INTR9018A - The East Asian Economy - Statement of Assessment MethodsThis topic contains 3 assessments, which are as follows: Essay (4000 words) - 60%. Class Attendance and Participation -10%, and Three Multiple Choice Question Tests - 30%Students MUST obtain an overall grade of 50% to pass the course. There are no hurdles.1. EssayThe principal assessment for this topic is an essay of 4,000 words (+/-10%) that will account for 60% of your grade. This essay is due 2 months after the end of your lectures and is to be submitted to the FLO (Flinders Learn Online) system for grading. If you are encountering difficulties with FLO, you are to submit your essay to your Nankai University tutor. A number of these essays are cross-marked and/or moderated by the Flinders University lecturer. This ensures fairness and evenness in the grading of your work and facilitates the identification of any unfair practices and plagiarised essays. Students will fail the topic and possibly the course if their submitted work is not their own. Please also note that late submissions will be penalised by a 5% deduction from the grade for every late day.If you are still unsure, consult the Topic Tutor or Lecturer.The goals of assessment in any Flinders topic include: Providing each student with a measure of their level of academic achievementProviding the correct incentives for students to acquire the necessary academic knowledge and professional sk川s Fulfilling the Flinders University duty to ensure that its credentials - from topic grades to the award of degrees - are bestowed according to the recognised standards.Essay QuestionsFor the 4,000-word essay, students must choose one of seven (7) questions. Students must use at least FOUR (4) of the required readings, which include the two recommended textbooks, from the topic guide and show the page number in their footnote to demonstrate they understand the required literature in the field of study (you will be emailed ALL of the required readings). Please note up to 20% of marks will be deducted where there are no course references listed, that is, a 5% penalty for each non-inclusion. The seven questions are provided below:1. How is China's economic development and international integration different from that of Japan's and Southeast Asia's? Discuss.2. How has the end of the Cold War affected the East Asian economy, in particular China and Japan? Discuss.3. Discuss in depth whether the 21st Century w川 be the Asian Century?4. What role has the United States played in the development of the East Asian economy, particularly China and Japan and do you expect this role to change in the future? Discuss.5. How has the economic development and dynamism of East Asia changed the global political economy and how do you expect this to continue into the future?6. Discuss the role Australia has played in shaping the regional architecture in East Asia through forums such as APEC, the ASEAN Regional Forum, the East Asia Summit and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and how do you see this continue into the future.7. Australia's largest trading relationship is now with China; a few years ago, it was Japan. Discuss the level of economic, trade and political integration Australia has with East Asia (Japan and China) and how you see this continuing into the future.In addition, students can write an essay on a topic of their choosing, though this must be relevant to the course topic and be discussed with the Topic Lecturer at the time lectures are delivered.Essay Assessment CriteriaIn assessing your essay, the Nankai Tutor and I will look for demonstrated effort and skill and in the following areasContent Extent and diversity of your research material Accuracy of your knowledge used Breadth and depth of knowledge used Relevance and currency of information used Evidence of documentation (including a reasonable selection of English sources)Understanding Comprehension of your chosen research question and argument Judgment of significance of research material Awareness/understanding of different arguments in available research materials Recognition of the implications of empirical evidence Ability to use International Relations concepts Ability to think critically Grasp of relevant theory Understanding of research and writing ethicsOriginality Judgment and initiative in research Development of a convincing argument Effective interpretation and use of evidence Independence in use of concepts and languageStyle Clarity in writing style Organization and presentation of essay Proper grammar and scholarly documentation.2. Attendance and ParticipationThe second mode of assessment is student participation, which will account for 10% of the grade. This grade w川 reflect not only attendance but also individual participation in discussions in lectures and seminars and/or for initiating relevant questions. I will from time to time invite responses from students to questions I will pose in lectures. I will note the names of students that respond and add to the discussion with well thought out answers and comments, and this will count for the 10% participation. Students* active participation in workshops will count for this grade.3. MCQ TestsThe third mode of assessment is a series of multiple-choice tests (MCQ), which will account for the remaining 30% of the grade. In total, these three will comprise 30 questions and it will be done in the last 30 minutes of 3 lectures. The MCQ tests will be based ONLY on the course lecture slides. The MCQ tests w川 be taken over 3 days (10 questions) at the end of the day. There will be 3 quizzes worth 10% each.