财务报表分析英文以下为参考文献(精选121个最新,以下为参考文献如今经济全球化以及互联网大数据飞速发展,人们对财务报表分析的质量也要求越来越高,如何才能做好报表分析工作,更好地为报表使用者提供及时准确的信息也变得尤为重要。以下为搜索整理的财务报表分析英文以下为参考文献。欢迎借鉴参考。 财务报表分析英文以下为参考文献一: 1B. Houghtaling,E. Serrano,S. Misyak,G. Davis,V. Kraak. An Analysis of Frequent SNAP-Authorized Food Retailers Corporate Social Responsibility Statements for Behavioral Economic Strategies Used to Promote Healthful Food and Beverage PurchasesJ. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics,2021,117(9). 2Khoudja Ali-Benyahia,Zoubir-Mehdi Sbarta?,Denys Breysse,Said Kenai,Mohamed Ghrici. Analysis of the single and combined non-destructive test approaches for on-site concrete strength assessment: General statements based on a real case-studyJ. Case Studies in Construction Materials,2021,6. 3Georgios A. Papanastasopoulos. J.M.WahlenS.P.BaginskiM.BradshawReview of Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective9th ed.2021Cengage Learning978-1337614689(995 pp., $228.25)J. International Journal of Accounting,2021,53(2). 4Ryan G. Short,Nicholas T. Befera,Jenny K. Hoang,Tina D. Tailor. A Normal Thyroid by Any Other Name: Linguistic Analysis of Statements Describing a Normal Thyroid Gland from Noncontrast Chest CT ReportsJ. Journal of the American College of Radiology,2021. 5Jessica Hresc,Emily Riley,Patrick Harris. Mining project s economic impact on local communities, as a social determinant of health: A documentary analysis of environmental impact statementsJ. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,2021,72. 6Gregory A. Jonas. Asian Financial Statement Analysis: Detecting Financial Irregularities. Thomas R. Robinson and ChinHwee Tan. John Wiley amp; Sons, Inc. Hoboken, New Jersey. Copyright ? 2020 by CFA Institute. 192 pages; Hardcover $36.34 (Amazon). ISBN 978-1-118-48652-8J. Research in Accounting Regulation,2021,29(2). 7Yi Hsin Lin,Chris Ryan,Nicholas Wise,Li Wen Low. A content analysis of airline mission statements: Changing trends and contemporary componentsJ. Tourism Management Perspectives,2021,28. 8Laura Ostapenko,Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey,Jessica Walling Sublette,Douglas S. Smink,Nora Y. Osman. Textual Analysis of General Surgery Residency Personal Statements: Topics and Gender DifferencesJ. Journal of Surgical Education,2021,75(3). 9Jo?o Ant?nio Salvador de Souza,Jean Carlo Rissatti,Suliani Rover,Jos Alonso Borba. The linguistic complexities of narrative accounting disclosure on financial statements: An analysis based on readability characteristicsJ. Research in International Business and Finance,2022,48. 10Justin Walthers,Tim Janssen. A Sequential Analysis of Clinician Skills and Client Change Statements in a Brief Motivational Intervention for Young Adult Heavy DrinkingJ. Behavior Therapy,2022,50(4). 11John R. McKean,Donn M. Johnson. Difficulties for cost-benefit analysis in the 2020 environmental impact statement to recover the endangered wild salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River BasinJ. Journal of Environmental Management,2022,246. 12Gardner Benjamin,Smith Lee,Mansfield Louise. How did the public respond to the 2021 expert consensus public health guidance statement on workplace sedentary behaviour? A qualitative analysis.J. BMC public health,2021,17(1). 13Sommer Rachel,Bullinger Monika,Chaplin John,Do Ju-Ky,Power Mick,Pleil Andreas,Quitmann Julia. Experiencing health-related quality of life in paediatric short stature - a cross-cultural analysis of statements from patients and parents.J. Clinical psychology amp; psychotherapy,2021,24(6). 14Kelly Brendan D,Foley Sharon R. Analysis of last statements prior to execution: methods, themes and future directions.J. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians,2021. 15Foley S R,Kelly B D. Forgiveness, spirituality and love: thematic analysis of last statements from Death Row, Texas (2002-2021).J. QJM : monthly journal of the Association of Physicians,2021. 16Stocker Ladina. The Impact of Foreign Accent on Credibility: An Analysis of Cognitive Statement Ratings in a Swiss Context.J. Journal of psycholinguistic research,2021,46(3). 17Ostapenko Laura,Schonhardt-Bailey Cheryl,Sublette Jessica Walling,Smink Douglas S,Osman Nora Y. Textual Analysis of General Surgery Residency Personal Statements: Topics and Gender Differences.J. Journal of surgical education,2021. 18Federer Lisa M,Belter Christopher W,Joubert Douglas J,Livinski Alicia,Lu Ya-Ling,Snyders Lissa N,Thompson Holly. Data sharing in PLOS ONE: An analysis of Data Availability Statements.J. PloS one,2021,13(5). 19Mah G,Boulon C,D sormais I,Lacroix P,Bressollette L,Guilmot J L,Le Hello C,Sevestre M A,Pernod G,Constans J,Boissier C,Bura-Rivi re A. College of the French Vascular Medicine Teachers (CEMV) statement: Arterial Doppler waveforms analysis (simplified Saint-Bonnet classification).J. Journal de medecine vasculaire,2021,43(4). 