/共59页高分技巧 2 Negative factual information questions(非事实信息题/否定事实信息题)问题形式:又称EXCEPT 列举题,即排除列举题。要求判断哪些信息的是对的(true),哪些信息是错的(false),哪些是未提及的(not given)。题目中常会见大写的“NOT”或“EXCEPT”第11页/共59页典型提问方式According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true of X?The authors description of X mentions all of the following EXCEPT 第12页/共59页做题技巧(无需真题演练)看题干找关键词 问题中有关键词:用其定位原文,再将4选项与定位的句子进行比较。(无关键词,可以定位于上一题对应段落的后面那个段。)阅读4个选项 题干中没有线索,阅读4选项,总结共同点进行定位,或根据各个选项中的关键词一一定位。排除与原文相符的选项 将选项与原文比较,找出与原文矛盾或未提到的。第13页/共59页高分技巧 3 Inference questions(推理题)问题形式:涉及文中没有直接或明确表达出来的观点或立场。若文章陈述了一个事件的结果,推论类问题将问原因是什么;若文章出现了一个对比,将问对比的基础是什么。常见:infer/imply/suggest/most likely/least likely/probably 第14页/共59页典型提问方式Which of the following can be inferred about X?Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about X?The author of the passage implies X It can be inferred from the passage that the author most likely believes which of the following(about X)?第15页/共59页做题技巧直接对比推理 题目若问其中一个事物的特征时,只要选项中的内容与题目在 对比,那么直接删除此项。时间对比推理(属于最简单类型)题目若问时间段的特征时,只要选项中的时间段与题目相反,那么直接删除此项。集合概念推理 2个相对的方面。当1方比例减少,另1方比例增多;反之亦然。(注4选项各增减程度,不一定出现数字,而是通过否定或肯定体现程度。)第16页/共59页真题演练 直接对比推理段2:Some nations,especially those who colors and emblems date back several hundred years,have different flags for different official uses.For example,the flag of Poland is a simple rectangle with a white upper half and red lower half.The Unlike the familiar plain flag flown on land,the ensign has a red shield with a white eagle centered on its upper white stripe.问:Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the Polish flag flown on land?(根据题目中的关键词the Polish flag flown on land去直接定位段中的句子,显然A.B.C.D.其中一个选项的含义与段2的最后一句相同。第17页/共59页真题演练 集合概念推理段3:A folk culture is a small,isolated,段4:In contrast,a popular culture is a large group,often very individualistic and always changing.It 问:What does the author suggest about the United States and Canada?(题目中谈到folk culture 与popular culture之间的对比。既然美加不再存在前者,自然后就有了。)A.They seldom treasure individualism.B.They cherish folk cultures.C.They have popular cultures.D.They exhibit no social classes.第18页/共59页高分技巧 4 Rhetorical purpose questions(修辞目的题)问题形式:考查是否理解作者为什么在文章中某个特别位置或者以某种特殊方式陈述一个特别信息。(选项中常见:to inform 提供信息/define下定义/explain解释/illustrate例证/compare比较/contrast对比/criticize批评/refute反驳)考核内容类型:1 段与段之间的联系 2 针对一个具体细节 3 提到某一特别信息的原因第19页/共59页典型提问方式The author discusses X in paragraph 2 in order to.Why does the author mention X?The author uses X as an example of In paragraph X,the author explains the concept of X by What is the function of discussion of the terms X in paragraph X?What is the purpose of paragraph X?In what ways are paragraphs 2 and 3 related to each other?第20页/共59页做题技巧(1)段落关系(两个段落之间的联系)比如第一段给出一个理论,第二段对这一理论进行例证(illustrate)或者反驳(refute)。例证(illustrate;explain;provide examples)对比(contrast)驳斥(refute;criticize;challenge;cast doubt on)第21页/共59页真题演练段2:Many engineers maintain that the best way to protect coasts is to build protective structures such as sea walls or others.These structures have been tired in a number of places along the U.S.coastline.段3:The problem with defensive structures is that they often do not work.One study,in fact,has shown that these structures accelerate the erosion of beaches.Not only that,they can be unsightly,destroying the natural beauty of beaches.问:In what ways are paragraphs 2 and 3 related to each other?(注意顺序为先段2后段3)第22页/共59页做题技巧(2)举例说明概述类型1:虽然段落中出现for example引出很长的例子,但我们需要绕过例子看例子前面的那个概述句子。所以,选项中对这个概述进行替换的就是答案。