房地产投资对制造行业转型升级的作用探究,金融硕士论文In recent years, China s real estate industry has been gaining momentum and investment has increased year by year. Real estate prices in many large cities have continued to rise, and even real estate bubbles have emerged. The prosperity of the real estate industry has also played an increasingly prominent role in other domestic industries. The manufacturing industry occupies an important position in the overall economic and social situation, and has made important contributions to boosting China s employment rate and promoting economic growth. However, the problems of the lagging manufacturing industry, the lack of innovation capacity, and excess production capacity have become increasingly apparent, forming a stark contrast with it. In contrast, the real estate industry has a higher return on investment. Is therea necessary connection between real estate and manufacturing? Does real estate investment have a positive or negative inhibitory effect on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry? In view of the above problems, this article conducts research. This article takes China s real estate investment and manufacturing industry upgrading as the main research object. First, it sorts out the theoretical literature of real estate investment and manufacturing industry upgrading. Based on previous studies, it divides the manufacturing industry structure into high-end, mid-range, and low-end. High-end technology manufacturing industry; secondly, it analyzes the current situation of China s real estate investment and manufacturing industry upgrading, and points out the problems of current development. Then it explores the mechanism of China s real estate investment on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and finds that real estate investment will promote the upgrading of the manufacturing industry through industrial linkage effects, wealth effects, and financial acceleration effects; at the same time, real estate investment will also increase costs and squeeze out investment. Effect, consumption crowding out effect, technological innovation crowding out effect, and labor crowding out effect restrain the manufacturing industry from upgrading. Third, this paper selects panel data from 30 provinces and cities in China from 2008 to 2021, and establishes a panel data model to empirically analyze the impact of China s real estate investment on the upgrading of the manufacturing industry, and to the real estate investment in the eastern, central, and western regions of China. The effect of real estate investment on industrial upgrading is compared. The empirical result is that real estate investment has a negative inhibitory effect on the manufacturing industry upgrading,and there are significant differences in the eastern, central, and western regions. In the long run, the greater the real estate investment, the more the real estate market develops. Is not conducive to the upgrading of the industrial structure of the manufacturing industry. Finally,based on the conclusions of the full text, put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions: