九年级英语Unit 1 How do you study for a test测试题.docx
九年级英语上学期Unit 1测试How do you studyfor a test?总分:120分 时X: 120分的球81: 姓名: 总分:-单项选择(W分)()01. do wu cell him About the newt? -Byain e-mail.()02.A. How. Mmdin B. How. «md C.WhaL ndind D. WhaL Mrnd 1 study Ei)j*lKhnuking Oihcurds()03.A. ofB. byC. inD. on1 jxHan A thi% Icrm. m> my tciclurr wux very.()CM.A.(o ImpccssB. imprcM*C. imprcMi”D. imprcf<scdAll q( u% wereM theno*%.()05.A. fruMratin:. fruMralingB. ftulniling. (hnlnikdC. frwtnitcd. fntsuubngD/ruaraKd. frusv篇cdWhen pmciicc speaking Hnlkh. we often end upin Chines.()06.A. Io speakB. »peukingC. spokenD. pak1( is impeliie(oihzc persom m irixiblc.()07.A. Iju5h toB. laugh withC. laugh «*D. luugh allf>x>u don't knw hw to spell d new went you'd belterin a dictionary.()08.A. look it averB. look m i(C. look it upD. look for K1 like writing my awn original MiucnccxChe grammar I've learned.()09.A. useB. to useC. iwcdD. uxinj_ the help of my cUftsnwnctrvc improved my English.()10.A. ByB.WithC. Under D. For1A (hix week.A.aB UkC.anD.x)II. Ullian mk! memorizing the ”tvd$ of pop helpedA. a lol ofB.locofC. a liuleD. a lillk of( )12. M liine_,wc know cadi ocher belter.A. goes byR. pa we* byC. uE offD. going by( )13. Tony thinks rt ix owyEnglish.A. *4udyB. learnsC. lokaniD. 3ydic§( )14. 1 have tnxablcthe new wonk.A. memoci/tfB. meimirizinC. to incnKxize> 15. The miuII buy decided ulhcr.A. not mlk B. mx talking C not id mlk D. io not talking )16.da yixi have an English party? Once a month.A. txn* B. bow often C. Ho* kHije D. Ho* old )17. What Aboutvocabukry lias?A. made B. nukes C. Io make D. nuking)18. I*m (hirsiy. bui (here h water in i!ic bonk?.A. few B. a few C. licile D. a liulc03. I dco,l know bowcomnkis. < um?)19.Du you often practiceEnglish.A. speakingB. k> speakC. KiyingD. to say)20.My mum likes to wuich memy homework.A. doB. doingC. IodoD. docs()21.1 found seMg acikm movies very.A. excitedB. excitingC. exciteD. exciter()22.Ik lux been koming Englishten year%.A. inB. forC.如K«D. before() 23.Which xwftuer k、the ned one nr ihe grocfi one?A. very expensiveB. nuxv expensiveC. (be miwt expensiveD. expemi't()24.M*3M you shouldan English club.A. joinB. joinedC. ukcpan inD. join in()25.My grundnu enjaykthe radio.A. liMenB. IhiciiinC. Ihtenj*D. liMcoin id)26.My fc«ter ,u* nfniidmil At nijht. bccMnc ihc jifniidA. of goings toB. Id ga .ofC. going. o(D. Id . Io_ the dof.()27.He didn't have any answersthe question.A. ioB. acCMD,由()28.Whyjoin m Enlixh club to pocticc)uur pcvaunciation?A. nd ioB. ftoiC. ckwi,tD. (ton、)29.Iakv thinks ihai_ pop wngs isn't a good uy.A. singB. singingC. xingxD. xang)30.Wi hua iik ?4»e hadhome week io A» every day.A. wo muzhB. wo manyC. much tooD. much mnny二.用所的间的正确形式填空“分)01. It's; intmai哼English mo、K8. (waich >02 Everyone wmik m bevetne n good Unfiuuge. < team>04. She has trouble complete Ttcmcfwca <m»kc )05. Give me «ime more. pJeoxc. 1 sue<0三,译以空(15分)01.我不能使我的发止潞,因此出到加常过M.I'm very Sony that 1 can't my.02.我们英逝老师经常让我打在课依上做语法塞记.Our English lecher often H由、us to in cla».03.我通过和同住编片话的方式学习英田.I loam BnglZh coinvnatiom *ilh m> p&nncr.(M.这的妞文太我无法理解.This poxfagc is for meunderstand.05.他发现#英文电影很有用.He Hnd«very useful English moviek四.补全对话tS分)A: Ikllo! Th% is Knglifih-bclp Ccnwr. Do you have any proMcm in learning EnglrUi?R: Yc& I am really worried about my English now. A: Don't Berry. 