厂房综合建筑工程安全生产保证措施厂房综合建筑工程安全生产保证措施1、项目部设立安全管理班子、项目部设立安全管理班子,专职安全员每日巡回在施工现场专职安全员每日巡回在施工现场,并做好安全日记。并做好安全日记。专职安全员在施工现场对危害安全行为专职安全员在施工现场对危害安全行为,具有一票否决权。安全组织机构图具有一票否决权。安全组织机构图:2、进场的工人、变换工种的工人、进场的工人、变换工种的工人,必须进行上岗安全教育必须进行上岗安全教育,建立被教育人档案。特建立被教育人档案。特殊工种的操作必须持证上岗殊工种的操作必须持证上岗,严禁违章操作和无证上岗。严禁违章操作和无证上岗。3、健全安全技术交底制度。对不同作业部位、不同作业内容、不同的工种进行单、健全安全技术交底制度。对不同作业部位、不同作业内容、不同的工种进行单位、分部、分项工程的书面安全交底位、分部、分项工程的书面安全交底,并按规定建立安全台帐并按规定建立安全台帐,有被交底人的签字。有被交底人的签字。4、坚持、坚持管生产必须管安全管生产必须管安全的原则的原则,在下达生产计划的同时。必须下达安全技术在下达生产计划的同时。必须下达安全技术措施的计划。措施的计划。5、建筑施工现场临时用电必须严格执行、建筑施工现场临时用电必须严格执行JGJ46-88 建筑施工现场临时用电安全建筑施工现场临时用电安全技术规范。技术规范。6、施工用电系统须保证灵敏可靠的两级及其以上的触电保护。施工现场的临时配、施工用电系统须保证灵敏可靠的两级及其以上的触电保护。施工现场的临时配电线路必须架空敷设。电线路必须架空敷设。7、现场所有机电设备都应有防雨、防潮及安全措施。设置配电箱做到一机一闸保、现场所有机电设备都应有防雨、防潮及安全措施。设置配电箱做到一机一闸保护。对电器和运行的机械设备要定期检查及保养。杜绝机械设备带病运转。所有护。对电器和运行的机械设备要定期检查及保养。杜绝机械设备带病运转。所有施工机具严禁使用倒顺开关。施工机具严禁使用倒顺开关。8、现场要有明显的防火宣传标志和防火制度、现场要有明显的防火宣传标志和防火制度,应配备足够的消防器材应配备足够的消防器材,在每个施工在每个施工的楼层上放置不少于二只消防器的楼层上放置不少于二只消防器Appreciation of The Secret Garden连云港市中云中学连云港市中云中学 孙云孙云by Frances Hodgson Burnett from the UKtIntroductionMary LennoxWhy is the garden called the secret garden?tLife in Indiawherewhohowwhywhather parentsIndiarude and bad-tempereda lonely child and usually aloneEveryone died from cholera.tLife in MisselthwaiteWhat do you think her life will be like in Misselthwaite?“What a plain child,”Mrs.Medlock thought,“And what an unhappy child.I dont know how she will fit in at Misselthwaite Manor。”“I dont like this woman,and I am sure she doesnt like me.I wont be happy at Misselthwait Manor,Im sure.”tDickonBenMrs.MedlockMarthaColinArchibald Cravena maida housekeepera gardenerher unclehis sonLife in MisselthwaiteCharacters in MesselthwaitebrothertLife in MisselthwaitesecretsgardenuncleboytLife in Misselthwaitethe secret garden There isnt a door or a key.No one is allowed in there.tLife in Misselthwaite“Mary thought it was the most beautiful garden she had ever seen.There were rose trees everywhere,but there were also many weeds.There were also some dead plants that needed to be dug up and some roots that looked like onions.”It used to be(过去过去)_,but now its _.beautifuldeclining(衰落的衰落的)Para.1 on Page 23tLife in MisselthwaiteWho helped Marry change the garden?MarthaDickonBenRobintLife in MisselthwaiteMartha“Im not your servant,”Martha insisted.“I told you.I work for Mrs.Medlock,and on my day off,I go home.You must learn to do things on your own.”They were the same.What did Martha think of their relationship(关系关系)?To be good friends:equal,equal(平等的平等的).presentreasona skipping rope“Martha felt sorry for her.She knew how lonely she was.”understanding,kind,What did she help Mary with the garden?Buy seeds and spades.Ask Dickon for help.helpful,zealous(热心的热心的).Chapter 4tLife in Misselthwaite”My brother,Dickon,loves the moor.He spends all his spare time on it.He has his own pony.It is wild,but it comes to him when he calls it,and it lets him ride it.”Everyone knows Dickon,”Ben said.“He loves the moor and spends most of his time there.”What can we know from these words?Who mentioned Dickon before Marry met him?Side description 侧面描写侧面描写tLife in MisselthwaiteWhat did he do when Mary met him?page 27What do you think of him?love nature and animalsWhat did he do to help Mary?kind,true,tLife in MisselthwaiteArchibald CravenMrs.Medlock said,“Hes always alone.He has a bad back.He is now a very unhappy and lonely man.He doesnt want to see or speak to anyone except Pitcher.”She saw a man who was not ugly,but who looked very miserable.“_,”she thought.He is a nice manPara.5 on Page 5Para.10 on Page 34tLife in Misselthwaitethe secret uncletLife in MisselthwaiteHe used to be(过去过去)_,but now hes _.happyunhappy,miserable,lonely.His wife died ten years ago.What would you like to say to him?People cannot always live in the past,we should look forward.tLife in Misselthwaitea cryanother cryColin?the secret boytLife in Misselthwaite“I am very ill.My father wont let me leave this room.He wont let anyone except Mrs.Medlock speak to me.”lonely“Sometimes.But he doesnt like me.My mother died when I was born.When he sees me,he is unhappy.”poor“Colin told me that Mrs.Medlock must obey him.Everyone here must obey him.”self-willed(任性的任性的)“He always shouts at everyone.Hes not a nice boy.”rude(粗鲁的粗鲁的)“He hates people looking at him.She put out her hand to touch him,and he bit it!”self-abased(自卑的自卑的)tLife in MisselthwaiteWhat did Mary think of Colin?“I think he is a nice boy.”page 43Colinthe past Marryunderstand and help himtLife in MisselthwaiteWhat did they quarrel about?“You must never be too busy to see me.When I want you here,you must come immediately.”“Im ill,and my back is getting worse.And Im going to die soon.”“.”self-willed(任性的任性的)and selfish“Ill tell Mrs.Medlock to send Dickon away.”afraidThen Mary thought about Colin.She was sad that she could not go to him and tell him about all her presents and share them with him.“I dont want him to think about his back or about dying,”she thought.“I want him to get better.”She decided to go back in the morning.“Perhaps then,”she thought,“hell want to see me.”page 53kind,tolerant(宽容的宽容的)tLife in MisselthwaiteHow was Colin at last?tall,healthy,strong,happy.tLife in MisselthwaiteWhat do you think of Marry?rude bad-temperedlonelykindfriendlyhelpfulstrong and healthyunhappy life happy lifetWhat do the“secrets”stand for?Life in Misselthwaitethe pastthe sadnessthe sickness.happyhealthybeautifultLife in MisselthwaiteImaging:What would their life be like in the future?Mr.Craven MaryColinMarthaDickon.Where there is great love,there are always miracles(奇迹奇迹).Love life,life also loved him.tHomework1.Finish the writing after class.2.Read another book The Wizard of Oz next week.