江苏专用江苏专用 20222022 高考英语二轮高考英语二轮复习专题限时检测十六阅读复习专题限时检测十六阅读理解理解 A A 篇送分练一篇送分练一专题限时检测十六专题限时检测十六阅读理解阅读理解 A A 篇送分练篇送分练(一一)(共共 5 5 篇,限时篇,限时 2525 分钟分钟)A ACorfu,GreeceCorfu,GreeceCorfuCorfu maymay bebe wellknownwellknownforforits party atmosphere,but itsits party atmosphere,but itsbeneathbeneaththethesurfacesurfaceofofitsitsshiningshining MediterraneanMediterranean waterswaters thatthat thingsthings getgetreally lively.really lively.Here,Here,youyoucancanputputononyouryourdivingdivingequipment on the beach and head out into theequipment on the beach and head out into thebaybay wherewhere youllyoull findfind a a rockrock wallwall reachingreaching totodepthsdepths ofof aroundaround 3030 meters,meters,shelteringsheltering a a widewidevariety of impressive wildlife.variety of impressive wildlife.Normandy,FranceNormandy,FranceAsAs oneone ofof thethe mostmost fascinatingfascinating divedive sitessitesin the world,the shores off the coast ofin the world,the shores off the coast ofNormandy in France offer divers a look intoNormandy in France offer divers a look into-2-2-the destruction of the Second World Warsthe destruction of the Second World Warsmost memorable battle.most memorable battle.This Normandy dive is aThis Normandy dive is abeautiful,yet haunting viewbeautiful,yet haunting viewintointo thethe past,past,thethe darkdark andand cloudycloudy waterswaters onlyonlyadding to the fascinating atmosphere of theadding to the fascinating atmosphere of thelocation.location.Lanzarote,SpainLanzarote,SpainOutOutononthetheeasterneasternreachesreachesofofthetheAtlanticAtlantic Ocean,Ocean,LanzaroteLanzarote sitssits inin thethe CanaryCanaryIslandsIslands andand isis thethe finestfinest ofof thethe lotslots whenwhen ititcomes to es to diving.An active volcanic island.An active volcanic island.The explosive power ofThe explosive power ofLanzaroteLanzarote hashas carvedcarved outout somesome trulytruly beautifulbeautifullandscapes over the years,both above andlandscapes over the years,both above andbelowbelow thethe waterswaters surface.surface.JustJust offoff thethe coastcoastof the island,youll find deep rock walls,of the island,youll find deep rock walls,-3-3-caves and trenches;striking,dramatic andcaves and trenches;striking,dramatic andteeming with(teeming with(遍布遍布)life.)life.Lofoten,NorwayLofoten,NorwaySetSet inin thethe southernsouthern reachesreaches ofof thethe ArcticArcticOcean,the waters that surround the LofotenOcean,the waters that surround the LofotenIslandsIslands ofof NorwayNorway areare teemingteeming withwith life.life.TheTheLofoten Islands offer striking sceneryLofoten Islands offer striking sceneryasasa abackdropbackdroptotoyouryourArcticArcticdivingdivingadventure.adventure.Beneath the waves,LofotenBeneath the waves,Lofotenis just as magnificent.is just as magnificent.Large species of coral,plants,fishes,Large species of coral,plants,fishes,crustaceans(crustaceans(甲壳纲动物甲壳纲动物)and jellyfish all)and jellyfish allcall the waters around Lofoten home,makingcall the waters around Lofoten home,makingfor some truly breathtaking divingfor some truly breathtaking divingexperiences.experiences.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了欧洲语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了欧洲四个著名的潜水胜地。四个著名的潜水胜地。-4-4-1 1Where should people go to enjoy sceneryWhere should people go to enjoy sceneryproduced by volcanos?produced by volcanos?A ALanzarote,Spain.Lanzarote,Spain.B B Normandy,Normandy,France.France.C CLofoten,Norway.Lofoten,Norway.D DCorfu,Greece.Corfu,Greece.解析:选解析:选 A A细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据 Lanzarote,Lanzarote,SpainSpain 局部中的“An局部中的“An activeactive volcanicvolcanic island.island.The explosive power of Lanzarote hasThe explosive power of Lanzarote hascarvedcarvedoutoutsomesometrulytrulybeautifulbeautifullandscapeslandscapes可知,可知,人们在西班牙的兰萨罗特人们在西班牙的兰萨罗特岛可以欣赏到火山造就的景色。