20Hofmeister Erik H,Diehl Kathryn A,Creevy Kate E,Pashmakova Medora,Woolcock Andrew,Lyon Shane. Analysis of Small Animal Rotating Internship Applicants Personal Statements.J. Journal of veterinary medical education,2021. 21Walthers Justin,Janssen Tim,Mastroleo Nadine R,Hoadley Ariel,Barnett Nancy P,Colby Suzanne M,Magill Molly. A Sequential Analysis of Clinician Skills and Client Change Statements in a Brief Motivational Intervention for Young Adult Heavy Drinking.J. Behavior therapy,2022,50(4). 22Law Miranda G,Marriott Jennifer,Usifoh Cyril,Acheampong Franklin,Muungo Lungwani,Adome Richard Odoi,Monera-Penduka Tsitsi G,Ndzabala Nettie,Eckel Stephen F. An analysis of hospital pharmacy practice in six countries of sub-Saharan Africa based on the International Pharmaceutical Federation Basel Statements on the future of hospital pharmacy.J. The International journal of pharmacy practice,2022. 23Howard Benjamin,Chapman Chris,Meyer Chase,Walters Corbin,Vassar Matt. Analysis of completeness of reporting utilizing the Reporting Items for practice Guidelines in Healthcare Statement in gastroenterology clinical practice guidelines.J. International journal of evidence-based healthcare,2022. 24Azaryan H. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE SKIN FUNCTIONAL STATEMENT CORRECTION METHODS IN WOMEN WITH 3-RD DEGREE OF PHOTO AGING.J. Georgian medical news,2022(290). 25Sotgiu A,Demurtas A,Cannas N,Sias E,Tobarra-L pez A,Contu P. The Curitiba Statement on Health Promotion and Equity: Italian version and analysis of criticalities.J. Annali di igiene : medicina preventiva e di comunita,2021,30(3). 26Mtande Tiwonge K,Weijer Charles,Hosseinipour Mina C,Taljaard Monica,Matoga Mitch,Goldstein Cory E,Nyambalo Billy,Rosenberg Nora E. Ethical issues raised by cluster randomised trials conducted in low-resource settings: identifying gaps in the Ottawa Statement through an analysis of the PURE Malawi trial.J. Journal of medical ethics,2022,45(6). 27Mertz Marcel,Fischer Tobias,Salloch Sabine. The value of bioethical research: A qualitative literature analysis of researchers statements.J. PloS one,2022,14(7). 28Rosen Brittany L,Bishop James M,Anderson Ryan,Real Francis J,Klein Melissa D,Kreps Gary L. A content analysis of HPV vaccine online continuing medical education purpose statements and learning objectives.J. Human vaccines amp; immunotherapeutics,2022,15(7-8). 29Wartenberg Katja E,Hwang David Y,H?usler Karl Georg,Muehlschlegel Susanne,Sakowitz Oliver W,Mad?ar Dominik,Hamer Hajo M,Rabinstein Alejandro A,Greer David M,Hemphill J Claude,Meixensberger Juergen,Varelas Panayiotis N. Gap Analysis Regarding Prognostication in Neurocritical Care: A Joint Statement from the German Neurocritical Care Society and the Neurocritical Care Society.J. Neurocritical care,2022. 30McKean John R,Johnson Donn M. Difficulties for cost-benefit analysis in the 2020 environmental impact statement to recover the endangered wild salmon and steelhead in the Columbia River Basin.J. Journal of environmental management,2022,246. 财务报表分析英文以下为参考文献二: 31Smith. The Functional Use of Religion When Faced with Imminent Death: An Analysis of Death Row Inmates Last StatementsJ. The Sociological Quarterly,2021,59(2). 32Jason Ranker. Uses of multimodal statements on the playground: a Foucaultian approach to multimodal discourse analysisJ. Social Semiotics,2021,28(2). 33Adriana Morales-Guerrero,Tha s P. Miranda,Antonio C. Marques. Comparison between Parsimony Analysis of Endemicity (PAE), Endemicity Analysis (EA), and an alternative coding of Three-Distribution Statements based on hypothetical distributionsJ. Systematics and Biodiversity,2021,15(5). 34Gkinopoulos. Positioning groups across time: a qualitative analysis of the use of temporal account in commemorative political statementsJ. Qualitative Research in Psychology,2021,14(3). 35Stephanie Gerow,Mandy Rispoli,Margot B. Boles,Leslie C. Neely. An analysis of contingency statements in a DRO procedure: A case reportJ. Developmental Neurorehabilitation,2021,18(3). 36Zachary Wayne Taylor. The semantic reactivity of red, blue, and purple: A linguistic analysis of post-election statements made by executive leadership of three public flagship universitiesJ. Cogent Education,2021,4(1). 37Vargas-Herrera,Moya-Marchant. Spiritual development: understanding and importance in schools: an analysis based on statements made by school directors from Valpara so, ChileJ. International Journal of Children s Spirituality,2021,23(3). 38Paul Moffett,William H. Weare. Service Philosophy Statements in Academic Libraries: A Qualitative Content AnalysisJ. Public Services Quarterly,2021,14(2). 39Marco Seeber,Vitaliano Barberio,Jeroen Huisman,Jelle Mampaey. Factors affecting the content of universities mission statements: an analysis of the United Kingdom higher education systemJ. Studies in Higher Education,2022,44(2). 