家庭、学校和社会下虐童行为探究,伦理学论文题目:家庭、学校和社会下虐童行为探究绪论:第一章:第二章:第三章:4.1 4.2:4.3:结束语/以下为参考文献: 摘 要 近年来国内频发的虐待儿童事件引起了社会各界的强烈反响,儿童这一弱势群体的主体地位和生存境遇被推到了舆论的风口浪尖。然而,在我们国家公众意识中 孩子不打不成器 、 棒下出孝子 的观念还根深蒂固,很多情况下家长和教师打骂孩子被以为是合情合理、天经地义的,虐待儿童问题经常处于集体无意识状态,很难被公众自觉意识并主动地加以干涉。当一个个的幼小的生命惨遭践踏时,暴露的是人性、良知、责任等社会道德底线的失守和基本道德价值观的迷失。只要当整个社会担当起守护儿童的责任,为儿童这一弱势群体撑起强有力的保卫伞时,儿童无差异不同的健康成长才有可能。 虐待儿童简称 虐童 这一概念的范畴较为广泛,根据世界卫生组织的解释: 虐待儿童是对 18 岁下面儿童的虐待和忽视行为。它包括在一种责任、信任或有影响力的亲密关系中的各种身体和或情感虐待、性虐待、忽视、疏忽、商业或其他剥削,这给儿童健康、生存、发展或尊严造成了实际伤害或潜在伤害。 虐童行为表现多种多样,不仅包括父母打骂孩子、强迫孩子乞讨、老师体罚学生,还包括幼儿园老师虐待儿童、保姆虐待儿童、儿童守护人虐待儿童、性侵犯儿童和雇佣童工等。当前,虐童行为表现出普遍性,施虐主体成分复杂性,虐童行为多样化等特征。虐童行为不仅对儿童的身体造成了难以弥补的损害,而且对其心理造成了不可磨灭的甚至是不可治愈的创伤,严重影响了儿童的人格和行为的健康发展。虐童行为不仅重创了人类社会基本伦理道德价值观,挑战了人类底线伦理,践踏了儿童基本人权,而且是对人类文明和社会进步的反动以及对和谐社会道德基础的毁坏。 从家庭、学校和社会三个维度探究虐童行为,主要具体表现出在家庭伦理失范、老师专业伦理失范和社会人群责任伦理失范三个范畴。家庭伦理失范表现为家庭教育方式失当、不良家风的负效应和家庭成员的性损害等严重施虐行为;老师专业伦理失范表现为老师基本职业规范和职业操守的丧失,过度强化管教和服从,在执教经过中对儿童施行虐待,尤其是幼师对幼儿施行的暴力、体罚、冷漠和忽视等行为;社会人群责任伦理失范主要表现为家政人员即保姆虐待儿童,医疗机构中看护人员如护士对婴幼儿的虐待,社会上雇佣童工、唆使儿童卖淫和拐卖儿童等行为。 在伦理视域,虐童行为主体伦理失范源于主体道德认知上对虐童行为的集体无意识、道德文化上对儿童主体人格的漠视、道德心理上对虐童的非理性认知、道德评价上主体道德价值观的迷失、社会对虐童行为承当道德责任缺乏稳定和统一的认同根据。因而,防治虐童行为的伦理途径,要坚持儿童关爱与幸福原则、尊重和保卫原则、公正和仁爱原则以及儿童最大利益原则。构建 亲亲相爱 的当代家庭伦理;强化老师专业伦理素质建设;提高社会对虐童防治的伦理认知;完善虐童行为的社会干涉与法律救助。 总之,试图回归人性的善与爱,还孩子一个温馨、健康、幸福的生存环境。 本文关键词语:儿童,虐童行为,伦理失范 ABSTRACT It has been caused a strong social reaction that it happen many child-abusing events in China recently. As the disadvantaged group, the principal position and the living circumstance of children has causedpublic debate fiercely. However, deep-rooted notion that spare the rod and spoil the child is still popularamong Chinese, and it has been considered legitimate that parents and teachers take physical punishmentson children. Children-abusing problem is always in the unconscious status which is hard to intervene by thepublic actively. The trampling life of children reveals the lost of the basic moral value and hits the moralbottom line, such as humanity, conscience and responsibility. It is high time for us to arouse alertness andcognition of the public people. As long as the whole society takes the responsibility for children, trying tokeep them from abusing, it is possible that children grow up healthy in physically and mentally. Children-abusing is a broader concept, according to the WHO, Child maltreatment, sometimesreferred to as child abuse and neglect, includes all forms of physical and emotional ill-treatment, sexualabuse, neglect, and exploitation that results in actual or potential harm to the child s health, development ordignity. Within this broad definition, five subtypes can be distinguished physical abuse; sexual abuse;neglect and negligent treatment; emotional abuse; and exploitation. Children-abusing behaviors can takemany forms, from parents beating and scolding children, compelling children to beg, teachers do physicalpunishment to preschool teachers maltreating children, baby-sitter maltreating children, children guardianmaltreating children, abusing and laboring children. So far, it is obvious that the behavior ofchildren-abusing is universal, the main part of children-abusing is complicated, the characteristic of thechildren-abusing is diverse. Children-abusing behavior not only does the reparable damage to the childrenbody, but also does the incurable wound to the children spirit. The maltreatment not only