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基于课程标准的教学评一致性教学设计学历案Module 1 Book 6 Intro+Reading and Vocabularythe wrong kind of Small Talk授课教师双流永安中学高二英语组欧阳课题名称The wrong kind of Small Talk课 型Intro+Reading时间40 分钟课标要求1 .从语篇中提取主要信息,理解语篇要义并了解Small Talk;2 . 了解英语国家人们在行为举止和待人接物等方面的社交技巧主题语境人与社会一.良好的人际关系与社会交往语篇类型说明文教材分析本模块是外研社版新标准英语选修6 Module 1 SmallTalk,主要通过 对Small Talk (寒暄、闲聊)的定义和事例诠释,引导学生识别错误或不恰当 的small talk,从而学习了解如何做到恰当地进行寒暄和闲聊,以达到联络感情, 增进相互了解,创造和谐融洽的交流氛围,提高社会交际能力。Introduction 部分对small talk的定义做了详尽的阐释,第一篇阅读文章How Good Are Your Social Skills对一些好的社交技巧进行了介绍。本课时所涉及的文本为本模块中的第二篇阅读文章The Wrong Kind of Small Talk.本文聚焦社交技巧中的闲聊。文本以Esther为主角贯穿始终,涉 及到对主人公Esther的工作及性格特点介绍,并以阐述和对话相结合的形式描 述了 Esther在7个不同场景中针对不同对象,因为不同原因所做的不恰当的 small talk,形象地呈现了她如何因为缺乏基本的社交技巧而做出不恰当的闲 聊,进而导致交际失败。本文作者旨在通过对Esther这个人物在不同场景针对不同对象所犯的错 误,让读者了解到什么是不恰当的small talk,引发读者思考Esther犯错误的原 因,以及应当如何依照不同场景,针对不同谈话对象恰当地进行small lalk,达 成交际目的,构建良好的人际关系。学情分析本次授课对象是高二年级八班的学生,学生具备一定的语言阅读理解和听 说能力。基本具备了阅读理解查找目标信息的能力,但是仍需要强化培养学生 对于阅读后总结,归纳和加工相应信息的能力。但本文的主人公为一位职场女 性,所涉及的部分场景离学生生活较远,比较难以理解,另外本文所涉及的生 词较多,也增加了文本理解的难度。同学们尽管对small talk这个话题比较熟 悉,但是不太了解对于如何依照不同场景,针对不同谈话对象恰当地进行small taikoLearning ObjectivesBy the end of the class, students will be able to1. Master the relevant vocabulary as awkward, outspoken, systematic mistakes,etc. And get the main idea and basic information for classifying seven different small talks.2. Through the group activity, students can basic text information and understand small talk further and conclude the reasons of wrong kind of small talk.Correct the wrong different kind of small talk for a better communication.3. Know the difference between china and western culture.TeachingProceduresTeacher's ActivityStudents' ActivityPurposeCorc-compctcnccTalk andLead-instart a wrong kind of small talk with a student and introduce some new words.Join in the talk and learn sonic new words.创设情境,引出主题和 部分生词,激发学生阅 读兴趣。Pre-readingShow a picture about four definition of small talkFind out what do they have in common弄清small talk的定 义,为后面的阅读做好 准备ReadingAsk students (o find out the basic information related to Esther. (Her job, character, problems and result.)Read and find out the information. Check the information with each other.快速阅读,获取与 Esiher相关的信息,为 深度阅读做好准备。语言能力:获取、概 括和加工信息。学习能力:自主学 习,合作学习Ask students to read the passage and find out the people Esther talked to.Read the text in detail and find out the related information.While-reading &FurtherUnderstandingGive group works to analyze what is wrong with the small talk respectively.Work in groups and figure out what is wrong with the small talk.分小组分类讨论,深入 剖析文本,理解不同场 景中small talk不恰当 的原因。并依据文本所 学内容总结出交际技 巧。为后面的修正错误 实践做准备。思维品质:整合文本 信息,对文本分类; 分析论证错误原因。 和概括文本。思考如 何修正错误。学习能力: 自主学习,合作学 习,探究学习。Start a brainstorm for communicative skills in small talk.List sonic skills for proper small talk.Draw students' attention to Situation 2 and Situation 3. Let them read and feel what is wrong. Guide students to find out more reasons for the mistakes in Esther's small talk.Read the dialogue aloud and feel Esther's tone. Analyze the mistakes in the small talk and prepare to make it right.Post-readingGet students to act out proper small talk to comfort the salesman in Situation 3 in pairs.Work in pairs, create proper small talk and act it out.小组合作,深入体会 small talk不恰当的原 因,并修正。语言能力:特定语境 中恰当交流的能力ConcludeConclude the communicative skills with students togetherDo homework after class.巩固复习所学内容,并 学以致用。学习能力/语言能 力:复习巩固所学内 容,恰当地运用所学 于实践。