Prints and Photographs - Citing Medicine - NCBI Bookshelf.docx
Prints and Photographs - Citing Medicine - NCBI BookshelfNCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers Internet. 2nd edition. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-. Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers Internet. 2nd edition.Patrias K, author; Wendling D, editor.Bethesda (MD): ; 2007-.Search term Chapter 17Prints and Photographs Created: October 10, 2007; Last Update: August 11, 2021. A. Individual Prints and PhotographsB. Collections of Prints and PhotographsA. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Individual Prints andPhotographs The general format for a reference to a print or photograph, includingpunctuation:- author and title provided:- no author named and title constructed: Prints and photographs usually include portraits, photographs or scenes (of people, institutions, and places), caricatures, posters, and graphic art (illustrations anddiagrams). A print is a copy of a picture made by any printing process. The printmay be an original drawing, woodcut, etching, engraving, lithograph, or photographtransferred to the print medium from a plate cut by an artist or engraver. Prints and photographs often contain little information to use in constructing a citation. A formal title may be absent and publishing facts unclear. Therefore,include in a citation, whenever, possible the name of a library or other publicarchive where the item may be found, along with any order or catalog numberavailable. See below. Edition has a different meaning for prints than that used for books and all other formats. For prints, edition refers to the total number of impressions or copiesmade from the original. Thus a print with 50 copies is said to have an edition of50. Edition is often found at the bottom left or bottom right side of a print,expressed as a fraction. For example, 10/200 means that this print is the tenthimpression of a total of 200 impressions made. See below. This chapter covers citing prints and photographs that are published as separate entities, not as illustrations in journal articles or books. See and for information on citing the latter. Paintings, sculptures, and other works of art areincluded only when a print or photograph of them has been made. See standard Z39.29 forinformation on citing the actual works of art. Prints and photographs may be cited as individual items and as collections. See for information on citing collections. Continue to . Continue to . Citation Rules with Examples for Individual Prints and Photographs Components/elements are listed in the order they should appear in a reference. An Rafter the component name means that it is required in the citation; an O after thename means it is optional. | | | | | | | | | | | Author (artist or photographer) for Individual Prints and Photographs(required)General Rules for Author (artist or photographer)Enter the author's surname (family or last name) firstCapitalize surnames and enter spaces within surnames as theyappear on the document cited on the assumption that the authorapproved the form used. For example: Van Der Hornor van der Horn; De Wolfor de Wolf or DeWolf.Convert given (first) names and middle names to initials for amaximum of two initials following each surnameSeparate multiple author names from each other by a comma and aspaceEnd author information with a period unless the author role isincluded (see the below) Author role included. Specific Rules for Author (artist or photographer) Surnames with hyphens and other punctuation in them. Other surname rules. Given names containing punctuation, a prefix, a preposition, or particle. Degrees, titles, and honors before or after a personal name. Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III. Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Organization as author. No author can be found. Options for author names. Examples for Author (artist or photographer)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.Author Affiliation for Individual Prints and Photographs (optional)General Rules for Author AffiliationEnter the affiliation of all authors or only the first authorBegin with the department and name of the institution, followedby city and state/Canadian province/countryUse commas to separate parts of the addressPlace the address in parentheses, such as (Department ofPsychology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA)Separate the affiliation from its author by a spaceFollow the affiliation with a comma placed outside theparentheses, unless the affiliation is for the last author, thenuse a periodSpecific Rules for Author Affiliation Abbreviations in affiliations. E-mail address included. Organizational names for affiliations not in English. Names for cities and countries not in English. Examples for Author Affiliation9.Title for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for TitleEnter the title of the print or photograph as it appears on theoriginal document, in the original languageCapitalize only the first word of a title, proper nouns, properadjectives, acronyms, and initialismsUse a colon followed by a space to separate a title from asubtitle, unless some other form of punctuation such as aquestion mark, period, or an exclamation point is alreadypresentFollow non-English titles with a translation whenever possible;place the translation in square bracketsEnd a title with a space unless a question mark or exclamationpoint already ends itSpecific Rules for Title Titles not in English. Titles in more than one language. Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character. Titles ending in punctuation other than a period. No title can be found. Examples for Title10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.Type of Medium for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for Type of MediumIndicate the specific type of medium (print, photograph, poster,etc.) following the titlePlace the name of the medium in square brackets and end with aperiod, such as "photograph."Add information about the medium according to the instructionsunderSpecific Rules for Type of Medium Titles ending in punctuation other than a period. Titles not in English. Examples for Type of Medium1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.Edition for Individual Prints and Photographs (optional)General Rules for Edition Prints are made in a varying number of impressions or copies, called anedition, such as an edition of 20 or an edition of 100.Begin with the word Edition followed by a colon, a space, and thetotal number of impressions. For example: Edition: 50.Express numbers representing editions in arabic numbers. Forexample: XXX; becomes 30.End the edition statement with a periodSpecific Rules for Edition Non-English words for editions. Examples for Edition16.Place of Publication for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for Place of PublicationPlace is defined as the city where the print or photograph waspublishedFollow US and Canadian cities with the two-letter abbreviationfor the state or province (see ) to avoid confusion when citing lesserknown cities or when cities in different locations have the samename, such as Palm Springs (CA) and Palm Springs (FL)Follow cities in other countries with the name of the country,either written out or as the two-letter ISO country code (see), whenciting lesser known cities or when cities in different locationshave the same name, such as London (ON) and London (England)Use the anglicized form for a non-US city, such as Vienna forWeinEnd place information with a colonSpecific Rules for Place of Publication Non-US cities. No place of publication can be found. Examples for Place of Publication17. 