control the scale of real estate investment and avoid blind growth of real estate investment; strengthen the development of high-end technology manufacturing and promote the upgrading of the manufacturing industry; improve the level of opening up and enhanceManufacturing industry s independent innovation capabilities; deepening supply-side structural reforms, promoting financial services to the real economy; promoting coordinated development of the real estate industry and manufacturing industries, and promoting high-quality economic development. Keywords Real estate investment Financial development Upgrading of manufacturing industry Panel data。 第一章 绪论。 1.1 研究的背景及意义。 1.1.1 研究背景。 改革开放以来,我们国家房地产行业迎来了史无前例的发展机遇,房地产投资额逐年增加,其增长速度超越了其他非房地产投资的增长速度。在 1998 年,我们国家进行了房地产改革,取消了福利性分房制度,使住宅投资成为国民经济的增长点。固然经历了 2008年金融危机的洗礼,使房地产投资增速减缓,但是在一系列政策的刺激下,房地产投资再次恢复高增长。根据统计数据,2021 年我们国家房地产开发投资额增长到 120263.51亿元,是 2008 年投资额的三倍之多。与此同时,房地产业的快速发展也带动了相关产业的进步,对原材料加工、建筑业、制造业以及服务业等领域起到了很好的拉动作用,很多房地产企业也从中获得了宏大的投资收益,伴随着房地产市场的繁荣,房地产业也逐步成为促进经济增长的主导产业。近年来,制造业总体上发展迅速,产业增加值不断上升,数据显示,2021 年制造业 同比增长 6.2%,在全球经济逐步回归 实体经济 的浪潮中,我们国家制造业的迅速崛起使得我们国家逐步成为制造大国。然而,在发展制造业经济的同时,我们国家曾一度牺牲 青山绿水 来换取高速的经济增长,资源环境遭到了严重毁坏,根据这样的发展形式是不利于经济的可持续发展的。现前阶段,我们国家经济发展已经进入新常态,经济环境正处在转型的关键时期,我们迫切需要推动制造业产业转型升级,把制造业做大做强,使制造业跟上时代的脚步。 2018 年,我们国家制造业增加值成功超越美国,标志着我们国家夺得了 全球第一制造大国 称号。但是,以往的制造业产业建立在资源密集型产业的框架下,导致了资源浪费、环境污染日趋严重;伴随着人口红利和劳动力成本优势的逐步消失,制造业企业的发展步履维艰,很多制造业产业正面临着融资困难、产能过剩、技术水平低、地区之间发展不平衡等问题。反观房地产市场,房地产企业的平均利润较高,房地产业较高的投资利润率使社会上的资金被房地产市场所吸纳,越来越多的资金进入房地产行业,造成房价持续走高,致使房地产市场出现泡沫,使得 高房价 、 高库存 、 低消费 的现象日益显现。种种迹象表示清楚,投资利润较高的房地产业越来越多地吸引社会上的资本,一方面,越来越多的资金被房地产市场所吸纳,使得本来用于制造业产业升级的资金被挤占;另一方面,在房地产的宏大利润诱惑下,制造业企业会将资金从实体经济中抽离出来,改投利润较高的房地产业,不仅使房地产市场投机现象严重,还会使制造业企业陷入发展窘境,再加上持续攀高的房地产价格必然导致企业的劳动力成本上涨,企业的成本支出增加,不利于制造业企业转型升级。 1.1.2 研究意义。 1. 理论意义。 现有文献中,有关房地产业影响宏观经济增长的文献较多,研究制造业产业构造转型升级的文献也很丰富,而鲜有文献研究房地产投资对制造业产业构造升级的影响。本文在现有研究文献的基础上,探究房地产业和制造业两大行业之间的内在联络,找出房地产投资对制造业产业升级影响的传导机制,进一步完善房地产投资与制造业产业升级之间的研究理论,对房地产业和制造业的健康发展具有理论上的指导意义。 2. 现实意义。 房地产业和制造业都是我们国家国民经济中的重要产业,在稳定房地产市场的基础上,怎样推动制造业转型升级是当下需要解决的问题。本文在我们国家制造业需要进行产业转型升级的背景下,研究房地产投资对制造业产业升级的影响,解决当下两大行业存在的突出问题,从多个角度实证分析房地产投资对我们国家制造业产业升级的影响,以此得出结论,为更好地实现金融服务实体经济,促进制造业产业转型升级具有一定的现实意义。 1.2 国内外文献综述。 1.2.1 房地产业对制造业的促进效应。 Harris 和 Arku2006以为房地产投资能够给国家劳动力市场带来活力,增加劳动力供应,减少失业率,带动相关产业发展,有利于推动经济增长。Chaney 等2018通过 1993-2007 年的面板数据,构建面板数据模型,研究了美国房地产价格波动与企业投资、融资之间存在的必然联络,发现企业在房价上涨的基础上,企业能够通过抵押担保效应获得更多的融资,进而有利于企业的扩大再生产。Lidia Diappi和Paola Bolch2008发如今欧洲的很多国家,房地产行业的发展需要得到金融机构的支持,房地产业对服务业和金融业起到了一定的带动作用。李启明2002以为制造业的发展遭到了房地产市场的影响,制造业的总产出会随着房地产投资的增加而增加,主要原因是制造业产业中的金属制品业和压延加工业与房地产业关联度较高。曹振良等2003研究发现我们国家住宅投资增加能够拉动相关产业的产值增加,我们国家房地产投资的带动效应没有发达国家那么突出,而发达国家房地产发展的带动效应较大。王国军和刘水杏2004经过研究得出,房地产业对相关产业的影响越来越大,主要具体表现出在对相关产业的正向促进效应,与房地产业密切相关的主要有采矿业和制造业等原材料消耗性产业,同时提出我们国家房地产业发展的关键是要依靠正确的目的形式。梁云芳等2006以为钢材、水泥和房地产业对制造业的拉动效应需要在一定的产业发展条件下才能实现,这种条件包括房地产业对制造业内部的不同产业的影响。李畅,谢家智,吴超2020运用中国 1999 年至 2018 年31 个省市的面板数据模型进行分析,得出结论为全国房地产投资对制造业产生正向促进效应,房地产市场的发展增加了工业制品的需求量,进而有效促进制造业产出的增长。 陆桂贤,许承明2021研究了房地产投资和制造业投资之间的关系,发现制造业投资遭到行业景气度的影响,并且房地产投资能够带动制造业投资,但是随着房地产投资增长过快,这种带动效应逐步减弱。赵学礼,张茜,张超2021基于中国的省际面板数据,从数据回归中发现房地产业和制造业关系密切,两者共同对经济增长发挥作用,并且在不同地区对经济增长的奉献存在显着差异。