乡村留守青年犯罪及其原因研究,农村研究论文本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 乡村留守青年犯罪及其原因研究【1.1 - 1.3】【1.4 1.5】【论文中,通过对某县的一起入室抢劫杀人案的全面、深切进入解读,验证了笔者关于留守少年犯罪成因的理论分析。增加了此篇论文的讲服力。基于此分析,笔者以为应该从社会支持层面出发,构建家庭、学校、社会一体的社会支持网络,强化全社会的救助气力;同时应不断完善现有司法体系,尝试将专业的社会工作引入农村社区;运用各项举措共同预防农村留守少年犯罪行为的发生。 本文关键词语:农村留守少年;留守少年犯罪;象征性交互作用 ABSTRACT Rural migrant workers are the main source of labor force in the rapid development of thecity in China. With the rapid development of China s industrialization, urbanization andmodernization ,the trend that surplus rural labor force to cities is still aggravate. On the onehand, rural migrants who have moved to cities to work have promoted the city s economicconstruction, on the other hand, with the rapid increase of floating population, the amount ofleft-behind juvenile in the Countryside are forced separated from their parents is increasing. The problem of left-behind juvenile in the countryside provide much material for thought,which should be solved immediately. The left-behind juvenile in the countryside is a special groups during the turning-pointperiod of our society that be delivered by one of the parents or elders, others to support,education and management because one or both parents long-term working outside. In 2020,alatest research of the status report of left-behind children in the countryside and the floatingchildren in urban and rural areas from Chinese Women s Federation released , the amount ofthis group have achieved 6102.55 millions, and because of the size of this group continued toexpand, under the trend of urbanization, this particular group receives survival predicamentand psychological predicament, seriously affected their normal socialization. Even to theextent that some of them committed crimes. The emergence of this phenomenon and to further expand makes people worrying. Forthis, researching the question of crimes from left-behind juvenile in the countryside andanalysis of the orientation of the value of crime and psychological motive have an importantacademic value and the policy meaning to deep-acknowledge 、prevent and reduce crimesfrom left-behind children in the countryside and help this group s healthy growth .At the sametime, to explain the phenomenon of crime of rural left-behind juvenile from the sociologicalperspective and put forward the countermeasures to prevent and reduce crimes of ruralleft-behind juvenile, which have a far-reaching significance to compensate for the increasedlevel of legal control laws transformation period highlights the vulnerability in the society andfurther perfect our country s legal system construction . This paper using a perspective of Symbolic interaction theory , through in-depthanalysis of a real case of house robbery and homicide from left-behind juvenile in thecountryside, research suggests that the defects of socialization of left-behind juvenile causeparanoid values and psychological mechanism that this group feel abandoned or not to beconcerned. So part of them choose an action strategy on the contrary of the mainstream socialexpectations, that is they want to prove personal ability and raise their own presence byimplementing illegal crimes, they exert influence on others in the crime to counter theindividual faced in the practical level of low status, emotional needs cannot be satisfiedthrough legal means of persistent survival predicament and self-abased psychology. The lackof external support, exacerbated by the possibility of the crime. Based on this analysis, Fromthe point of view of social support level,the author think should putting forward a proposalsthat build a social support network of family, school, social development、strengthen therescue force, at the same time, the government should continue to improve the existing legalsystem, the establishment of village correction mode; joint prevention and reduce theincidence of left behind juvenile criminal acts. KEY WORDS: Left-behind juvenile in the countryside , The left behind juveniledelinquency,Symbolic Interaction Theory 目 录 第一章 导论 1.1 研究背景 1.2 研究目的与意义 1.2.1 研究目的 1.2.2 研究意义 1.3 国内外研究综述 1.3.1 国外研究现在状况 1.3.2 国内研究现在状况 1.3.3 国内外研究述评 1.4 研究根据 1.4.1 理论根据 1.4.3 现实根据 1.5 研究方式方法 1.5.1 文献研究法 1.5.2 个案研究法 1.5.3 求全法 1.6 创新点 1.6.1 研究视角新意 1.6.2 研究方式方法新意 第二章 农村留守少年的生存现在状况 2.1 农村留守青少年大概情况 2.1.1 人口规模 2.1.2 监护类型 2.2 农村留守少年的生存现在状况 2.2.1 社会化不健全 2.2.2 教育问题 2.2.3 心理窘境 2.2.4 安全问题 2.2.5 留守青少年犯罪已成为社会问题 第三章 农村留守少年的犯罪特征 3.1 犯罪率提高 3.2 犯罪低龄化 3.3 侵财型案件居多 3.4 以团伙抢劫盗窃为主 3.5 连续性犯罪 第四章 农村留守少年犯罪的成因分析 4.1 主观因素 4.2 客观因素 4.2.1 家庭背景 4.2.2 学校环境 4.2.3 社会因素 4.2.4 同辈群体 第五章 预防农村留守少年犯罪的考虑及建议 5.1 几点考虑 5.1.1 家庭、学校、社会的教养职责 5.1.2 发展型社会政策的制定 5.2 对策建议 5.2.1 完善留守少年司法保卫体系 5.2.2 重构留守少年社会支持网络 5.2.3 强化留守少年生活环境的综合治理 5.2.4 尝试将专业社会工作引入农村社区 5.2.5 农村留守少年努力完善自个,实现自我价值 以下为参考文献 致 谢