外研版八年级英语上册Module8 Unit1教案 (6).docx
课题:Modules AccidentsUI While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared.教学任务分析教学目标语言知识话题t以“事故”为主题.涉及交通事故,人被毒蛇咬伤等内 容1 .词”:能准确地发音和使用 pale.appear.tound.corner.hit. glad. in time . fall off. risk . pay attention /明 口:和短语2 .谙法:健然孳押过去进行时结构及川法并用只进行衣达.语言技能】.教会学生利用己学的词汇描述事故,2.指导学生仔嫡吟听谈论事故的对话并块取有效俏且.情感态度引导学生通过“小组A作一活动.要有避免事故风降的意识.增强对事故风隆的警惕性.教学型点,R点诃1.过去进行时(与when.while引导的状语从句连用)的川法.教学难点过去进行时的构成规则以及它们在实际中的应刖学情分析学生们的安全森设仃所加强,做足他们对于突发事件的念枚拓地和应对能 力还很圉通过本单元学习.让学学生们学会力效的自救林救助他人.教学流程安排保前准备多媒体课件、点读笔、实物投影仪、视频、课堂检测、课堂练习卷 等教学过程设计较学内容师生活动时间分配设计意图目标展示1活动II目标展示:明确要求1. Watch 2 %hor< video1) .Have you ever seen an accident? What happened?2) .Whai should you do if you see an accident happen?2. Learning aims:1)词汇:曲准确抱发白和忸用pale . appear, round . center. hit. glad . in time . fall off, risk , pay attention 等 M 诃和短语.2)语法:能/掌握过去进行时结构及用 法并用共迸行表达.3)学会用已学的词汇乂述课支.4)仔细聆听谈论事故的对话并获取有效 信息.5)通过“小组合作-活动要有意免事故 砥修的前识.墙强对事故风降的警饰性.活动2目标实施:知识点呈现2.1. earn new words and ph«»c$.pale岫.(肤色)花白的冲pear r出现;显露roundHfl某物的)力边 comern.物角:街花hit、: (ttf> 碍撞glad离兴的就算的in time及时tall oft .从跌落risk n.危险:风不payaiteniiontort£j:的心side by side并播地;,日并附地We watch the video together. Then ask and answer.Showthelearning aims on whitebiMini and ask a student to nNtd it aloudReads team and exphin the new wordsandphrases.Practice like ”nppcnr appear round the conicr-A air suddenly appeared round the comer.*2, r5,通过仲生共同观 GMl«.互动导 人本喧元话咫 “事故”.消染 课堂气飙,激发 学生学习兴做 18号学生如何避 免步故的发生.止学生明询不谋 学习目标,做到 心中物数.“引入词短语- 句量-对话”以这 种形式初步盛知 句型教学层层逐 进.尊更谛好学 习的议律.也符 合学生的认知规 律. <牝书中活 动1整合进来)目标Z.l.ixtcn und rcud after Ihc t»pe学生听跟读,翎 正发fb 了解文 章大意3,提痣所说能力实施3. Work in groups to del with the key words and phrases.1)You look pale.2) While the lights were changing io red. a car suddenly appeared round thecomer.3)Thc car stopped just in tinw. but the boy fell offhts bike and huit his knee.4)So when you are your bike, ihink about the risk uf an Mrcufenl!5)Pay attention, slop at the nrd lights and whiil ch«?小组加分学生通过合作 探究找出越出 大屏幕上出现 的短语和句子.教蜥点读 学生跟谈r学生是学习的主 体,教加要努力 国动学生的枳慑 性和主动性,通 过组内合作讨 论,找出对话中 的十点句子和也 语,把所学的知 识转化为学习能 力.4. Read again in Krotips and do the exercises 回答问LWhat arc (bey talking about?The (Kcktenf.2. When d»d the accident happen?/n the mnminf3. What was the boy doing when he was riding (Ik bike?He wtw listening to the music.小组合作再设 对话,井完成年习题.3,通过眼读、模 伤.传提高学生5.展高对 英语语音.语调 的蛤借健力和用 正确的讯许' 语 调进行口语输出 的能力.目标实施刘新正误:1. Ms James saw an accident when she was crossing the road.2. A car appeared around the comer while the lights were changing co red.3. The car was going slowly aroumi the comer bul it didn' t stop.4. The dnver wax ulkmg <xi his mobik phcme when he arnvxxi al the corner.5. TIk boy fell otY his bike because the car hit him.加深课文理解. 完成课文学习29调动学生的多种 唠官体验,突破本课教学由难点.活动3目标实施:典例引练Read and write down some advice.1) . When yuu'rt riding a bike, think about the risk of an accident!2) . Pay nttention and stop At the red lights.3) . Don't ride too fast.4), Don't ride side by side with your friends.5) . Ikin't listen to music!6) .可裁考Pwt3小组合作完成 丫谭文事故的 *议书写并用 投影仪展示.5在巩固本源的求 点单词和句型.格养学生所说的 同时,兼颜读耳 能力的培养.最 终达到语言合合 运用能力.为接 卜来的语言输山 做准各.目1活动4|目标实施:自主练习1 .Conclude theabout other kindsof accidents.2.Makc up a dialogue co show how(o avoid nnd how to deal with the accidents.活动5目标达成:达标测试小州合作完成 生活中能遇到 *故的建议书 写以及应对方 法,并用投影仪 展示.小锹合作 对话展示4,r联系实际.运用所 学知识灵活运用.提圾1E点 拓展提升标达成1. SummarySum up main points2. Have a quizFinish the tea on (be Internet and harul up3. HomeworkMake up a dialogue co describe an accident学生小结本谡 收获,收和补充 点评网上独立完成 小测以及作业.传给鞅伸.教仲 及时反饿.4,校测评估板书设计Modules AccidentsUI While the lights were changing to red. a car suddenly appeared.in time1. When you're riding a bike, chink about the risk of an accidcnc!tall off2. Pay attention and stop at the red lights.pay attention to3. Don* t ride too fast.side by side4. Don* t ride side by side with yv>ur triends.5. Don' I listen to music!