2019新人教高中英语必修三Unit2 Morals and Virtues--Reading for writing公开课教案.docx
2019新人教高中英语必修三Unit2 Morals and VirtuesReading for writing 公开课教案Teaching aims:1 .Enable students to figure out the structure and language features of the passage.2 .Help students to understand the content and find the basic meaning of the story and express their own opinions based on real life cases.3 .Guide students to write a review of a fable by using the language in the reading text.Teaching key points:1. Analyse the organisation and language features of a fable.2. Cultivate students to write a review of a fable properly according to the outline given.Teaching difficult points:1. Enable students to find the basic meaning of the story.2. Enable students to write a story review with clear viewpoints and distinct layers.Teaching procedures:Step团Lead-in-small talkTalk about some fables students are familiar with then guide them to tell good morals and virtues in our traditional culture.T:Class,please look at the pictures. Do you know the fables or stories?Ss:The foolish old Man Who Removed the mountains, Houyi Shot the Suns, THe Hare and the Tortoise.T:What kind of good morals and virtues do the fables reflect?Ss:Hard-working,determined, be ready to help others,kind,diligent,persistent.Cultural Note伊索寓言相传为公元前6世纪被释放的古希腊奴隶伊索所著的寓言集, 并加入印度、阿拉伯及基督教故事,共357篇。伊索寓言中收录有300多则寓言,内容大多与动物有关。书中讲述的故 事简短精练,刻画出来的形象鲜明生动。每则故事都蕴含哲理,或揭露和批判社会 矛盾,或抒发对人生的领悟,或总结日常生活经验。该寓言集通过描写动物之间的 关系来表现当时的社会关系,主要是压迫者和被压迫者之间的不平等关系。寓言 作者谴责当时社会上人压迫人的现象,号召受欺凌的人团结起来与恶人进行斗争。伊索寓言对后世欧洲寓言的创作产生了重大的影响,不仅是西方寓言文 学的典范之作,也是世界上传播最多的经典作品之一。Step团 Reading for the main ideaActivity 1 Read the fable quickly and answer the questions.1 .Who placed the large stone on the road?2 .What did he do after placing the stone and gold coins there?3 .Why did he do so?Suggested answers:l.A king.4 .He hid himself and watched people's responses.5 .To teach his people a lesson.Activity 2 Use one sentence to summarise what happened in the story and write it down.(who) wanted to (why) so (what).Suggested answers:A king;teach his people a lesson;he placed a large stone on the road and hid gold coins under itStep团 Reading for detailsThis story presented different people's emotions and responses when theycame across the same problem.Complete the table according to the story.PersonExperienceEmotionResponsemilkmancrashed intoangry the stonewent awaywoman withwaterothervillagersyoung girlSuggested answers:PersonExperienceEmotionResponsemilkmancrashed into thestoneangrywent awaywomanwithwatertripped over thestonesadlimped away in tearsother villagerscomplained aboutthe stoneupsetnobody made anattempt to move the stoneyounggirlsucceeded in moving the stone to the side of the streettired, surprisedwanted to find theowner of the goldStep Reading for thinkingPair workWork in groups.Discuss the following questions.1 .What do you think this fable is trying to tell us?2 .Was the king wise? Why or why not?3 .Can you list similar things in your life when you felt and acted like the girl or like the other people in the story?Give examples.Suggested answers:l.lt is trying to tell us that we should take responsibility for our community,society and country.2.Yes,he was.Because as a ruleohe should pay attention to his people's morals and virtues.Only having good morals and virtues could he make his people live with each other in harmony,and his country may be in control and prosperity.No,he wasn't.Because no one learnt anything from his experiment.In the text,the milkman,the woman with watethe other villagers ignored and even complained about the stone and continued their journey.lt seemed that the social responsibility of the majority is too little just because they are busy with their own things.3.1 recently saw some children playing on a dangerous balcony,so I warned them it was dangerous and let them go somewhere else to pl ay. However, often I'm more like the milkman in the story because I'm very busy with my own work and worries.Step团Reading for writingWrite a review of the fableRead the outline and try to write a review of the fable.Paragraph 1:Basic information about the storyWhat is the title of the story?What kind of story is it?What is the main idea of the story?Paragraph 2:Your analysis of the storyWhat is the author's purpose?Were the details of the story clear?Do you think the story achieved its purpose?Paragraph 3:Your opinion about the storyWhat did you like about the story?What did you not like about the story?Would you recommend this story to others?Example:The title of the story is.It is a.The story tells.The author wrote.in order towas presented clearly.The author wassuccessful in.I like/dislike the story because.I was deeply moved by.My favourite part is that.I think.can be improved because.Suggested answers:The title of the story is The Stone in the Road AX is an old fable about a king who thought his people were lazy,so he put a large stone in the middle of the road and waited to see if anyone would move it.The author used this story to impress upon readers with the need to take personal responsibility for problems in the community.The story was quite successful in achieving its purpose,and I like it because it has a clear moral.However,while the moral of the story is clear,the actions of the king seemed pointless to me,because none of the characters in the story learnt anything.For this reason,! think there are better stories that can be used to impress upon people with the need for personal responsibility.Step团Evaluating and polishing the draftActivity 1 Exchange drafts.Use the checklists to give feedback on your partner's draft.1 .Does the writer give you a short description of the story?2 .Does the description include the most important details of the story?3 .Does the writer give his/her opinion about the characters or their actions?4 .1s the review well-organised?5 .Does the writer use the -ing form as the adverbial in the review?6 .Are there any grammar,spelling, or punctuation errors?StepH HomeworkRead the passage on pages 7071 and finish Activity 4.Write your own inspiring story about an act of kindness that you have seen or experienced.Story plannerUse an interesting sentence to catch the attention of your Beginning readers.Describe how the events developed.BodyUse specific words to describe the characters' feelings and the scene.Finish your story with one or two dear,strong sentences that tell Endingreaders the main point of the story.