18. 19. 20. 24. 29.Publisher for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for PublisherRecord the name of the publisher as it appears in thepublication, using whatever capitalization and punctuation isfound thereAbbreviate well-known publisher names with caution to avoidconfusion. For example, "John Wiley Sons, Ltd." may becomesimply "Wiley".When a division or other subsidiary part of a publisher appearsin the publication, enter the publisher name first. For example:McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division.End publisher information with a semicolonSpecific Rules for Publisher Abbreviated words in publisher names. Non-English names for publishers. Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher. No publisher can be found. Examples for Publisher21. 22. 23. 24. 29.Date of Publication for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for Date of PublicationAlways give the year of publicationConvert roman numerals to arabic numbers. For example: MM to2000.Include the month of publication, if desired, after the year,such as 2004 MayUse English names for months and abbreviate them to the firstthree letters, such as JanEnd date information with a periodSpecific Rules for Date of Publication Non-English names for months. Seasons instead of months. Date of publication and date of copyright. No date of publication, but a date of copyright. No date of publication or copyright can be found. Options for date of publication. Examples for Date of Publication25. 26. 27. 28. 29.Physical Description for Individual Prints and Photographs (optional)General Rules for Physical DescriptionGive the physical characteristics of the print, photograph, etc.,such as 1 photograph: black white, 8 x 10 in.Specific Rules for Physical Description Language for describing physical characteristics. Examples for Physical Description30.Series for Individual Prints and Photographs (optional)General Rules for SeriesBegin with the name of the seriesCapitalize only the first word and proper nounsFollow the name with any numbers provided. For example, vol. 3for a volume or no. 12 for an issue number.Separate the title and the number by a semicolon and a spacePlace series information in parenthesesEnd series information with a period, placed outside the closingparenthesisExamples for Series31.Language for Individual Prints and Photographs (required)General Rules for LanguageGive the language of the print, photograph, etc., if notEnglishCapitalize the language nameFollow the language name with a periodSpecific Rules for Language Titles appearing in more than one language. Examples for Language13. 14.Notes for Individual Prints and Photographs (optional)General Rules for NotesNotes is a collective term for any useful information given afterthe citation itselfComplete sentences are not requiredBe briefSpecific Rules for Notes Information on the location of the print or photograph. Other types of material to include in notes. Examples for Notes32. 33.Examples of Citations to Individual Prints and Photographs1. Standard citation for a print or photograph Day J. Dying before their time: early death AIDS poster. Farmington (CT):University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Section of Medical ArtsLetters; 1988. 1 poster: color, 14 x 21 in.2. Print or photograph author with optional full first name Netter, Frank H.Interior view of the ear poster. Summit (NJ): Ciba; date unknown. 1poster: color, 39 x 27 in.3. Print or photograph author with optional role provided Nunney, artist. Learningto be doctors in Fiji poster. New York: British Information Services; dateunknown. 1 poster: color, 51 x 76 cm. Vedin A, Maliutina O, artists. Prichina-alkogol' poster. Moscow: Izdatel'stvoPlakat; c1990. 1 poster: color, 66 x 48 cm. Russian. Ridley W, engraver. Harvey print. London: publisher unknown; 1796 May 7. 1 print: blackwhite, 3 x 5 in. Baron DA, photographer. Would you be more careful if it was you that got pregnant? poster. California:Pharmacists Planning Service, Inc.; c1986. 1 poster: halftone, 11 x 17 in.4. Print or photograph author with only last name provided Walter, engraver. John F.Frazer, A.M. print. Philadelphia: Harrison; date unknown. 1 print: black white, 7 x 10 in. Nunney, artist. Learning to be doctors in Fiji poster. New York: British Information Services; dateunknown. 1 poster: color, 51 x 76 cm.5. Print or photograph with multiple authors Vedin A, Maliutina O.Prichina-alkogol' poster. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Plakat; c1990. 1 poster: color,66 x 48 cm. Russian. Padey G, Auberson G. Parlons sante! = Let's talk health! = !Hablemos de la salud!= Falemos da saude! poster. Geneva: World Health Organization; dateunknown. 1 poster: color, 42 x 60 cm. French, English, Spanish, Portuguese.6. Print or photograph authors with different roles Sokolov IS, author; Ivanov KK,artist. Stydno, diadia! For shame, uncle!poster. Moscow: Ministerstvo Zdravookhraneniia SSSR, Institut SanitarnogoProsveshcheniia; 1964. 1 poster: color, 56 x 43 cm. Russian.7. Print or photograph with organization as author College des Ondes. Lesida se transmet aussi de cette facon AIDS is transmitted by this behaviorposter. Mauritius: Mauritius Ministere de la Sante, Health Education Unit;date unknown. 1 poster: color, 12 x 19 in. French.8. Print or photograph with no author found Observation of bacterial growths in medium to study their effects on teethphotograph. Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Dental Research (US); dateunknown. 1 photograph: black white, 8 x 10 in. Floor plans for laboratory print. Washington: Army (US), Office of the Surgeon-General; date unknown. 1 print: black white, 7 x 9 in.9. Print or photograph with author affiliation Joseph N (Smart + Strong, New York,NY). Let's talk poster. Washington: Pan American HealthOrganization; 1999. 1 poster: color, 18 x 24 in.10. Print or photograph title with subtitle Help wanted: set your ownhours poster. Bethesda (MD): National Cancer Institute(US); date unknown. 1 poster: color, 17 x 22 in.11. Print or photograph title ending in punctuation other than aperiod AIDS is over, right?poster. New York: Visual AIDS; 1998. 1 poster: color,