初一议论文:幸福无处不在作文初一议论文:幸福无处不在作文500字字幸福无处不在作文幸福无处不在作文500字字幸福像花儿般美丽幸福像花儿般美丽,每个人都在寻找它每个人都在寻找它,可并不是每个人都会发现它。其实只要你用可并不是每个人都会发现它。其实只要你用心观察心观察,你就会发现你就会发现,它无处不在。它无处不在。不要忽略你眼前的幸福。每一个人在遇到重大打击时不要忽略你眼前的幸福。每一个人在遇到重大打击时,往往会忽略自己所拥有的东往往会忽略自己所拥有的东西。当她车祸醒来发现自己四肢不能活动时西。当她车祸醒来发现自己四肢不能活动时,她觉得她的世界失去了色彩她觉得她的世界失去了色彩,她觉得自她觉得自己濒临崩溃的边缘己濒临崩溃的边缘,眼神充满了无助和绝望。可是当她看见身边的人一如既往地爱眼神充满了无助和绝望。可是当她看见身边的人一如既往地爱她她,对她好。她突然觉悟对她好。她突然觉悟,这何尝不是一种幸福。从此这何尝不是一种幸福。从此,她不再堕落她不再堕落,而是微笑而是微笑,充满温充满温暖的微笑暖的微笑,用她那双爱笑的眼睛去回复别人对她的爱。是什么不再让她堕落用她那双爱笑的眼睛去回复别人对她的爱。是什么不再让她堕落,重焕生重焕生机机?是她看到了爱是她看到了爱,感觉到了幸福。当你痛苦挣扎时感觉到了幸福。当你痛苦挣扎时,当你无助绝望时当你无助绝望时,当你苦苦在追当你苦苦在追求幸福时求幸福时,往往幸福就在自己身边往往幸福就在自己身边,不要忽略眼前的幸福。不要忽略眼前的幸福。不要忽略你手上的幸福。有些人不要忽略你手上的幸福。有些人,一生下来就遭受到不公平的待遇一生下来就遭受到不公平的待遇,但这并不代表着但这并不代表着他们没有幸福的资本。著名作家海伦凯勒他们没有幸福的资本。著名作家海伦凯勒,她双目失明她双目失明,双耳失聪双耳失聪,但她却没有因此但她却没有因此放弃生活。她跟从老师在手上一遍遍学习知识放弃生活。她跟从老师在手上一遍遍学习知识,一次次为她的成功谱写着乐章。为一次次为她的成功谱写着乐章。为什么她会获得如此成就什么她会获得如此成就?那是因为她有一种幸福感那是因为她有一种幸福感,她没有觉得自己的缺陷是不公她没有觉得自己的缺陷是不公平的待遇。当她写出一篇篇著名的文章时平的待遇。当她写出一篇篇著名的文章时Getting the scoopGetting the scoopThe media in our lifeDiscuss:a good mediumTV,videos,internet,magazines what make a good medium?How can it stand out from other competitors?special;be outstanding and different from others;be noticed.A good mediumInsist on the truthSocial responsibilitymedia immediate time is money!Being quick enough is the guarantee for a good media.Getting the scoopP30.GETTING THE SCOOPScan the text,and finish the two tasks:1.What does“scoop”mean here?Why?2.chose the main idea for the text:A.it introduces how to get a scoop.B.It introduces the process of writing and printing for a newspaper article.C.It introduces a scoop about a famous film star.the steps to do something Scoop?It is an important story which your newspaper gets ahead of all the other newspaper offices.scoopRead for more details1.What was Zhou Yangs first task?2.How many people read his article before it was ready to be processed into film negative?Who are they and what are their duties?1.What was Zhou Mings first task?To write his story about the famous film star.2.The departments in the process:a senior editor,the copy-editor,the native speaker,the chief editor,the news desk editor.And try to be as soon as possible so that he can get a _.scoopThe copy-editorThe native speakera senior editorThe news desk editorcheck,read and pass it onThe chief editorEdit and designpolishRead and approveWork on stories until all are setRole-play:how can I get my article printed?Today,the teacher plays the role of a reporter with her first drift(初稿)of a scoop,and she wants to publish itSo what should she do?Help her to finish it step by step?Homework1.Review the text and underline the important words,phrases and sentences in it.2.Think about the responsibilities of a reporter and share it with your group members,then summarize it and write them down.Your writing could include the following aspects:Is the process the same as what you thought?Is it easy to be a reporter?Find some words to describe the process of getting a scoop,and then talk about your feelings.Do you think the affairs(轶事,绯闻轶事,绯闻)of celebrities are good“scoops”or not?Why?If you were a reporter,what kind of things would you pay attention on?What is your plan when you become a reporter?