长白山橄榄岩包体的流变学性质探析,硕士论文橄榄岩包体是由碱性玄武岩或金伯利岩由上地幔携带至地表的物质,是人们了解上地幔的 窗口 ,为研究上地幔的成分、构造构造、温压条件、深部地质经过提供资料,对地球动力学研究具有重要意义.长白山橄榄岩包体位于华北克拉通东北缘,包体特征的研究能够揭示陆下岩石圈地幔的性质,并为区域构造演 化提供制约.前人对于该地区大陆下部上地幔岩石圈流变学性质的了解仅局限于地球物理、地球化学等间接推断,缺少从橄榄岩包体的角度直接获取.本次研究我们选取一批新鲜的长白山橄榄岩包体,通过包体的矿物成分和化学成分、P-T条件、显微构造,以及包体中橄榄石和辉石的晶格优选方位(LPO)系统研究该地区陆下岩石圈地幔流变学特征,限制大地构造环境.成分分析表示清楚,这些包体中,橄榄石以镁橄榄石为主,Mg#值为 89-91,代表包体所在区域的上地幔为过渡型地幔.显微构造分析表示清楚橄榄石是以高温位错蠕变为主,显微构造样式主要包括位错壁、扭折带和亚颗粒等.电子背散射衍射分析表示清楚该地区的橄榄石的织构是典型的 A 型组构(010)100为主要活动滑移系,构成于含水量低,应力低,温度相对高的环境),A 型组构也是典型的天然橄榄石的组构.对包体中平衡矿物对的计算获取橄榄岩包体的平衡温度介于 850-1100之间.对橄榄石可观察的重结晶颗粒粒度大小进行统计,利用橄榄石应力计计算出的的包体差异流动应力范围 22-36 MPa,在中国东北地区正常的应力值范围内,属于正常地幔稳态流变应力.在获取上述参数的基础上,本文通过高温流变律的计算获得的上地幔应变速率 约 为 1.5 10-15-1.1 10-11s-1 , 等 效 粘 滞 度 约 为8.5 1011-6.6 1015MPa s.本文通过对长白山橄榄岩包体的详细研究,初次获取了该地区上地幔详细的流变学条件和组构特征,为该地区大地构造活动提供了流变学约束,也为该地区的后续研究提供了新的参数. 本文关键词语:橄榄岩包体,流变学特征,晶格优选方位,吉林长白山 ABSTRACT Mantle peridotite xenoliths are carried out by alkaline basalt or kimberlite from theupper mantle to the surface. It provides a unique windows for people to understandand study the upper mantle composition, structure, thermal state, lattice preferredorientation(LPO) of olivine and pyroxene and deep geological processes of the uppermantle. And thus, it is of great significance for the geodynamics. Mantle peridotitexenoliths in Changbai Mountain area, located near the northeast part of the edge ofNorth China Craton constrain the nature and evolution of the underneathsubcontinental lithospheric mantle(SCLM). In fact, research on these peridotitexenoliths in Changbai Mountain are few and some extent will filled up the gaps in theprevious studies that relying on geophysics or geochemistry. Here, we report majorelement composition of the xenoliths minerals, the P-T conditions, xenolithsmicrostructure, and olivines and pyroxenes fabric in Changbai Mountain area. And,the subcontinental lithospheric mantle in this area is constrained. Olivine in xenolithsis mainly belong to forsterite with Mg# value between 89-91. Microstructures arecharacterized by free dislocation, dislocation walls, kink bands, subgrains and so on,indicating a high temperature plastic deformation. The fabric of olivine is a typicalA-type (010)100 is considering as the dominant activation slip system, with lowwater contents and low stresses and maybe with a wide range of temperature). Theequilibration temperature conditions, calculated based on equilibration mineral parts,indicate the evolution of peridotites in a the range of 850-1100 . The differentialstress computed by the size of recrystallized grain is 22-36 MPa. Based on thosecondition parameters and flow law estimated by laboratory deformation data, wecalculated the effective strain rate of the upper mantle is about 1.5 10-15-1.1 10-11s-1, and the effective viscosity 8.5 1011-6.6 1015MPa ? s. The study is thefirst time directly reveal rheological and fabric properties of the upper mantle inChangbai Mountain, of which will provide constraints for the geodynamic activitiesand give new data for further research. Key word: mantle peridotite xenoliths; rheological properties; lattice preferredorientation; Changbai Mountain, Jilin 目录 幅较长,部分内容省略,具体全文见文末附件 第八章 结论 本文通过对长白山橄榄岩包体进行矿物组成、温压条件、显微构造及矿物晶格优选方位(LPO)的系统研究,得出下面几点认识: (1)长白山地区橄榄岩包体主要是尖晶石相橄榄岩包体.橄榄石 Fo 值介于89-91 之间,反映了过渡型地幔的特征.尖晶石 Cr#值介于 10-12 之间,属于低铬尖晶石,该地区地幔经历了 0.97%-10.06%程度的部分熔融.整体上看,该地区的橄榄岩包体具有非克拉通区的特征. (2)该地区橄榄岩包体平衡温度约为 850-1100之间,岩石圈上地幔差异流动应力范围 30-38MPa 之间,应变速率约为,有效粘滞度约为 . (3)该地区橄榄石组构主要为 A 型组构,反映包体构成于贫水相对低应力的环境,与大陆岩石圈环境相符. (4)华北克拉通东北缘上地幔在化学成分或温度上存在较大程度的不均一性,而差异应力场则较为均一. 以下为参考文献 1 Arai, S. (1994). Characterization of spinel peridotites by olivine-spinel compositionalrelationships: Review and interpretation. Chemical Geology 113(3): 191-204. 2 Arai, S., S. Ishimaru and V. M. Okrugin (2003). 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