2.B: OK. I'll wy il and make some card. 3A: That's easy* Find a pen pal. It helps a kx.B: 4A: WUh a pkMftUte. S»X: 1 befe liiis can kegB: 1 <mi*i spell Kaie Ealish no».C: TTurAs (or yew Mvkel> And ! oU> don't 群l rrudi uvitit9, praetke.E: Ybu cua HuU same fUskunh co help Hcik«K五,光影填空(I。分)I think English k very imporum 皿 I . Here arc my opinions of 2 Fnlkh wdl.I think there are imny ways 3 Icam English. Far example, asking the teacher 4 help h very helpful. One of my jood 5 said he liad (rouble 6 English. His 7 Engl&h w、e,poor. So he【cmU aloud every mixning. Now he can gik Ejiflnh vety *dl. Washing English 芬h,m、on TV cun nlso be helpful. You can kam many w<xdx 8 them. Remember "Where there is a 9 , there k a wayf Believe you can do il 10 .(> 01.A. UKCflllB. i»cC. used(> 02.A. kamB. leamiC. learning(> 03.A. (oB.fccc.or(> 04.A. MB. forCofA.(M 分)()05.A. triendB. a friendC. friend.()06.A. IcumB. learningC. u> 10m()07.A.speakB. spokenC.卬caking()08.A.b)B. inC. from()09.A. 21B. cunC- will()10.A. wellB. goodC.bad(AlMciU dktiocurie% *ill tell you a number of things about a language. There are three important thin*. Tbcc three things arc spelling. pffXMincialXHi and ineuning%.Fir*i, n dictionary will sell you the spelling of 3Md. If you ure ikii sure ahom the spelling of a word、you can try to find the correct fpcllinj: in a dktiixur>>. Word、xk Hued in alphabetical ordera.bx And «» on. For example. <m a diciKxmry page iIk wend ,poor"pjo.oj - comes befoev ,pox'crty"p.o.v.c.r.l.yand ihe *vrd ,povert/t comes before " power"|xo.w,r. The u*oniK air nlu-ax% given in an ulphnb<»CAl onkr.The second thinj. a diaiixwy will tell you pnmvnciatkm. jive phonetic, or mxkxJ. alphabet. The phooctic spelling will(dl you how a word is pfO«x>uiKvd There aic a few difkrciii plxmcbc alphabet工 Many diciioniiricK we ibe Intcmntionul Phone汲 Alphubct 10 shou- pronunciuiKin.The child things a dktiocun' will tell you the mcininj(>f uxirdv. Ymi can look up a ward und End out >iut it nicjms. My wools have moev ihan wk meaning, and a good dKiionary will tell >vu all of Ibe word's meaning. For example, in Enilifh ihc ccwnmon word "gei" hk$ over 20 different meaning()01. In the Ximq$c. which of the RMSowing w among the three imparlanl things?A. H<m io *h«e a won! well.B. Hou1 to u« a *vrd.C. How tn make a wnicncc.D. How io read u«oaj cocrccily()02. Of the three wvrds: -remove"," rcmolc"and " rcmounr,in a dictioniQ".A. *rcinotc* conxs firM and Frmove" coincs lastB. ”remove, corner firm and “ rcmocc,corner 1ftM.C. ”rcmoeL comc» first and "rcroconf, comes List.D. remote" comes first and *rvtix»un(" coiiks lau.(> 05. Many wocd< have.A. severd meanings D. few mcaninfi C. ooe meaning D. rx> meaning (> (M. A belter dicuonaiy can ®dl you.A more of the “srd's pronunciniion. B More ofihe ward's meaning, C. More of the word's spelling,D. Mare of cnimniar.(> 05. Phwxrtic alphabeis mc med lu show.A. spdlintB. humiwriiinf C. ineuninipi D. pronunciationMany Chinese indents don't pay much mtcniion to (it® ) spoken English m school. They think i( ncccsry to poetise speaking (inlish in clxw. but not cut o( ciox%. Here is 2 story to xhw yvu how imporlanl it » to speak the English language treviy in cvcrychy lite.A farcigiw once £<x IxinQ nnd *cnc into u restaiirnni in Ixindon.He down M a lubk. When the wilier CAmr. be opened hix mouth, put hik Gngen. into it and took them «uc aain in order to export (hit he w11nted uwicihing local tof he coukl rxx npcak EnliUi. Tlie *ui«cr,uon brvughi a cup of lea. Hie man shook ( 抻?