应选岛可以欣赏到火山造就的景色。应选 A A。2 2What do the four places have in common?What do the four places have in common?A AThey all feature deep rock walls.They all feature deep rock walls.B BThey are all home to rare wildlife.They are all home to rare wildlife.C CThey are all diving destinations.They are all diving destinations.D D TheyTheyallallhavehavesomesomehistoricalhistoricalbackground.background.解析:解析:选选 C C细节理解题。细节理解题。根据根据 Corfu,Corfu,GreeceGreece-5-5-局局 部部 中中 的的“you“you cancan putput onon youryour divingdivingequipment on the beach and head out intoequipment on the beach and head out intothethe baybay,Normandy,Normandy,FranceFrance 局部中的“As局部中的“Asone of the most fascinating dive sites inone of the most fascinating dive sites inthethe worldworld,Lanzarote,Lanzarote,SpainSpain 局部中的“is局部中的“isthe finest of the lots when it comes tothe finest of the lots when it comes todivingdiving和和 Lofoten,Lofoten,NorwayNorway 局部中的“your局部中的“yourArctic diving adventureArctic diving adventure“breathtaking“breathtakingdivingdiving experiencesexperiences可知,这四个地方的共可知,这四个地方的共同之处在于它们都是潜水胜地。应选同之处在于它们都是潜水胜地。应选 C C。B BThe Kids FarmThe Kids FarmWhileWhile kidskids visitvisit vegetablevegetable plotsplots andandanimal contact areas,they will learn thatanimal contact areas,they will learn thatmost of the food we eat every day comes frommost of the food we eat every day comes fromfarms,farms,andand thatthat takingtaking carecare ofof animalsanimals takestakestime,commitment and knowledge.time,commitment and knowledge.Kids can see our cows,donkeys,goats,Kids can see our cows,donkeys,goats,-6-6-alpacas,alpacas,pigs,pigs,etc.etc.andand learnlearn allall aboutaboutlooking after farm animals.At the Caringlooking after farm animals.At the CaringCorral,Corral,theythey willwill havehave a a chancechance toto touchtouch cowscowsandanddonkeysdonkeysunderunderstaffstaffmembersmemberssupervision.supervision.Please NotePlease Note:Any time you touch an animal there isAny time you touch an animal there isa a riskrisk ofof spreadingspreading germsgerms(细菌细菌).).VisitorsVisitors totothethe KidsKids FarmFarm shouldshould washwash theirtheir handshands afteraftertouching the animals.touching the animals.TheThe CaringCaring CorralCorral isis openopen onlyonly whenwhen thethestaff are available;hours are limited.staff are available;hours are limited.TheThe KidsKids FarmFarm usesuses pizzapizza toto teachteach kidskidshowhowmanymanykindskindsofoffoodfoodgrow.grow.HandsonHandsonexhibits show how pizza ingredients go fromexhibits show how pizza ingredients go fromthe farm to the pizza.The Pizza Garden hasthe farm to the pizza.The Pizza Garden hassliceshapedsliceshapedplotsplots ofof growing ingredients,growing ingredients,including tomatoes,wheat and herbs.including tomatoes,wheat and herbs.-7-7-TheThe 22footwide22footwideGiantGiant PizzaPizza givesgiveskidskids a a placeplace toto playplay withwith oversizedoversized toppingstoppingsand each other.and each other.DuringDuring thethe busierbusier seasonseason(beginning(beginning ininJune),a free shuttle picks up visitors inJune),a free shuttle picks up visitors inneedneed ofof a a liftlift atat thethe KidsKids FarmFarm andand dropsdrops themthemoffoff atat PandaPanda Plaza/BusPlaza/Bus LotLot fromfrom 1111 a am.tom.to6 p6 pm.m.语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述了语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要讲述了孩子们在参观孩子们在参观 Kids FarmKids Farm 时会有什么收获以及时会有什么收获以及参观时的考前须知。参观时的考前须知。3.3.WhatWhat dodo visitorsvisitors needneed toto dodo beforebefore visitingvisitingthe Caring Corral?the Caring Corral?A AWash their hands.Wash their hands.B BMake a reservation.Make a reservation.C CCheck on its opening time.Check on its opening time.D DRead the instructions on safety.Read the instructions on safety.