糖尿病对Modic改变的影响及临床意义,临床医学硕士论文摘 要 目的:探究糖尿病及相关指标糖化血红蛋白、糖尿病病程对 Modic 改变MC的影响,评估其能否为 MC 发生的危险因素,并为预防 MC 发生提供新思路。 方式方法:回首性的收集了在 2020.01-2020.10 期间于福建医科大学附属文章为硕士论文,如需全文请点击底部下载全文链接】 材料和方式方法 1.1、研究对象 1.2、纳入与排除标准 1.3、影像学检查及评估 1.4、糖尿病的诊断及相关指标 1.5、 人口学资料分组 1.6、 统计学处理 结果 1.1 、组间人口学、实验室、影像学数据比拟(病例匹配前) 1.2 、Modic改变和Pfirrmann分级的分布情况 1.3、组间人口学、实验室、影像学数据比拟(病例匹配后) 1.4、各椎间隙能否存在Modic 改变与Pfirrmann分级关联 1.5、 Modic改变危险因素的条件Logistic 回归分析 讨论. 4. 小结 经过 30 余年的发展,MC 由于其可引起 LBP 的特点日益得到重视,当前已有不少学者针对其发生机制、危险因素及防治方式方法进行探究,但当前 MC 的发病机制尚未完全明确,仍需进一步研究,以更好地指导临床防治。除此之外,当前关于 MC危险因素的研究范围仍较为局限,且部分因素对 MC 发生的影响仍存在争议。故关于 MC 发生的危险因素探究应该进一步深切进入,努力减少、消除危险因素,并进而减少因 MC 发生而遭受 LBP 困扰的情况。 以下为参考文献 1 MODIC M T, MASARYK T J, ROSSJ S, CARTER J R. Imaging of degenerative di sk di seaseJ. Radiology, 1988, 168(1): 177-186. 2 MODIC M T, STEINBERGP M, ROSS J s, MASARYK T J, CARTERJ R. Degenerative disk disease: assmnent of changes in vertebral body marow wth MR imagingJ. Radiol ogy, 1988, 166(1): 193-199. 3 PETERSON C K, GATTERMAN B, CARTERJ C, HUMPHREYS B K, WEIBEL A. Inter- and Intr aexaniner Reliabiity in Identi fying and Cl assifying Degenerative Marrow (Mo dic) Changes on Lumb ar Spine Magnetic Resonance ScansJ. Jourmal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeuti cs, 2007, 30(2): 85-90. 4 DUDLI s, HASCHTMANN D, FERGUSON s J. Persistent degenerative changes in the intervertebral di sc after burst fracture in an in vitro model m mi cking physiological post-traumatic conditi onsJ. Eur Spine J, 2021, 24(9): 1901-1908 . 5 GEORGY M, STERN M, MURPHY K. What Is the Role of the Bacterium Propi onib acterium acnes in Type 1 M odic Changes? A Review of the Literature. Can Assoc RadiolJ, 2021, 68(4): 419-424. 6 ALBERT H B, LAMBERT P, ROLLASON J, SORENSENJ S, WORTHINGTONT, PEDERSEN M B, NORGAARD H s, VERNALLIS A, BUSCH F, MANNICHE C, ELLIOTT T Does nuclear tissue infected with bacteria following disc hermi ations lead to M odic changes in the adjacent vertebrae?J. Eur Spine J, 2020, 22(4): 690-696. 7 W ANG F,JIANGJ M, DENG C H, WANG FL, FU Z Z, ZHANG Z F. Expr ession of F as receptor and ap optosis in vertebral endplates with degenerative disc du seases categorized as M odic typeI or IIJ. Injury, 2018, 42(8): 790-795. 8 GEISS A LARSSON K, JUNEVIK K, RYDEVIK B, OLM ARKER K. Autologous nucleus pulpo sus primes T cells to develop into interleukin -4-produaing effector cell s: an exp erimental study on the autoimune prop erties of nucleus pulposusJ. J Othop Res, 2018, 27(1): 97-103. 9 RAJASEKARAN S, KANNA R M, REDDY R R NATESAN S, RAVEENDRANM,CHEUNGKMC,CHAND,KAOPYP,YEEASHETTYAP.HowReliable Are the Reported Geneti c Asso ci ations in Disc Degenerati on?: The Influence of Phenotypes, Age, Population Size, and Inclusion Sequence in 809 PatientsJ. Spine(Phila Pa 1976), 2021, 41(21): 1649-1660. 10 KLAWITTER M, HAKOZAKI M, KOBAYASHI H, KRUPKOVA O, QUERO L,OSPELT C, GAY s, HAUSM ANN O, LIEBSCHER T, MEIER U, SEKIGUCHI M,KONNO Ss, BOOS N, FERGUSON S J, WUERTZ K. Expression and regulation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) in human intervertebral di sc cellsJ Eur Spine J, 2020, 23(9):1878-1891. 11 ZHAO F, POLLINTINE P, HOLEB D, DOLAN P, AD AMS M A. Discogenic Onigins of Spinal InstabiltyJ. Spine, 2005, 30(23): 2621-2630. 12 KUISMA M, KARPPINEN J, HAAPEA M, NINIM?KIJ, OJALA R HELI?VAARA M, KORPELAINEN R KAIKKONEN K, TAIMELA S, NATRI A. Are the determinants ofvertebral endplate changes and severe dusc degeneration in the lumb ar spine the same? A magnetic resonance imaging studly in middle-aged male workersJ. Bmc Musculoskel etal Disorders, 2008, 9(1): 51. 13 MOK F P, SAMARTZIS D, KARPPINEN J, FONG D Y, LUK K D, CHEUNG KM. Modic changes of the lumbar spine: pr evalence, ni sk factors, and asso a ation with di sc degeneration and low back pain in a large-scale popul atal on-b ased cohortJ. SpineJ, 2021, 16(1): 32-41.