/)hh hemi. The waiter then “xA «way ihe lea nnd broujhi a cup M coffee. The man “gain 4km* his head. He tried 心in and aain, but he wasn't able to make the waiter uniknund him. Finally another nwn came in. He spoke Enlixh deafly and llucudy. In a few mimi!CMhc(e wai a large phic of me* and vqiciabks <hi (lie ublc twfbcc Inni. So>vumn man often goes hungry if he doesn't maM(Vfi> > foreign hngiute 根期惊文内*兴解正(T> » (F)()01, Chinew pay hulc Miemion 10 speken Hnlnh.()02. The Mudenu only pracciv speAkinx Fnlish m cln.()03. The rtocy happened in a rciLiurunc in New Y<)ck.()04. Ttic imn wanted 10cat stxnciliang boainche waihungr>'.()05. Anmher nwn、po*x English very well.(C)Ym« Min? was bom in China in IWO. In Im h»l MMewn with (tic Shanghai SltMkx. be “ued 32.4 poi心 jxr Cume Now the big num from China is hdping (he HouMon Rockcix in the NBA. He K ihe son of two jjrart baUcctball pkiprn* and learnt how to play hiskctkull when he was young. Naw. one af the star* in the NBA. he is wucking hard lu nuke his drcuni wtnc true and,how ihe uvfld dial Chinewr gkeiball players live ihn game <00!Pdc w a fooitull player that cveQvmc knew. He wux bcm in R34 in 1940 He shined plupng for Santm when he w3sonh1 16 and be didn't rvltrc(iljKl until 1977. when he was. 37. Ik pla)vd far Brxfil 111 time* and he worvd 97 miCfiiulKiiialLU五的 gcaK. PVk cainc from a poor fuimly, He、Ui,cd playing football in (he nucci. like imny people anxind the unrki do. Ik wii,mmx) peeked 10 pUy tor Suntan und quickly became an iiKcrruKional Ogurc (人物).Stefli Gnif wiis born in Germany in 1969. She won the (emits imidlnal(半决娈)al WimHakwi m 1985 when *hc was only 16. but «hc lost the Gnnl 10 ftrwxhcr grail ienn« player. Mninn NjivrMilovn. People uw surprised by the itnrngth and power of her game. She soon became a fumou% icnnu phycr And the hat uxin mo*t of ihe main iixiurho wvcial limes.()01.k the younfE of the following pla)vrKA. PeltB. Yao Ming C. Stefli Graf D. Martini Navratikivu<)02. (xhws from South America.A. Yao Mi”£B. Steffi GrafCPdeD. No one()03. Which of (he 如k>*ing n RICHT?A. Ym» Ming R u ublc tennis pkiycr.B. Yao Ming k,m the Houston Rzkas nowC. Yao Ming i% phying for the Chinese Fxxxbull Team.D Nciihcr ofY>o Ming'sis a basket ball pl 箝 b.)IM. Which of the (bluing w WRONG?A. Ptk wax a great fcnxball ph)x:r.B. PcJc wai bom in a peer family.C. Pclc phyed tkMXball in (he rtrcvt «ll hiy life.D Ptle betaine famous *oon after he was picked io play few San«>fc()05. From the pixfagc.know that.A. Minima Navraiik»va was a icnnt> playerB. Sic航 Gnif wn4 bnm in Winihlcdnn in 195C. Steffi Gnif wixi the cennn Htul when %he wa% only 16D. Sicffi Graf has won feu-the main since 1985七.句子(I。分)01. Iki% too young to go id school.旧 义句改写)He is young ilwnZ m 3*x»L02. He's bcai plapng ha$kcttull for two bourx ?(写出反电馁 H 句部分)03. I joined the party eight邛o.同义句改写)I* ntembcf(be party eighi yews.(4 They urc very exewed. They ore iiucnfJing in wwwhi” mo>xs,用段标出出册的地方,并改正)05- -Can)vu lend ine wxnc nuMicy?用我标出山然的地方并改正) -Sony. Tm afraid so.A.书E表达15分)请你寸出一些学习英语的力.法或建仪.(不利少于6条)