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    如果古希腊人进人英国上流社会 奥林匹克的五项全能可能就要 they might have added to their Olympic pentathlon 多出一项运动了 one additional event.主办乡间巡猎The hosting of a country visit 当然布里杰顿夫人的年度心芳舞会 This, of course,is the week of Lady Bridgerton's 将在本周举♥行♥annual Hearts and Flowers Ball, 这是年度最受期待的乡间盛会 the year's most coveted invitation in the country,也是对东道主实力与魄力and no event better designed 最为充分的展示to show the might and mettle of its host. 帕特里奇小姐喝早茶需要很多糖Miss Patridge requires large amounts of sugar for her morning tea, 艾伯纳西大人不吃and Lord Abernathy, he will refuse to eat 夹生的肉any meat that is not well-cooked, 而艾伯纳西夫人据说只吃带血的肉 while Lady Abernathy will only consume her meat bloody, I am told. 记得在韦斯顿大人的床上 多铺一条毯子And make sure you putan extra blanket on Lord Weston's bed. 听说他怕冷I hear he feels the cold.夫人玫瑰和康乃馨送到了The roses and carnations have arrived, ma'am. 妈妈最好加点紫丁香它象征初恋-I only mean to say- -Because I am a woman? 不我没这么说 No- No.I did not say that. 但你却这么想了 But you thought it. 女士不打猎 Ladies do not hunt. 是自己不打还是别人不准? Do not, or are not allowed to? 想必丹伯里女士 可以匀出一位女仆陪同I am certain Lady Danbury can spare a maid to act as chaperone. 大家一定会十分尽兴的 Oh, what fun you will all have. 彼此也可以加深了解Getting to know each other all the better. 真是个好主意埃德温娜小姐 What an excellent idea, Miss Edwina.不妨这次就破个例 Hmm.Surely we can make an exception, just this one time.毕竟这里是私人地界谁知道呢? We are on our private lands,after all. And who knows?说不定莎尔玛小姐 还能让你领教一二 Perhaps Miss Sharma can teach you a thing or two. Hmm? 停车! Whoa, there!-科林-玛琳娜-Colin.-Marina.汤普森小姐Uh, Miss Thompson.克雷恩夫人Lady Crane.很高兴见到你I'm so pleased to see you. 这位是奥利弗阿曼达还睡着 Oh, this is Oliver. Amanda is sleeping. 你有两个孩子了? There are two of them?双胞胎双胞胎-Twins.-Twins.那Well.你好奥利弗Good day, Oliver.他好像还挺好动的He is rather. wiggly, it seems. 是啊特别好动Yes. Very.菲利普爵士这会儿不在Sir Philip is not here.出门研究他的花卉去rHe is out, studying his flowers.如果事先知道你要来-当然-If I had known you were coming-No, of course.唐突来访实在抱歉I must offer my apologies for the surprise.我来与家人团聚这才知道 原来你就住在附近I was staying with my family when I discovered you lived so nearby. 于是便想着过来探望之前I thought that I should come to see that you were well, after. 毕竟发生了那么多事 well, everything.我很好实际上是非常好I am well. Very well, in fact. 科林见到你真高兴 I'm pleased to see you, Colin. 要喝茶吗?Would you like some tea?非常乐意Very much. 你好Hello.埃德温娜小姐但愿庆祝活动 没有辜负你的期待吧?Hopefully, the festivities are living up to your expectations, Miss Edwina? 太盛大了公爵夫人Very much, Your Grace. 夫人与令堂实在太周到了You and your mama are such diligent hostesses. 我很期待有朝一日 能举办自己的聚会I so look forward to hosting my own gatherings one day. 身为女主人的确有些乐趣 Well, there is certainly pleasure to be had in acting as hostess. 但不瞒你说Though, between you and I, 最令人享受的I think you will find there is no greater pleasure 是能与家人相处不受打扰 than enjoying your home alone with your family. 与夫君在一起当然只要你嫁对人 With your husband, as long as you choose the right one. 