养生养老房地产项目的设计探究,mba项目管理论文 本篇论文目录导航:【题目】 养生养老房地产项目的设计探究【第一章】【第二章】【3.1 - 3.4】【3.5】【第四章】【第五章】【第六章】【结论/以下为参考文献】 摘 要 随着我们国家人民群众生活水平的不断提高及社会老龄化程度的不断加深,养生养老产业已然成为一个新兴的朝阳产业,养生养老地产运势而生。 养生养老地产是养老地产与养生地产的结合体。对于客户来讲,养生养老地产是为有养生需求人群及老年人提供适宜养生养老的住宅、设施以及服务,知足有养生需求人群和老年人特殊需要,融合复合地产和当代服务业的一种新兴地产业态。对于运作主体如房产公司来讲,养生养老地产是一种立体的开发经营方式。它复合了房地产开发、养生养老服务、商业地产运营和金融创新等属性。对于社会来讲,养生养老地产是中国实现居家养老、社区养老与机构养老相结合等社会化养老的有效载体和实现形式,是提升生活水准、生命质量和公民尊严的当代服务业的消费载体,正在引领和推动着养老产业的发展以及生命健康产业的发展。 在功能上养生养老地产结合和吸收了养老地产与养生地产优势,舍弃了养老地产的失能介护、临终关心等功能,放弃了养生地产的奢侈豪华风格,进而在功能上更为集约,服务目的群体更有效。同时作为一种独立业态,它与单纯的养老地产或养生地产相比,在客户定位、社区配套、特色功能性元素组合上更容易有效扩大目的客户群,市场接受程度较高,盈利性较好,同时在开发商选择和项目选址上有更好的适应性要求,更有利于实现产业的福利性、公益性和盈利性的统一。 作为一种顺应形势的新兴复合型地产开发形式,养生养老地产有着非常光明的产业前景。由于我们国家养生养老消费市场仍处于初级阶段,养生养老服务产品的供应缺乏、比重偏低、质量不高,这些都不能知足人民群众日益增长的服务需求。从国内市场来看,养生养老产业尚处于 沉睡 阶段。随着国民生活水平的不断提高及社会老龄化的到来,人们对寓居条件也愈加重视,寓居的养生与养老功能将成为人们关注的热门。发展养生养老产业,改善人们的生活寓居环境,提高人口健康比例已迫在眉睫。 基于我们国家养生养老现在状况及产业发展的紧迫性,以及我们国家养生养老产业存在的差距和缺乏,非常有必要研究和探寻求索养生养老产业与地产行业的融合,对养老地产与养生地产优势的整合升级。本文将结合以下为参考文献及国内外养生养老地产开发经营案例,对养生养老相关理论研究以及养生养老地产开发经营经历体验、问题进行总结述评。并在这里基础上提出符合实际情况的健康养生养老产业的规划、设计、经营、服务等形式,希望对以后的研究和应用有一定借鉴作用。 本文关键词语:养生养老;地产开发 Abstract With the improvement of living standard and the deepening of society aging inChina, Pension health industry is becoming a new emerging industry. The real estateof pension and health emerged as the times required. The real estate of pension and health is a combination of pensionreal estate andhealth real estate. For the customer, pension healthreal estate is to provide suitablenursing health residential, facilities and services to the health needs of people and theelderly people with special needs, it is also a new emerging real estate formbymixing composite real estate and modern service industry. For the main operationsuch as real estate companies, pension health estate is a stereo development mode ofoperation. It includes real estate development, pension health services, commercialreal estate operations and financial innovation attributes. For the society, pensionhealth estate is an effective way to achieve home-based care for the aged, communityendowment and pension institutions in China.It is also a consumer carrier of modernservice industry for rising living standards, quality of life and the dignity of citizens. Now the pension health estate is leading and promoting development of the pensionindustry and health industry. On the functional combination, pension health estate is absorbing theendowment real estate and health property advantages while abandoning the hospicecare and the health estate luxury style, so it is more intensive and more effective atservice target groups functionally. Meanwhile, as an independent format, pensionhealth estate is easily and effectively expand the target customer group in customerchoice, community perfect matching and characteristic functional elementscombination compared with the pure endowment real estate or real estate in health. Besides, pension health estate has a higher degree of market acceptance and goodprofitability. At the same time, the pension health estate has better adaptabilityrequirements in the developers and project site selection, which is more conducive tothe realization of the reunification of the industrial welfare, public welfare andprofitability. As a new composite real estate development mode, pension health estate s foreground is very bright. Because the health endowment consumption market isstill in the primary stage in China, the problems such as lack of health nursing serviceand the supply of products, which cannot reach the people s growing demand forservices. According to the domestic market, the pension health industry is still in the sleep phase. With the development of society and continuous improvement ofpeople s living standards the arrival of aging, people start pay more attention to theliving conditions. Health and pension function of residential will become the focus ofattention. The development of health endowment industry, improve people s livingenvironment and improve the health of the population proportion is imminent. Considering the urgency of the situation of Chinese pension health industrialdevelopment, and the existing of pension health industrial gaps and deficiencies. Ithink it is very necessary to study and explore the fusion of pension health industryand real estate industry, upgrading the integration of endowment real estate and healthreal estate s advantages. This paper will combine the reference and the domestic andforeign health endowment real estate development business case, to summarize andreview the questions of the health endowment theory study and health endowmentreal estate development business experience. And on this basis to give the practicalplanning, design, management and service mode of pension health industry. Hope tohave some reference to the study and application of the future. Key Words:Regimen and retirement;Estate development 目录 摘 要 Abstract 第一章 引言 第一节 研究背景 第二节 养生养老地产的定位与内涵 第三节 我们国家养生养老地产前景与市场发展态势 第二章 养生养老在国内外的案例分析 第一节 养生养老在国外的案例 第二节 养生养老在国内的案例 第三节 案例小结 一、运作形式 二、盈利形式 三、其它 四、发展方向研判 第三章 项目规划与设计 第一节 项目背景介绍 第二节 硬件规划设计 第三节 软件及服务设计 第四节 需求开发与产品线设计分析 一、需求开发 二、产品线设计 第五节 商业形式及合作分析 一、商业形式 二、战略合作伙伴的选择 第四章 项目可行性分析 第一节 项目 SWOT 分析 第二节 项目政策背景 第三节 项目经济测算 第四节 风险及关键成功要素 一、市场风险 二、管理风险 三、政策风险 四、关键成功要素 第五章 项目总体规划 第一节 市场定位与经营理念 一、市场定位 二、经营理念 第二节 项目功能设计 第三节 配套服务 第四节 项目发展思路 第六章 项目运作形式、盈利形式分析 第一节 运作形式 一、将来标准运营形式蓝图 二、初期运作形式 三、成熟运作的演变 四、退出策略和形式 第二节 项目盈利形式 第七章 结论及瞻望 以下为参考文献 致谢