(注:有时例子贯穿几段或全文来说明1个主题)类型2:有时文中无举例词,例子与概述合二为一,答案通常在主句和从句之中,或者出现在同一个分句。(建议先定位题目关键词,再看其后面的句子。)第23页/共59页真题演练Some nations,especially those who colors and emblems date back several hundred years,have different flags for different official uses.For example,the flag of Poland is a simple rectangle with a white upper half and red lower half.The 问:Why does the author mention the two flags of Poland?(A.B.C.D.其中有一个选项,肯定必然是最接近于for example前面这句概述。)第24页/共59页做题技巧(3)词汇含义(表示目的动词)引出新观点、理论:introduce定义、描述、解释:define/explain/describe例证:illustrate/exemplify/demonstrate/show/indicate/prove比较对比:compare/contrast论证支持:argue/persuade/support 驳斥警告:argue against/refute/challenge/criticize/cast doubt on/warn/caution指出问题:point out/identify分类总结:classify/summarize第25页/共59页真题演练Why does the author mention X?A.To demonstrate what birds seeB.To define the fuzzy endsC.To describe the patternD.To understand the pattern In paragraph X,the author explains the concept of X by A.giving examples of biologyB.comparing biological barriers to familiar onesC.clarifying how it is madeD.describing the process第26页/共59页高分技巧 5 Vocabulary questions(词汇题)问题形式:考查单词或者短语在上下文中的意思。被考到的单词或者短语会用阴影标识出来。考核内容:通常情况下,被考到的单词或者短语对于理解文章的一个大的或者重要的部分起到至关重要的作用。(单词意思必须符合原文意思)第27页/共59页典型提问方式The word X in the passage is closest to in meaning to.The word X in line 1 is closest in meaning to.In stating X,the author means that.Which of the following could best replace“composed of”as used in paragraph 4?第28页/共59页做题技巧认识的词汇或者短语(就题做题)在选项中找出同义词或近义词,并放文中验证。不认识的词汇或者短语(推断做题)1 根据词根词缀推断2 根据上下文推断(找同义对应、找反义对应)3 短语意义的判断(找出短语里的中心词)(eg:in relation to)第29页/共59页真题演练认识的词汇或者短语(就题做题)在选项中找出同义词或近义词,并放文中验证。A potentially dangerous consequence of even aincrease in world temperature was found in the early 1970s.A.small B.light C.superficial D.considerableslight第30页/共59页真题演练:不认识的词汇或者短语 (推断做题)1 根据词根词缀推断文中/题中问 immense(im 表无法;mense 表测量)A.ancient B.enormous C.ruined D.particular3 短语意义的判断(找出短语里的中心词)The kitchen does not hygiene regulations.(注意判断中心词:conform)A.agree with B.transform into C.resort to D.lie inconform to第31页/共59页真题演练:不认识的词汇或者短语 (推断做题)2 根据上下文推断(找同义对应、找反义对应)同义:she was opposed to“”use,i.e.use without any consideration for caution.(注意:选项必须同义于i.e.后面的句子)A.inefficient B.special C.uncontrolled D.effective反义:it brings about the downfall of society (被考词与上下文的某一词形成对比,如downfall)A.prosperous B.poor C.vast D.dramatic indiscriminatethriving第32页/共59页高分技巧 6 Reference questions(指代题)问题形式:考查辨认文中单词与词组之间的纸袋关系能力。一般来说,这类关系涉及代词与先行词之间的关系;有时也涉及关系代词,比如which的指代。在文中被考的通常是1个代词或者词组加阴影。常见代词:they/this/it/others/which等第33页/共59页典型提问方式The word X in the passage refers to.The word X in line 2 refers to.第34页/共59页做题技巧就近指代(可能在本句或上一句)数格一致(指代对象的单复数;主格/宾格)往前搜索(被指代的对象在代词之前。从句子开始往后找答案,若代词在句首,可从前一句开始往后找。)接力棒现象(找最前面的名词)Such interviews can be.,but they are not.opinion.Firstly,indicate the opinions A.new shows B.Americans C.ideas D.interviewsthey第35页/共59页高分技巧 7 Sentence simplification questions(句子简化题)问题形式:要求选出一个句子,其意思必须与文中某个句子(通常有阴影标识出来)的主要意思一致。第36页/共59页典型提问方式Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage?Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.第37页/共59页做题技巧(无需真题演练)正确答案一般具有2个特征A.逻辑关系与原句一致B.基本意思与原句一致错误答案一般具有2个特征A.与被标识的句子相矛盾B.遗漏了被标识的句子中的一些重要信息第38页/共59页高分技巧 8 Insert text question(句子插入题)问题形式:文中少了一个句子,需要将一个新句子插入原文合适的地方。必须理解原文逻辑和句子间语法关系,比如代词的指代。文中专用黑色方块表示此处需要填入一个句子。黑色方块可能出现在句前、中、末。第39页/共59页典型提问方式Look at the four squares that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit?Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.第40页/共59页做题技巧看选项,抓线索。