解析:解析:选选 C C细节理解题。细节理解题。根据根据 PleasePlease NoteNote 局局-8-8-部中的“The Caring Corral is open only部中的“The Caring Corral is open onlywhen the staff are available;hours arewhen the staff are available;hours arelimited.limited.可知,可知,CaringCaring CorralCorral 只有在农场只有在农场员工有空的时候才会开放,员工有空的时候才会开放,而且开放时间是有而且开放时间是有限制的。限制的。由此可知,由此可知,游客在参观游客在参观 CaringCaring CorralCorral之前需要确认其开放时间。应选之前需要确认其开放时间。应选 C C。4 4Why does the author write this passage?Why does the author write this passage?A ATo seek sponsors for the Kids Farm.To seek sponsors for the Kids Farm.B BToTo provideprovide informationinformation aboutabout thethe KidsKidsFarm.Farm.C CToTo encourageencourage kidskids toto protectprotect plantsplants andandanimals.animals.D DTo show kids how pizza and farms areTo show kids how pizza and farms areconnected.connected.解析:选解析:选 B B写作意图题。阅读全文可知,本写作意图题。阅读全文可知,本文主要介绍了孩子们在参观文主要介绍了孩子们在参观 Kids FarmKids Farm 时可时可以从中学到什么以及参观时的考前须知。以从中学到什么以及参观时的考前须知。由此由此可知,作者写作本文就是为了提供一些关于可知,作者写作本文就是为了提供一些关于-9-9-Kids FarmKids Farm 的信息,应选的信息,应选 B B。C C(2022镇江模拟(2022镇江模拟)Over)Over thethe pastpast fewfew years,years,smartsmart homehome techtech hashas becomebecome moremore andand moremoreaccessibleaccessible andand itsits increasinglyincreasingly easyeasy toto findfindthat youve bought a product that includesthat youve bought a product that includessmart home features.So what does a modernsmart home features.So what does a modernsmart home look like,and how can you startsmart home look like,and how can you startbuilding one?You could get to start makingbuilding one?You could get to start makingyour home smarter by the following gadgets.your home smarter by the following gadgets.ecobee 4ecobee 4*MeasuringMeasuringbothbothitsitsoccupancyoccupancyandand temperature,temperature,sensors signal your ecobee to automaticallysensors signal your ecobee to automaticallyswitch to the right mode.switch to the right mode.*ItIt onlyonly takestakes aboutabout 3030 minutes,minutes,thanksthanksto an easytofollow installation guide andto an easytofollow installation guide andan inapp stepbystep walkthrough.an inapp stepbystep walkthrough.-10-10-*Easily adjust temperature using your*Easily adjust temperature using yourvoice with builtin Alexa or from wherevervoice with builtin Alexa or from whereveryou are using your mobile devices.you are using your mobile devices.Amazon Smart PlugAmazon Smart Plug*Amazon Smart Plug works with Alexa to*Amazon Smart Plug works with Alexa toadd voice control.add voice control.*ScheduleSchedule appliancesappliances toto turnturn onon andand offoffautomatically,automatically,oror controlcontrol themthem remotelyremotely whenwhenyoure away.youre away.*Its simple to set up and use.Plug it*Its simple to set up and use.Plug itin,open the Alexa app,and start using yourin,open the Alexa app,and start using yourvoice.voice.The Philips Hue White Smart BulbThe Philips Hue White Smart Bulb*It works with Amazon Alexa to support*It works with Amazon Alexa to supportdimming through voice control.dimming through voice control.*ScheduleScheduleyouryourownowncustomcustomlightinglightingscenes.scenes.SetSet thethe smartsmart bulbsbulbs toto turnturn onon andand offoffat a preset time.at a preset time.-11-11-*To install,simply screw(*To install,simply screw(拧紧拧紧)the)thesmartsmart bulbsbulbs intointo youryour desireddesired lightlight location.location.*Control smartbulbequipped lamps and*Control smartbulbequipped lamps andoverhead lights via the Philips Hue app.overhead lights via the Philips Hue app.August Smart Lock ProAugust Smart Lock Pro*It works with Alexa for voice control*It works with Alexa for voice control(Alexa device sold separately).(Alexa device sold separately).