我想我清楚自己对伴侣的期许I do think I know what I desire in a match. 是什么呢?And what is that?我希望对方善良、温柔I should like to bewith someone kind and gentle.就像你哥哥那样-Mm.-Someone like your brother.他性情那么温和He's so even-tempered.安东尼?性情温和?Anthony? Even-tempered?-你觉得他不是如此吗?不算是-You would not describe him as such?-Well, not exactly.也许是我激发出他的优点Well, perhaps I bring out the very best in him. 理想的婚姻不正应如此吗? And is that not what a good marriage should mean? 激发对方的优秀品质? Bringing out each other's best?的确如此埃德温娜小姐 It is indeed. Miss Edwina. 你姐姐去别处了吗? Has your sister gone off somewhere?-打猎-打猎?-Hunting.-Hunting?而且是和令兄长一起With your brother, in fact.我想让他们相处一日I am having them spend the day together 但愿二人最终能找到些共同点 in the hopes of their finally finding common ground.他们两个好像有些合不来It seems the two of themdo not exactly see eye-to-eye on occasion. A good plan, is it not?主宜不错吧?嗯Well, 确实有趣 certainly an intriguing one.-Hmm.如果出了差错肯定都怪你-If this goes wrong, it'll be your fault.哥哥你得顺着来You must play along, Brother.这兴许是争取她的绝好机会Perhaps this isthe perfect opportunity to win her over. 或者在她枪卜送命-Or to be shot dead by her. 先生们走右边!-To the right, gents!他们这是去哪里?Where are they going?应该是去营地Toward our camp, I believe.快看左边有踪迹There are tracksgoing off to the left. Look.就在苔葬之中蹄印很清楚In the moss. You can see the cloven shape. 如果我们现在去营地 可能会完全错过猎物If we go to our camp now, we may miss our quarry entirely.还是不要离群吧Let us stay with the group.真若一无所获If we find nothing, 我自愿给你当活靶子I shall offer myself up for your target practice. 那好吧Very well.-你在哪里学.-还真是-Where did you learn-It is a rather我父亲是印度某皇室家族的私家秘书 My father was a secretary for a royal family in India. 他们非常大方还带我一同狩猎 A family gracious enough to let me hunt with them.尽管我当时年龄还小那你一定应付得来-Even as a young lady.-Then it seems you'll manage quite well. 但愿比你身后马上的女仆轻松许多 Much better than your maid on her horse, let us hope.-布里杰顿大人-怎么了?-Lord Bridgerton-Yes?到了 !哥哥!-Here we are!-Brother!在雅典结交了几个好友 然后一同往前I made some friends in Athens, then continued along with them 到了马鲁西和卡尔基斯 to Marousi and Chaicis. 对了之前还在 佩塔利奥伊湾游了一圈 That is, after a quick swim in the Petalioi Gulf 现在我可算会念这个名字了 which is a word I now know how to say. 旅程好像十分多彩Well, it sounds like a remarkable journey. 的确多彩Remarkable, yes, 可能是我太多话了对吧? in that I seem to havemany remarks about it, do I not?科林我喜欢听你说话I like your remarks, Colin.多谢你有心来看我多谢你热心款待-It was good of you to come by.-It was good of you to have me as well. 看样子你与菲利普爵士生活美满? Everything is wellwith Sir Philip, then, I take it?我想你可以亲自问他I suppose you can ask him yourself. 大人My lord,客人正要走你刚好赶上you have caught our visitor before he departs.这位是科林布里杰顿先生-This is Mr. Colin Bridgerton.-Ah.布里杰顿先生Mr. Bridgerton.我是菲利普克雷恩爵士Sir Philip Crane.终于得见幸会-A pleasure to meet you at last-Ah.是啊Yes.尊夫人十分慷慨Your wife has been kind enough 听我喋喋不休讲述近期希腊之旅 to let me drone onabout my recent Grecian adventures. 你到过希腊?-You were in Greece?-Mm-hmm.有没有去莱斯沃斯的橄榄园?Did you visitthe olive orchards in Lesvos?的确去了 一路十分顺滑I certainly did. I oiled my way right in.