论文英文内容摘要时态,论文内容摘要与提纲Traditionally, theories of international relations are based on soverignty andstates. As the strides and leaps made in IT technologies largely accelerate theexpansion of Cyber space, today, cyber security has become an increasingly serious,and ever-hot, major international issue overshadowing other conventional areas ofsecurity in recent years. The nature and distinctive features of Cyber space, whichevolves and changes rapidly today, is challenging the focuses and scopes ofinternational relations. In particular, the recent exposure of the so-called PRISM Revelation scandalagain ignites a global explosion of security concerns, suspicions, frictions andconflicts in the Cyber space that were once a local, insalient issue. The fact thatSnowden alone is capable of triggering a global turbulence reveals the astonishinglyenormous challenges posed by cyber imbalance to national or even internationalsecurity. The unfolding debate on state surveillance, Internet censorship and the manyother manifestations of state power exercising sovereignty over the network make thevery idea that making Cyber space a harbor free of states influence sound unrealistic,or outdated. Also, Cyber space brings changes to international community. Theinterconnectivity nature of Cyber space makes that one country s cyber securityconcerns not only its national security and people s livelihood, but also the stabilityand prosperity of the world as a whole, which means using Cyber space as abattlefield is in no one s interest. Therefore, Cyber space should not be a place whereevery gain for one country is a loss for the others, and vice-versa. Rather, it should bea place of competitive collaboration, where states challenge each other, but fairly,while seizing the opportunities to collaborate for collective good. This paper is intended to explore the influence of the development of Cyberspace on international relations in the wake of the Prism Revelation, so as to have abetter understanding of changes and new characteristics of today s internationalrelations. Unlike the past, Cyber space has emerged and become a criticalconsideration when addressing international politics, it is reshuffling the world slandscape and reshaping the political, economic, military and social patterns. ABSTRACT This translation report acts as a summary for my C-E translation project ofTrademark Law ofP.R. China, and its emphases is on how to translate into English theChinese De structures with conditional implications. This project is a simulationpractice for the purpose of strengthening my translation ability. The Trademark Law ofP.R. China contains lots of De structures with conditionalimplications which should be translated into conditional clauses due to linguisticdifferences between Chinese and English. The great change pose great difficulty totranslation. The first difficulty lies in the diversified and complex structures withintricate logical relations. The second stems from De,structures vacancy ofconjunctions which should not miss in their corresponding English translations and thechoice of the conjunction is affected by the complexity of structure. This project adopts Vermeer s Skopos Theory to the translation of 6De structureswith conditional implications. The target readers of the translation are English-speakingpeople eager to get acquainted with the trademark law of China, and the purpose oftranslation is to provide them with a complete and readable English version. The authoradopts the method of syntactic linearity for the phrasal verb + De,structures, themethods of restructuring and disconnecting for simple clauses and complex clauses +6De structures. The conjunction if or where is chosen according to the rules of legalEnglish. The translator adopts different translation methods in this report hoping that thedifficulties of translating De structures with conditional implications could be solvedand at the same time,could provide some enlightenment for other translators confrontedwith similar difficulties. ABSTRACT This report selected Prime Li Keqiang s speech at press conference of NPC CPPCC asmaterials and did mimic consecutive interpreting. Focusing on specific problems and difficultiesin interpreting practice, this report analyzed some examples and concluded correspondingmethods. After analyzing the transcribed materials and feedback of audiences, the author summarizedthe following problem and difficulty: 1 difficulty in accurately interpreting some important logicrelations in original text; 2 difficulty in interpreting logic relations in Chinese run-on sentence. This report uses the theory of Cohesion and Coherence. According to the theoiy, both theoriginal text and target text in consecutive interpreting are discourses. So the interpreter issupposed to fully understand the differences between English and Chinese and convey 狂 coherentdiscourse to audiences. Under the guidance of this theory, this report analyzes some examples andgains corresponding strategies methods: 1 adding conjunctions, converting verb form and usingEnglish clause to solve the problem in accurately interpreting original logic relations; 2 dividingsentences, integrating and simplifying information to solve the problem in interpreting Chineserun-on sentence. From the perspective of Cohesion and Coherence, this report provides ideas and specificmethods in handling the logical relations in C-E consecutive interpreting, deepening the author sunderstanding to the same sorts of problems and offering lessons and references for theinterpreting practice in the future. ABSTRACT The original material is Chinese speeches made by Chinese President Xi Jinpingand Premier Li Keqiang respectively on the opening ceremony of the 9th and 10thChina-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit on September 3气 2020 andSeptember 3rd, 2020. The author has finished simulated simultaneous interpreting SI inshort and transcribed it into text. When analyzing C-E simulated simultaneous text, theauthor found two difficulties to be solved: I. cultural idiom C-E simultaneousinterpreting; II. irregular parallel expression C-E simultaneous interpreting. Under the guidance of interpretive theory, by example analyzing, the author putforward two countermeasures for cultural idiom C-E SI: one is interpretative replacing,the other is explaining connotation. There are also two countermeasures for irregularparallel expression C-E SI: one is interpretative reducing, the other is parallelly listingthe words of the same characteristic. The above SI countermeasures provided the author with solutions to cultural idiomand parallel expression interpreting. They can help interpreters not only achieve thegoal of communication but also save time. The above countermeasures also providedother interpreters with certain reference in C-E simultaneous interpreting of similartopic speeches made by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang. ABSTRACT The material of the interpretation project is Apple s 2020 iPhone media event heldin Cupertino on September 11, 2020. First of all, the interpreter had a simulated E-Csimultaneous interpretation of the video no subtitles of the event. The audiences werefive non-English major Apple lovers. Then, based on Skopos Theory, the interpreteranalyzed difficulties of the interpreting process and wrote this report. Apple 5c 5s Event belongs to technology product event. It has the features ofprofessional terminology and mass information. The difficulties of the practice can bedescribed as two aspects, they are: 1 interpretation of electronics terminology; 2identification and processing of redundancy. According to Skopos Theory, translation is a purposeful communicative action,and the skopos determines the whole translation procedure. The skopos of this project isto offer up-to-date product information to audiences who don t understand English andthe interpretation should be faithful and concise. Given the above difficulties, the following interpretation strategies can be adopted:1 prediction according to the context and speculation according to common sense; 2reduction of unimportant information and combination of repeated information. ABSTRACT With the development of the times, tourism industry is flourishing. There is avariety of guidebooks,whose translation, to a certain degree, influences the growth oflocal tourism. This translation report is based on the Chinese-English translation ofHangzhou Travel Guild 2020。 The translator has translated a part of the book andthen finished the report in the hope of offering practical guidance for some departmentsrelevant with tourism and promoting the development of tourism. During the translation practice, because of the big differences between Chineseand English culture and language, the translator came across the following difficulties: 1 the translation of culture-loaded words; 2 the translation of long sentences. Underthe guidance of Skopos Theory, the translator considered that the translation of travelguide should focus on the target text readers and the translated version should be inaccordance with the writing features of the target text and cater to the target readers. Combined with detailed examples, the translator put forward the followingstrategies: 1 addition,omission and compression; 2 integrating and splittingsentences. This report proposed the corresponding specific strategies, which can offersome referential value to the translators to translate the tourism texts.