*ControlControl keylesskeyless access.access.ItIt lockslocksautomaticallyautomatically behindbehind you,you,andand unlocksunlocks asas youyouapproach.approach.*InstallInstall itit inin aboutabout 1010 minutesminutes withwith justjusta screwdriver(a screwdriver(螺丝刀螺丝刀)语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几种家庭智能小物件,以及它们各自的特点和功几种家庭智能小物件,以及它们各自的特点和功能。能。5 5What do the four gadgets have in common?What do the four gadgets have in common?A AUseful Philips Hue apps.Useful Philips Hue apps.B BBeautiful lighting scenes.Beautiful lighting scenes.-12-12-C CEasy instaEasy installation and simple setup.llation and simple setup.D DPleasant temperature.Pleasant temperature.解析:选解析:选C C细节理解题。根据细节理解题。根据ecobeeecobee 4 4 中的中的第二点;第二点;AmazonAmazon SmartSmart PlugPlug 中的第三点;中的第三点;TheThePhilips Hue White Smart BulbPhilips Hue White Smart Bulb 中的第三点;中的第三点;August Smart Lock ProAugust Smart Lock Pro 中的第三点,可知它中的第三点,可知它们都易于安装且设置简单,应选们都易于安装且设置简单,应选 C C。6.This passage is intended to_.6.This passage is intended to_.A Aintroduce the gadgets of smart homeintroduce the gadgets of smart homeB Bprovide advice on home decorationprovide advice on home decorationC Ccompare the gadgets with otherscompare the gadgets with othersD Dshow the popularity of the gadgetsshow the popularity of the gadgets解析:选解析:选 A A写作意图题。根据第一段可知,写作意图题。根据第一段可知,文章旨在介绍几种家庭智能小物件的特点和文章旨在介绍几种家庭智能小物件的特点和功能,应选功能,应选 A A。D D(2022苏州模拟(2022苏州模拟)-13-13-WorldsWorlds bestbest beachesbeaches:20222022 TripAdvisorTripAdvisoraward winnersaward winnersNO.1 Clearwater BeachNO.1 Clearwater BeachItItliesliesininAmerica,America,aboutabouta afortyminute drive west of Tampa.Itfortyminute drive west of Tampa.Itimpressesimpresses travelerstravelers withwith twotwo andand a a halfhalfmilesmilesofofsugarwhitesugarwhitesand,sand,crystalclear waters andcrystalclear waters andgentle Gulf wind.The beachgentle Gulf wind.The beachoffersoffers calm,calm,shallowshallow waterwatermakingmakingititananidealidealplaygroundplaygroundforfortourists.tourists.*Bargain hotel nearby:Pier House*Bargain hotel nearby:Pier House60 Marina Hotel,from$293 per night60 Marina Hotel,from$293 per night*Airfare:*Airfare:AsAslowlowasas$71$71roundtrip from ORD(Chicago)to TPAroundtrip from ORD(Chicago)to TPA(Tampa)(Tampa)No.2 Siesta BeachNo.2 Siesta Beach-14-14-Just south of Sarasota,Just south of Sarasota,SiestaSiesta BeachBeach onon SiestaSiesta KeyKey isisknownknown forfor itsits eightmileeightmilestretch ofstretch ofsugarfine,sugarfine,quartzwhitequartzwhitesand.sand.ItsItsalso a great spot for kids to collectalso a great spot for kids to collectseashells and sand dollars.seashells and sand dollars.*Bargain hotel nearby:Tropical*Bargain hotel nearby:TropicalBeach Resorts.from$295 per nightBeach Resorts.from$295 per night*Airfare:*Airfare:AsAslowlowasas$238$238roundtriproundtripfromfrom EWREWR(Newark)(Newark)toto SRQSRQ(Sarasota)(Sarasota)No.3 Kaanapali BeachNo.3 Kaanapali Beach Among Amongthethemostmostvisitedvisited beachbeach inin WestWest Maui,Maui,this area is a popular spot for quietthis area is a popular spot for quietrelaxation or water sports.Its alsorelaxation or water sports.Its alsofamousfamousforforthethedailydailycliffcliffdivingdivingceremony off the beachs northernmostceremony off the beachs northernmost-15-15-cliffs known as Black Rock.cliffs known as Black Rock.*BargainBargain hotelhotel nearby:nearby:LahainaLahainaShores Beach Resort,from$289 perShores Beach Resort,from$289 pernightnight*Airfare:Airfare:AsAslowlowasas$382$382roundtriproundtripfromfrom SFOSFO(San(San Francisco)Francisco)totoOGG(Kahului)OGG(Kahului)No.4 South BeachNo.4 South Beach People watching is a People watching is agreat pastime in Miamisgreat pastime in MiamisSouth Beach,which draws celebritiesSouth Beach,which draws celebritiesand models.Travelers love the wide,and models.Travelers love the wide,fine,fin