拿橄榄开个玩笑那里很精彩对吧?-That was an olive joke.-They are wonderful.要知道那些橄榄树 可以追溯到公元前三世纪You know, those trees have been there since the third century BC.真的吗?非常了不起植物也是异彩纷呈-Have they really?-It is extraordinary. As is the botany. 我一定要为你展示我收藏的希腊植物志I must show you my copy of Flora Graeca.You will join us for dinner?能与我们共进晚餐吗?布里杰顿先生肯定要回去与家人团聚了I am sure Mr. Bridgertonis eager to return to his family.没关系不着急Not at all. My family can wait.-我非常乐意奉陪-如此甚好-1 should very much like to stay.-Good. We shall set you a place, then.那我们为你准备餐位那好吧Very well.看来雄鹿在躲避我们It seems our stag may be eluding us.这也是乐趣所在The elusiveness is part of the fun.又不能责备阳光是啊当然不能-And you cannot fault the sunshine.-No, certainly not.男人们享受阳光真是打猎的好兆头The men out enjoying the sunshine.A sign of a great hunt.莎尔玛小姐听这意思你宁愿天阴?I suppose you prefer the darkness, Miss Sharma?我宁愿What I would prefer 遵从自己的直觉打猎 is to be allowed to follow my own instincts on this hunt 而不是盲目跟随向导instead of blindly following the guide. 你还是认为我们错失了猎物?You are still convinced we have lost our prey? 我认为鹿更喜欢在森林的边缘出没 I am convincedthat deer prefer the edge of the forest. 这里太空旷了This is much too open out here. 是啊Uh, yes, well, 也许你说得对但我们得往前走了 perhaps you are right,but we should carry on. 其他路径上肯定也有鹿Certainly there'll be other deer on other paths. 它们并非总是成群出没 一旦落单就They do not always keep together.And if there are not, then.莎尔玛小姐?Miss Sharma?把这位看住点呗Keep her with you.Ooh.我很欣赏韦斯特布里奇大人I quite like Lord Westbridge, though his hands certainly do wander 但他跳舞的时候总是动手动脚 when he dances.至少他还年轻At least he is young.我母亲却认准了德里沃斯爵士My mama has fixed on Sir Derryworth for me. 他的口气简直熏死人 His breath is excruciating.-那你们为什么不拒绝?-跟母亲做对?-Why do you not just say no?-To our mamas?-小埃没那么简单-我对母亲言听计从-1 do not think it is that simple, El.-I do everything my mama says. 就这样你还纳闷自己何以如此悲惨Yet you still wonder why you're so miserable. 布里杰顿小姐 我知道如何为自己找到幸福 Oh, II know how to findmy happiness, Miss Bridgerton. 总有维斯道恩女士助力 There is always Lady Whistledown. 但这礼拜她恐怕也写不出什么好东西 Though I doubt she'll publish anything of note this week. 此话怎讲? What can you mean?大家都在这里享受乡村时光 We are all here,enjoying the countryside together. 但凡她写得出的我们肯定早就知道了Anything she might print, surely we will already know. 是吗?Is that so?轮到我了吧妈妈?Uh, is it not my turn, Mama? 明晚的舞会就轮到你rYour turn will come tomorrow night at the ball.You may wish to add in lilac, Mama. Symbolic of first love. 花束再弄大点也未尝不可 And perhaps make the bouquets even bigger. 你深得我精髓 I have taught you well. 如果本周内安东尼真的要求婚 If there is truly to be a proposal before the week is out,Anthony will need all the help he can get. 那我们必须竭尽所能帮他Hmm.好了Right.我正画那颗果子呢 I was painting that. 这么早就把莎尔玛母女请来 Do you think all of this was a mistake? 你说我是不是在瞎折腾? This business of inviting the Sharmas out early? 感觉一下子骑虎难下r It has made the whole affair so fraught with difficulty.婚姻市场那些事我完全应付不来 The whole marriage-mart business seems entirely too difficult to me. 