英语论文内容摘要,论文内容摘要与提纲Most Chinese students can not write a satisfactory composition under traditionalteaching system. One of the main reason is that traditional teaching method separates wordsteaching from grammar teaching, so that students can not combine isolated words intogrammatical and authentic sentences. Due to this problem, some researchers inroduced lexicalchunk approach into English writing. However, most researches about the relationship between lexical chunk approach andEnglish writing at present mainly focus on theoretical studies, in which only a few empiricalstudies involved. Moreover, those empirical studies only deal with the writing situation ofcollege students who belong to advanced learners, but are not involved in junior middleschools. Thus, the effectiveness of previous findings to the elementary learners remainsdoubtful. Therefore, the author tries to put lexical chunk approach into English writingteaching in middle schools, which aims to explore the influence of lexical chunk approach onEnglish writing performance of junior middle school students, and tries to find out if lexicalchunk approach can enhance students interest, confidence and improve English writing level. The subjects are 75 students from two classes of Grade Two in Dalian NO.107 Middle School. Control group consists of 37 participants, taught with traditional teaching method. Experimental Group includes 38 participants, taught with lexical chunk approach. Theexperiment methods are questionnaires, pre-test and post-test. The research questions are asfollows: 1. If the lexical chunk approach applied to English writing teaching can help raise the writingabilities of junior middle school students? 2. How to raise the awareness of students using lexical chunks in English writing? 3. If the lexical chunk approach help raise students interest and confidence of Englishwriting? The teaching procedure includes three stages: inputting lexical chunks before writing,outputting lexical chunks in writing, apreciating and memorizing lexical chunks after writing. All stages are mainly focus on raising students awareness of using lexical chunks, helpingstudents to accumulate, comprehend and memorize lexical chunks effectively and guidingstudents to use lexical chunks appropriately in writing. After four months experiment, theauthor analyzes two questionnaires, collects the writing scores and the lexical chunks used instudents compositions in pre-test and post-test. The data is analyzed statistically by usingSPSS16.0 to conduct a comparative study. Data results show that the students in theexperimental group achieve greater progress, use more lexical chunks and have more interestand confidence towards writing than the students in the control group after the experiment. Itis concluded that lexical chunk approach is helpful to improve the English writingperformance of junior middle school students and enhance their confidence and interest. Finally, the author puts forward some limitations of this study, also along with somesuggestions for further studies. Key Words:English Writing;Junior Middle School Students;Lexical Chunk Approach Abstract As an indispensable part of mass communication in modern life, films shoulder themission of delivering information and transmitting culture. Consequently, subtitletranslation has become a new field of translation practice. With the increasingly frequentcultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, foreign films and television areflooding into China. English films are especially popular among Chinese audiences. However, compared with the traditional translation studies, audiovisual subtitle translationstudy is far from systematic and mature. Especially in China, specialized study onaudiovisual subtitle translation has not formed a relatively mature theoretical guidance. Therefore, how to translate English films under the guidance of proper theories and enablethe Chinese audiences to appreciate the foreign film is of great significance. Given the problems of the current subtitle translation, this thesis disserts theapplication of Functional Equivalence Theory. Different from the traditional translationtheories, Functional Equivalence Theory focuses on receptor response, measuringtranslation by whether the receptors of the translated text have equivalent response as theoriginal receptors, and points out that the essence of translation is to reproduce the sourcetext with the closest natural equivalence in the target language. And the success of the filmlies in the audiences response and appreciation; thus subtitle translation aims at deliveringinformation, helping the audiences to understand and appreciate the films. Therefore,Functional Equivalence Theory can be applied to subtitle translation. This thesis will make an analysis of the film Kung Fu Panda II, which is well - knownwith Chinese elements, under the guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory. Kung FuPanda II 2018 has a number of Chinese fans, which is the highest-grossing film at thebox office of the year. Undoubtedly, the excellent film subtitles translation plays a veryimportant part in its success. This thesis attempts to research into subtitle translation within the framework ofFunctional Equivalence Theory, with Kung Fu Panda II as a case study. It first analyzes theChinese elements and linguistic features of the film. Then explore the application ofFunctional Equivalence Theory from the linguistic, stylistic and cultural aspects in the filmwith specific examples. Furthermore, combining with the characteristics and constraints ofsubtitle, this thesis concludes some strategies and techniques in subtitle translation,including domestication, addition, omission, paraphrase, adaptation of cultural images,flexible use of cultural-specific words, etc. thus the thesis draws a conclusion thatFunctional Equivalence Theory offers a new sight for the subtitle translation practice andprovides ways to solve translation problems. By exploring the application of FunctionalEquivalence Theory into subtitle translation, the thesis aims to provide theoretical guidancefor subtitle translation and call for more attention in further study of this rather new field. Key words: subtitle translation; Functional Equivalence Theory; Kung Fu Panda II;audiences response Abstract This thesis analyzes the process of self-redemption of the protagonists in CormacMcCarthy s The Road in terms of Value Reason and Instrumental Reason inrationality theory. This paper discusses how human beings achieve redemption in thealienated modern society. The analysis