40Lydia Pryce-Jones. How Do Academic Libraries Adapt Within an Ever Increasing Marketized Higher Education Landscape? A Comparison and Analysis of University Library Mission Statements in Germany and the UKJ. New Review of Academic Librarianship,2021,24(3-4). 41Rosen,Bishop,Anderson,Real,Klein,Kreps. A content analysis of HPV vaccine online continuing medical education purpose statements and learning objectivesJ. Human Vaccines amp; Immunotherapeutics,2022,15(7-8). 42Qi Li,Miao Feng. Analysis of Financial Statements of Banking Industry Based on Harvard Analysis-Taking Bank of China as an ExampleP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management, Education and Social Science (ICMESS 2021),2021. 43Xiaolu Li. Analysis of Financial Statements of the Panel Industry under the Harvard Analytical Framework Taking BOE as an ExampleP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Social Science and Management Innovation (SSMI 2021),2022. 44Hongxia Li,Sihong Li,Xiaoning Hu. Practice of Action Oriented Teaching for Financial Statements Analysis CourseP. Proceedings of the 2021 2nd International Seminar on Education Innovation and Economic Management (SEIEM 2021),2021. 45Wenjie Xu. Research and Analysis of Material Misstatement Risks of Financial StatementP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Education Technology, Management and Humanities Science,2021. 46Wei Weng,Xiaoyuan Zhu,Ningbang Wang,Bo Peng. Analysis on the Whitewashing Motivation of Financial Statement of Listed Real Estate Companies in ChinaP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Education Science and Social Development (ESSD 2021),2021. 47Yongming Pan,Ziwei Li. Research on the Analysis of the Cost of Logistics Enterprises Analysis Based on the Financial Statements of 15 Logisitics Listing EnterprisesP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Education Technology, Management and Humanities Science,2021. 48M. Afif,Sri Mulyani. Determinants Analysis The Importance of Accounting, Quality of Financial Statements, and Implementation of Financial accounting standards for entities without public accountability (SAK ETAP) on SME Fostered by PT. Telkom TBKP. Proceedings of the International Conference, Integrated Microfinance Management for Sustainable Community Development (IMM 2021),2021. 49Heng-Jie Xu,Hengjie Xu. Educating Users on the Key Factors that Contribute to the Usefulness of Financial Statement AnalysisP. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Education and Development (ICED 2021),2021. 50Teguh Sugiarto,Amir Indra Budiman,Iin Rosini. The First Digits Analysis Until the Fifth Benford Law in Financial StatementP. Proceedings of the International Conference on Ethics in Governance (ICONEG 2021),2021. 51Ping Xiao. The Application of Financial Statement Analysis in Strategic ManagementP. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Management, Economics, Education and Social Sciences (MEESS 2021),2021. 52?ota, Stanislav. The analysis of pastoral efforts after the promulgation of the document You are Christ for us and for all people. Statements and Decisions of the Second Synod of the Diocese of ?akovo and SrijemJ. Diacovensia : teolo?ki prilozi,2022. 53. Craig and Thorne Bay Ranger Districts, Tongass National Forest; Alaska; Prince of Wales Landscape Level Analysis Project Environmental Impact StatementJ. The Federal Register / FIND,2021,81(230). 54. Science; Studies Conducted by G. Niveau et al on Forensic Science Recently Reported (Inter-rater Reliability of Criteria-Based Content Analysis of Children s Statements of Abuse)J. Science Letter,2021. 55Linda R Wadas. Mission statements in academic libraries: a discourse analysisJ. Library Management,2021,38(2/3). 56Bob Greenwood. Internal operating statement elements and analysisJ. Motor Age,2021,137(6). 57. Notice of Availability of the Draft Supplement Analysis of the Complex Transformation Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact StatementJ. The Federal Register / FIND,2022,84(125). 58. Science; New Social Science Findings Reported from University of Pompeu Fabra (Discourse analysis of statements of purpose: Connecting academic and professional genres)J. Science Letter,2021. 59Ryozo Kitajima,Ryotaro Kamimura. Accumulative Information Enhancement In The Self-Organizing Maps And Its Application To The Analysis Of Mission StatementsJ. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research,2021,5(3). 60Jacek Gad. Components of Comprehensive Income and Statement of Changes in Equity: An Analysis of Public Companies Reporting Practices in Poland and GermanyJ. Management and Business Administration,2021,23(3). 财务报表分析英文以下为参考文献三: 61Lin Wang. The Effect of Compensation System on the Dispute Resolution of Securities False Statement in China: A Law and Economics AnalysisJ. Asian Journal of Law and Economics,2021,9(3). 6