但如果某些人执意要去那何不 But if one must participate in it, why not do it. 到户外进行呢? in the fresh air?姐姐?Didi? 是蛰伤吗? Is it the sting? 嗯?你说什么呀? What? Whatever do you mean? 还难受吗?Is it still bothering you?自从你被那讨厌的小东西蛰了以后 It seems ever since那也许是你吸引 费瑟灵顿大人的最后机会It may be your very last chance to charm Lord Featherington 不然克蕾丝达考珀就要变成你后妈了 before Cressida Cowper becomes your new mama.-Ooh.-Oh.我宁愿搬去康沃尔I would rather move to Cornwall 也不想跟克蕾丝达争她太恶心了 than compete with Cressida. She is vile. 知道什么叫恶心吗?Do you know what is vile?鱼头派那可是康沃尔的一道美食Fish head pie. It's a Cornish delicacy.Ew.普鲁登斯你根本没好好当回事I fear you are not taking this as seriously as you need to, Prudence. 去年发生了那么多事又是汤普森小姐又是布里杰顿先生After everything last year with Miss Thompson, Mr. Bridgerton, 之后又是你父亲的事 你若真想今年把自己嫁出去 and then your father,we cannot afford any more scrutiny 咱家可是再也禁不起坏事折腾了 should you finally wish to secure a match this season.妈妈谁也不知道汤普森小姐 真正目的何在Oh, Mama, it is not as if anyone truly knows what Miss Thompson attempted. 更何况诱使男人成婚 果真那么稀奇吗?And is entrapping a man in marriage really so uncommon? 我赢r!快看呐I won! Look at that.大家快看我!Look at me, everyone!莎尔玛小姐!快蹲下-Miss Sharma!-Shh. Get down.你也太乱来了吧?Are you quite serious?你不能就这公带着枪独自行动You cannot just go off like that with your gun.-你的女佣很为难-你能不能小点声?-Your maid is having a terrible time.-Would you be quiet?自作主张倒也符合你的性格It is rather like you, leaving everyone behind. 你以为你r解我可你那些偏见 根本没人想听No one wishes to hearwhat you think you know about me. 不用以为我就是了解I do not need to think. 1 know.打从看到你独自在园中骑马From the moment I saw you riding alone in that park, 我就知道你显然对规矩毫不在意 it was obvious that rules are meaningless to you. 你和你那些规矩可真烦人 Oh, you and your rules.如果那口清早你没有再次任性外出 Perhaps if you had not been out once again the other morning, 也许你我也不会陷人如此尴尬的境地 we might not have been put in such a difficult situation.大人你是指什么尴尬境地?Exactly which difficult situation are you referring to, my lord?你的.Your-那天早上-我被重伤的时候?-The other morning.-When I was stung?然后你把我的手放在你胸前After which you put my hand to your bosom. 让你知道我没受伤你当时慌了 To show you I was unharmed.You were overcome.我没有-是你当时在看我-Indeed I was not.-You then looked at me.是你在看我!我没像你那么看-You looked at me!-Not the way you did.那我到底怎么看的?And how exactly did I look?那里有东西There is something there.如果你这样握枪猎物来了也没用It'll signify little if you mean to hold your gun in that way.我知道怎么握枪-显然你不熟悉英式枪&hcarts;支&hcarts;-I know how to hold a gun.-Evidently not a British one.-You have to-你得-我不需要指导-这里-1 require no instruction.-Here.就这样.Just hold it.端着 like this.伙计们这边来这边行动静This way, boys.I saw movement over here. 原来你们两个在这儿呢 There the two of you are. 最好赶紧跟L Well, you better rejoin us 不然就赶上大雨了 before the rain ends our pursuits. 西布索普像你这样周游欧洲时 还带着自己的插画师 Sibthorp brought his illustrator along for a grand tour, like your own, 归来时带回了这么多精彩的图画 and came back with these marvelous drawings. 这些是钮扣花 我在帕克索斯见过许多 Oh, these are coronopifolia.I saw so many of those in Paxos. 是的帕克索斯非常美Yes. Oh! Paxos is beautiful.