of contradictions between Value Reason andInstrumental Reason is employed not only to interpret images shown in the novel thatsymbolize alienation, but also to discuss how to get rid of the bondage of humanityalienation, so that people can redeem themselves from the world where Value Reasonis descending. So this thesis focuses on the protagonists road of redemption, studies itfrom the approach of humanity, and explores the possibility of people to accomplishself-redemption by inheriting humanity and clinging to Value Reason. This thesis contains five chapters. Chapter One includes an introduction of theauthor and the novel, literature reviews with some foreign and domestic critics views,and a brief introduction of the relationships between Value Reason and InstrumentalReason. Chapter Two shows the deserted civilization in the novel from three aspects,namely the fall of Value Reason, the rise of Instrumental Reason and the crisis ofhumanity. The nameless heroes are faced with a crisis of lose in the spiritual world. Chapter Three analyzes the meanings of the fire and the transmission of the fire bymeans of ritualized behaviors when the father and the boy are undergoing thecircumstance of double lose in both moral and physical directions. This chapterconcludes that people can rely on humanity to achieve redemption even in a godlessworld where Value Reason falls. Chapter Four mainly focuses on the two protagonistsin The Road, the father and the boy. They are often considered to be the guardians ofmorality and orders, the carriers of the fire of humanity. This chapter intends toexplore the means for people to achieve redemption by comparing those two maincharacters. The final chapter summarizes the above content and indicates that humanscan rely on themselves to achieve transcendence of alienation and accomplish the goalof redemption. Those who have faith in humanity are the prophets of the modernworld. Keywords: McCarthy; The Road; redemption; humanity; Value Reason;Instrumental Reason Abstract Based on Wendt s constructivist theory about the three logics of anarchy, thatis,Hobbesian culture, Lockean culture and Kantian culture,this paper further pointsoutthat international relations are dynamic and are always moving from one culture toanother, particularly from Lockean culture to Hobbesian culture, or from Lockeanculture to Kantian culture. And the idea of offshore balancing can be regarded as atypical reflection of this in reality. This paper aims tomake a case study of the USoffshore balancing policy towards East Asia. The core of offshore balancing strategy is a great power using its dominance toinfluence the relations of some other states. And the US offshore balancing policytowards East Asia is in essence a way by which the US tries to exert its influence onChina and Japan. This paper tries to make clear the offshore balancing policy sinfluence on the relations among the three statesChina, the US and Japan,especially its influence on the Sino-Japanese relations, through analyzing all the newsreports of the People s Daily on Sino-US and Sino-Japanese relations during the past24 years. Also this paper attempts to build a mathematical model to explain how thechanges of the relations among the three states influence each state and regionalstability. This paper draws a conclusion that the US offshore balancing policy brings moreuncertainty to the region and also brings more risks than interests to the three states. Moreover, based on the analysis of offshore balancing, this paper points out therespective limitation of Realism and Neoliberalism: although power brings a stateadvantage, its influence is rather limited; states desire cooperation, but a great powermay dislike cooperation between/among others and thus interfere with it with itsdominance. Keywords: Constructivism, offshore balancing, Sino-Japanese relations Abstract Humor, as a universal language phenomenon, is an important part in people?sdaily life,which can ameliorate human relations, bring pleasant feeling to people. Western scholars tend to apply the three conventional humor theories, thesemantic-script theory of humor and the general theory of verbal humor to studyhumor,while Chinese scholars mainly analyze verbal humors in cross talks, novelsand sitcoms from the perspective of rhetoric, cognitive linguistics, and pragmatics. Atpresent, there are few comparative researches on Chinese and English humor at homeand abroad. A sitcom, short form for a situation comedy, consists of a large quantity ofhumors, and is one of the best carrier forms of humor. In recent years, as thecommunication between China and America becomes more and more frequent, moreand more American sitcoms are introduced to China. Friends is one of the mostsuccessful American sitcoms. Ipartment, which imitates Friends in many aspects suchas characters, plots and lines, and enjoys great popularity in recent years in China, isconsidered as the Chinese version of Friends . However, influenced by culturaldifferences between China and America, there exist differences in verbal humorbetween these two sitcoms. This thesis adopts the qualitative and quantitative research methods, selectingfive episodes with similar topics respectively in Ipartment and Friends as corpus. TheCooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle are applied to classify verb humorsand the High-context Low-context Culture theory is used to explore the reasonsbehind the differences in verbal humor generation between Chinese sitcoms andAmerican sitcoms. The thesis aims to explore the following two questions: First, whatare the similarities and differences in humor generation by violating the CooperativePrinciple and the Politeness Principle between Ipartment and Friends? Second, howdo High-context and Low-context culture influence verbal humor generation inChinese and American sitcoms respectively? The thesis concludes that most verbal humors in Chinese and American sitcomsare generated by violating the Cooperative Principle and the Politeness Principle. There exist similarities as well as differences in verbal humor generation betweenChinese sitcoms and American sitcoms. The differences can mainly be attributed tothe influence of high-context and low-context culture. The major findings of the studymay help Chinese and American audiences appreciate each other?s sitcoms better. Inthe meantime, the study is expected to shed light on how to localize American sitcomsand how to transmit Chinese humor abroad through Chinese sitcoms. Key Words: verbal humor; sitcoms; the CP; the PP; High-context Low-contextCulture