看懂选项意思,找衔接手段,包括信号词,指示代词,人称代词,和核心词(尤其是指示代词后面的核心名词)。观前后,找特征。依据4选项,分析文中需哪种衔接。(比如:是否放进去后意思就正好符合文中所需要的转折)插句子,定答案。阅读上下文,放入后是否连贯。第41页/共59页注意:逻辑衔接手段信号词因果过度词Because/therefore/thus/consequently/so/as a result对比过度词 However/on the contrary/nevertheless/unlike/in contrast/while/although/but结构对比词On the one hand.on the other hand/some.others.第42页/共59页注意:逻辑衔接手段信号词举例过度词 for example/for instance/including/such as 递进过度词 furthermore/also/as well/too/other/in addition/moreover/besides/even/additionally比较过度词 similarly/likewise/like第43页/共59页注意:逻辑衔接手段信号词序列过度词 first/second/after that/afterwards/next/then/finally指示代词 this/these/it/such/another/that/those人称代词 he/she/one/they/his/her/ones/their定冠词 the 第44页/共59页真题演练比如某答案选项:Although this prediction has since been.注意this这个词,并且后面有prediction这个词,证明文中的方框标示 之前肯定出现过。通过这词去判断衔接关系。第45页/共59页高分技巧 9 Prose summary(内容摘要题)问题形式:在6选项中,找出3个能表达文章最重要的内容。得分计算:找对3个 2个 少于2个 2分 1分 0分第46页/共59页典型提问方式An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage.Some sentences do not belong to in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.This question is worth 2 points.(此类题都有如下1个粗体句,指明了文章大意,暗示你找表主要观点的3项。)During the Neolithic period,the beginning of agriculture,domestication of animals and building of permanent settlements gave rise to the birth of civilization.(下面将有6项,需选出3个。)第47页/共59页做题技巧(1)识别主要观点技能1:注意主体结构A.文章结构常见为总分结构,即在开头提出1个现象,之后针对这一现象解释有几种理论,并伴随有理论阐述。因此,只需寻找表顺序的信号词(first,next等)。第48页/共59页真题演练ETS 题库摘取了段落中某些主要部分,信号如下:One opinion is that(第2段)Another idea is that(第3段)A third viewpoint takes sth further into(第4段)=关注答案选项举例特点一(共6选项)项2对应第二段;项4对应第三段;项5对应第四段关注答案选项举例特点二(共6选项)项2和4概述了第2、3、4段;项5对应第一段第49页/共59页做题技巧(1)识别主要观点技能1:注意主体结构B.段落主题(出现位置和形式如下)一 段落主题句:段首、偶尔段末。二 段落关键词:若有,即为主题;若无,找反复出现的词。三 注意跨段主题:有时后1段是前1段的延续,所以主题需合2为1。第50页/共59页做题技巧(1)识别主要观点技能2:注意前面已经做完的问题 问题与问题之间相互关联,回顾已经做完的问题可以帮助明确文章的主要观点。技能3:注意问题引导句(时间紧才用)关注文章已经给出的粗体引导句,在3个正确答案中常有1或2个选项就是将引导句换个说法。(注意:引导句里面的关键词,特别是主语和谓语,答案选项常替换它们。见下一页)第51页/共59页真题演练ETS 题库某题的引导句如下:Many factors have contributed to the great increase in desertification in recent decades.关键词是contribute to 和desertification,表明下面的答案选项必然是涉及谈论沙漠化的成因。答案选项猜猜看?项1谈over irrigation;项3谈总论;项6谈firewood Gathering;项5谈place;项2谈细节;项4谈细节。第52页/共59页做题技巧(2)排除干扰项干扰项选项包括细节或者次要观点 (只是1个具体的例子或说明,但并没对要点进行复述。)原文没有提到歪曲原文第53页/共59页做题技巧(2)排除干扰项做题技巧 快速浏览全文 (全文是总分结构么;各要点可能分布何处)找出全文主题与段落主题 (文章首段、各段主题句、反复出现核心词)比较选项与原文 (根据选项中的关键词定位原文、结合笔记,注 干扰项:细节或次要观点、未提及的、歪曲的。)确定答案 (经过比较,排除其它3项。)第54页/共59页高分技巧 10 Fill in a table(表格归类题/信息归类题)问题形式 备选答案可能是9选7或者是7选5;选项只用1次;选项放入两个对比的表格(不同类);常2干扰项。得分计算正确数量:7 6 5 4 less than 4 得分:4 3 2 1 0第55页/共59页典型提问方式Directions:The appropriate sentences from the answer choices and match them to the type of group behavior.that they describe.Two of the answer choices will NOT be used.This question is worth 3 points.Answer Choices:1 Fashions are popular but temporary trend.2 Fads are adopted by smaller group of people.3 Fads serve as identity maker for a larger number of people.4 Fashions are short-lived,less predictable and less influenced.5 Fashions are more lasting and followed by a large number of people.6 Fashions are harmless and have no long-range effects.7 Fashion is a style of clothing and a way of behavior.(下面将有两表格,比如一个是谈时尚,一个是谈购买力。)第56页/共59页做题技巧(1)注意主体结构 1比较-对比;2一现象-多理论;3原因-结果;4问题-解决方案。利用笔记 记住分类的主要特征参考已经做完的问题 之前的问题或者选项可能是一个分类排除干扰项文章未提的;提到但与表格无关的;错误描述的。第57页/共59页做题技巧(2)取胜5步观察表格中的分类,弄清2者区别。阅读各个选项,根据核心词定位原文,做笔记。(注意文中可能同义替换)根据定位的内容与表格中的分类,在草稿纸上记录各选项所属的分类,不确定的标注问号。根据草稿记录,把有把握的放入表格。若表格还没填满,再去看标注问号的项。第58页/共59页感谢您的观看。第59页/共59页