你有没有在希俄斯岛上见到乳香树? And did you see the mastic trees on Chios Island?布里杰顿先生去希腊 肯定不光是为了研究植物 I am sure Mr. Bridgerton did not only go to Greece to see plants. 的确No.但感谢你如此迁就But I'm grateful to you for indulging my desire 陪我畅谈旅行 to talk about my travels, Sir Philip. 克雷恩夫人说得对 我一说起爱好就忘乎所以 Well, Lady Crane is right.I am often carried away by my interests. 亲爱的你今天过得怎么样? How was your day, my dear?当然我知有这位风趣的客人来访Apart from the arrival of our interesting visitor. 非常愉快谢谢大人It was very pleasant. Thank you, my lord. 时间不早了布里杰顿先生你是不是也应该回去与家人相聚r?It is getting late and, Mr. Bridgerton, won't you need to return to your family? 是的当然我忘记时间了Oh, yes. Yes, of course.I lost track of time.菲利普爵士多谢热情款待Thank you for your hospitality, Sir Philip. 不必客气You are always welcome.玛琳娜我去照看孩子也好让你们道别Marina, I shall look in upon the babies as you bid each other farewell.他非常和善He is most amiable.科林你大老远跑来难道就是为r评价我丈夫?Did you come all this way to form your opinion of my husband, Colin? 一不-那么是为了什么?-No.-Then. why did you come?我I.我是来道歉的I came to apologize.旅行途中Throughout my travels, 1 kept pondering how I left things between us.我一直在想自己如何电手你我之事 我对你口出恶言All of those terrible thingsI said to you.-科林你不需要-我想说我很抱歉-Colin, there is no need-I want you to know that I am sorry. 并且我也原谅了你And that I forgive you as well.我不需要你的道歉 更不需要你的原谅 I do not need your apology any more than I desire your forgiveness. 你和我之间的一切已经过去 All of this, you and I, is in the past. 貌似如此So it seems.可你就没有回顾过去 好奇如果当初另作抉择 But do you not look at your life and wonder what may have been 今日会是何种光景?if we had conducted ourselves differently? 那是愚人的自我折磨That is a fool's form of torture. 我已经放下过去你也应该放下 I have left the past behind.You should do the same.玛琳娜Marina, 他真的非常和善 he is truly amiable.可是你和他在一起似乎并不快乐But. well, you do not seem happy with him. 你才来了几个小时You have only been here a few short hours.我无意冒犯你我没觉得被冒犯-I do not mean to offend you.-I am not offended.我也没有生气Noram I angry.你太孩子气You are a boy沉浸在自己的幻想之中caught up in his own fantasies.其实我曾经以为In truth, I once thought 你的幻想足以救我困境 that would be enough to save me from my reality. 但我后来明白我不需要这样的拯救But what I learned is,I do not need saving in that way. 我需要的是面对人生 自己做出现实的选择What I need is to face up to my life and make my own practical decisions. 于是你选择不快乐?So you choose to be unhappy?不是所有人都能收获童话般的结局We are not all guaranteed a fairy-tale ending. 有一双儿女我心满意足I am perfectly content with my children.菲利普爵士也很关心我他是个好父亲And Sir Philip cares for me.He is a good father.我们一同经营生活We have built a life together.我不再是你从前认识的那个样子了I am not the same woman you once knew. 我也不想回到那样一个幻想世界And I refuse to be thrust back into such a world of fantasy. 那个梦早已过去That dream has long since passed.-玛琳娜-醒醒吧科林-Marina-You need to wake up, Colin.也许是我太糊涂Perhaps I have been a fool.今日多有打扰I thank you for your time, 克雷恩夫人Lady Crane. 只要你多留意眼前If you would simply open your eyes to what is in front of


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