hitthe basic ethics of human society moral values, challenges the bottom line of the human ethical standards,trample on the children s basic human rights, but also does the reaction of the human civilization and socialprogress, and destroy the moral foundation of the harmonious society. Children-abusing behavior which is embedded in family ethnic anomie, teachers professional anomieand the anomie of social responsibility is learned in three aspects, and it is from home and school andsociety. The family ethnic anomie shows up as improper family education way, the negative effects of poorfamily trait and the sexual assault from family members. The teachers professional anomie manifests theagainst of basic occupational norm and professional integrity, overly strengthen discipline and obedience,does children maltreatment in teaching procession, especially violence, corporal punishment, indifferenceand overlook from kindergarten teachers to kids. The anomie of social responsibility shows that domesticworkers such as babysitters abuse children, caregivers in the medical institutions such as a nurse abuseinfants, children has been employed, prostituted and abducted. In ethic horizons, the subject of children-abusing ethical anomie stems from collectiveunconsciousness to children-abusing behavior of the main body on the moral cognition, the indifference tochildren subjective personality in ethnical culture, non-rational cognition to children-abusing problemin moral psychology, the lost of moral values in the moral evaluation, the stable and unified reference forthe moral responsibility of children-abusing behavior which is taken by social subject. So the ethical pathfor the prevention and control of children-abusing should keep the principle of child care and happiness, theprinciple of respect and protection, the principle of justice the principles of maximizing interests of children. For building the theory of be kind and love to each other in modern family ethics, it should strengthenconstruction of the teachers professional ethics quality, improve the social ethical cognition of preventionand control to children-abusing problem, complete the social intervention and legal relief forchildren-abusing behavior. All in all, we should go back to humanistic love and kindness, creating a warmliving environment of health and happiness for children. KEY WORDS: child, child abuse, ethical anomie 目 录 摘 要 ABSTRACT 目 录 绪 论 第一章 虐童行为的概念、类型及其特征 1.1 虐童的概念界定 1.1.1 儿童的定义 1.1.2 虐童行为的界定 1.2 虐童行为的特征 1.2.1 虐童行为的普遍性 1.2.2 受虐儿童的性别特征 1.2.3 施虐主体成分的复杂性 1.3 虐童行为的类型 第二章 虐童行为的危害及影响 2.1 虐童行为对儿童身体的危害及影响 2.1.1 身体虐待在临床医学领域上表现出的危害 2.1.2 身体虐待对儿童归因的影响 2.1.3 身体虐待对儿童成长经过中的行为影响 2.2 虐童行为对儿童心理的危害及影响 2.2.1 虐待对儿童自我发展的影响 2.2.2 虐待对儿童人格发展的负面影响 2.2.3 虐待对儿童依恋与情绪调节的影响 2.3 虐童行为的社会危害 2.3.1 虐童行为对社会文明进步的反动 2.3.2 虐童行为对人类底线伦理的挑战 2.3.3 虐童行为对人类基本人权的践踏 2.3.4 虐童行为对构建和谐社会道德基础的毁坏 第三章 虐童行为施行主体的伦理失范及原因 3.1 虐童行为施行主体的伦理失范 3.1.1 家庭伦理失范的表现 3.1.2 老师专业伦理失范的表现 3.1.3 责任伦理失范的表现 3.2 虐童行为主体失范的伦理原因 3.2.1 道德认知:对虐童行为的集体无意识 3.2.2 道德文化:对儿童主体人格的漠视 3.2.3 道德心理:对虐童的非理性认知 3.2.4 道德评价:主体道德价值观的迷失 第四章 关爱受虐儿童的伦理原则和防治途径 4.1 关爱受虐待儿童的伦理原则 4.1.1 关爱和幸福原则 4.1.2 尊重和保卫原则 4.1.3 公正、仁爱和不伤害原则 4.1.4 儿童最大利益原则 4.2 虐童行为防治的主要伦理途径 4.2.1 构建 亲亲相爱 的当代家庭伦理 4.2.2 强化幼师专业伦理素质的建设 4.2.3 提高社会对虐童防治的伦理认知 4.3 完善虐童行为的社会干涉与法律救助 4.3.1 构建儿童保卫的监督机制 4.3.2 制定儿童虐待的强迫报告制度 4.3.3 完善虐待儿童的相关法律制度 4.3.4 建立和完善儿童权益的社会保障机制 结 语 以下为参考文献 致 谢